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“Now, we’re going to play a game,” Sarah said, once again taking control as I slipped under the blanket. 

“Oh, how interesting,” I suggested. “What exactly is this game?” I called. “We don’t have anything to play it.” 

Sarah smiled while the others blushed. “Simple. You have some paper there. You’re going to write a number between one and a hundred, and each of us will have a guess. The one that guesses the closest number fails,” she suggested. 

“Oh, what’s the cost of failure,” I said, not missing the nature of the rules that made it very easy to win, and very difficult to lose. It wasn’t hard to guess where she was going. 

“Simple, the one that fails is going to move to your blanket, and suffer there for seven minutes. I call it, seven minutes in hell.” 

“Oh, interesting name.” 

“Of course. I can’t imagine the punishment worse than getting stuck under the blanket with you,” Sarah declared daringly, while the rest blushed, showing that their shared threesomes didn’t fully cure their shyness. 

“Ahh, it hurts me here,” I said as I put my hand to my heart, letting the blanket slide to reveal my muscular chest. It wasn’t the first time they were seeing it, but it still made them blush. 

“You don’t have the heart to be hurt, your chest is filled with muscles,” Sarah responded, still frustrated. Clearly, denying her three times in a row didn’t help her mood. 

“Enough talking, let’s start the game,” I said as I grabbed the pen and paper, and wrote my first number. 


“Let’s start guessing, ladies,” I said, and they started. 

“Forty-two,” Carrie guessed.

“Seventy,” Naomi said. 

“Twenty-two,” Irene guessed. 

“Fifty,” guessed Sarah.

“Ten,” whispered Ida. 

“Sarah, you’re very lucky,” I commented, and she shuffled in her seat, ready to stand up. “You didn’t lose, and you don’t have to suffer my torture,” I added, and her smile disappeared, replaced by a frustrated expression. 

“Jerk,” she murmured. 

“Come on, Sarah, one would think that you actually wanted to lose. I can’t imagine you doing that,” I said. “Ida is the unlucky loser.” 

“Too bad, sweetie,” Carrie said with a smile, and Sarah turned to her, a suspicious expression on her face, her enthusiasm probably cluing about the truth of her first time. Still, it was just suspicion. 

“C-close your eyes,” Ida commented, still shy… 

I could have teased her, saying that wasn’t in the rules, but she was cute enough to earn that right. “Sure, sweetie,” I said as I closed my eyes, enjoying her footsteps, getting closer slowly… 

I only opened my eyes once I felt the blanket move, followed by her presence settling at my side. “And the clock starts,” Sarah said, raising her phone. 

“Let’s not waste time, sweetie,” I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist, but despite my words, I started softly. I leaned to her neck, and launched a dedicated assault, my hand joining around her waist. Two ‘safe’ locations, enough to break her shy resistance. 

Meanwhile, her eyes stayed wide open, looking at her friends, their expressions varied. Naomi was annoyed, though it was more of a competitive annoyance than anything else. Irene had a vindictive smile on her face, no doubt remembering how Ida dominated her during her first time. Carrie was just horny …

Sarah was the only one looking at Carrie. “You … you bitch,” she gasped, finally convinced at her conclusion. “You set me up?” 

Carrie turned to her, her smirk even bigger. “Oh, really. You were the one that threw yourself to him on the pool, trying to steal him when you were supposed to help, and I’m the one that set it up,” Carrie answered, her smirk even wider. “Though, it was fun to watch the great Sarah being treated like a submissive whore, unable to resist anything.” 

“You … watched,” Sarah gasped. “You recorded me!” she added, turning to me. 

“No, of course not,” Carrie answered while I continued kissing Ida. “I was even in the bedroom, but you were too distracted to notice,” she said. This time, every single girl turned to Sarah, their blush thick. 

“I think Sarah needs a punishment for her ploy, right,” I said. 

“Like that little blonde minx can take me down,” Sarah said. 

“Maybe, but I’m sure Naomi would help,” I said, and Naomi smiled, enthusiastic to pay her back. And, before Sarah could even react, Naomi shifted place, and Sarah ended up with Carrie on her right, and Sarah on her left. 

“Yes, we’ll punish her,” Naomi said. “What she did was wrong!” 

“Like you’re any different—“ Sarah started, only for a gasp to steal her words. 

“They are so silly, right,” I whispered to Ida even as I increased her teasing, and pulled her onto my lap. A little finger teasing, and she was ready to be slid in. 

“T-this is too much,” she whispered as I slid inside her slowly. “T-they will watch.” 

“It didn’t bother you the previous time,” I suggested, and she blushed, unable to admit her own mental tricks. “But don’t worry, they are not watching you, they are too focused on punishing Sarah. 

Admittedly, that was only partially correct. Ida looked back, only to see Sarah trapped between two, her hands already bound — which was visible as their blanket already slid to waist level, the earlier game already lost its meaning. However, while Naomi and Carrie were focused on Sarah to make her pay, Irene had a different focus, watching us. 

Naturally, she had another target for her fun revenge. 

After a glimpse there, Ida turned her gaze to me, missing that little detail. Instead, she focused on the movement of her hips, slowly riding me. 

Just because she was shy didn’t mean she was any less horny than her friends. Peer pressure wasn’t the reason she was under the blanket with me, naked. Peer pressure was the reason she was in here while the said peers were watching … and since she was convinced by their distraction, the weight lost its importance as well. 

Left to her devices, she would have ridden me slowly and steadily, turning it into a beautiful, sensual dance. Too bad that I had other aims. I grabbed her hips, raising her before pulling her down. 

The moan that she let out was spectacular, enough to interrupt the punishment for a while. “Wow, seven minutes in hell indeed,” Carrie commented as she turned her gaze, but that didn’t stay for long. 

Ida somehow managed to keep the blanket up, and that made us a less interesting sight that Sarah’s naked and bound body, trembling as Naomi twisted her nipples. 

I put my hands under her hips, enjoying her tight ass, trying to make her move faster of her volition. I tried tickling her a little bit to remind them, but she kept her pace. 

Unfortunately for her, we were on a literal clock, so I took total control of myself, pushing her deep even as I kissed and molested her a wild animal. A bit excessive, maybe, but I wanted their attention mainly on me. 

My poor, fragile ego… 

Ida moaned as I dominated her, her determination to hold the blanket up lost and it slid down. Irene smirked at the moment and stood up, uncaring of her full nudity — not that it mattered at this moment, with what her friends were doing — as she slowly closed in. 

Her naughty smirk was sexy, but her gaze on Ida rather than me, showed she was more interested in revenge than joining. It didn’t bother me considering the potential shape of her revenge… 

I let her approach as I continued dominating Ida, each second making her moan louder. A grunt escaped my mouth as I shifted from her lips to her tits, enjoying the way her back arched to display them even more. 

Irene cupped her breasts suggestively even as she approached, showing that revenge might be her primary aim, but it was certainly not the only one. A true shock, right? 

As Irene stood behind Ida, I made a game of tracing my tongue along the edges of her breasts before focusing to suck her nipples, hard enough to leave a mark.

Ida moaned repeatedly, until Irene’s hands landed on her shoulders. Surprised by her presence, she stopped — though, her body continued to jump as I pumped without ceasing my move. 

“I thought the blanket was supposed to stay up all the time, miss photographer,” Irene whispered, and Ida shivered. In fear … but also in arousal.


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