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I felt time stop as I tried to come to a decision. My first reflex was to blast my elven spy with a  spell to make sure she couldn’t attack me now that her identity was revealed. 

And,  if I had any stirring in her mana, I would have done so. A lifetime habit of self-preservation would have ensured that. Yet, it didn’t take long for me to realize that things weren’t going that badly. 

She was surprised and afraid, but also catatonic with pleasure. It gave me a  chance. A simple spell came first, one that raised a piece of fabric against Aria’s face. She was quick to understand what I was driving at, and blindfolded herself. 

It was good, as I didn’t want to use more magic than necessary, not wanting to trigger my cute elven spy. 

Unfortunately, that was the easiest part of my plan. Now, I needed to earn the trust of the dangerous mage that I had been ramming for a long while. “Now, keep it calm, we can come to an agreement, miss spy,” I whispered into her ear. 

Before saying anything, she ripped off her own blindfold, and looked at me, her eyes glowing as she started gathering her mana. I tensed, ready to retaliate, but instead, I just spanked her ass. 

“The princess is not aware of what’s going on, let’s keep it like it until we can decide what’s going on,” I whispered once again, this time grabbing her shoulders and lifting her, so that the couch didn’t cut off her sight. She saw Aria, blindfolded. 

“As you see, your identity is secure. We just need to make sure we come to an arrangement before we fight and ruin things for both of us,” I whispered, once again leaning hard into the temptation. It was not the sexual kind, but my earlier exploit made those words much more effective, it was clear on her face. 

Not that I blamed her. It was hard to think after experiencing a chain of orgasms — especially if they were far more intense than anything else she had experienced. “Why?” she managed to ask. I spanked her again. Shocked, she just moaned, even as she changed her direction, coming face to face with me rather than looking at the princess.  

“Simple, I’m also a spy, just for another group,” I whispered back as I pulled out of her. 

Her eyes widened in alarm, finally gaining the sharpness that I was afraid of. Unfortunately, a manner of confrontation was unavoidable. All I could do was soften it as much as possible. 

I chose to soften it in a unique manner. I had already pulled out of her tight hole, so I did the only thing that made sense. I plunged into her wetness. “What —“ she had started before I slipped in, only to turn into a moan. “I’ll—“ she followed as I invaded her core mercilessly, and that time, I silenced her with a searing kiss. She was shocked, but as my tongue invaded her mouth, I could feel her gathered mana dissipate. 

A good time to talk, but I kept her pushed against the couch even as I maintained the kiss, extending the moment for a while, partially to soften her more, but my enjoyment was not exactly taking the backseat. I kept that a minute before pulling back. 

It took a few seconds for her to answer. “I … what are you doing?” she asked, shocked, but luckily with enough presence of mind to keep it to a whisper. I wasn’t afraid of Aria hearing, but I wanted the fiction to stand. 

“Making sure the princess doesn’t suspect while we have our discussion, of course,” I answered. “We don’t want to make a deal, only to realize we somehow ruined the opportunity in the process, right?” 

She didn’t answer, though whether it was about the convincing nature of our argument, or the merciless nature of my drilling, was not a question with a ready answer. “R-right,” she finally answered, but only after a lengthy delay that included a lot of moans and gasps. 

I wasn’t the only one enjoying our little subterfuge. 

She turned her back to look at Aria, only to see her still blindfolded, otherwise naked, and masturbating. “Don’t worry, she doesn’t suspect a thing,” I whispered to her. “We can discuss our plan.” 

“Who do you work for?” was her first question. 

“Not the elves,” I answered, and felt her tense at the mention, along with a flare of mana. I needed to distract her. Remembering the way she reacted when I brushed against her ear, I leaned forward, and gently bit her pointy ear. The way she tightened around me showed that I hadn’t misread the sensitiveness of her ears. “Calm down,” I whispered between nibbling, my voice throaty. “I’m not against elves either. I have a certain … bird … that wants to sabotage the other birds.” 

“W-what—“ she gasped, this time much louder. Luckily, silencing her was not a chore. I jammed my tongue into her mouth, stealing her words. Enjoyable, but my mind was already on the next steps. 

  When I pulled back, she was still frozen. “Don’t worry, we don’t want to do anything but play screen between them and the royal family, to make sure they don’t find what they are searching for.” 

“And what are they searching for?” she asked, trying not to sound suspicious. 

“I don’t know, that’s above my pay grade. My mission was just to observe the princess, and her naughty habits allowed me to take the opportunity. But my contact seems to be confident that they’ll try to reach the princess.” 

“Really? Not the Queen,” she asked, surprised. 

It took all I had to keep my smirk down at the opportunity that was presented to me. The assassination of the Queen might have multiple functions. I was already planning to frame the elves, but naturally, elves wouldn’t believe that. However, if I inform them about the possibility, and the suspicions of the Phoenixes … things would get much more interesting. 

I frowned, stretching my acting capabilities to the limit. “No. And that’s suspicious. Actually…” I whispered, then I stopped, cutting myself off, like I had made a mistake and slipped something I shouldn’t have. It was a basic trick, one that any spy should ignore, but we had already established that my opponent wasn’t exactly an excellent spy. 

Moreover, I was still sliding in and out of her ceaselessly, which was a believable reason for slipping into something important. 

“Actually, what?” she asked, her voice suddenly sharp, followed by a sudden magical pressure targeting me, enough to break a weaker man in seconds. It wasn’t a hard trick, at least the targeting aspect. The fascinating part was when Aria didn’t even react to the pressure, meaning she was targeting me exclusively without even the slightest slip. 

Her control of magic was even better than my generous estimates. Even with the Tether, I would fail to match it. A sense of inadequateness filled me, which I fought by continuing to fill her core even more aggressively, which, as an added benefit, distracted her a bit more to allow me perfectly frame the answer. 

“We’re trying to get a guard for the Queen, just in case,” I admitted, trying to look scared. “We have some suspicions that … they want to equalize the playing field by putting the Empire into chaos,” I admitted.  

“Really, do you have any proof,” she asked. 

“Only circumstantial,” I said. “I can bring you there once we properly convince the princess about the situation, and I could show you all the documents we had collected. But, are you sure you want to collect the documents and study them before sending a few guards to protect the Queen? What if they hit tonight?”

“It’s a risk I’m willing to accept, what’s the chance they’ll hit tonight. I rather not risk my credibility by taking a risky move. We’re going to move in an instant,” she answered, and suddenly cast a spell, hitting Aria with a sudden sleep spell. She might have resisted if it wasn’t for me — well, maybe, as the spell was focused and Aria was distracted — but I was still in the room, and, justifiably, she trusted me to protect her. 

Elven spy was important, but certainly not important enough that I would ever sacrifice my beautiful princess to integrate myself into their faction.  

Instead, I turned my attention to her move. It was a bad answer, and an even worse move. It revealed her political position to me. Just from her answer, I easily deduced her likely position in the organization by a comfortable margin — not at the bottom, but certainly not at the top — as well as the amount of trust that was extended to her. 

It would have been something else if she was simply mistrusting me, but her reaction showed that she believed me — her pleasure working wonders to skewer her poor decision-making even further. 

What a fun way to subvert a spy. 

“As you wish, I’ll bring you to those documents,” I said, yet, I continued to slam into her. 

“When?” she asked, realizing I was slamming inside her. Though, despite her words, she made no move to push me away, showing I wasn’t the only one enjoying the pleasure. 

“Just as I finish,” I said and I quickened.  “Right now!” 

The panic on her face was simply beautiful. “Not inside —“ she started, but that was all she was able to say as I silenced her with another kiss, filling her with my seed… A fascinating sensation to fill the tightness of mythical ethereal beauty, especially when she was trying to look angry, only to be prevented by her climax…


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