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Why not push her to the limit, I decided, and rather quickly considering the monumental nature of the situation. Risky, yes, but as I captured Aria’s excited expression, I didn’t have the heart to disappoint her. 

Yet, not immediately. I let those weak spanks linger another minute as I worked on her back, adding a few tantric tricks to awaken her desire more. And, if the way she was shuffling on my lap was any indicator, it wasn’t something she was particularly familiar with. 

Which was good, as it showed an aggressive turn was just reckless rather than suicidal. 

“You don’t seem to be caring about your punishment,” I whispered as I leaned down and kept my hand on her uniform. “Maybe we should see if you can handle a real punishment.” 

“What-“ she started, only to gasp in shock as my fingers grabbed the edge of her uniform. A pull was enough to reveal her hips, and the following pull moved her panties around her ankles, leaving her bottom naked. 

She might have reacted aggressively, but as my hand landed on her beautiful ass, she was quick to lose any word she might let out in a little flood of pain, resulting in a shocked gasp. “You just need to resist for ten more, little maid, now count,” I said as I spanked her again. 

“One,” she gasped, her reaction automatic. 

That didn’t surprise me. The whole reason I even dared to push her hard was the read I had on her. Not only she was clearly not a trained spy, but the other actions didn’t give the impression that she was quick on her feet. 

The sudden change of pace, combined with the promise that it would last only a few seconds was enough to stall her response. 

A horrible compromise, of course, but it would be a while until she could learn that. I slapped her ass again, this time even harder. “T-two,” she stammered, gasping in pain, giving me another little clue about her. She might have incredible magical abilities, but she certainly lacked any kind of physical training.

Even Cinder wasn’t as bad in that aspect. 

“Good girl,” I murmured as I spanked her three more times, each hard enough to earn surprised cries. So, when my fingers lingered on her ass after the fifth spank, she said nothing, and just murmured in appreciation. 

After all, it was better than the alternative. 

As I was dealing with that, my other hand was lazing around. I continued to work on her back, though much more aggressively as I trusted the spanks to distract her properly. 

Even as I slowly unraveled her uniform, leaving her back naked. 

By the sixth spank, I started massaging her hips aggressively. By seventh, I was teasing her inner thighs softly, my fingers lingering far more than necessary while my other hand danced on her naked back. Though, she still obediently counted her blows.

I turned my gaze to Aria, curious about how she was reacting. She was certainly enthusiastic. One of her hands was on her chest, mauling her tits, while the other disappeared under her desk, the movement of her shoulder leaving no doubt about what actually she was doing. 

Interestingly, my spy didn’t react to that. Curious, I leaned forward to see her expression, only to meet with shock and arousal. The reason she didn’t react to Aria was simpler, however. Her eyes were firmly shut. 

Amusing, I thought, but said nothing as I turned my gaze back to my cute elvish spy. 

By the ninth spank, before she could count, I decided to change the pace a bit more. This time, my fingers landed on her wetness, dancing aggressively. “No, that’s too much,” she gasped. 

“Oh, you failed to count,” I declared immediately. “What a pathetic little performance.” 

She reacted to that statement by stiffening, far worse than I expected. “I … I’m not a failure,” she gasped, her voice sharp. Clearly, I touched another sensitive spot. 

“Maybe not, but we have to start from the beginning to make sure. Are you ready for the challenge?” I said, immediately backtracking from my earlier comment. There was something dangerous in the way she reacted calling her a failure, one that I would have loved to circle around under the circumstances. 

Of course, the offer was absurd as well, but her impaired judgment was helpful in such cases. 

“Alright,” she agreed. 

“Good, but we need to change the situation a bit, we need to increase the challenge,” I declared, and before she could comment, I changed our positions, and carried her to the large couch in the room. A few seconds later, she was on the couch, on her back. 

But with a very important change. Her outfit was gone. 

The only piece of clothing that remained on her was her panties, and even then, considering they were still around her ankles, it was hard to say that she was still dressed. 

Her naked body was certainly amazing, more than enough to rival Aria. Her breasts were just a touch smaller, but just as shapely, and the rest of her body was even more flawless — if such a thing was possible in the first place. 

Maybe I would compare them side by side … later, before my little spy started to react to her punishment. I sat down next to her, and one of my hands slipped between her legs, caressing her core rapidly. “Now, start counting,” I whispered, and slapped her breast. 

My slap was much weaker than my earlier spanks, which made the intensity of her beautiful moan rather interesting. It exploded loudly enough to make my insides tremble and tempt me to take an even more aggressive step forward. 

I managed to suppress that. Barely. 

“Don’t forget to count, sweetie,” I reminded her before slapping her breast once more. The expression of confusion on her face was tremendous, but she still started to tremble helplessly. 

“One,” she moaned as her eyes flew open, pleasure jolting her out of her deep shock. The pleasure was intense enough to steal her mind, however, showing that her breasts didn’t rival Aria just in size, but also in sensitivity. 

“Good girl,” I said as I slapped her breasts again, but this time, rather than pulling back immediately, I stayed there, mauling softly to make her tremble. Her mouth parted as she let out another gasp, her fingers clenching tightly against the couch, showing the intensity of her emotions. 

But, in her shock, she had forgotten something. “You missed one, sweetie,” I reminded her. 

“Oh, no,” she murmured, but even as she started counting from one, the panic I expected to find was absent, showing the intensity of her emotions. I could sense her mind was spinning wildly. 

“E-eight,” she whispered after an appropriate number of slaps that left a mark on her breasts, but she was panting even more. 

“It’s good to see you’re getting in the mood,” I said, unable to resist the urge to keep it back. That made her whimper as a little hint of rationality sneaked into her mind. It took her a moment to process that, then she tried to pull away. 

Pity her body lacked the energy to succeed. 

“Oh, someone had forgotten to count,” I chuckled. “Let’s start from the start.” 

“T-this is nonsense,” she managed to whisper as I slapped her breasts once again. 

“You don’t want to be a failure, do you?” I asked, with absolutely no problem pushing against the weakness she had revealed earlier. It was not a nice thing to do, but considering she was a spy, she didn’t have grounds to argue against it. 

Not that she could argue with her mouth occupied with moans, the building orgasm doing its job to distract her. 

She writhed on the couch, trying to wriggle away from my touch, but considering she was still obediently counting, it was far less honest than she was trying to convince me. 

Her growing passion was betraying her. 

Before she could recover, I leaned down even more, and my hand focused on her wetness. She cried out loudly again, her back arching up off the couch. Her full breasts stood up against her tight body.

"Too much," she whimpered, trying to protest as the pleasure coursed through her body, once again forgetting to count. This time, I didn’t even bother to remind her, just ignored her feeble, weak objections and continued to drive into her. 

On the couch, she just gasped, unable to think clearly, lost in pleasure. Soon, she gave into the pleasure, unable to make sense of her jumbled thoughts and the rhythm of the invasion, the pumping of fingers doing everything that was necessary. 

Soon, her arguments changed in nature. "Yes, yes, yes!" 

“Do you want me to bring you to your first climax of the night?” I suggested. 

“F-first,” she started, but that was all she was able to say before I turned on the intensity even higher, and she started to moan desperately. Soon, she was trembling on the couch, her mind losing cohesion. 

Aria gasped, which was less about the show, and more about the fact that, in her orgasm, our little spy had forgotten to maintain her spell and revealed her pointy ears, creating an amazing view. It seemed that, in her distraction, Aria had forgotten about that — or maybe she was too distracted to actually notice it in the first place, distracted by her breasts when I had used that spell earlier. 

No wonder why she didn’t panic even as I fingered an extremely dangerous elven spy.

Leaving me with another important decision…


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