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“Let’s see what a new day would bring,” Darion murmured as he once again took the long path to visit the office of his new boss … at least until he could find a reason to test if she was just as weak against his advances as her employees had been. 

And wasn’t that an extremely fun adventure… 

“Oh, a familiar face,” he chuckled as he saw Sakura, amused that she could even walk after yesterday’s adventure. Not everyone could take his full attention for half a day, and still walk. 

He didn’t bother trying to listen to what they were talking about, not when he could just ask her afterward. 

He entered without knocking, a little attempt to test Mia’s sense of control. “You didn’t knock!” she said sharply, her tone biting. 

“Well, you called, so I assumed you’re available,” Darion answered with a wide smirk, not affected by her passive-aggressive response at all. He saw her eyes tightening, but that was the extent of her reaction in front of an employee. 

An employee turned to face him instantly, her beautiful face covered with a shy expression. Darion was happy to note the way she stumbled as she turned to face him. He might have taken it as a personal insult if she just shrugged the impact. 

“Hello, s — Darion,” she started, correcting the way she called him at the last moment. 

Mia looked even more frustrated when Sakura didn’t even ask for her permission to turn and talk with him. She drummed her fingers, trying to get her attention, but even with the sound increasing to resemble a drum, Sakura kept looking at him. 

Showing that yesterday’s little recruitment went even better than he had thought to be possible. 

“A nice day, right?” Darion said, and received a stammering response, which broke into a short small talk session. Mia looked increasingly frustrated, but to her credit, she didn’t react as explosively as he expected, showing that her sense of power over her employees wasn’t accidental. 

Too bad for her that he had tools she could never match to tame some disobedient ladies with size fetish… 

She managed to keep her mouth shut until Sakura left and he stood in front of her desk, though her expression told that it had been a close call. “Well, if your lovely flirting came to an end…” she said bitingly, another subtle admonishment that Darion just shrugged away, “I have an important task for you.” 

“Sure, your words my command,” Darion said, and somehow, he only managed to sound half-sarcastic as he did so. 

Prison taught him a lot. 

His sarcasm didn’t help her anger. “I need you to drive my sister to her friend,” she said. 

“Really, she looks old enough to drive,” Darion said with a chuckle. 

“Yes, considering she’s in her third year in college, she is,” Mia said bitingly, and Darion smirked. “She lost her license for drunken driving, and she needs to visit a friend.” 

Darion would have blown that task away directly, if Mia hadn’t been asking him to drive a sexy redhead barely into her twenties, of course. There were jobs, and there were rewards. It was much better to sit down in a shitty office. 

Janet and Sakura were there, of course, but Darion decided to give them some time to recover … they deserved it. And, they would be there when he returned from driving that little minx around. One redhead was good. 

Two was better. 

“I want you to act properly even if she tries to flirt with you, or you’re fired, understood,” Mia said. 

“Oh, I promise. I’ll act properly —“ Darion started, only for him to be interrupted by the opening of the door, and Lily entered the room. Pity, as Darion would have loved to push Mia’s buttons a bit more. 

“Hello handsome, I heard you hit the lottery of bringing me around,” she said as she walked closer.

“Oh, that’s what we call it?” Darion said with a chuckle as he turned toward her. He could hear the drumming of Mia’s fingers to warn him once more, but he didn’t let that deter him. Though, he was sad to see Lily had changed her outfit somewhat, staying away from whorish, and limiting herself to just revealing. 

She looked good in the white shirt and miniskirt, but it was not as impressive as the transparent shorts he had seen her wearing. 

“Remember what I said,” Mia said to him threateningly before turning her attention to Lily. “Remember the deal, I’m letting you go and hang out with your friend, but in return, you’re going to study when you return. Understood!” 

“Yes, sis, I remember. I’m not a fish,” Lily answered petulantly. “We just talked about that a minute ago.” 

“It wouldn’t be the first promise you have forgotten,” Mia answered. Darion said nothing, even as they shared a few more biting barbs. 

“Yes, sister, it’s a deal. Now, let’s go,” she said as she poked Darion’s arm, and they started walking. 

He didn’t say anything in the corridor, just walked to the garage, where a beautiful car was waiting for them. “Now, here’s the deal,” Lily suddenly said, her voice sharp. 

“Yes, I’m listening,” Darion said seriously as he recognized the attempted intimidation, but it took all he had to actually contain his chuckles, mostly due to curiosity as to where she found the courage to threaten him. And a part of it was to watch the show. 

It was both as cute and as threatening as a little kitten trying to roar. 

“For the whole trip, you’re going to listen to everything I say, and once we arrive at my friend’s house, you’re going to stay in the car, ready to join us if I decide to call you,” she explained seriously. 

“And if I don’t…” Darion said, his voice soft, almost meek as he tried to hold back his chuckles. Though, if her victorious expression was any indicator, she was under the impression that her attempts were working excellently. 

“If you don’t…” she said, her smirk widening as she had just received a shiny new bracelet, “my sister will find several interesting photos about what you were doing with her bitch of a secretary.” 

Darion found the whole situation fascinating. Her threats, her expression, even the fact that apparently, she disliked Janet as much as Sakura did… All of those reasons were more than enough for him to play along. 

Of course, until she asked for something absurd, exaggerated, or plain boring, he would abandon that and start teaching her the true rules of the game she intent on playing… starting by making sure that one had something the victim truly cared about. It would be a pity if he suddenly got fired from his job due to probation. 

Pity as in annoying, and not in scary, which one needed for proper blackmail. 

“Good, you get it,” she said as she smirked before she started walking toward the passenger side. “Now, your first order, don’t look,” she said. 

Darion found it easy to fulfill as a first order — especially since he could actually still see her from her reflection in the mirror as she got rid of her white shirt and replaced it with a black crop top, one that was too exaggerated to be actually called that, most of the fabric that was supposed to go to waist accidentally used for sleeves instead. 

Darion loved it, though it was a pity the car blocked the view as she was changing. 

That didn’t bother him. He was sure that it would be repeated at some point. 

“You can turn now,” she said, but only after she stepped into the car, her smug smirk expecting him to look surprised. 

“You … changed,” Darion answered, trying to sound shocked. He doubted his acting was very good, but her smile told him that it was sufficient. 

“Yes, I did,” she said smugly. “Now, drive, we don’t want to be late…” 



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