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“Well…” she whispered as she stood in front of me, trembling in excitement, but that didn’t prevent her from leaning forward, her hands on my knees, her lips just inches away. With her mana filling the vines that she used as chains, she looked like she was in control … almost. 

Her plan was ruined by her chest, desperately rising back and forth as she failed to control her excitement. 

Still, that didn’t mean she wasn’t wearing an absolutely maddening smile. “I guess someone was mentioning punishment for failure. How about now?” she whispered throatily. 

“I was the one that talked about attention, yet I lost. Why don’t you tell me what you have in mind as punishment?” 

“Good question,” she whispered, her smile getting wider as I played along. Still, she didn’t say anything immediately, just let her finger caress my body, climbing up all along, giving me a chance to drink her beauty, wearing only her panties and nothing more. 

Almost enough to feel like a reason to avoid such a disaster.  

 She looked like her heart was about to explore in excitement, so when she pulled back coyly, I knew that it was less about teasing me, and more about her trying to control herself. Still, that didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy the attention as she turned halfway in and bent over, the angle hiding the most interesting aspect as she slowly pushed her panties down, leaving her naked. 

“I … shouldn’t be naked,” she whispered as she raised her hand, and suddenly, another vine pulled out of the ground, this time thinner, much more elegant, and filled with colorful flowers. It wrapped around her slowly, and soon, she was dressed in a beautiful collage of reds and yellows. 

Looking godly. 

“Isn’t this a shocker,” I whispered. 

“Well, it’s not appropriate for a priestess to be naked while she’s busy with punishment duty,” she whispered, getting steadily used to the process.

As she closed in the distance, each step was sending shivers down my body, showing that her elegance was not only for battle. It didn’t help when she started swaying to an imaginary song, her voluptuous figure forcing her new dress, making her look like an excellent dancer. 

I wanted to adore her and punish her in equal amounts, so I let her continue playing. The flowers danced in her wind as she twisted and turned, enhancing her striking beauty even further. Her innocent beauty combined excellently with her enthusiastic seduction, I decided as I enjoyed the contours of her body, my mouth watering in anticipation. 

It had been quite a while. Yet, I could see her desire just as fast — and she had even less experience controlling that. I could wait until she cracked. 

 “Punishment,” she whispered, but it felt like anything but that as she sat on my lap, the flimsy magical flowers the only thing between us. Her smile grow as her hips danced, riding me rapidly, my shaft teasing her core with each step. “How’s this as punishment.” 

“Positively evil,” I whispered, which was true. Her magical variant of a dress was beautiful, but at this point, it was just an impediment, blocking our fun and nothing more. 

She didn’t say anything, but her moans, along with the way her back arched, were enough to confirm that she was not too far from my direction. 

I waited, enjoying her close dance as her shivers got more and more intense, curious about just how long she would maintain her punishment excuse. Pity my hands were empty, I was unable to caress her body like she had been doing. 

Then, it clicked with me. I had a way to do so without cheating. She was doing her best to keep the vines around me under her control, and I couldn’t steal the control back without ruining the game … but the same didn’t apply to her dress.

I let a sliver of mana infect it, dancing along her body as she moaned seductively, and soon, her whole dress was under my control, and she was too distracted to notice. So, as she danced, I decided to make some subtle changes. 

The dress started to get thinner in certain places, revealing more and more of her beautiful bosom, for example, or subtly getting thinner around her waist to reduce the dampening effect. The thinner the dress, the more apparent the heat of her parts against my shaft. 

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation, too distracted to notice the intentional nature of it. Her legs parted, intensifying the sensation even further … making it a very dangerous situation with my control over her dress. 

I could have brought things to completion, but I didn’t … not yet. Instead, I focused on the top side of her dress, ordering the petals to rain down, each petal increasing the show further. Soon, her tits were once again naked, this time in an ocean of flowers, her nipples showing just much she wanted the next step. 

Luckily for her, I was at the end of my patience as well. 

[-21 Mana]

Taking complete control over her dress was trivial. Her eyes widened as I took control of the vine and ordered it to abandon her body, her eyes widened. A beautiful sight, just not as beautiful as her body, completely naked. “As I said, you need to be careful…” I whispered even as I used the vine around her wrist to raise her up, aligned against my presence. I gave her a second, one that she could use to argue against the situation if she wished so, but there was only anticipation. 

Who was I to leave her desires unfulfilled. 

I let her sink down, her warmth wrapping around my girth spectacularly as her lips parted, filling the room with beautiful cries. She closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling, and I used the opportunity to extract my hands from their bindings. 

I had played with her enough. Now, it was the time for the real deal. My hands ran up to her hips, ending up on her plump ass, disappearing into her softness soon after, enjoying the texture even as I assisted her movement. Up and down, but deeper with each repeat as she sacrificed her first time for me. 

As her body adapted, her head shook, messing her hair, making the moment even more exotic than it had any right being. The feeling was intense. I enjoyed the sight, alluring yet magical, even as I picked up speed more and more. Her cries rose as well, making me glad we were safely underground, with no risk of alerting anyone with her spectacular cries. 

“A fascinating way to train, isn’t it?” I asked her even as I continued the show. Her eyes opened, showing her surprise that I was talking, followed by shyness as the realization of what she was doing hit her. “Why, is there something wrong,” I said as I stood up, raising her as well. Her legs wrapped around my waist desperately, but she didn’t say anything. 

She was too busy moaning.  

“Excellent,” I commented as I walked toward the bed, happy with my encumbrance.

When we arrived at the bed, I lay on my back, but did so without allowing her to pull out, and she found herself on the top. A position of control, or at least, it would have been if it wasn’t for the state of her arms, still bound behind her. I loved it, not just because of the control it afforded to me, but also, by forcing her arms back, enhanced the sight of her breasts even more. 

Which, when combined with the position, looked even more spectacular. 

“Ride me,” I ordered, and her hips rocked, not wasting even a second. She rose up, but only to sink deeper with a more intense passion than I expected, melodic moans rising non-stop as she traveled toward her first orgasm. She might not be experienced, but her enthusiasm was certainly peak-level. 

Crossing my hands to enjoy the perkiness of her tits was one option, but I chose to reach and grab them, earning a lost cry in the process. “They are … too sensitive,” she admitted. 

“How about the nipples?” I asked with a chuckle as I twisted them. The resulting mindless cries answered my question, along with her hips, picking up even more speed. Along with her tightness…

Signaling that she finally climaxed, and since it had been a very long time, my own explosion wasn’t too far away. I exploded into her, filling her with my seed…

And then, something weird happened. A connection, like a bridge, building between us. It was similar to the companion process, yet also different. It felt less controlled, more intense… But also, somewhat more substantial. 

Like walking through a beautiful garden rather than looking at the same garden from behind a window. 

She seemed unaware of that, if the dazed yet calm look she had as she collapsed against my chest, her hips rocking lazily… Her tightness was a prison, one that I was happy to stay in while throbbing, even as I tried to understand what had been going on… 

Whatever just happened was magically too complex to understand, at least in just one attempt. 

Luckily, there was nothing preventing me from repeat experimentation… Not when no one would be alarmed by her disappearance while she took a well-deserved rest after her spectacular victory…

{Strength: 8    Charisma: 10

Precision: 8    Perception: 12

Agility: 8     Manipulation: 10

Speed: 8       Intelligence: 10

Endurance: 8      Wisdom: 9}

{Purified Divine Spark: 410}

{Pseudo-HP: 2869  Mana: 7331}


Light - Chosen 7.4

Nature - Chosen 10}


Guardian God Forest - 2050}

Elven Priestess - 70}

[Level: 36 Experience: 631374 / 666000]



Huh, so the pseudo-companion connection is more substantial than the Interface made version. Interesting, and it makes sense since it's formed without reliance on a 3rd-party intermediary.