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Sakura fidgeted helplessly n his lap even as his fingers continued to dance at her entrance, caressing her inner thigh like it was nothing. 

“A good start, right?” he asked. 

“A start…” she found herself muttering, her fidgeting replaced by a sudden shock. Considering his fingers were dancing on her naked pussy, defining their current position as just a start was … ambitious. 

“Yes, any problems,” he growled into her ear, which only made her wetter even as it stole any complaint she might have developed in the situation. 

“N-no, sir,” she stammered, and only barely. 

“Excellent,” he answered as he grabbed her waist, and suddenly, stood up. She would have fallen down if it wasn’t for his arm, tightly on her back, preventing her from a painful accident. Instead, she lost herself in the dance of his fingers, moans exploding off her lips as his fingers invaded her core. “That’s good, baby,” he said as reached down to her inner thigh and coaxed one leg further from the other. "Open up for me."

And she did, until he dipped her down, like they were just conducting a sexy dance, but with one major difference. His face was buried in the valley between her tits, his tongue dancing aggressively, reminding her of her situation even as she exploded into a crazy chain of moans. 

His face stayed in its descent even as she exploded into moans, the warmth covering her breasts, making her tremble helplessly. The feeling was divine as his breath warmed her chest, breathing in her scent. 

Her hips undulated helplessly. "Oh, God, please," she gasped helplessly as she felt her body going limp. 

“Please, what?” he asked with a chuckle. 

“Please … use your tongue on me more,” Sakura gasped, even though it was a horrible, terrible idea, especially in their position. In the middle of a cafe, where anyone could walk in… But suddenly, her world twisted, and she lost her complaints. 

It took a second for her to realize he turned her upside down, with ease that truly shocked her, while also displaying his strength. Then, she lost her mind once more, because she felt his tongue pressing against her core, stealing her mind… 

She felt like a toy, the best way possible to feel that way. 

She tried to pay back. She was certainly flexible enough to unzip his pants and start paying back, but, as his mouth fastened on her core, she started moaning in a stupor, unable to finish her self-assigned task. 

“P-please, sir,” she muttered softly. 

“Please, what," he asked as he raised his head momentarily. 

“I want to give as well, sir,” she muttered. 

“As you wish, you little impatient whore,” he whispered. His insulting words should have angered her, but only made her hornier instead. He grabbed her once more, changed her position, and somehow, managed to get rid of his shirt at the same time. 

How, she had no idea, but she didn’t care either, just desperately working on his pants to free what she deserved. She just worked on his pant furiously, using her teeth to unzip them. “Nice initiative, enough to earn your bonus,” he said with a chuckle. 

She remembered earning the bonus was important, but that was just a momentary flash before she focused on the carnal needs. Most importantly, the side of the monster that buried her ass as she sat down. “How does that monster hide in your pants,” she muttered helplessly. 

“With great difficulty,” he answered with a whisper, his tone stiffening her nipples even more. Nipples that long popped out of her mockery of a uniform, but she was well past the point of caring about that. She was thinking about the impossibility of the task ahead. 

Fitting that monster inside her. 

“Any problems, whore,” he whispered, the way that he was calling her triggering another set of trembles that destroyed her resistance — well, whatever little crumble had survived from her resistance, which was not much considering her current position, ready to be fucked like a whore in a public place. 

Ultimately, her hand gently rest on his head while he caressed her inner thigh.

“I’m not sure if I can take all of it, sir,” she whispered, shocked that she could somehow deliver that sentence in one burst. “I never touched something so…” she whispered before letting her voice fade, hypnotized by the throbbing behind her. 

“Well, no time like the present to test it, right,” he answered, and before she could say anything, he pushed her forward. 

She felt a big fat monster against her entrance, trembling helplessly. “Right now—“ she managed to ask, which was all she was able to put as resistance before he started slipping inside. 

Then, she lost her voice as something that greatly dwarfed any toy she dared to touch, let alone anything that was attached to a man — or whatever that passed for the ones she had been dating until this point. 

Very mistakenly, she realized. 

She felt herself stretch even as he pushed harder and harder until her soaked core stretched wide enough, taking the head without a problem. His pacing was impeccable, aggressive, and domineering, but never reckless enough to raise the beautiful sense of stretching into true pain. 

“Ohh, I’m full,” she gasped as she felt him halfway in, finding it increasingly difficult to utter any words. She abandoned herself as she tried to deal with the incredible friction she never experienced before.

“Not remotely enough, sweetie,” he said as she pulled back, only to slam in again. At that moment, she felt herself losing her connection with reality. She closed her eyes as she lost herself in the pleasure, focusing on nothing but the friction in her core, and the sensation of fullness that somehow increased with every repeat despite how impossible it felt. 

She barely noticed his legs touching her legs, showing that, against every impossibility, she managed to take him inside.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes,” she moaned, repeating it like a prayer.

When she realized her position, she was already floating in the air … well, not air, but lifted by him, she corrected, but with the way, gravity helped to take him inside, it might as well be the same thing. 

“You feel good, slut,” he whispered, and she felt a soothing relief mixing into her arousal — and somehow turning out to be even more explosive. “Tell me how I feel?” 

“You — fell — amazing — sir,” she managed to shout, every word interrupted by at least a couple moans as he continued to invade her steadily… 

Then, her foot touched the ground, making her fear that they were stopping. She opened her mouth, only to be silenced by his lips, cutting off her words before she could even say anything properly. 

It took a while for her to realize they were not stopping, though in her defense, she was trying to balance herself on one foot while still wearing her heels, and his shaft, constantly invading her being didn’t make it any easier to think. 

Everything was behind a milky layer of pleasure.  

When he finally put her on the ground, there was no attempt from her to pull away from his gargantuan cock barely fitting in her. Instead, she leaned back, taking him in. Though she was having trouble remembering what to do with her arms now that they had nothing to do. 

"Yes — yes — yes..." she moaned, her hips in synchronization with his merciless yet steady thrusts, like the wild rumbling of a beautiful sports car. Yet, even with that speed, it took forever for him to go in and out of her, filling her deeply and completely. 

“I’m going to cum…” she gasped as the sensations, unlike any she had ever experienced, filled her whole being. It didn’t help that he began nibbling her neck and worked his way to each of her ears.

“Then, let’s find the correct place,” he whispered once he finished with that, and, a moment later, she found herself pressing against the counter that she was supposed to be serving from behind…

Yet, she was in front of the counter, being served … the irony was spectacular. 

Just not as spectacular as the exploding orgasm, filling her whole being, stealing her breath, and taking her sight… 



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