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“I wonder if she is bored yet, Darion murmured as he walked toward his cafe. He knew she was there, because he had received the message of the temp he had hired — an older, stocky lady with little to no sense of beauty, and more importantly, with a dangerous habit of asking questions about why he was keeping the store open. 

The idea of replacing her with a demure beauty that seemed to develop a crush on him — or more accurately, all the lovely muscles he managed to develop in the prison — as well as a certain lacking ability to reject the words of the authority. 

As evidenced by her hesitancy to confront both Janet and Mia, promising many interesting angles. 

He walked toward the door, happy to see it was once again empty, with one exception. Sakura, sitting alone, worried about her interview. 

She was distracted enough not to notice him until he walked inside. Only when he closed the door behind him she noticed his presence, raising her head to look at him. 

“H-hi, Dorian,” she stammered beautifully as she looked at him, confused, caught flatfooted by his presence. “W-what are you doing here?” 

“Am I unwelcome?” he answered with a soft, rumbling tone, his foot striking the floor hard enough to startle her. Which gave him a chance to take note of her clothing. A beautiful, plied skirt that was too short to be modest, and even better, a loose, sleeveless sweater, one that was knitted loosely enough to give a hint of skin underneath. 

Enough to confirm that she wasn’t wearing a bra. 

“O-of course not,” she answered as she jumped to her feet, giving him a glimpse of her beautiful legs. Unfortunately, her motion wasn’t wild enough to actually solve the mystery of whether her bra was the only piece of clothing missing. 

“Good,” Darion answered. “I see that you took my recommendation and dressed to impress. Good, you look slutty enough to get the job.” 

“I … I’m not slutty,” she tried to argue, her beautiful face contorted in shock. 

“Oh, really, with that sweater,” Darion answered, with absolutely no intention of holding back his words. 

“You … you can’t talk to me like this?” she stammered after a momentary pause, her beautiful face contorted in shock. 

“Oh, really,” Darion answered, not bothering to hide his wide smirk. “Even if I’m the one that’s going to be your manager?”

The expression of shock on her face was simply beautiful. Darion enjoyed that for a moment before he started walking. “Follow me, and let’s see how good you can work…”


Sakura tried to move as she watched her newest coworker walk away, trying to process the sudden bomb. She wasn’t surprised by her own reaction, as she was always a bit slow to react to such sudden changes. 

Especially when it came to hierarchy. 

A part of her was telling her to turn back and walk away, but once again, she ignored that part of her mind as she watched Darion walk away. 

It would be a lie to say if it had nothing to do with his muscular arms and even more muscular chest, enough to counter-balance his suggestive words about her sweater. Especially since she had worn that of her own free will. 

At his recommendation, but that didn’t make much difference… 

“Are you coming!” he said, his voice clapping like thunder. Not because he shouted, but because of the tone of the order, hidden in his command. 

She started fidgeting, but that didn’t prevent her from toward him, and stood in front of her, the counter between them. “Yes…” she whispered. 

“What are you doing on this side, we’re going to practice first,” he ordered. 

Sakura took a deep breath, doing her best to sound confident. “M-maybe we can discuss the salary first. I don’t want to go through all the trouble if the rate is too low,” she said. 

Darion smirked at her, his gaze dipping to her chest in a way that reminded her that her sweater was actually giving a hint of areolas. It took all of her willpower not to raise her arms to her chest, repeating in her mind that she was the one that picked it. 

But maybe, she shouldn’t have removed her coat in the first place… 

“Well, ordinarily, it would be just the minimum wage, plus the tips,” he said, and she glanced around pointedly, taking note of the emptiness. “But as long as you’re willing to put on some special costume, I’m willing to give the double the minimum wage, plus some performance bonuses…” 

“That’s … a lot. More than Janet is making at the office,” she gasped. She wanted to ask about the performance bonus as well, but she found that part unable to leave her mouth. 

She didn’t want to miss the opportunity. 

“Come here and show me how well you can work at this side of the counter, then,” he said, his smirk enough to take her breath. 

She walked around the counter, fidgeting, but that didn’t prevent her from putting a little sway on her hips. For that salary, she was willing to put a little flirting on the table as well. And, if things went better, maybe even more. 

“May I pass,” she whispered as she stood in front of her, feeling the height difference fully as she looked at him…  

“I don’t know, you’ll have to walk through a crowd often. Why don’t you show me your skill and pass,” he recommended. 

Sakura took a step forward, but that was all she was able to do before his hands wrapped around her body … and his hands grabbed her ass, much tighter than she expected.

“W-what are you doing?” she managed to whisper as she gasped, but that was all she was able to say as his fingers dug into her ass, wandering hungrily. That was all she was able to say … which wasn’t good as he didn’t answer for a long while, exploring her ass in silence. 

A clock on the door showed her exactly half a minute passed before he deigned to answer. “I’m checking to see if you are wearing panties, of course. We can’t risk the store being taken down by the vice squad,” he answered. 

Sakura felt unable to answer, even as his fingers dug into her ass more and more, his angry yet confident expression enough to steal her confidence. And, even when she started to control that, pleasure started to hit…

She needed to leave … if only she could tell that to her lips… She could feel her confidence replaced by desire, feeling unable to resist his incredible aggression. 

“Good, you’re wearing one,” he said with a mocking smirk as he let her go.

And, just like that, the spell was broken. “What was that?” she asked, gasping as she held onto the counter. 

“Already explained, sweetie,” he said, his growling tone making bad things happen inside her. She wasn’t a slut, or she wasn’t supposed to be… 

“That’s nonsense,” she gasped as she turned her back, not looking at him keeping her from panicking. “I’m leaving,” she gasped. 

“Really?” he asked, his tone mocking. 

“Really,” she answered as she tried to sound convincing. More to encourage herself rather than trying to convince him. 

“As you wish, sweetie, but if you walk out, the deal is off. If you still want to work, it’s just a dollar above minimum wage,” he offered. She felt her legs rebel at the mention of the money. She had to find a roommate again if she rejected the offer … and after her last roommate, she wasn’t ready for that. 

Still, she wanted to walk away … until she heard his next words. “I’m sure I can convince Janet to work for me instead, she was talking about some new boots…” 

“Hell no!” Sakura found herself answering angrily. If there was one thing she couldn’t handle today, it was that smug whore getting something else to feel superior. “You can’t offer her the job!” 

“Well, I need a new one urgently,” he answered. “And I don’t know what I can do if you’re determined to reject the offer.” 

“Maybe I can reconsider,” she whispered as she pressed her fingers together, feeling a blush invade her face. 

“Good, then go and change into the official outfit I picked for you. It’s right in front of the door, you can’t miss it.” 

“Alright,” she said. 

“One last thing,” he said with a chuckle, and she froze. 


“Your punishment for talking back,” he said. She twisted her neck in panic. “Drop the sweater,” he ordered, his words once again exploding like thunder, demanding obedience.  

“H-here,” she stammered, feeling like she was hallucinating once again. 

“Or you can leave,” he declared, with no chance to reject his words. And just like that, before she could even register, she had already removed her sweater. 

But at least, she didn’t turn to face him, but just walked toward the corridor.  

“Not exactly a victory,” she murmured to herself even as she walked into the corridor, half-naked…



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