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"Well, that was something,” Darion murmured even as he returned to the basement, to the little room they called his office, only after the break he had used to make a copy of everything he had just acquired, which, combined with the lunch break, almost took four hours. 

“Now, let’s go and check if the boss lady came back to her office,” he murmured as he turned and left his office, not particularly interested in getting caught while carrying the documents. It wasn’t something he couldn’t handle after all the material, but still, it wasn’t something he wanted to trigger outside his control.

And, it wasn’t like a walk through the office was a great chore, he thought as he walked, only to come across a familiar face at the corner of the office. 

A sexy redhead, who had been doing her best to bring him to completion just hours ago. Failed, of course, but he was sure that she would appreciate a chance to retry. 

“Hello, sweetie,” he called from a distance, but when she turned toward him with panic on her face, he realized that she might not be alone. 

“Hi, Darion,” she said smoothly, managing to keep her alarm contained in her gaze. Darion appreciated her composure … though not as much as shattering that composure once again. “Let me introduce you to one of your coworkers, Sakura … though possibly, not for long,” she added as she turned toward where he couldn’t see. 

Curious, he took a step, only to come across a curious face. A tiny Asian lady, her short blue hair marking her as a rebel —an impression that was destroyed just as quick by her expression under Janet’s words and her boring office outfit. 


“I will be a new face around, for a while,” Darion said even as he stood behind Janet, and put his arm around her shoulder. Janet coughed pointedly, but her only attempt to pull away was quick to be aborted when his hand tightened on her shoulder. “I’m a hugger, I hope that’s not a problem,” Darion said, letting his smirk get wider. 

“N-no, of course not,” Sakura answered, with a stammer that sounded extremely promising to his ears. 

“Maybe you should try to be less touchy-feely,” Janet cut in as she pushed his hand away. “We’re in an office, after all.” 

“Sure thing,” Darion said, for once deciding to follow her request and bring his hand down — though he did so to cup her ass, which might have been different than what she intended. 

“Well, I wouldn’t have been such a …” Sakura started, trying to sound catty, showing she missed what was going on, but under Janet’s glare, her expression was quick to die. 

“Such a what, continue,” Janet warned, her tone sharp. Darion admired that, especially since she did so while she was properly distracted by his hand. Sakura failed to do so. “I thought so. Now, go and do the job that’s assigned to you. If you have time to walk around, you have time to work.” 

Sakura walked away, dejected, while Darion watched her walk away smirk, the way her pencil skirt wrapped around her small yet surprisingly tight ass adding to his mood. 

Janet turned to him, her expression between angry and teasing. “Do you mind not molesting me … at least next to other employees.” 

Darion let out a dark chuckle, enjoying the way her expression flickered under his gaze. “I do mind, actually,” he said as he pushed her toward one of the dividers. “Let me show you just how much I mind it.” 

“Can’t we go to your office—“ she started, only to gasp as she slammed against the divider. 

“Certainly not,” he said as he grabbed her waist tight and made her turn, making her face against him. “That place is a dump, and it wouldn’t be fun to hang in there.” Even as he did so, he let his gaze dance down, taking a beautiful record of her breasts, her fashion choices making it very hard to reach that. 

“But—“ she started, but that was all she was able to say as he squeezed her supple breasts. At that moment, he couldn’t help but feel thankful for the miracle that he engineered. As far as a job for prohibition went, he was in heaven. 

Janet’s breasts were amazing, top class among the great number he had been acquainted with, but it was her reaction that turned it into a marvelous pleasure. 

She was clearly shocked by the intensity of the pleasure, which suggested that the environment was working even better than he had expected. One that he had no problems testing to the limit, he decided as he squeezed her breasts, listening to the explosive moan that rose as a response.

Yet, her reaction was nothing compared to what she had once he got rid of his pants, pressing his erection against her. Even with her clothes on the way, it was enough to cut her voice short.

“A skirt is not good to have while exercising,” he muttered soon when he let his hand travel down, and her skirt soon flew away. 

“S-stop, what if someone—“ she gasped, before he interrupted her. 

“No panties, what a little slut you are,” he whispered. 

“Y-you destroyed them, r-remember,” she whispered back, her voice beautifully tense. 

“Oh, right,” Darion answered, his smile widening. She opened her mouth to respond,  only for it to die as he grabbed her jacket as well. 

“Now, for something more interesting,” Darion said as he made her turn once more, but not before getting rid of her jacket, leaving her without protection. Then, he slid inside her, enjoying her spectacular tightness wrapping around his girth. 

While she was stark naked, in the middle of the floor. 

“P-please,” she gasped as he grabbed her neck once more, pulling her close to take even more of his monster.  

Which was enough to kill the little argument she was busy building. 

“You’ll find that I don’t appreciate secretaries talking back,” Darion whispered, his hand down dancing on her left her gorgeous breasts and tight stomach, giving him an excellent view of enjoying, even as he pushed in mercilessly. 

He could have easily grabbed both of her wrists with one hand and started working until she collapsed in pleasure, her position was certainly fitting. Instead, he let his hands travel to her hips, enjoying their firmness. Almost for the first time, as their previous time was cut short due to his other activities. 

As he expected, she gasped in shock as he found herself looking at him, her expression contorted with strain, yet with pleasure. “We can stop if you don’t think you can handle it,” Darion said with a chuckle. 

“S-shut up,” she gasped, but that didn’t change her determination to take it fully inside. 

“You’re lucky I’m a nice man,” Darion said as he shifted her position, grabbing one leg to raise for a better entrance. “It’ll be easier like this. Just try to keep your beautiful lips shut. We don’t want anyone to interrupt, do we?” 

“W-we don’t,” Janet answered as she started to take him inside once more, her expression even more beautiful, pausing only for a moment as the realization hit. That she was naked in her own office, being fucked where anyone could stumble upon it. 

But that didn’t last long, as she started taking his presence once more. He raised his head under the invasion of pleasure…

Just in time, because it allowed him to catch a blue-haired secretary walking toward them. 

“Keep your head down and don’t make a sound, Sakura is coming back,” Darion warned even as he put his hands on her red hair, holding it down to make sure there would be no accidents as he pulled out. 

Though, he certainly didn’t take any pause from the fun. He had something more interesting in mind.

Even when Sakura started walking toward him… 

A little adrenaline wouldn’t hurt anyone…



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