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Janet was gasping desperately as she found herself leaning against the desk of her boss, the new janitor they had just hired behind her, tight enough to leave no questions about the mystery of his anatomy. 

Her mind turned hazy, but not enough to miss the fact that the chill of the room was intensely felt against her breasts, reminding her of their nudity. “Now, let’s see just how much work you’re willing to put to save your boss’ secret documents,” he whispered. 

His voice was throaty enough to send shivers across her body, draining the last embers of her resistance. “I don’t … my mouth,” she whispered in confusion, finding herself unable to reject the intense request. 

“Do you think your pretty lips are enough to make me abandon the potential of those files,” he said mockingly. 

“Oh, definitely,” she found herself answering. Not because she cared about the files that much. She was scared of her boss, but not enough to actually sacrifice her dignity. She was much more interested in meeting the challenge he just declared, confident in her abilities to come out victorious. 

Even though, the presence that was currently pressing against her ass promised it to be a difficult challenge. One that she was confident in handling. “Ready?” he asked. 

“Yes —“ she confirmed, but before she could ask him to let her go so that she could take a more convenient position, before she felt a tug on her skirt, one that was pulling it violently. “Hey, that was not a part of the deal,” she gasped. Giving a little service was one thing, fun and tempting. 

But she had no intention of going all the way. 

“Don’t worry, just a bit of visual aid,” he said as he pressed against her once more, once again giving her the feeling of his length, this time without her skirt to reduce the impact significantly. 

“I don’t care—“ she started, ready to show that his size, or the sudden haze of desire that covered her mind didn’t mean she would follow his every request. Unfortunately, the sudden moan that escaped her mouth had ruined her little argument significantly. 

She should have stopped him, asking for a change, but without her bulky skirt on the way, it felt much better. 

Enough to drain her remaining strength, her legs trembling. 

She bit her lips, finding her hoping that he wouldn’t push too much.

“I shouldn’t keep you on your legs for long. You’re already trembling, and we don’t want an accident, do we?” he whispered, but his tone lacked the concern that his words were supposed to be displaying. 

“M-maybe,” she found herself whispering, which was all she was able to say before he flipped her. Her back hit the desk hard, the pain only enhancing the anticipation. She was never treated this roughly, but it just enhanced her sense of arousal more and more. 

Unfortunately, that also meant that she was too late to notice as he used the opportunity to position himself between her legs, his presence pressing against her core once more, its existence overwhelming. 

“We … can’t,” she whispered, her trembling voice much less convincing than the overwhelming presence of his fingers, parting her legs apart, a little flick against his belt all that was needed to leave her completely vulnerable. 

An end that she didn’t want … at all. Not that she had any hopes of actually convincing him of that. 

Not when she failed to convince herself. 

“Why don’t you get rid of that jacket before we start, we don’t want it to get stuck anywhere and cause a … workplace accident, do we,” he said mockingly. 

It wasn’t a good joke, nor it was an order she actually wanted to follow. Which was why it was a pity that her body decided that moment to rebel and pulled the jacket off, pulling it off her smoothly. His hands found her legs as she was busy with that, and got rid of her shoes… 

Just like that, her panties were the only part of her outfit that was still on, tasked to protect her from … the predations of the monster of a man in front of her. They were pretty substantial as far as her panties went — but the bright pink color was slightly problematic. 

And, he managed to bring her legs to his shoulder while she was busy removing her jacket, making her pose even more vulnerable. 

She shivered as his fingers moved fast her inner thighs, finally landing right above her core, the wetness of her core impossible to be hidden by her panties. She bit her lips as she tried to collect her willpower, determined to ask him to stop… 

A determination that ended up in a quick death as he pushed his pants down, revealing the monster he had been packing. 

Just like that, she realized that she was mistaken. Earlier, he was yet to reach his full size, she realized, the full scale of the task only visible when he positioned it above her stomach, the size enough to make her tremble.

The touch was … indescribable. 

She lost all her willingness to reject, just waited for him to take off her panties — maybe even rip them off — and lose himself in her. She didn’t know if she could take that inside, but she was more than willing to try. 

This was why she was shocked when he grabbed and moved her, her head resting against the side of the table to be angled. She might have argued against that, but her mouth was already stuffed with his presence.

Suffocating and maddening, yet burning her body as she had never felt before. 

She gagged and moaned helplessly as her throat was invaded like it was never done before, filling her completely. She wanted it to stop. 

“Just pinch me, and I’ll let take it as your surrender,” he commented, followed by a mocking chuckle, one that was enough to burn her body in a different kind of fire. How dare he, treat her like something that could be dismissed just as easily. 

She was a masterpiece. She grabbed his leg, but rather than pinching, pulled him even closer. She had no illusions that she could actually make a mountain of muscle move, but it was enough for him to get the clue. 

A clue that worked wondrously, pulling him even deeper. 

“Let’s get rid of this, it's too ugly,” he suddenly said. She felt a flash of anger — the best she could feel under the circumstances — but that died just as quick when she realized his point. He grabbed her panties, and for a moment, she was distracted by how he would pull them down in their position. 

He clearly had a different idea, ripping them off with a pull from both sides, showing that his muscles were not for show. Those panties were certainly not fragile to be dealt with easily…

She wanted to comment, but that proved to be a difficult task to do with her mouth completely full. Then, his hands, rough, and strong enough to easily destroy her panties, landed on her breasts, squeezing them again and again, rougher than what she preferred…

Usually, but this time, she felt lost in the moment, each push breaking her misconceptions about what she might be enjoying. Even as her lungs cried for more, she found herself unwilling to give the signal required to make him stop. 

Not when she found herself driving toward the edge, far too quickly than she ever thought to be possible. She just focused on the presence that was invading her throat…

Until she ended up in that spectacular climax… 

When she managed to recover, gasping and coughing, she was ready for his next move, ready to explore the alternative uses of the desk even more. However, he had already pulled back, a smug smile on his damnable lips. “You failed,” he said with a smug expression, the impact significant enough to trigger her annoyance. 

“W-what do mean?” she found herself asking. 

His laugh was grating against her ears, triggering her anger. “You don’t remember where the bet started, right?” he said. Her frown tightened, ready to explode in anger; but she realized that he was right. There was a reason they started…

“The hidden ledgers, and you failed,” he said with a big smirk as he moved, easily pushing the block back, but without putting the ledgers in place.

Then, he walked away, not even bothering to put his shirt on, leaving her back with a frown on her face.

And with a determination to make him pay… 



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