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“So, which part are we going to focus on first, the assassination or sending that blond idiot away,” Valkyrie said, the little smirk on her face the only reaction she was currently paying to the extraordinary nature of the circumstances. 

“Good question, let me think for a moment,” I answered as I made a thinking face. An exaggerated one, making her smile widen, making her realize what was about to come. She didn’t forget my habits, it seemed. 

I found myself facing a choice. The nice thing was to ask Valkyrie to leave while I played with Sapphire — well, the really nice thing was actually stopping to play with her and include her as a part of the important discussion about her kingdom, but that was clearly not my attention and Valkyrie was clearly alright with that. 

I ignored both as my face scrunched in confusion, like I was trying to make a decision or answer her question, but that didn’t affect the actions of my body. Particularly my hands, expertly untying the strings of her dress that kept her cleavage under control. Though, even with the skillful dance, it took a while. Understandable, as keeping her bosom under control was a significant challenge. Her dress required all the reinforcement that could be put fashionable degree. 

The decision was clear. The potential fun of including Sapphire’s ‘loyal’ warrior in the mix was just too tempting to deny. I continued to play with her dress, until the center fell open, revealing Sapphire’s amazing cleavage. 

One that Valkyrie wasn’t completely inattentive, if the sudden flash in her gaze was any indicator. “What do you think?” I asked with a chuckle. That question made her freeze. Silently admiring the cleavage of her Queen was one thing, but actively commenting on it was something different. 

Technically enough to be counted as treason. 

She didn’t answer for a moment, her concerns holding her back. Concerns melted under my teasing smirk, her competitive nature showing itself. “Well, they are certainly … more impressive than I expected,” she said, doing her best to keep her voice smooth, but unable to hide a flicker. 

I chuckled. “You see, she’s surprised. But maybe it’s the fault of the dresses you chose. You certainly didn’t have that problem during your part-time job.” 

“Part-time job?” Valkyrie murmured, her shock palpable, while Sapphire’s uncharacteristic blush confirmed that. I chuckled at her shock, not that I blamed her. The Queen working a part-time job was a funny concept. 

“Well, the treasury certainly needs every coin we could find,” I said with a chuckle, deflecting the topic for the moment — mostly because I wanted to have that reveal in a more amusing manner. 

“That bad?” Valkyrie asked.

“What do you think, my beautiful Queen,” I whispered even as my finger continued to dance on her dress, pulling her cleavage even bigger. 

“Worse,” she admitted with a soft, resigned whisper. 

“How?” Valkyrie asked, naturally angry. 

I chuckled. “As you can imagine, it’s hard to make the nobles in the central lands pay any kind of tax, especially since they don’t see any danger.” 

“Maybe I should remind them—“ Valkyrie answered, only to cut short. The reason, is the sudden pull I conducted, revealing Sapphire’s beautiful tits, a bit faster than I initially planned. I loved teasing her, but I didn’t want her to fall into a long tirade about irresponsible and selfish nobles. 

Not when we could do so much more fun things than arguing about taxation. 

I enjoyed her sudden silence as I continued pulling Sapphire’s dress down, pooling around her waist, leaving her upper body perfectly on display. 

Not for long, however. Without a warning, I shifted my hands and stood up, hugging Sapphire in a beautiful bridal hold as I did so, and started walking toward the bedroom. Valkyrie stayed in place, frozen in surprise. 

I walked until I arrived at the doorway, then froze, and gestured with my head for her to come in. “What are you waiting for? Come, we have a lot to talk about.” 

Her gaze fell to check Sapphire’s expression. I might have taken that as an insult, but considering their relative positions, I decided to let that slide. Even with all that she had seen, it was only expected for Valkyrie to feel conscious about taking another step forward, especially to her bedroom. She might have even pulled back if Sapphire said anything. 

Not that Sapphire was in a position to say anything. Even sending a disapproving glare was above her, as she was distracted by the way her skirt was sliding off her body, leaving the task of hiding her body to her panties — which was a hopeless affair with her amazing hips, and her spectacular wetness hardly helped. 

“So, about the strategy, I think we need to send the moron away first, we don’t want him walking around, poking where he doesn’t belong after the assassination happened,” I explained. I even poked various places as I spoke, though Sapphire’s beautiful told me I was certainly not unwelcome. 

“Makes sense,” Valkyrie said, even as a clank reached to my ears, one that I hadn’t heard for a long time. the distinct and familiar sound of her armor hitting the floor as she discarded it carefully. I didn’t look, but Sapphire glanced in that direction immediately, her blush intensifying as she took a glimpse of the show. Her soft gasp was music to my ears. 

It was beautiful to see her haughty fake exterior chipping, even more, revealing the beautiful and alluring woman underneath. 

“Now, about the assassination,” she followed up, but only after another clank, while I continued covering the distance between us and the bed. 

“You’re even more familiar with the security protocol of the Empire to make it believable, so I want to hear your thoughts?” I asked as I lay Sapphire on the bed. 

That earned a chuckle from Valkyrie, broken up by her clothes hitting the carpet. “Really, and you’re admitting it?” 

I turned toward her, my smirk even wider. A part of that smile was about having a fun answer to her question, but another part was about getting another glimpse of her beautiful body, her clothes already gone — she had always been quick to dress and undress, a habit from her military life — to reveal her beautiful body. It was hard to classify her body as flawless, especially when compared to the other naked blonde in the room. 

Her body was more angular, her muscles showing the overwhelming amount of time she spent wearing armor rather than dresses, spending her time in the training field rather than balls and feasts. A few scars that managed to persist over her body despite magical healing just drove that message deeper. Though, while her body was leaner, she still had some spectacular curves. 

However, none of those details prevented my smirk from a naughty turn, or her from radiating a sexy allure that was enough to drive me crazy to a degree that could rival the beauty in my arms. 

A monumental achievement, considering the woman in my arms was the Queen of the largest Empire that secretly moonlighted as the most desirable and untouchable exotic dancer of the Empire. 

Valkyrie was always a beautiful example of femininity, and more beautiful for it.

“Well,” I said, answering her earlier tease only after enjoying her nudity for that long glance. “I can assassinate her easily, but making a fake spectacle of it after she got narrowly saved, only to die during recovery is outside my ability. I don’t plan for failure.” 

“Arrogant much?” Valkyrie said after a chiming laugh. “Are you sure you want to claim that while the Queen is here? Maybe she’ll trust her security measures over her abilities.” 

“What do you think, sweetie?” I said even as I lay Sapphire down and pulled down her panties. “Do you think your security measures can protect you if I was serious?” 

“I … I don’t think so,” she muttered, blushing shyly, though it was less about the topic, and more about our mocking attitude as we talked over her. It was not an attitude she was used to, and she was not particularly good at adapting. I barely held back from teasing her about that. “You can certainly assassinate me if you wish…” 

“Oh, he clearly stabbed you many times —” Valkyrie answered, reflexively, her mouth working faster than her brain. She pressed her hand to her mouth, realizing that, even in this situation, sarcastically mocking her Queen might be dangerous. 

Luckily for her, I was more than able to keep Sapphire distracted, keeping her reaction to an annoyed glare. “Why don’t you take a seat and tell me what you have in mind for her assassination,” I offered, tapping the bed to invite her closer. Then, I chuckled. “And, you can have a better view of how I … stab your Queen. Maybe it could be inspiring…”


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