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Coming up with a plan didn’t take long as I realized the folly of my thinking. Trying to decide which girl to focus on for the upcoming session was an unnecessary direction. 

Why not both? 

First, informing Isolde on that aspect. I tightened my arm around Isolde’s waist, slowing her hips down once more, cutting her path to completion. She tried to push through that once more, but with my both hands already on her back, this time, she failed. 

“I see that you’re pushing your luck,” I whispered into her ear, which was enough to stop her. Not the words, but the sudden change in my tone, still playful…

But with a threatening edge. 

“I not —“ she started, but her argument died halfway as I cast a spell, and she found being dragged toward Cinder, bound in an identical chain. The only difference was the material, smooth, glowing magical rather than ice — which was just playful against Cinder, who was a being of fire, but it would be just inviting nasty frostbite for Isolde. 

There was a difference between punishment and torture. 

Isolde had more immediate concerns than noting that difference, trying to maintain her balance. To her credit, she didn’t say anything, accepting the situation quickly, realizing that her reflexive disdain for anything magical overwhelmed her obedience. 

I still had to work a lot to solve her weird obsession. Maybe it would help her once I trained her to be a better assassin, giving her a way to hit back at the mages. 

Isolde was busy reflecting on her mistake, but Cinder certainly didn’t share the same complication. “Just what an uppity servant like you deserve, you insolent —“ Cinder started arrogantly before her words died in a gasp. 

The culprit, another ice I conjured, this time a cube, circling around her nipple to trigger her arousal, her moan of shock beautiful. 

I had to stop her, as it was still her punishment as well, and stopping halfway would have given the wrong message, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t entertained by her haughty words, or more accurately, the absolute confidence she was able to deliver them. 

It took a special kind of arrogance to sound that confident and self-satisfying while being naked and bound — both physically and magically — and it took even more to make that level of arrogance actually erotic. 

Even Sapphire, who was the Queen, lacked that — though maybe I shouldn’t be surprised by that. After all, she had risen to the power slowly, cutting, tricking, and scraping in a dangerous world that would chew her and spit her out at her slightest mistake, forcing her to dance on the edge of a blade.

In comparison, Cinder clearly grew up spoiled and confident in her place — albeit with her own challenges that left their mark. It was interesting to see how it reflected on her general attitude and how it implicated our bedroom fun.

In the future. 

Instead, I turned my attention to where exactly I wanted to drag Isolde, floating magical chains allowing me to position my frustrated beauty wherever I wished, which left me to consider the best location. 

Though, considering her obedience came from her desire to one-up Cinder, it didn’t take long for me to finalize her ultimate location. 

Right in front of Cinder, enough for their bodies to brush against each other, with no chance to avoid her gaze unless one of them closed their eyes — and both were too arrogant to even contemplate such a retreat. 

Isolde growled in anger, though I was curious whether it was the fact that she was positioned directly against Cinder, forcing her to interact with her. 

Or her chains were clearly magical. Any chain I conjured to bind her had to be magical under current circumstances as I didn’t exactly have access to a handy arsenal, but there were several things I could do to undersell the magical nature of her imprisonment, like conjuring chains of stone, polished enough to be mistaken for metal chains. 

Yet, I chose chains of pure magical energy, their intensely glowing nature enough to constantly remind her of the truth of their nature as their light bounced off Cinder’s skin, the bluish tone mixing beautifully with the glow from her flickering flames. 

I walked toward them, each step meandering. There were many aspects to punishment, and sometimes, not doing anything was a part of it, especially when they were in a position not to enjoy the passage of time. 

But it couldn’t be just discomfort, or even mainly discomfort. The chains were not the most comfortable thing, but even then, it was their contrasting nature that annoyed the girls rather than the pain of their presence. Their nudity, together with their aroused state, worked wonders to keep the sexual nature of the event at the forefront. 

Yet, none of those facts made my meandering walk truly an effective punishment. 

It was their proximity that turned into a masterful stroke. With both girls enough for their nipples to brush, there was no chance for them to avoid each other’s attention. They looked at me at the beginning, and once their gaze met, their lips curled into sneers of equal intensity, there was no way for them to pull their gaze away. 

After all, pulling away would mean defeat, and both of them carried too much pride to actually let that happen, especially against someone they despised — and with Cinder treating Isolde as a disposable human, and Isolde seeing Cinder as another arrogant mage, the emotions were long set. 

What happened earlier just ignited it, and did so in a direction I enjoyed, fighting for my favor rather than direct confrontation. 

I continued approaching slowly, watching as they looked at each other, motionless, their gaze locked without even blinking as they tried to intimidate each other, and with Cinder’s magic locked, it was a balanced competition, preventing her from using her flames. 

I appreciated the contrast of their beauty. Isolde was tanned and muscular after the years she had spent in the wilderness, yet still maintaining enough curves to make sure her femininity could never be ignored. While those rough traits might have destroyed a more ordinary woman, they only enhanced Isolde’s wild charm further. 

In contrast, Cinder had a soft, curvy body. With the glow of her skin temporarily abated, she looked as weak as a prized mistress of a noble, belaying the fact that she could destroy the meadow we were in faster than one of those mistresses snap a twig in half. 

I waited, enjoying their beauty as their anger built up, mixing beautifully with her arousal with each passing second,  leftover from what I had stopped halfway. 

Soon, Cinder discovered the first weakness. She noticed Isolde bristling whenever her breast brushed against hers, her face coloring with a sense of inferiority for a fleeting moment. 

I could say that it was a pointless worry, as while her chest was smaller, it didn’t make it any less beautiful. Yet, I didn’t intervene as Cinder started leveraging that. With chains immobilizing both, she couldn’t do much, but she found a way. She started taking deep breaths, which was enough to push her chest forward.  

Isolde might be gruff and direct, but she wasn’t stupid, quickly realizing the intentional shift, though Cinder’s smirk soon replaced her anger, her beautiful bosom rubbing against Isolde, confident in her victory. 

Unfortunately for her, she had miscalculated the amount of frustration and annoyance Isolde could handle, especially after sharing a party with Emma for years. And while Emma was fun to play with, she was an even bigger annoyance. At least, Cinder was smug because she was confident in her superiority — albeit somehow misguided. 

Emma had the kind of fragile ego that made her lash out against anyone. After dealing with her for years, a momentary annoyance didn’t even register Isolde as a challenge. 

And, it didn’t take long for Cinder to realize the drawback of her plan. With every breath, her hard nipples rubbed against Isolde’s skin, which gave her a great deal of pleasure in her aroused state. 

She could have just stopped, of course, but not without surrendering her smug smile to Isolde. Realizing the trouble she put herself in, she doubled down, pushing herself an inch forward — as much as the chains allowed, despite the discomfort  — to increase the effect of her breaths, even more, betting on the fact that Isolde would be defeated by her annoyance faster than annoyance could defeat her.  

I just waited, my presence temporarily forgotten as my punishment setup started to get even more useful than I had expected. Cinder, in particular, was dealing with a problem of her own infliction, while Isolde was trying to prevent herself from getting too angry. 

Altogether, a surprisingly interesting twist to my initial punishment plan. All that remained was to decide how to continue…


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