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Another man might have felt guilty creating an illusion of cheating to convince a sexy Asian beauty lying underneath them to take that last fateful step… 

There was no shortage of idiots, I always believed. 

After all, the only thing that made that an illusion of cheating rather than the reality was the lack of ability on Charlie’s part. The way he had responded to Brenda’s fake advances showed that he would have no problems actually taking that step forward — and while I assumed he wouldn’t have been stupid enough to do so next to his fiancee without the assistance of the alcohol, I wasn’t particularly sure after his performance. 

As I watched Umi wrap her petite hands around my hips, trying to pull me forward, I had no problem taking that final step. “Are you sure?” I asked, though only because I was sure of the answer I would receive. 

The first rule of business, never to ask a question with an uncertain answer. 

Of course, just because the answer was certain didn’t mean it was immediate. Umi froze as my question hit, the pressure of my presence over her core made the question even heavier. I was curious just how long her decision would have taken. 

So, it was a pity when Brenda shouted once more. “Oh, you’re so big! Harder!” 

Umi said nothing, just tightened her grip on my hips once more, and pulled herself forward, depriving me of the answer to the question of just how long it would have taken for her to come to such a question unaided. 

Admittedly, considering what it followed, it wasn’t the greatest of losses. 

Her hips rose to allow the invasion of my shaft, destroying her purity just weeks before her wedding. Her gaze, a mixture of vindictive anger and shock told me that she was aware of just how far she had been letting things go. 

Yet, the depths of pleasure that followed, invading her beautiful black eyes told me that the decision was not just driven by anger. 

Our show with Tiffany clearly left its memorable mark. 

Since I was a nice man, I allowed her to set the pace, following her pushes and pulls as I waited for her entrance to get used to my presence. She said nothing as she led me back and forth in her pristine core, leading me to enjoy the tightness of her grip — accompanied by her moans, moans that she did her best to keep contained, only to fail miserably.

I could have assisted with a searing kiss to silence her, but watching her trying to swallow her words was simply more delicious.  

That was not an attitude I had adapted for the whole thing, of course. It was just the first two minutes I granted her mercifully for her to get used to the moment; both in physical terms, and to her to properly process that she was the one that took the decision to betray her fiancee. 

“That’s enough warm-up,” I whispered as I shifted my hands, putting both sides of her as I trapped her against the deck. 

“W-warm up,“ she stammered, unable to do anything but quiver in anticipation under my confident grin. Normally, such a move, lacking in confidence wasn’t the greatest source of attractiveness, but such a generalization would have missed one very important detail. 

Her amazingly large pale breasts, currently unencumbered by any inconvenience, such as any kind of clothing, jiggling beautifully with her move. 

“Naturally,” I whispered as I pushed my hips forward, destroying her attempts to keep her moans down. There was no doubt about the ultimate fate of her attempts of staying silent, but my push turned that ultimate end into the immediate result... 

I pushed my hips forward, the sound of her cries mixing with the wind simply beautiful. 

I continued pushing forward, each push making her cries louder as we christened the deck of the ship, her generous tits bouncing freely, her killer body on full display. 

Her killer, yet extremely sensitive body. Combined with the intensity of her arousal, and the great build-up that started since the evening we shared with Tiffany, her failure to resist the invasion of pleasure was not too shocking. 

I pulled out, letting her take deep breaths. Not because I was not tempted to continue — as my shaft was throbbing desperately for more — but to make sure she didn’t pass out due to overwhelming pleasure. 

That didn’t mean that I intended to let her recover without the slightest intervention. “So, how did it feel, taking revenge,” I said as I wrapped my finger around her soft, smooth hair, playing lazily. 

Her only answer was a beautiful whimper. My finger didn’t stay long on her hair, trailing down to her neck and collarbone, the additional sensation making her tremble. 

Though, her reaction was nothing compared to the moan she let out once my fingers arrived on her beautiful chest, clamping around one of her nipples. “It seems that we need to work on your habits a bit. After going to the trouble of asking a question, I expect a proper answer.” 

“Sorry,” she responded immediately. 

“Not a problem, sweetie,” I answered with an excessively cheerful voice as I let my hand travel down even more in a gentle caress. 

Not experienced with the carnal side of things, Umi didn’t realize that it signaled the end of the little period of recovery I had given to her. Well, at least not until I grabbed her waist and threw her against the beautiful lounge chair, the soft surface ensuring that it was merely shocking rather than painful. 

I did so, as I didn’t want Umi trying to explain why her back was covered with friction burns. 

Umi let out a shocked gasp, but that had been the full extent of her resistance. Rather than trying to fight back, she pushed her hips up, giving me an even better entrance to her recently defiled core. 

“So, is your opinion about Tiffany’s comments changed somewhat?” I asked as I delved into her softness once more. 

“W-what opinion?” Umi managed to ask, her voice coated with pleasure, suggesting that she was currently lost in a primal part of her brain, enough to destroy her ability to find the relevant aspect of the discussion. 

“About the perks of making the boss happy, of course,” I answered, punctuating my words with a spank on her beautiful ass. 

“M-maybe,” she managed to answer, though the desire packed in her tone certainly surprised me. “But I need to see more to make sure.” 

Her flirtatious answer gave me just to answer I needed to push forward even more. My hips pushed forward, each push invading deeper into her core, exploring the undiscovered depths, each push redefining the pleasure for her. 

Her inability to contain her voice was just enough to confirm my conclusion. 

It would have been a horrible choice if Charlie was actually awake and busy with Brenda if we led her to believe, as Umi’s cries were too loud and too filled with passion to be mistaken for anything else. If he had been still awake, he would have rushed to ‘save’ his fiancee, which would have ruined their fun. 

Luckily, that was far from being the case, allowing me to work on her beauty relentlessly even as I grabbed her beautiful hair and pulled it back, making her cries even louder, showing just how much she had lost the track of the situation. 

Yet, the growing intensity of her pleasure made me wonder about the direction of some of her inclinations. I raised my hand, landing on her beautiful ass again and again. 

“Is this supposed to feel this good?” she moaned, while the glimpses I was able to catch of her beautiful face confirmed the depths of the pleasure she had lost herself, her eyes firmly shut, her tongue lolling out of her mouth whenever she wasn’t busy speaking — or more often, moaning. 

“Well, you can ask your friends for their opinions, but in my experience, it certainly doesn’t work as well when the man in question doesn’t know how to handle a lady.” 

“R-really?” she managed to moan. 

“Really,” came the answer, but amusingly, I wasn’t the source of it. 

No, it was Brenda, who had just stepped into the deck once more, wearing only a semi-transparent pareo which normally helped a woman, even one as curvy as Brenda to reduce the sexiness they displayed. 

Fortunately, that was only relevant when the pareo was actually combined with a bikini. Without that, the semi-transparent fabric only made the scene more erotic. 

Not accidental, certainly, I decided as I watched Brenda walk toward us, each step making her hips sway just enough to displace it a bit more, the hope of it sliding enough to enrapture any viewer. 

It was a pity that I was the only one that in the mood to enjoy that show. Charlie was downstairs, unconscious and unaware of what was going on…

And Umi was watching her approach, the venom in her gaze strong enough to temporarily displace the intense pleasure that invaded her body…


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