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I walked toward the bathroom, smiling at Irene’s sudden protests. She didn’t speak loud enough for me to properly hear her voice, just enough to catch the sudden undertone of distress. 

She was panicking at Ida’s decision. I felt curious why, but not enough to go back and distract them from their talk — or give Irene a chance to change her mind. Instead, I pulled off the shirt as I walked forward, finally getting rid of its tight grip. 

It turned out to be the correct choice, because just as I passed through the doorway of the bathroom, Irene burst out into the corridor, no doubt to inform me about a change of plans that she attained. 

Only to freeze the moment she came across the sight of my naked back. 

I did my best to suppress my chuckle, acting like I didn’t see her as I closed the door, and removed it quickly, wanting to finish changing before Irene could throw the shock at my half-naked body. 

The potential for entertainment was simply too much to ignore otherwise.

Yet, as I removed the pants and opened the bag, I couldn’t help but think that there was a mistake. There were two pieces of clothes, but the majority of the bag was occupied by a large cloak. The other piece was much smaller, making me think that there were missing pieces. 

 A brief examination showed that it was only a bottom that could only be described as a loincloth, but I didn’t waste too much time examining it. 

After all, it wasn’t like I was ashamed of showing up with a missing outfit. 

I quickly changed, so when I heard a knock on the door, I was already tying on the cape, one that hid my back yet left my front completely visible. “Yes, Irene, how can I help you?” I asked as I opened the door. 

She didn’t answer, but considering it was because she froze at the sight of my mostly-naked body. The cape covered my back successfully, but considering I was looking at her, it was not exactly helpful. 

And the less about the loincloth, the better. 

“I … Maybe we shouldn’t…” she stammered as she got a better view of my muscular chest, close enough to allow her to touch without straightening her elbow. 

“Nonsense, I’m already changed, and it certainly looks fun,” I answered as I reached down and tapped her own bag. “Why don’t you change and come visit us,” I added. She still looked hesitant. “Come on, Irene. It was your idea in the first place, but if you changed your mind….” I followed, letting just a small amount of annoyance slip into my tone. 

That small amount was enough to break her already shaky determination — mostly thanks to the fact that she was still distracted by the surprise show she had received. 

“Maybe…” she stammered again as she blushed, but under my gaze, it didn’t take long for her to surrender. “You’re right…” 

“Excellent, then see you inside,” I whispered, using a particularly throaty tone that was enough to make her shiver in arousal even without the great visual aid I was providing to her. 

I walked past her, letting my body rub against her shoulder to enhance the impact, even more, amused by the fact that she stayed frozen at the entrance until I walked the whole distance and went back to her little nerd cave. 

The nerd cave that was holding a cute Asian with a disappointed expression. A disappointed expression evaporated faster than a water puddle in a nuclear explosion. “Don’t worry, I managed to change her mind,” I said as I walked forward. 

“Excellent,” she whispered excitedly, yet her gaze was on the floor even as she started walking. At this point, their mood swings between shy and confident were not a surprise, so, rather than stopping and watching her, I took a step forward, positioning myself between her and her camera. 

She froze as she suddenly found her objective interrupted. She tried to take a step around me, but I interrupted her again, and again. After the third repeat, her gaze rose, her confidence shivering helplessly without the mental assistance of her camera, the change simply beautiful. 

So beautiful that, if it wasn’t arousal that was dancing in the depths of her gaze at the sight of my mostly-naked body — an arrangement she was responsible for in the first place, which made me even less inclined to pity her — I might have let her go and achieve her objective. 

Yet, ultimately, she wasn’t afraid but aroused, a beautiful combination that I had no intention of missing. 

Not after she went all the trouble of fighting with her friend to get me almost naked. 

“M-may I get my camera,” she whispered softly, impossible to hear if our bodies weren’t already close enough for the distance to be measured by inches, and still stay in the low end of the single digits. 

“What’s the hurry, we can start once Irene arrives. I’m sure she will arrive in a minute or two. Instead, why don’t we talk about your attitude while taking photos.” 

“W-what about it,” she stammered as she took a step back, one that made her beautiful breasts bob gently with her stride. I was quick to cover the distance, forcing her to retreat once more, once again requiring two steps to match one of mine. 

And, just like before, she soon run out of her escape route, but this time, it was not a couch but a wall against her back, even more solid, leaving no path to escape. 

A fitting theme to my barbarian costume — or at least, the late-night erotic film equivalent of a barbarian — to put my exotic princess into such a delicious peril. 

A peril that she was tempted to taste no matter how ill-advised it was. 

“Your attitude, of course,” I whispered as I leaned down, once again pinning her in place by putting both arms around her, her whimper more beautiful than the greatest song. “You  were rather aggressive when ordering behind the camera.” 

“I-is it a problem?” she whispered. 

My smile widened. “Oh, not at all, on the contrary,” I whispered. “It was very fun.” 

“T-then,” she whispered in confusion. 

“Just because I enjoyed it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t reverse it,” I whispered even as I slid my hand under her skirt once more, climbing up her thigh. 

“It’s not fair,” she managed to stammer as she dipped her head down. 

“Well, I can stop if you don’t want to continue. Do you want me to stop, or continue?” I asked. My question lingered without an answer even as my fingers steadily climbed up her inner thigh, stopping only when I was close enough to her core to feel the radiating warmth on my fingertips. Yet, I didn’t push for more. 

It would have been too easy. 

“If you don’t give an answer, I’m going to assume that you want me to stop,” I whispered, making her raise her head, her shy gaze capturing mine, wordlessly begging me to change my mind, showing that, she was more ashamed to ask me to continue to wordlessly accept my touch to her most sensitive spot. 

I might have pitied her and accepted her desperate gaze as an answer if it wasn’t for her aggression while she made me pose. I was impressed with her attitude, just not enough to miss such a beautiful opportunity to make her pay. 

She maintained her silence despite the location of my hand, only to be broken once I started pulling my hand back. “C-continue, please,” she whispered, her desperation clear despite the softness of her whisper.

“As you wish, princess,” I whispered as I let my fingers move just an inch more, which was all that was needed for me to land them on her wetness, enjoying her beautiful shivers. 

“Ohh,” she gasped as she shivered, her voice loud despite all of her attempts to keep it down. She raised her hand, but before she could press that to her mouth, I raised mine to grab her wrist. 

She looked surprised at my move. “W-what if Irene hears it?” she managed to ask.

“Good point, then, let me help,” I whispered as I leaned forward and captured her lips, successfully suppressing any moan that she might let out. She stiffened as my lips pressed against hers, suggesting that I might have actually stolen her first kiss. 

Not that she seemed to be torn over that fact as my tongue invaded her beautiful mouth, each flicker of tongue making her shiver — well, either that, or the skillful manipulations of my fingers downstairs, giving her a level of pleasure she was clearly unaccustomed to. 

As I pressed against her, her chainmail bikini was rather noticeable, but it was a fun type of discomfort, the contrast making the moment even more pleasurable. 

That didn’t leave her top free from manipulation, of course, as I reached the back and loosened the strings that were holding it together. With the natural weight of her chainmail top pulling it down, it enhanced the cleavage even more, while simultaneously loosening it enough for my fingers to slip underneath easily. 

My fingers tightened around her hardened nipple, my other hand still under her skirt, slowly dancing around her knob, and with my lips still busy giving her a kiss that would have been enough to put her into a magical daze… 

Combined, a minute would be enough to push her into a delicious climax. 

Unfortunately for her, I heard the footsteps on the corridor, soft and hesitant, showing Irene was walking toward us. 

“You’re very unlucky,” I whispered as I pulled back, chuckling at her conflicted expression, begging for me to ignore the arrival of Irene, but lacking the courage to utter those words. 

I chuckled as I turned toward the door and take a step forward, though I was kind enough to position myself in front of Ida, giving her the concealment she needed to fix her costume, at least enough to erase the most obvious signs. 

I doubted she could erase all of it easily, but she should be able to erase the most, enough to avoid suspicion. 

Especially since our redheaded observer would have her own distractions, I thought as I looked down at my loincloth, strained to the limit after our little encounter…


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