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I wasted more time than I expected while changing, as while the costume was adjustable thanks to its stretchy fabric, I was still bigger than its limits. The shirt, I was able to put on relatively easily, though as the fabric stretched, it looked like it was painted on my body. 

“Not bad,” I murmured as I stretched against the mirror, enjoying the sight of my muscles. While my endless workouts focused on increasing my performance rather than looks, I could hardly say I was unhappy with the side effects. 

Putting on the pants took more of an effort — especially a certain part of my anatomy, still awake after my fun encounter with Ida, and waiting for what would happen next. 

I didn’t bother fixing, or even hiding that as I walked back. After our corridor encounter, Ida wouldn’t be exactly surprised by it, and while it might surprise Irene a bit… 

It was only fair for me to pay her back after her accidental show. 

With the costume on properly, I walked back to Irene’s room, my steps lazy and dangerous at the same time, like a tiger looking for prey. 

“Hey, Chad you are — ready,” Irene started, only to stammer halfway as her gaze dipped down and took a note of my erection. 

A blush was quick to explode on her face, but when she opened her mouth, she looked down at her chest for a moment before changing her mind, clearly thinking that it wouldn’t be fair to raise that issue after the tone she had started the event. 

Ida just looked down, but I could see her peeking through her beautiful black hair, her gaze firmly locked on my midsection. 

“I hope I was able to put it correctly,” I said as I made a show of raising my arms to display my perks even better, only to hear a warning crackle from the costume, suggesting me not to push my luck. 

“It seems a bit tighter than I expected,” she whispered. “I should have made it bigger.” 

I looked at her with surprise. “You made it? I assumed that you just bought it.” 

“Of course not. I make every costume myself,” she answered proudly, then sighed as she looked at my shoulders. “But I should’ve asked you for your measurements rather than trying to guess. You’re deceptively … large,” she murmured, unable to prevent her gaze from dipping down during her last word. 

“Hey, I work out very seriously,” I answered, giving a comical display of affront that wouldn’t be amiss on a boneheaded cartoon character. 

“Y-yeah, it shows,” Irene answered, trying to sound quippy, but unable to add the required levity to hide her fascination. Then, she sighed as she looked at the corner of the wardrobe that was holding male costumes. “However, it seems that our day is going to be cut short.” 

“Well, maybe they could fit as well,” I said, trying to console her. “After all, this one fit, even if it was more difficult than I expected.” 

“Unfortunately, I didn’t make the rest of them from such a stretchy material, so they won’t fit, not before a very careful adjustment period.” 

Ida chose that moment to intervene. “What about the barbarian costume?” she asked. 

“Ida!” Irene gasped in shock the moment she heard that, her tone shocked and scandalous at the same time. 

I smirked as I smelt blood on the water. “There has to be a story on there,” I asked. 

“T-there’s nothing,” Irene said, but her explanation was as convincing as a serial killer caught chasing her victim with an ice pick. 

I turned to Ida, and a sharp glare was all that was needed to encourage her to tell the rest of the story. “She designed her original costume, based on the graphic novel she’s working on,” Ida said. 

“Ida!” Irene gasped as she ducked down her head. 

“Hey, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, creating something is always impressive,” I said as I caught her gaze, smiling encouragingly. “I like people that work hard,” I added. It wasn’t even an empty statement, as I realized I was entertained by the little group I found myself in not just because of their beauty, but also their serious work ethic. 

“R-really?” she whispered. 

“Yeah, do you want to show them?” I asked. 

“N-no!” she gasped, with a level of shock that caught me in surprise. Yet, at the same time, there was a knowing smirk on Ida’s face — one that looked particularly sharp in her cute face — that suggested the sudden shock was not entirely undeserved. 

“As you wish,” I said, deciding not to push her too much before she got more comfortable. Instead, I walked toward the center of the room, and posed. “So, let’s start our photoshoot.” 

I expected Irene to get the camera, but, to my surprise, it was Ida who grabbed it. It was a large digital camera, one looked almost excessive in her hands, but the way she held it suggested great familiarity with it. 

Yet, that was only the beginning of the surprise. “Stand in the center of the room, and raise your arms,” Ida ordered, her tone shockingly sharp, to the point that I struggled to believe it was the same girl that was struggling to speak a second ago. 

It was a total transformation of the personality. 

“You’ll get used to little Ida’s monster side soon,” Irene chuckled as she looked at me, her earlier timidity melting into amusement. “She gets very bossy behind the —“ she started, only to be interrupted by Ida. 

“Silence,” she ordered as she raised her camera once more. “Give me a pose like you’re preparing for the battle, tense yet thoughtful.” 

I couldn’t help but smirk at Ida’s sudden dominance. It was as intimidating as a kitten trying to replicate a lion she watched on the TV screen, but that didn’t make her any less cute. 

Especially since I could see her nipples slowly getting visible, which was an achievement considering I only stole her panties and not her bra. 

I would have followed her requests even without noticing that she was getting a particular enjoyment from her volunteer work, but that realization certainly made things more fun. 

Though, she was certainly demanding. I was not completely unfamiliar with being a model — as I had been a part of several ad campaigns, nothing too exaggerated, mostly local businesses trying to piggyback on the popularity of the football team’s streak of victory — so I had worked with several different photographers. 

None of them started their pose requests in such a demanding manner, giving a complicated challenge without giving the model any chance to warm up. 

For a moment, I thought whether it might be a reaction to my earlier request, galvanizing her into action, but a glance at Irene was enough to erase that doubt. Irene was just watching her like it was nothing out of ordinary. 

“As you wish,” I said as I did my best to replicate her request. Luckily, while her request was difficult, it wasn’t completely unfamiliar to me. It was more or less the same as the quintessential quarterback pose many other photographers requested from me, allowing me to adapt to that easily. 

Ida said nothing, which surprised me. Then, she started walking around me without the slightest reaction and taking photos, and my surprise got even more intense. Not because of her silence, but the careless attitude as she walked around and bend forward to get a better angle, uncaring of any sudden revealing flash. 

An impressive display of courage considering she was not wearing any panties. 

Irene watched us, shocked enough to make me think that she had already got a glimpse of what was under — and more importantly, what was not under — but I changed that soon after. 

If that had been the case, she would have looked at her skirt rather than her gaze jumping between me and Ida’s camera. 

It didn’t take long for the mystery behind her surprise to get revealed. “It’s not like you to treat a model with kid gloves—“ Irene commented. 

A statement that was interrupted by Ida immediately. “Silence,” she ordered. “I’m not correcting it, because he’s doing a good job of following my directions, unlike a certain redhead who treats half of them as pointless suggestions,” she added, her voice beautifully sharp. 

Irene’s expression, one between exasperation and amusement, told me that I wasn’t the only one that was finding her sudden transformation amusing, but it was clear that it wasn’t at the same level. 

Exasperation was much thicker than amusement in her tone. 

I didn’t say anything as Ida continued to give me directions, but it didn’t take long for me to understand what Irene meant. Because after the initial few poses, her requests started arriving at the unfamiliar territory, which, in turn, made my poses look more amateurish. 

Which triggered a flood of corrections from Ida. 

It was enough to show frustration of Ida. I would have long stopped the shoot… 

If the photographer was anyone but a sexy petite Asian girl who already lost her panties to my greedy paws, enthusiastically waiting for the end of the day… 

The shoot lasted until one unfortunate order of her. “Raise your arm,” she ordered. I followed it, but my clothes didn’t, the top ripping with great fanfare. 

“Sorry about that,” I said as I looked at Irene. 

“Don’t worry, I was going to redo it in the first place,” she answered. 

As she looked at me, Ida said nothing, just walked toward the wardrobe, and leaned forward to dig something. She was lucky that Irene was looking at me, and missed the fleeting show she provided as she bent forward, faster than advised considering her current clothing changes. 

“Go and change,” she ordered as she threw a small bag at me, one that looked suspiciously small. 

Not that it was a particularly big problem for me, I decided as I walked toward the bathroom. And, my enthusiasm got even thicker as, just as I stepped out of the room, I noticed Ida throwing a similar small bag to Irene. 

Especially since it put a shocked expression on Irene’s beautiful face…


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