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After sending Ida upstairs, I found myself with nothing to do, so I started looking around, but there was nothing that was out of the ordinary downstairs. And, with the girls at the upstairs — and would clearly stay there a bit more — I had nothing to do. 

It was not the most entertaining location to spend some time, but, imagining the potential treasure at the end of the rainbow was more than enough to stave off the boredom. 

Though, they seemed to be determined to test my resistance against boredom, because it took almost half an hour for them to peek upstairs. 

It was Irene, her red hair peeking through the corner. “Hi Chad, sorry about the … delay,” she said. “But after the … mishap…” she said, but her voice faded, her blush seemingly determined to compete with her hair. 

“Oh, sweetie, it’s unfair to term it as a mishap, I enjoyed it immensely,” I answered playfully, which gave her blush the fuel it needed to finally surpass her hair color, while she folded into a comical display of geeky stuttering and stumbling over her words, yet unable to utter one complete sentence. 

I had to admit, it was mean to put her on the spot, but considering they chose to keep me waiting half an hour without saying anything, some light revenge was not completely undeserved. 

It took a while for her to recover, and even then, it was hard to classify her answer as a complete sentence. "You … uh, no?!" she stammered.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s just a little malfunction,” I said as I walked upstairs, feeling pity for her. Her usual eloquence — especially in the standards of their little group — had been successfully destroyed by her accident, enough to earn her mercy. “So, are you ready to start?” 

“Y-yeah, we can start,” she stammered. She didn’t move as I stood up and started climbing the stairs, and, due to the way she stood, only after I climbed the stairs I managed to get a full view of her body. 

Only to meet with a sight I wanted to classify as disappointing. She was still wearing the same armored pants she wore earlier, but the top was another armored set — and unfortunately, it resembled real armor rather than the sexy equivalent the women often wore during games or fantasy series. 

At least, those were the ones I had the exposure to, not that I had a lot of time to spend on gaming. 

I was tempted to tease her about the significant downgrade her costume suffered, but as I stood in front of her, she already looked like she wanted to collapse, so I let that slide. 

“Let’s go,” I said. She started walking, and I followed her into a room that I assumed to be her bedroom… 

Only to be shocked. It was more of a hobby room, but the nature of it surprised me. Two of the walls were covered with shelves end to end, one piled with enough books to make me fearful of its structural integrity, the other filled with an incredible number of figurines. 

The third wall had a wardrobe instead, but just a glimpse was enough to show a gamut of irregular bright colors and weird shapes, enough to reveal there was not one ordinary item of clothing there. 

“W-welcome to my nerd cave,” she stammered. 

“W0w, impressive,” I said as I glanced around, and I wasn’t even being sarcastic. It might not be my hobby, but just a glance was enough to show just how seriously Irene was taking it. No wonder she was a part of their little nerdy group. 

That flare of respect I felt for her commitment was a reason for me to change my plans. Not the ones that would end up in her bent against her shelves as I spanked her tight ass in a particularly sexy costume — preferably while Ida was doing her best to tease my balls — but the ones about just playing around while I helped her test her costumes. 

Since she took that part seriously, it was only fair for me to take it seriously as well. 

“Well, I know it’s childish but…” she started, only to be silenced as I pressed my finger on her lips. 

“Nonsense, it’s your hobby, and it’s your right to take it as seriously as you want. Don’t listen to anyone else.”

“M-maybe,” she stammered as I pulled back, her face bright once again after my touch. When she started moving once again, I wasn’t surprised to see her dashing toward the wardrobe. After interacting with the rest of her group, I learned that their preferred way of dealing with shame was to lean toward their area of expertise aggressively. 

After experiencing it again and again with Carrie and Naomi — and also Sarah, but to a lesser extent, as she was fueled more by her competitiveness than her obsession with a particular area of expertise — the exact same behavior wasn’t shocking to Irene. 

There was a reason they were best friends, after all. 

“Let’s start with something simple,” she said as she pulled a costume from the end of the wardrobe. “It’s the costume of General Leon, the secret Grand Duke of the Endless Plains…” she started explaining as she passed it to me. 

I turned my attention to the costume, impressed by its structure. It was a simple costume, its style similar to hers in terms of armor, but both the metal plates — naturally made from plastic and painted rather than actually being forged from metal — and the fabric was jet black, giving it an edgy kind of cool. 

As I examined it, Irene was giving me a detailed breakdown of the character, her explanation getting faster and faster as her explanation sped up, leaving me no hope to actually track it as the number of unknown words increased more and more, referring to the events and characters I had never heard before. 

The only thing that I was able to understand was that the guy was a merciless general, his bloodlust only rivaled by his tactical acumen. 

I waited for her to finish, but five minutes into her explanation with no hint of actually stopping, 

“So, where can I change?” I asked, interrupting her. 

“My bedroom should be—“ she started only to stop and correct herself. “No, Ida is still there, changing. Do you mind changing in the bathroom?” 

“Not at all,” I said. “Where is it?” 

“At the end of the corridor,” she said. 

I nodded before turning and leaving. Yet, before I could reach the bathroom, I received a beautiful surprise. Ida stepped into the corridor. 

I chuckled as I noticed her freezing like she was just caught doing something wrong. She had changed her costume, which was a pity, as the earlier skirt was simply excellent. 

That didn’t mean her current costume was horrible. Not even close. It was just that her skirt was longer than the previous one. Not that it was a difficult achievement. It was impossible for a skirt to be shorter than that and still classified as a skirt. 

Her current skirt wasn’t exactly modest. It was a mini skirt, one that was barely long enough to prevent her steps to be filled with the great danger of creating a show. Her skirt had the same fake-armor plates my costume had, but they were painted in bright silver rather than matte black. 

Luckily, this time, her top was beautiful enough to compensate for the increased coverage of her skirt. It was a chainmail armor, but unlike what Irene was wearing, it was more similar to the depictions I had seen in-game posters, small enough to qualify as a bikini. 

“Y-you’re here,” she stammered. 

“Yes, I’m here,” I whispered back, unable to contain my smirk as I raised my costume. “I was just about to change. Is it a problem?” 

“O-of course not,” she answered as she took a step to the side, pressing against the wall to allow me to pass. The corridor wasn’t small enough to make that necessary, but she still did that. 

“Good,” I said as I took a step forward, passing her. I watched her from the corner of my eye, seeing her relax. 

That was the moment I chose to move back, interrupting her mood shift. “But, before going to change…” I said as I pressed my arms on both sides, imprisoning her in place, making her beautiful eyes widen. “I need to ask one question. Did you follow my order properly?” 

Her fragile expression was beautiful, alluring enough to tempt me to cut my ploy short and lean forward to steal a kiss instead. 

Luckily, the earlier encounter with Naomi gave me the strength I needed to reject that temptation. Instead, I put my hand outside her naked thigh and started dragging it up slowly. 

When my finger finally touched the fabric of her skirt, her breathing was already going out of control as she had just run a mile, getting even wilder as my finger continued to climb up. The more my finger climbed, the more of her beautiful legs it was revealing. 

Yet, just before her beautiful core was revealed to my gaze, I stopped, my finger high on her waist, enough to confirm the absence of her underwear. “Good girl,” I whispered as I pulled back and continued to walk, leaving Ida behind. 

I was starting to understand people’s fascination with cosplaying… 


Pedro Sousa

I like how he got serious and respectful about her hobby, gonna earn him more points with her in the long run.