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“And, this is the little boat I rented,” I said as I gestured at the forty-two feet beautiful catamaran I had hired. It wouldn’t have been cheap, if I hadn’t had a small talk with the hotel manager, and he allowed me to ‘borrow’ it for free for a couple of days for holding such a big company event in their hotel. 

A nice kickback. 

“It’s beautiful, sir,” Charlie said, but I could hear the sense of defeat in his tone, no doubt thinking that Brenda wouldn’t pay attention to him now that her gaze was captured by luxury. 

I gestured at Brenda to drag him away. “Amazing, now you can teach me how to swim properly,” Brenda said to him as she grabbed his arm and dragged him into the boat. 

Charlie was caught flatfooted by Brenda’s action. His attitude made it clear that he had been one of the shy students that were more focused on his classes than the girls, and as a consequence, he didn’t know how to handle when he was being flirted with aggressively. 

To the point of momentarily forgetting that he was being accompanied by his beautiful yet demure fiancee, who was shy enough to prevent her from starting to shout at him. 

“Let me help,” I said as I stood at the small board that led the ship, presenting my hand. Umi looked hesitant at first. Not because she needed to grab my hand — which was nothing compared to everything that we had already done. 

“It feels familiar,” she murmured, looking at me with suspicion. Understandable, as while the environment was different — a boat under the sun, versus a concealed restaurant booth — the implication was the same. 

Smart girl, I decided as I noticed her alert expression. Unfortunately, that alertness only survived until beautiful laughter exploded from the other end of the boat. “Stop, you’re too bad,” Brenda said, the flirtatious intent in her tone enough to conjure a steamy scene. 

Helped by the fact that they were already on the deck of the ship, which prevented Umi from seeing what was going on. 

Umi said nothing, just grabbed my hand, and allowed me to pull her on the boat, ignoring the fact that I pulled her against my body enough to feel her curves against mine. 

That didn’t even earn a comment as she started climbing the small stairs that led to the main deck, her feet stomping on the floor with a strength that surprised me coming from such a petite beauty. 

I followed, only to see Brenda fixing the bottom of her bikini the moment we arrived at the deck. Charlie’s back was against us, so he didn’t see the sudden anger on his fiancee’s face, especially after a flicker of fear passed Brenda’s face, like she had been just caught. 

Of course, it was just another trick from Brenda, her fake fear suggesting that Umi had just missed a naughty moment Brenda shared with Umi’s fiancee. 

A beautiful way to trigger her jealously, especially when Umi lacked the attitude to react against it, leaving Charlie oblivious of the trick that had been just pulled at his expense. 

“Why don’t you stay at the deck while I handle the boring part,” I said with a chuckle and started walking toward the bridge — albeit a bit grand for a small luxury boat. 

“W-wait, where’s the captain,” asked Charlie, looking startled. 

“Don’t worry, boy. I have been a captain for the last two decades. Of course, feel free to leave if you’re afraid.” 

Charlie panicked, realizing that he had inadvertently insulted the boss he was trying to suck up in the first place. “Of course, he’s not afraid,” Brenda defended before Charlie could say anything, even putting her hand on Charlie’s shoulder, earning an appreciative smile from him. 

Yet, in his emotional rollercoaster, he didn’t even notice the angry gaze of his fiancee. 

I gave a subtle nod at Brenda, suggesting that she was going an excellent job at the task I had given her. “Alright, then. Have fun at the deck,” I said as I walked to the bridge, leaving the three at the desk. 

For the next half an hour, I split my attention between steering the boat — which was an easy challenge in the open sea and perfect weather — and watching the three frolic on the deck, which was visible from where I was standing. 

On the contrary, they were unaware that I was watching them, because the bridge windows were tinted aggressively, enough for them not to have a clue about what was going on inside. 

It didn’t have a great benefit at the moment, but I could easily imagine many benefits of such a situation. 

Three of them stayed at the deck, with Umi’s expression getting stormier by the second as she watched her fiancee captivated by Brenda, who was monopolizing his attention under the guise of learning how to swim. 

Interestingly, the more he spoke, the more he was getting lost, his expression serious as he waved his arm, again and again, suggesting that he was giving a very technical explanation about the best way to swim. 

I couldn’t help but smirk as I noticed boredom slowly growing in Brenda’s expression, hidden behind her convincingly-fake expression of interest. 

At least, convincing enough to fuel Umi’s frustrations further. Her personality didn’t allow her to air her frustration, so she started looking for a reason for that. Soon, she gazed down, checking her boring one-piece before examining Brenda’s loose bikini which looked ready to snap whenever she made a big move. 

She was blaming her outfit, which, considering that it was an objectively terrible outfit, was justified. It would have lost against any random person on the beach, and against Brenda’s carefully-chosen outfit, any comparison was just cruelty. 

It was tragic, as Umi certainly had the assets to compete against Brenda. They were just hidden behind her horrible selection. 

As I watched, Umi’s expression was turning from just stormy into a hurricane that was about to explode, finally overcoming her usual hesitancy. 

I decided to stop the boat and walk to the deck at that moment. I didn’t want that hurricane to explode, because doing so would release all the frustration Umi silently collected.  

And, I had much more interesting plans for that frustration. 

“Amazing view, right?” I said as I walked into the deck, still wearing a t-shirt — one that was necessary for me to maintain my harmless aura. 

“It definitely is,” Brenda said as she lay on the deck and stretched playfully, the sun reflecting on her back. 

“So, who’s feeling thirsty?” I said as I walked toward the small bar on the deck, one that was being neglected. 

“Me,” Brenda said as she walked to the bar as well, her hips swaying amazingly as she did so. 

“Isn’t it a bit early,” Charlie murmured, but that was all he did when Brenda turned to him with a seductive smile. 

“I don’t think so,” Umi murmured, tense, but lacking the ability to convey that annoyance with her words. She certainly needed a drink. 

Too bad for her that the cocktail I mixed for her barely had any alcohol in it. I wanted her to stay sober, with no excuse for her next actions. The one I mixed for Brenda was much better, but even that was nothing compared to the one I prepared for Charlie. 

“Gah,” he gasped as he took a sip, his eyes widened. 

“I can make something lighter if you can’t handle a proper cocktail,” I said, deliberately smirking smugly in a way a young man might when he thought himself superior. 

With Brenda looking at him from the side, there was no chance of him rejecting that challenge. “No need,” he said as he took a large sip, unaware that the cocktail was even harder than he had expected, most of the bitterness concealed by a careful application of excess sugar. 

I want Umi sober, but the same didn’t apply to his fiancee. The more his decision-making was impaired, the better. 

And, thanks to a combination of sugar, sun, and alcohol, I expected that to happen soon. Then, Brenda showed her unique brand of intelligence, and started goading Charlie for drinking even more. 

“I love a guy that can hold his drink,” she murmured as she put her hand on his shoulder, caressing suggestively. I might have pitied him under Brenda’s well-manicured yet merciless claws, knowing that despite all the teasing he was suspected of, it was all he would receive… Poor guy was clearly unused to the attention of the kind of predatory woman Brenda belonged to, with problems of sucking a guy to the bone metaphorically once they sensed a hint of weakness… 

I would have pitied him if he wasn’t weak enough to fall for that ploy under the angry gaze of his beautiful fiancee, watching him angrily. 

I watched him finish the first one quickly before I prepared another cocktail for her, this time even stronger, amused by the way his face scrunched as he took a sip, but held his complaints back to impress Brenda. 

“So, Umi, don’t you feel big stuffy in that horrible piece,” I asked. “Maybe you should change into a bikini as well.” 

That finally reminded Charlie that he was there with his fiancee, his eyes widening slightly at the suggestion. Yet, that was the limit of his interaction — which was understandable, considering he was still under the impression that nothing but some innocent flirting happened to humor an old yet inept boss. 

How amusing. 

Umi looked like she wanted to reject, but Charlie’s lack of complaint was already enough to anger her. “I would, but I don’t have a spare,” she answered. 

“Don’t worry, there are some spare ones in the bedroom. Let me show you,” I said. 

That finally clued Charlie, the sudden panic on his face suggesting realization. Yet, that was short-lived when Brenda grabbed his arm and dragged him toward the side of the boat, where there was a small ladder to allow them to climb down. “That’s enough theory, now, you’re going to show me how to swim,” Brenda said, dragging him away. 

Leaving me alone with Umi on the deck.


Pedro Sousa

Finally a new chapter. \o/