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After that spectacular meeting, I had expected the rest of my school day to go without an event of significance. 

That proved to be wrong. 

The realization hit me in the form of a pair of hands suddenly grabbing my arm and pulling me inside. The pull wasn’t strong enough to pull me in if I resisted, but the hand that grabbed me was feminine, with a certain milky chocolate complexion that was very familiar. 

“Hey, Naomi,” I chuckled even as I looked around while the door closed behind me, only to realize that I was locked in a small closet, not enough to fully open my arms. Her frustrated expression suggested that she was about to deliver a negative statement. 

I wasn’t in the mood to hear that, so I decided to prevent those words from forming in the first place. 

I leaned forward, capturing her lips even as I pushed her against the wall. Her lips widened, probably to give a complaint, but only allowing my tongue to slip inside even as my hands landed on her hips, squeezing her hips, enjoying their amazing tightness that was only possible thanks to her obsessive diet and incredible yoga obsession. 

“I missed you too,” I whispered as I looked at her blushing face. “But do you think that a random closet in the middle of the school day is the best way to go about it?” 

“I …” she murmured dazedly, her words forgotten in the haze of the moment, and the friendly touches I was putting along her side and my throaty whisper hardly helped her to recover. “I wasn’t trying to—“ she tried to say after a moment, but her voice was loud enough to allow me to silence her again. 

This time, pressing my finger to her lips. 

“Careful,” I whispered. “You need to whisper. We don’t want people to come and find us stuffed in here, do we?” 

“W-we don’t,” she stammered, though her voice was much softer. She even stopped breathing for a fleeting moment, her eyes jumping between my face and the door. I could feel her tremble under my grip, which hardly helped the tightness of my pants. 

The sudden expression of panic that bloomed on her face was beautiful, and her fleeting frozen stature allowed my hands to explore her body even more. She might be wearing loose jeans that hid her hips from the gaze of others, but the same looseness didn’t protect it from my touch. 

I tightened my grip on her waist and pulled her closer, the whimper that escaped her mouth suggesting that she was aware of my ‘growing’ appreciation as well. “Are you okay?” I whispered softly. “You suddenly look distracted.”

“Y-you…” she whispered, her anger flaring, but it was a momentary flare, the kind that only inflamed the heat of her arousal. It took a while for her to find her voice once more. “I have an important issue to talk about.” 

“Really?” I asked as I leaned forward. “Is it about needing my help to pick some more clothes? We can make a trip out of it tomorrow.” 

“N-no,” she managed to stammer. “I wanted to—“ she tried to add, only to be interrupted, this time by my hand slipping under her top. 

“Are you feeling well?” I asked, concerned. Your skin feels a bit hot, like you have a fever. Let me check more directly,” I said as I leaned more, pressing my lips against her neck without waiting for her permission. 

That earned another shiver in me. “Hmm, your skin feels a bit warm, but not enough to be a fever.” I pulled back, but still, let my fingers crawl up.  

“I’m not sick,” she managed to whisper, but as my fingers started to climb up, her breathing got rougher. She paused, trying to get a hold of her emotions, but it just give me the opportunity to take the next step. 

“I see,” I whispered, letting my voice gain a throaty quality, the kind that let no doubt about my carnal thoughts. She gulped panicked after my whisper, which let my hand slip down, and start fiddling with the button of her jeans. “Stress, then. You want me to help you relax, like I helped you relax Saturday, right? Just like a best friend should.”  

I stood still for a moment after unbuttoning her jeans, enjoying her panic even as I gave her a chance to back down, yet she chose to do nothing under the combined effects of arousal and panic. 

Then, I leaned forward. 

“It’s not that-” she tried to say, but in her hurry, she didn’t think about turning her head away, allowing me to silence her with another kiss. As my dancing tongue invaded her mouth, it hardly felt friendly, at least not one without some incredible benefits. 

As she tried to process the invasion of my tongue, my hands already managed to reach the door, engaging the lock — though, why such a small room had a lock from inside was certainly curious — before starting working on the important part. One pulled her jeans down, immediately followed by her panties, while the other pulled her shirt and bra up, creating beautiful, functional nudity. 

If she had any problem with that, her hands certainly didn’t show it, as, after a momentary pause, they started working, but not to prevent my hands from their tasks, but busy dealing with my belt. 

Maybe she wanted to use it to tie my hands. 

But if that was the case, it was certainly the wrong move to grab my neck and pull me deeper into the kiss after managing to free my shaft from its tight prison. 

I pushed forward carefully, letting my shaft caress her wetness without slipping, letting her wetness grow while my fingers worked on her amazing breasts. 

If she had any problems with that, her tongue didn’t inform me about that. Yet, it was good that her lips were pressing against mine, because it allowed me to suppress her sudden moan as one of my fingers slipped down and started teasing her knob, preventing a small scandal as people noticed. 

I decided to keep my lips connected to hers. 

Just to be on the safe side, and nothing more, of course. 

The corridor she had intercepted me was hardly the busiest corridor, but it was better safe than sorry. And, it wasn’t like her pouty lips were a punishment. 

It was good, because another moan escaped her mouth once more, challenging my lips’ ability to keep her silent. Thankfully, it was a challenge that my lips ultimately won. 

Continuing with the same pace was tempting. It was just not tempting enough to ignore her growing wetness, drenching my girth with each push. 

“Ready?” I asked as I slid my hands on her hips, raising them slightly to allow a better angle. 

She said nothing, but I decided to take the way she grabbed my hair and pulled me back to a kiss as a positive answer. I pushed my hips, her wet lips wrapping around the head of my shaft. 

If it wasn’t for the risky location, I might have pulled back, forcing her to beg for it until she received her ultimate reward. The way her warmth enveloped me would have made that a challenging decision, though not enough to make teasing impossible. 

Not with the great reward of keeping her on the edge promised. 

Yet, our location was hardly conducive for such an adventure. Nor it was one to push forward recklessly until our hips exploded beautifully against each other. 

Instead, I pushed them slowly and steadily, her wetness working wonders to make that slow tease an amazing experience as she pulled the trick of making it disappear. She let out a hard grunt, slipping through my lips as well, relying on the door to keep it manageable. 

“Did you miss me in you?” I whispered as I pulled for a breather, which made her duck her head down with a sudden bout of shyness — an intensely amusing reaction considering what else we had been doing intensely. 

Clearly, just because she could handle a threesome — a spectacular one — or a tryst in school didn’t mean she could handle the mildest kind of bedroom talk. 

I chuckled as I pressed my lips against hers, my hips pushing steadily as my shaft explored the depths of her core, each push triggering louder cries that challenged my ability to keep her voice suppressed.

Under such a challenging situation, the combination of unfamiliar angle, risky location, and the speedy growth of her arousal, it wasn’t shocking for her to start trembling with the telltale signs of arousal. I deepened the kiss, preventing her from pulling a crowd, and only pulled back once her trembles subsided. 

“Let’s move, we still have a class to go,” I whispered, reminding her that our quickie had rather important time restrictions. We were already late to class, but there was a difference between five minutes late, and fifteen minutes late. 

“R-right,” she stammered as she quickly fixed her clothing — though needing a few touches from me to make sure there was nothing too suspicious, a fact that was helped by her avoidance of makeup, as otherwise, she would have needed to replace it completely. 

Only after making sure there was nothing wrong with her looks did I open the door and left, and we split, going to our individual classes. The uncomfortable feeling as I stuffed my erection back into my pants was not exactly comfortable. 

But it was certainly worthwhile to properly distract her from her initial objective… 


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