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After I passed her phone back, I didn’t say anything for a moment, keeping my expression inscrutable intentionally, letting her feel the stress of the moment, enjoying the hesitant glare she sent toward the door. 

But I wasn’t cruel enough to extend that for more than a moment. 

“I like your determination,” I said as I walked toward my camera, leaving Laura standing in front of Penny, shuffling uncomfortably under her piercing gaze. 

I knew that it was just a weak facade Penny managed to somehow fake through practice, ready to shatter at the slightest pushback, but Laura was certainly not the one that would test that. 

Not when she committed to the opportunity to finally have her big break!  

Amusingly, despite having all the hallmarks of a horrible decision, she wasn’t actually making a bad choice. I was probably one of the best fashion photographers in the state if not the best, and considering the others weren’t desperately struggling to find decent newcomers, forced to do so after ruining their chances in the general market, it wasn’t like she had any comparable options.  

And, to her luck, I had just tapped into a lucrative new revenue channel, and needed some new material to enhance the benefits. 

That thought reminded me to check the performance of the business during the night. I reached to my phone first, to check the number of new customers that I had managed to find. After all, it was pretty early last night when I last checked — before I got distracted by Penny’s amazing breasts. 

I expected at least a dozen new paying customers, maybe even a couple dozens if I was particularly lucky. 

“I must be going blind,” I murmured as I checked the screen, freezing for a moment. There was no other explanation for the number I was seeing on the screen, almost ten times the number I had seen before I had gone to bed. 

“Something wrong?” Penny asked, reminding me that I was looking at the screen for a long while. 

“Nothing, sweetie, I just received a job offer with a nice number of zeroes,” I answered, not really wanting to delve deep into the details of the business. No need to ruin the magic, after all. 

Incredible, I thought as I searched where my website was being mentioned, only to find it being mentioned in several niche fantasy and science fiction forums, along with an incredible number of mentions of Nancy’s book, with some very glowing reviews. 

Nancy would have a nice surprise when she woke up and see the number of sales. I didn’t have access to that, but with the number of mentions, I expected it to be impressively high. 

Yet, as I raised my head once again, the camera in my hand, I had a serious expression on my face. The sudden success was a happy occasion, but I was experienced with the marketing side of things, enough to know that such a sudden flare of popularity would be fleeting unless one reacted in time and fueled it further. 

Luckily, Laura arrived just in time to provide me with that fuel. A few mysterious shoots of a new model, just enough to stir the pot, would give it a push that would keep alive for a few days, which was all that was needed for me to work with my existing models for something more interesting. 

But first, my new model. 

“So, you are determined to be a model,” I asked. Laura froze, no doubt surprised by the sudden sharpness of my tone, expecting a much more carnal audition after the photos she had shown me. 

“Y-yes,” she whispered after a short delay. Meanwhile, recognizing the shift in my tone, Penny took a few rapid steps back and left a wide area for Laura to work. 

“I expect my models to answer my questions promptly,” I answered even as I raised my camera. 

“S-sorry,” she stammered. 

“Don’t apologize, just do better,” I pushed back, deliberately harsh as I tried to understand how she reacted to the pressure under a camera, which would give me the best way to handle her. Some models, like Nicole and Penny, worked best under a firm, unyielding hand, while others, like Nancy, required better challenges and teasing. “Now, give me a neutral pose and a soft smile,” I ordered. 

Laura followed that order quickly, and a fleeting smile appeared on my face as I watched the speed she displayed as she followed the direction. Furthermore, the pose she took was decent enough, suggesting she actually had the potential to be nurtured. 

Especially considering just how urgent I needed some decent model assistance. 

“Not bad,” I said even as I pressed the shutter several times, taking her pictures. They were useless, of course, as I neither bothered to fix her pose, nor adjusted the lightning accurately, yet they were still vital. 

I needed her to get used to the constant explosion of flash without flinching, and there was no better cure than repeated exposure. 

It also gave me an opportunity to get a better feel of the details of her attitude, from the way her body swayed to her balance, almost like a private trainer, but it was just another facet of being a photographer. 

At least, a good one. 

“Now, try to lean forward, and cross your arms under your chest,” I said, moving to a pose that could be construed as revealing. Normally, I wouldn’t have pushed for such an adventurous angle that quickly with a new model, but considering her selection of audition photos, I felt like it was not exactly a great risk. 

“How about this,” she asked as she leaned forward, even more than necessary as her arms crossed under her chest and pushed it up, enhancing her cleavage beautifully. She might lack Penny’s great bosom, but she still had enough assets to make the pose alluring. 

“Not bad,” I answered, noting the way she perked up, suggesting that she was not the kind that flourished under an iron fist, nor she was as combative as Nancy. 

A more playful touch would work best, I decided. 

Not exactly a big challenge. I ordered her into several other simple poses with varying revealing aspects. Some, like asking her to stand up, were rather straightforward. The others, making her turn her back and touch her toes, revealed much more thanks to the assistance of her mini skirt. 

I had to admit, for all the challenges it brought, there was a certain charm in working with a new model, watching as her doubts and fears slowly melted away, replaced by a beautiful kind of self-confidence, one that had obedience seeped into its core, each order further reinforcing that core. 

Altogether, it had a certain beauty.

As I took my photos, I glanced toward Penny occasionally, watching as her arousal slowly reached a new level. The direction of her gaze was enough to confirm that it was almost completely about the authority I was reflecting on rather than the increasingly revealing poses Laura displayed. 

It was interesting. Penny was certainly not a bi, but her obedience was intense enough to allow her to treat the other ladies in the room passionately as long as it made me happy. 

Unlike Nancy, who was certainly more enthusiastic about the flavor of the female touch, making her an even better candidate to test Laura properly. 

However, Nancy was still sleeping after her exhausting ordeal — both the convention which was important enough to determine the fate of her book, which she worked on for years, and the carnal activities both preceded and followed the convention — leaving Penny as the only option. 

Not that she seemed particularly broken about that case, I noted as I looked at Penny, just one gesture enough for her to understand my order, and she started walking toward Laura in beautiful, sauntering steps. 

Her sexy obedience was always enough to put a smile on my face even if her lingering steps and the exaggerated swing of her hips didn’t loosen her robe even further, giving an enhanced view of her beautiful bosom. 

I had seen her naked many times, but that didn’t mean I stopped enjoying it. After all, sunsets didn’t lose their magnificence just because of repetition. 

Penny stood behind Laura, almost hovering above her, though it was more about the posture rather than height difference, as while Penny had three inches over Laura, Laura’s heels were tall enough to compensate for that difference. 

My initial plan was to give a couple orders to Penny, but seeing her stance, begging for an excuse to make Laura payback for her early morning interruption, I decided to give her a chance. 

“Penny, why don’t you take control as the more experienced model and show her the ropes,” I said as I looked at her, throwing a wink at her. 

Penny just nodded, her expression shy, but that expression was quick to disappear as she turned her gaze to Laura, her smirk wide. “Let’s see you’re as good as you think you are,” she whispered as she put her hands on Laura’s waist. “Let’s start with a sexy pose,” she added as she leaned forward, stopping just before their lips touched. 

I pressed the camera rapidly, focused on catching Laura’s beautiful expression, an abject shock overwhelming her earlier determination, the intervention enough to shake her. 

So much that, she missed where Penny’s hands were currently busy, only noticing after Penny managed to open three of her blouse buttons, turning her revealing cleavage into an erotic display,  especially since she only had a lacy, transparent bra underneath, one that barely covered her nipples. 

And, considering their transparent nature, that coverage didn’t exactly help the nature of the photo, qualifying the photo into the erotic territory. 

Laura whimpered in shock as Penny put her hands on her waist, signaling that things were getting heated. 

However, before she could push for more, a shocked gasp came from the bedroom. “Impossible,” Nancy shouted, suggesting that she had decided to check her sales numbers. A more inexperienced man might have cursed the sudden twist ruining the mood. 

Me, I decided to push the opportunity to the next level. 

“Penny. I need to check with Nancy. Why don’t you help Laura pick a swimsuit for the next stage of the set, the room comes with a good selection,” I said, enjoying Laura’s shock. 

Though, whether it was about the reminder that Penny wasn’t the only model currently in the penthouse, or the sudden realization that she had to undress together with the handsy blonde, that was to be seen. 

A mystery for later, I decided as I walked toward the bedroom, leaving them behind for their mischievous adventure.


Pedro Sousa

I’m missing Nicole already. 😞