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I resisted the call of a climax while Cinder was busy handling her latest one, using the precious few seconds I earned to think freely while.

It was the best way to use the opportunity created by the invasion of pleasure. 

The first target of my attention was, naturally, the nature of the chaotic transformation my magic was going through at the moment, triggered by her even more intense one. 

A process as mysterious as it was intense.  

I closed my eyes, turning my attention to the way my magic continued to flow chaotically inside me, trying to make a sense of the chaos cycling inside me. 

The control I could exert over my magic was still funky, but luckily, observing my internal flow didn’t take too much control, giving me enough accuracy to come to a conclusive decision about the harm of the process. 

Even luckier, it actually confirmed my earlier assumption about the process not being harmful. 

On the contrary, I could feel my magical reserves getting warm, while the potency of my magic increased along. 

The change itself was not monumental, less than a percent if measured. 

But, considering I had long pushed it to human limits — at least without risking constant madness and a plethora of other unpleasant side effects — through to a unique and carefully experimented combination of rituals, training, and magical remedies, the fact that my reserves had any potential to improve was surprising. 

Enough to be classified as miraculous. 

Just to make things even better, I could feel that it was just a start. My reserves continued to get warmer and warmer. 

“Let’s move things to the next stage,” I said as I stood up, my hand on her hips to prevent her from standing up, not wanting to take the risk of sliding out. I had no idea whether pulling out would stop the process or cause harm, but I certainly didn’t want to take the risk while it was actually achieving the impossible. 

Cinder seemed to understand what had been going on, so expecting a warning from her if that had been the level of danger I would have faced was reasonable. 

Or more accurately, it would have been reasonable if she was able to do anything but utter the word impossible again and again while continuing to tremble ceaselessly under the effects of her latest climax.

I decided to play it safe, and walked while keeping her firmly on my lap. 

Since I was yet to cum, I was rock hard, each step pushed my shaft deeper into her, extending the duration of her beautiful rambling even more. Her attitude changed when she felt the firm presence of the wall behind her, her body pinned. 

“I hope you’re ready for the next part,” I said, warning her for a fleeting moment before I burst into action, my hips rocking mercilessly. 

She said no word of protest as I danced inside her, just moaned without the slightest pause. Meanwhile, as our position was firm enough to ensure there would be no undue disaster, I left my hands free to explore her flawless body once more. 

That didn’t elicit any response from her either, giving me free rein over her beautiful body. Yet, it was not a move I did for pleasure. 

Well, to be perfectly honest, not just for pleasure. 

I used my touch to spread my mana all along her body, using my recovering control to cast several spells including but not limited to tantric, arcane, and healing, trying to get a more accurate understanding of what was going on. 

Yet, as I started receiving the results of my spells, a frown appeared on my face.

Making me frown was a significant achievement, considering the extent of pleasure I was receiving from the way she tightened around me. 

I frowned, because what I was receiving from my spells was conflicting, almost to the point of treating as paradoxical. Some of the spells I cast showed her magic was finally getting free after years of oppression —  for lack of a better word — while other spells gave the impression that her magic was coiling around itself, as if it was getting locked up. 

Yet, regardless of the other results, each spell gave one important result. 

Her magic was getting stronger. 

And it was not just a potential, but the intensity of flow, gaining a fiery passion that it lacked earlier. 

It didn’t take long for me to realize that fiery nature transformation wasn’t limited to her magic. With her strength booming, certain parts of her body started to catch fire — which was not as scary as it sounded, considering her hair and wings were already on fire. 

From a carnal perspective, I was certainly not complaining, because the flames didn’t change the figure underneath. They only added a certain exotic layer to her beauty, one that I enjoyed immensely. 

My hips worked with the steadiness of a machine as I pushed deeper and deeper inside her, while my mind worked even harder as I tried to make sense of what I had been feeling. 

As I pushed more, the process of her magic got even quicker, leaving any question I had about whether what was happening was intrinsically linked to the way our bodies linked together, or it was just a coincidence. 

No, it was reacting to the way our bodies rubbed against each other as I explored her depths. 

Yet, it was not a sexual spell, nor some kind of trap or ritual linked to her virginity. That was certain as well. Because if that had been the case, my tantric diagnostic spells would have given much more interesting results. 

My best guess, it was a weird combination of the mental impact of our shared moment, as well as the positioning of our bodies. 

I turned my analysis inward, examining the more obvious nature of those changes, particularly the way it was interacting with my reserves. 

Unlike the conflicting results I had been receiving from the way her mana was transforming, the situation of my reserves was rather more straightforward, with only two changes. The steady growth of my reserves… 

And a spark of flame energy, slowly growing in the center of my reserves, driving that transformation. I touched that with my mana, only for the flames cover the upper half of Cinders’ body, showing it was intensely connected to her. 

This time, the flare was actually accompanied by a wave of heat, enough to actually darken the stone walls she was currently pressing against — which was a significant achievement considering the magical enchantments that were woven into the stones to protect them from this exact situation.

A reasonable precaution for a phoenix.  

Yet, the way the stone darkened — and some of the nearer furniture smoking — was the only reason I knew her transformation brought such an impact. Because, even as our bodies pressed together, her flames constantly licking my body, I couldn’t feel any heat. 

Curious, I turned my attention to the silver chain on her neck, expecting it to melt despite its magical resistance — it was certainly much more magical than her walls, but its delicate nature also left it weaker for such a phenomenon — only to find it still strong despite the heat it was absorbing. 

No, I thought after a few seconds. It wasn’t just as strong, but it was actually getting stronger as the heat flew through its shiny surface. As I watched, I could see its pristine silver surface starting to get broken by the red lines appearing in a chaotic pattern, reminding me of the flames on her wings. 

Her response to the process was rather simpler. “Impossible,” she muttered again and again, though, with each repeat, I could feel the pure shock she felt initially slowly getting diluted by each aggressive pump she received. 

Though, the intensity of joy I started to feel as she was able to process the situation was an indicator that what was happening was a good development for her. 

“You don’t want me to stop, do you?” I asked as I pressed my body even tighter against hers, pinning her against the wall despite her wings slowly melting the stone. 

The question finally managed to break her constant string of mutterings. “No, don’t stop!” she shouted loudly, the urgency in her tone unmistakable as I slammed inside her again and again, and clearly not just about the great pleasure that was building inside her. 

No, the desperate need in her tone was much higher, the kind I had only seen when I destroyed the plans of my enemies that took decades to set up, or helped my allies to achieve their life goals. 

Whatever was happening to Cinder, it was not a small matter, or an unknown issue, but something that plagued her for a long while. 

And, even if, by any chance, I might mistake the nature of her voice, the way her legs wrapped around my waist, making an escape impossible, given the message with perfect clarity. 

I continued ramming inside her even as I examined the way the flames danced along her skin, not just limited to her torso but also spreading down to her legs. 

Interestingly, at no point, did the flames cover all of her body. Instead, it covered roughly half of her body at any point, just dancing along. 

As we continued, the heat wave got more and more intense. Some of the furniture actually lost its protective magic and caught fire, but interestingly, I didn’t feel the heat from them as well. 

It seemed that my newly acquired fire resistance was more complete than I first thought. 

But, the exact nature of that could be analyzed further. I cast a spell — as I had finally recovered the control of my magic — but rather than extinguishing the flames, I just caused a simple one to prevent any annoying smoke and other side effects. 

Fucking a sexy phoenix in an endless fire was simply too tempting. 

She had no complaints about the fire even though it destroyed her priceless furniture, even the simplest piece worthy of being sold in an auction in the capital, too far caught in her world to care. 

Though, considering the number of magical constructs she had brought along with her for an expedition, maybe they were not as priceless from her perspective. After all, wealth and power meant different things for different people. 

Or phoenixes, for that matter. 

But that was just a little mental trip as I continued to pump into her while her legs stayed tight around me, each moment pushing her pleasure toward that fateful high mountain. 

“Are you ready to take my load?” I whispered into her ear, both the question and my tone leaving no doubt about the nature of my interrogation. She had no choice about the situation. 

Yet, her answer still managed to surprise me. “Yes,” she moaned, her legs getting as tight as the chains that still restricted her beautiful body. Interestingly, even before I cum, I noticed another change in the flames that covered her body. 

The area they covered finally started growing once more, a process that got only faster when my shaft finally twitched, exploding inside her, growing more and more as my shaft twitched. When another twitch finally delivered the last drop, the flames finally covered her body completely, turning her look into a spectacular beauty. 

It was finally time to question her, I thought even as she put her head on my shoulder gently, trying to catch her breath… 

Or was it?


Pedro Sousa

Nice, finally a power up. I wonder if Byron appearence also changed with this transformation, like becoming more handsome and taller. Looking forward to more.