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The combination of the amazing view of her eyes, filled with metaphorical fires of arousal, and her wings, colored with the literal fires of desire, was enough to force me to make a decision that had a high likelihood of being a mistake. 

Yet, sometimes, it was fun to make mistakes. Especially the kind that I was about to make, I decided as I put my hand on the side of her panties, infusing the silver fabric with my mana, stealing her control, with no attempt to even conceal the attempt.

“Feel free to tell me if you’re too weak to handle the next stage,” I declared recklessly, the unkind warning the only compromise I gave to her before I triggered the transformation of her dress — well, panties — into thin yet effective chains, immediately wrapping around her arms and legs, the strength of the magical silver enough to completely remove her ability to retaliate physically. 

That didn’t mean she was helpless, of course. She still had her magic, and I could hardly block without actually triggering a spectacular battle. Luckily, that was not the only way to pacify an arrogant beauty. “We can stop whenever you want, just tell me if you can’t handle it and want to surrender,” I added, reinforcing the earlier declaration. 

Her lips stayed firmly shut, her pride a stronger prison of the recently formed magical chains. 

Unfortunately for her, while her pride was strong, it was not a defense against her raging arousal, one that reflected in her beautifully parted lips, hardened nipples, and wet core, begging for my touch. When my hand lashed against her breast, the spank exploding even harder on her skin, the gasp she let out was simply wondrous. 

When I next gazed at her, I found her eyes closed, making me wonder whether she wanted to avoid my gaze or she wanted to process her sexy helplessness and vulnerability, completely under my carnal mercy. 

My fingers, gently brushing against her stomach before continuing to go down, managed to receive the answer for that. She shivered helplessly under my fingertips, smart enough to realize the destination of my fingers. 

A destination that was without protection for the first time. 

I felt her tremble more and more as my fingers got closer to her core, one that was followed by a beautiful moan as my fingers circled around her clit, earning a beautiful moan in the process, her pulse getting faster and faster as the flames of her wings intensified. 

Her intense reaction confirmed her lack of experience when it came to touching. She was clearly passionate enough to tease men with her clothing — her silver dress, even in her initial form, was hardly a modest homewear, and the fact that she put that dress on after I had triggered the silent alarm left no doubt about her intention — as it was hardly something that one might wear while working alone. 

I also had no doubt that, even as she made her choice, she had no idea where I wanted to drive things. Even at the moment, she was too preoccupied with the pleasure think about what might follow.

It was time to teach her about the perils of teasing. 

My fingers circled around her clit slowly while her back arched, displaying her amazing breasts even more prominently. Her eyes flickered open for a second, giving me a taste of embarrassment and arousal hidden underneath before the former proved stronger and they firmly shut once more. 

Not that I needed to see her beautiful eyes to know about her growing arousal. Her growing wetness under my finger was more than enough as an answer. 

For a while, she stayed silent — if one discounted her barely suppressed moans, ones that were slowly getting stronger with each repeat — until her strange reverie was broken by a finger finally slipping into her core. 

“T-that’s too much—“ she started, only to die halfway as I added two more fingers before repeating the earlier impaling motion, replacing her words with a beautiful moan, strong enough to completely bypass her attempts to stay silent. 

“Oh, don’t tell me the great phoenix is too weak to handle a few measly fingers,” I said mockingly as I flared my mana, tightening the grip of the ropes around her limbs, adding a strained quality to her cry. 

I expected that to trigger her pride, so I was surprised when, instead of her responding to the challenge, her moan just intensified, showing that she was busy enjoying the moment.

“How beautiful,” I murmured, unable to prevent the pleasant surprise from infecting my tone as I let my fingers free to tease her core, rocking back and forth aggressively, each second further enhancing her explosive pleasure. Luckily, the intensity of her flames was an excellent way to display her current level of arousal, making my decision even easier. 

 I guided my fingers deeper inside her, enjoying the benefits of the extended foreplay session, one that worked even better than even my wildest, most optimistic expectations while the room got brighter and brighter thanks to the flames of her wings. 

Tempting me to take the next step far sooner than I was planning. I waved my hand, controlling the chains until she was kneeling in front of me, while simultaneously pulling down my pants, revealing my shaft. 

The shock in her eyes as they locked on my shaft was enough to confirm that it was the first one she had ever seen, at least from such a close distance. Her mouth fell open in shock. 

And, never one to miss such an opportunity, I slid forward, invading her beautiful mouth. 

The shock in her gaze was beautiful, though not as beautiful as the follow-up as I grabbed her flaming hair, the flickers of fire tickling my palms — without burning — while I invaded her throat, not giving her any quarter. 

The dazed shock in her beautiful amber eyes as she knelt in front of me was beautiful, like she was having trouble believing that she was not dreaming. Yet, she was yet to rely on her magic to stop me, meaning that she either didn’t want to stop.

Or, surrendering to my power over her subconsciously, defeated by the unfamiliar nature of her carnal adventure. 

Either way, I was not a man that would take pity on her sudden demureness. I grabbed her head with both hands, no matter how tempting it was to continue caressing her naked body. Yet, stabilizing her head as I recklessly invaded her throat had higher priority, leveraging her momentary indecision to the limit, trying to turn it into an irreversible situation. 

She tilted her head back to accommodate the invasion, though other than shock, she wasn’t showing many signs of physical discomfort. Her physical abilities were as phenomenal as her magical powers. 

I decided to add another layer to our little fun. With a flick of my foot, my boot went flying, leaving my foot naked, and I started rubbing against her core, making her mewl in intensifying pleasure. Her sense of control, already compromised, started to fray even more. 

She let out a loud moan, one intense enough to overcome the suppression effect of her full mouth and echo against the walls. Yet, her own shock at the loudness of her moan was even more beautiful than the moan itself. 

Though, her voice earned that rank back when her body arched back abruptly, with little warning, helpless moans escaping her mouth as she trembled helplessly, turning into delicious moans as an amazing orgasm hit her. 

I pulled back, watching her in utter amazement, shocked by the intensity of her orgasm, almost enough to bring her down. “Wow,” I murmured in fascination even as I waved my hand, directing my mana to flow through the silver chains, creating a beautiful collar to drag her along. 

I walked toward the nearest chair, dragging her along. A ridiculously aggressive decision, risking a deadly battle that would force me to escape helplessly if she realized the indignity she was suffering. 

Luckily, her mind was too addled with pleasure to process the exact details of the situation, allowing me to walk while dragging her along. 

 And, it was hard to say that no matter how great the risk, it was unjustified. She was a beautiful woman, one that displayed an amazing potential, and the sight of her on all fours, her wings going between flickering exhaustedly and burning brightly as she followed me obediently was certainly worth the risk I was taking. 

At least, it seemed to be the case at the moment, though I had to admit, that priority might have been affected by the desperate throbbing of my shaft, begging for me to lash out and resolve its great struggle. 

Then, as I took a seat on her fancy chair, turning my gaze to examine her beauty, I realized one thing. 

I was yet to learn her name. “So, sweetie,” I said as I used my empty hand to caress her chin, the other still tugging her chain, enjoying her dazed state as much as possible. “We somehow managed to miss one important detail. You still hadn’t shared your beautiful name with me.” 

“I-it’s not important,” she answered rapidly, suddenly feeling ashamed and self-conscious at the question, which was a great achievement considering her current state. 

Under different circumstances, I wouldn’t have dared to push her for the question, but her current state was in an excellent mood. 

“I expect a prompt answer when I ask a question,” I reminded her as I tugged her chain, just enough to send a jolt of pain. 

“Ci—“ she started reluctantly, only to be interrupted halfway. I turned my gaze to her, once again sharp, forcing the answer out. “Cinder,” she whispered, the shame radiating her tone even as her wings lost their brightness more, confirming that she didn’t miss the irony of her name, an irony that was clearly intentional. 

Maybe I should explore its origins more. Or maybe not?


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