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Playing with Natalie and Jenny was fun, but considering signs of exhaustion already showing on Natalie’s beautiful face, no doubt the effects of a sleepless night where she imagined what I was doing with her girlfriend. 

And I doubted the lengthy flight helped. 

A lengthy flight on economy-class, as, after all, I was aware of her financial status, and while she was making much more thanks to my help, her spending habits had jumped up in a similar manner — and it wasn’t helped when Jenny stopped working due to her pregnancy. And the company certainly didn’t allow business class for company events, even for the directors. 

I wouldn’t have rejected to help at this point if she asked, of course, but Natalie still had her pride — however damaged and bruised — which prevented her from probing for direct financial assistance. 

I didn’t push her about that, not when I could wait until a critical moment to help.  

There was a reason for that choice. Even now, Natalie was not the kind of person that would appreciate kindness, and would only take it as a sign of weakness. If I started helping them without a great need, Natalie would catch the opportunity to push for it. 

However, as I arrived at one of the breakfast restaurants, I stopped thinking about Natalie, a more important topic stealing priority. 

Brenda and Umi, sitting at the same table. 

Of course, they were not alone, as Umi’s fiancee — whose name I failed to remember — was on the table, and just to make things more fun, he was having trouble keeping his gaze away from Brenda’s cleavage. 

In his defense, Brenda’s cleavage was hard to ignore as she was only wearing her bikini — red and black to highlight her beauty, and just as revealing as one would expect from Brenda. She had a beach dress on, but it was a transparent one, which only worked to add a beautiful sense of mystery to her amazing cleavage.

Umi’s stormy expression suggested that she didn’t consider Brenda’s dress a good excuse for her fiancee to turn to her cleavage every couple of seconds — probably still under the impression that he managed to hide his occasional gazes. 

Brenda was smiling subtly whenever Umi shuffled in her seat in discomfort, enjoying her power.  

That hardly surprised me, as Brenda was even worse than Natalie when it came to enjoying others’ misfortune, though with a correspondingly weaker will and a penchant for luxuries that made it much easier to manage her with a stiff hand.

And, the way Umi dressed made it much easier for Brenda to achieve her mission. Thanks to our recent adventure, I was very much acquainted with Umi’s body, enough to know that she had the assets to compete with Brenda. Not in every aspect, but each woman had their unique advantages. 

Unfortunately, at the moment, Umi just faded against Brenda. 

It was not shocking, as Brenda was dressed to maximize the impact of her amazing curves and smooth skin, but Umi failed on that aspect. Not only she was wearing a one-piece, but she was also wearing one that would be classified as boring even among them, more appropriate to be worn by a grandmother to hide her faults. 

And not by an exotic beauty like Umi, with a flawless body and curves to die for. 

What a pity, I thought as I watched her fiancee pay more attention to Brenda than the shy beauty. 

I decided to join them. Just to make sure my dear employees were having a nice event, of course, nothing else. 

That was what I needed to do as a good boss!

“Good morning,” I said as I walked to the table, and sat next to Brenda without even bothering to ask for permission. After all, there were perks to being a boss, and I was just thick-skinned enough to leverage that. 

“G-good morning, boss,” Umi’s fiancee said as he noticed my presence, even reflexively making a motion to stand up before he caught himself. 

“Hello, sir,” Brenda said as she changed her posture, in a way a less attentive observer might have assumed out of respect, but it would mean that that observer missed the way she had pushed her chest out to maximize the impact of her cleavage. 

While Brenda was doing her best to give me an attractive glimpse of her peaks, Umi was busy blushing, no doubt remembering the spectacular events of the night before, the impact even stronger since she was sitting next to the clueless guy. 

Who had sent her to entertain me in the first place, wildly underestimating the lengths I would go. 

Her fiancee proved that he lacked the sensitivity to catch the exact nature of her blush, and poked her side. “Why don’t you greet my boss, I need to impress him to get my promotion,” he whispered, probably assuming he couldn’t be heard.

He wasn’t loud enough to be heard, of course, but that didn’t prevent me from reading his lips. I wasn’t an expert, but I could easily read such a simple statement. 

“Charlie,” Umi gasped in response, trying to convey her unwillingness while reminding me of his name as an added benefit. Yet, she only received another poke in response, his expression impatient. 

That impatient yet dismissive expression alone was enough to tell me that Umi didn’t share even a hint about what truly happened during that night with him. Umi looked at him angrily, blaming him for trying to push her. 

It was delicious anger, the kind that I could never trigger on my own. After the last night’s adventure, Umi was already feeling self-conscious about her guilt, and was clearly looking for an outlet that would help her lessen that sensation. 

Tiffany was not a good target, as while she pushed Umi more, she was also in the same boat with her. More accurately, she managed to sell that impression, positioning herself as the tragic loyal wife working for her husband’s benefit by keeping the old, lecherous boss happy. 

Normally, as the old, lecherous boss in question, I would have been an excellent target for the frustration and guilt Umi was struggling with after the spectacular hot tub fun, but before that could come to hold, a little snag appeared. 

Charlie seemed determined to be the target of her frustrations. 

And since he wanted to make such a beautiful sacrifice for me, I decided to help him a bit. While they were distracted by their short yet intense discussion, I leaned toward Brenda and whispered. “Keep him distracted, and you’ll win a shopping trip,” I whispered. 

The reward didn’t even make me blink. I had already promised a stopping trip to Tiffany, and bringing Brenda along would just make it more entertaining, maybe to the point of creating a fun adventure. 

Brenda’s smirk widened at my words, then she turned her attention to Charlie. 

Meanwhile, their little discussion came to an end with a frustrated Umi and a satisfied Charlie, giving me a clue about the victorious party. “How are you since the last night, sir?” Umi asked forcibly, unhappy with the little struggle. 

“A bit exhausted. I had stayed up for a long time after you left. But nothing a morning swim couldn’t fix,” I answered. Umi blushed deeply, astute enough to realize the reason for my late departure.  

Her blush was intense enough to tell a man even as obtuse as her fiancee that there was something wrong, but luckily, Brenda chose that moment to interject. “Oh, lucky,” she gasped. “I’m so jealous. I have always been a poor swimmer,” she said as she mimed. 

Which was not as innocent as words might imply, not with her amazing bosom and the tiny bikini she was wearing. 

She might be a lousy secretary, but she was an expert when it came to playing with men. 

Distracted by Brenda’s rippling bosom, Charlie failed to notice Umi’s growing blush. Charlie asked a question about swimming, Brenda responded as she leaned forward to enhance her cleavage even more. 

Distracted enough to miss the flinch of his fiancee when I raised my foot and caressed her inner thigh. Her eyes widened beautifully as she sent a panicked glare to Charlie… 

Only to see him peering deep into Brenda’s tits, almost hypnotized, as Brenda moved her shoulders repeatedly to show her swimming technique. 

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned was certainly an accurate statement, because Umi said nothing, just turned back to me, standing still as I caressed her inner thigh, next to her fiancee. 

Admittedly, it was nothing compared to the lengths we had gone the last night, but those had been only possible thanks to her submissive personality, lost in the haze of the moment, but it was different to see her primed by anger, enough to allow me play with her under the table while she glanced at the man that was enraptured by the show Brenda was providing. 

An excellent opportunity, one that I decided to leverage even more.  

“I have rented a small boat for a quick adventure before the event starts. Why don’t you come with me and I can teach you how to swim,” I said to Brenda, winking at her as I did so, amused by the disappointed expression Charlie wore. 

“I don’t know, Charlie seems more confident in his swimming skills. Maybe he should be the one that teaches me.” 

“That’s easy,” I said as I looked at Umi, who was looking at Charlie’s disappointed expression with great distaste — more than happy to ignore the fact that she was still receiving a subtle teasing under the table. “Why don’t you two join us as well.” 

“Sure,” Charlie jumped in at the offer, which was a mistake. Not the decision itself, as it was smart for him to get more ‘face time’ with his boss. 

His mistake was to stay stuck in Brenda’s amazing cleavage as he spoke, leaving no doubt about the source of his enthusiasm… 


Pedro Sousa

Thanks for the chapter.