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Naomi’s sudden freeze as I patted the seat next to me was beautiful, as if she just realized the implications of our deficient clothing, “Come on, the food is getting cold,” I said, which was enough to trigger her move. 

She tried to keep some distance in a vain effort to maintain a sense of propriety, but considering our current state of dress, it seemed to be in vain. 

And if that was her aim, putting her sweatpants on would have been a more reasonable strategy. Yet, she didn’t even suggest that, or tried to move away once I slid closer to her and closing the distance, limiting herself to a beautiful tremble. 

She was simply marvelous. 

“You certainly earned your slice,” I said as I grabbed one, and brought it to her face. 

“I can eat it myself.” 

“I know, but since I had eaten the previous one from your hand, it’s only fair,” I answered, bringing the slice even closer. Her shyness wasn’t enough to finally take the bite of the delicious yet unhealthy slice that cost her more than she expected. 

“Delicious,” she murmured after she swallowed it. 

“All the junk food is,” I answered. “Too bad we have to earn with extra training if we want to enjoy it.” 

“It’s the cost of living healthy,” she said before taking another bite. 

“You’re right,” I said even as I wrapped my free arm around her waist, pulling her closer. I had been using my left hand to feed her pizza on purpose despite her sitting on my right. It allowed me to hug her before she could realize it. I caressed her stomach gently while her chewing quickened, enjoying the silky feeling of her skin. “There are certainly some beautiful benefits to our obsessive training.” 

“R-right,” she managed to stammer before she took another bite, using chewing as an excuse not to answer. Pity that it only made my fingers more adventurous, gently caressing her smooth belly, enjoying the benefits of her robust exercise habits. 

“You don’t have to feel self-conscious, you know,” I whispered after she finished that bite. 

“What do you mean?” 

“I know you want to check my muscles as well,” I said as I grabbed her wrist and brought her hand to my chest. 

“I-it’s not necessary,” she stammered, but she also didn’t pull her hand away once I let her hand go, which proved her words lacked any intent. 

My hand returned to her waist, caressing her belly and sides while she took another bite. Before she could swallow it, her fingers started to move. Subtle, hard to notice at first, trailing my muscles like a thief afraid of being caught, but as my fingers started to get emboldened, tracing the edges of her panties before going back up, she followed suit. 

Feeling a movement on the edge of my view — thanks to my quarterback training, giving me an amazing peripheral awareness — and when I threw a glance, I noticed Sarah trying to get a glimpse from there using a small mirror she found in the bathroom. 

I threw her a smirk before turning my attention back to Nicole. If she wanted to spy on another friend, it was between them. 

I turned my attention back to Naomi, who was about to take the last bite from the slice, and let my fingers move higher, this time teasing the underside of her bra, the thin fabric not enough to insulate the heat of her skin, making her squirm. 

She chose to take the last bite rather than trying to extract herself from the situation, her fingers steadily caressing my muscles. She trailed my muscles softly as she moved lower and lower, making me smile with anticipation. 

“And that was the last bite,” she murmured, smiling, but when I met her gaze, she was quick to avoid mine, once again failed by her self-confidence. 

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” I said to her. 

“What?” she whispered, barely able to let out a word once challenged. 

“I helped you to clean your finger,” I said with a saucy smirk. “I was hoping that you would return the courtesy.” 

Her intense blush was very noticeable even with her complexion. I barely held back a chuckle as she hesitantly wrapped her lips around my pinky, licking softly. Then, she moved to the other fingers at a steady pace, making my smirk widen further. 

I let her finish attending to my second finger before I moved my fingers to my next objective, the clasp of her beautiful bra, but she noticed that only when I actually unhooked it. Her eyes widened in shock as she pulled back, but too late to prevent me from pulling it free, revealing her perfect breasts to my hungry gaze. 

“I realized I had made a big mistake,” I explained. “Since I’m wearing only one piece of clothing, it’s unfair for you to wear two pieces? Right?” 

“I don’t agree,” she managed to answer as she put one of her arms around her chest, though the movement was certainly slower than I expected, as if she was doing her best to give me a glimpse before cutting off the show. More importantly, she used only one, because the other was still busy caressing my torso steadily. “You’re a man, it’s not the same.” 

“It’s just equality, sweetie,” I said even as I slid even closer to her, making it impossible for her to sit without leaning against my body. Though, if her sudden shift to lean against me fully was any indicator, she didn’t have a big problem with the idea. 

“Nonsense,” she countered, her smile widening. “Both of them together don’t cover as much area as your boxers. I’m the one at a disadvantage in this deal.” 

“A good point,” I admitted, amused by the sudden expression of panic on her face, far bigger than earlier, when I pulled off her bra. She opened her mouth in a hurry, no doubt trying to dissuade me from my attempts to equalize things by letting her wear more. 

I said nothing, curious what she would say, only for her beautiful mouth to make no sound, her shyness preventing her from saying something so outward. I waited for a few seconds, curious whether she would say anything, but only defeated silence radiated off her, like a runner who slipped and fell just a second before breaking the world record. 

It was an expression that would have received my pity under any different circumstance, but here, I only chuckled. “It’s time to equalize things,” I said, and grabbed the edge of my boxers. I held there for a second, waiting for her sudden sadness to be replaced by shock before I pushed down, revealing my enthusiastic nakedness to her gaze. 

“I don’t think you can complain about it being unfair anymore, can you?” I asked. 

“No, I can’t,” she answered, surprisingly lacking even a hint of surprise as she looked down, enjoying the sight of my full mast. I said nothing for a moment, letting her enjoy the view. Though I certainly didn’t expect her wandering fingers to push the boundaries with each pass, getting closer and closer to the base. 

Pity, she lacked the daring to just grab it. 

I glanced at the bathroom door once more, only to see Sarah still watching from there, holding the mirror with her hand — through it was shaking rather suspiciously. 

"Well,” I murmured as I turned my attention back to Naomi, no matter how interesting the secret activities Sarah was conducting, tempting me to have another visit to the bathroom. “You can’t complain about it being unfair, but I certainly can,” I whispered. 

The expression that bloomed on her face, arousal and shock mixing with panic, was simply beautiful, especially when I tightened my hold over her waist and pulled her onto my lap without a warning. 

I especially enjoyed the way she trembled as her leg rubbed against my erection, her beautiful brown eyes widening beautifully. “I don’t know…” she whispered. 

“What do you not know?” I asked even as I brought my face closer to her, my breath caressing her earlobe. “You were the one who claimed that the situation was unfair, so I took the only step that was available for me to fix it. Unfortunately, it threw the balance the other way too much, so I’m seeking to solve the issue once and for all. Is it wrong?” 

“I don’t know,” she whispered, but considering she made no attempt to pull away from my lap, it was more than sufficient as an answer, though the confirmation from the way she wiggled as she tried to settle like she intended to stay for a long time certainly helped. 

Her numerous ‘accidental’ brushes to my shaft as she tried to settle didn’t hurt as well. 

“Don’t you?” I asked even as I hooked my fingers around her panties, which didn’t earn much of a protest as I started dragging them down, but not before leveraging the position to maul her beautiful ass for a fleeting second, giving her a taste of what was about to come as long as she stayed on course. 

She reacted, of course, but not in a way that could be construed as negative. One of her hands reached to my neck, using it as leverage as she raised her hips slightly, allowing me to slide off her panties without issue, though the moment they fell on the floor, she crossed her legs, giving me only a glimpse of her beautiful entrance. 

Yet, despite hiding her own treasure, her fingers wrapped around my girth, once again fueling the inequality of our situation. 

“Such a naughty girl,” I whispered, enjoying her promising shiver. 

It was going to be fun… 



"I threw her a smirk before turning my attention back to Nicole. If she wanted to spy on another friend, it was between them." I think it should be Naomi.