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I took a step back, enjoying the sight of the Queen, chained yet still sexy. The fact that it was the same chains she had used to disable me for months was just a bonus. For a while I did nothing but enjoy the flickers of emotions on her beautiful face, pushing to the surface no matter how much she tried to keep her expression calm and measured. 

It was hard for her to process the realization that the plots she had crafted carefully had been a part of her target from the start. That was not the truth in a technical sense, of course, but I had long since learned that truth was a soft, malleable idea, more than willing to show the designs of anyone that was careful enough to sculpt into easily-swallowed portions, though it was best delivered by the supporting facts. 

From her perspective, the fact that she had been played from the start was the truth, and nothing but the truth. 

Sapphire had no option but to believe my version of the events, because the sudden appearance of two mystical factions made it very plausible. It was still a bad plan, of course. If I had been trying to defend against them, I would have designed a plan that wouldn’t rely on the mercy of my enemies, but I had no reason to inform my cute Queen about that. 

My cute Queen, who was looking suspiciously blushed in the chains rather than feeling afraid. 

“Is this the fear I see on your beautiful face?” I asked as I took a step back, caressing her cheek gently, her lips parting readily as they dragged closer to her cheeks. 

“Maybe,” she readily admitted. 

I kept my gaze on her as I caressed her lips. “No,” I murmured. “I have seen this expression on your face before, and that time, you were certainly not scared. After all, you were just facing an upstart merchant, one that you could easily manipulate to spill information, with no ability to actually hurt the sole ruler of the Great Empire of Light. Am I wrong, Your Majesty?” 

“No,  you’re not wrong,” she answered, and to her credit, she managed to deliver it smoothly. No flickers, no hint of frustration, nothing. 

Too bad for her she was much less successful hiding the natural reaction of her body to the excitement. A glance to her bountiful chest was enough to confirm the state of her nipples, hard enough to push to her thick dress, shouting for attention. 

“Nice Queen,” I said even as I caressed her cheek once more, very gently. “And what do nice Queen’s get?” Her blank expression at my words was beautiful. I chuckled before answering my own question. “Nice Queens get rewarded.” 

“How—“ she started, only to receive a slap on her beautiful breasts, making them sway even in the dress. “This is not a reward,” she managed to say. 

Her answer was another smirk. “Oh, really,” I said even as I let my hand travel down, caressing her skin and enjoying her out-of-control heartbeat at the same time. It had two functions, one was to serve my carnal desires, and the other was to let her enjoy the unique sensation of being powerless, something she clearly appreciated if her beautiful breaths were any indicator. 

“R-really,” she said, but this time, her voice flickered. A benefit of my hand slipping into her beautiful cleavage, giving her a touch that reminded her of our other private dealings. 

“I see, then I shouldn’t treat you like that for being a good Queen,” I said as I pulled my hand back, which caused her expression to flicker into dissatisfaction. She was too prideful to admit she enjoyed that treatment — even after the number of times she had unabashedly enjoyed the treatment — choosing to forgo the pleasure. 

She was lucky that I was a nice man. 

Well, kind of nice. 


Okay, she was lucky that I was rather short on time, not to mention keeping her in the prison for several days would create too many problems for me to handle. And most importantly, she was lucky that, under our current circumstances, her preferences matched perfectly with my objectives and desires. 

“You’re right, and good Queens shouldn’t receive slaps to their beautiful tits as a reward,” I murmured, enjoying the feel of power her sudden disappointment brought. Another chuckle left my lips. “Unfortunately, you have just lied by claiming you didn’t enjoy it, making you a Bad, Bad Queen. And what do Bad Queens get?” 

“This time, her answer was instant. “Punishment,” she intoned, her voice filled with desire. 

“Excellent answer,” I said even as I ripped her dress in one move, letting it fall around her waist, leaving her beautiful breasts naked. She trembled in excitement, her nipples already rock hard, her breath pushing it up repeatedly. I couldn’t help but lick my lips in excitement. “Why are you cold?”  I asked. 

“It’s cold in here,” she answered quickly. 

“And whose fault is that?” I asked, which made her look at me proudly, showing that she was more than happy to cause me a great amount of discomfort in the process. Such a sassy Queen. “Still, I can’t let you suffer the same cold I had suffered. You’re lucky that I’m such a nice Dark Lord, doing my best to make prison comfortable to you.” 

Before she could answer, I grabbed her breasts, doing my best to protect their beauty from the ravages of the cold. Unfortunately, it was too cold for my hands to be effective, especially with the amazing size of her breasts. Luckily, the solution wasn’t too difficult, let my hands move over her beautiful breasts, distributing the heat in the process. 

“You’re still trembling, why?” I said, unable to keep myself from teasing her slowly as I enjoyed her chained beauty. I slapped her breast, which made her moan. “You should get used to answering immediately, Your Majesty,” I said even as I twirled her nipples, making her moan beautifully in the process. 

“I will,” she said. 

“Excellent,” I said, my hands continuing with their rough treatment. “After all, it’s in our best interest if this doesn’t last long. You should know that I’m an honest, celibate man, and as a Queen, I can’t imagine you enjoying showing off your body,” I said, unable to make a dig at her part-time job as an exotic dancer. “I can’t imagine you enjoying teasing a room full of horny men, showing off your beautiful body that earned my loyalty than your policies to a room full of horny nobles just because you enjoy it.” 

Of course, she hadn’t been showing off just because she enjoyed it, but also it gave her an excellent opportunity to improve her magical power through the application of some spells that had been made illegal by her own Empire. Still, I avoided that mention, because I wanted her to believe I had missed that particular application of her Tantric abilities. 

Ironically, her thinking that she had a hidden weapon would only make her easier to control. And if she decided to lash out one day, I would much prefer her using a weapon I knew, rather than her trying to find a new one in the dark. 

“Yes, I enjoy it,” she admitted, which was, ironically, also the truth. Not the full truth, but a truth nonetheless. Just because she was using it for an aim didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy the power she had over those very important men. 

“Too bad that it’s going to stop,” I said even as I twisted her nipples once more. “After all, I’m a jealous man, and I don’t like my woman leered by a bunch of useless men, especially those so-called nobles that had power only because of a fluke of birth.” 

“I’m not your woman,” she answered defiantly, which earned another slap to her beautiful breasts, this time hard enough to echo on the walls. She didn’t seem to mind it much, however, if the sudden blooming pleasure covering her face was any indicator. 

She was enjoying her new status more than I expected, not that it was a problem in any case. Dominating the Queen that ruled the strongest Empire was good. 

Dominating the Submissive Queen of the Empire was much better, even though that submissiveness was buried deep, waiting for a true man to unearth it. 

“You’re not?” I asked, displaying a comical expression of surprise even as my hands danced over her body. “So, that means that you’re hating every single thing that I had been doing  since the beginning, right?” 

“Of course,” she answered, her breathing quickening in excitement as she didn’t even bother hiding her anticipation. 

“So, you must be completely dry,” I said as one of my hands traveled down, caressing her stomach softly until it slipped under her dress, arriving at a familiar, yet still a wondrously beautiful location. I felt my fingers drench in her wetness, which was enough to show her great pleasure even if her moans had failed to clue me on that. 

“Yes, you’re completely dry,” I said even as I pulled my hand out, showing my glistening fingers to her. “Clearly, stopping is the only fair thing to do.” And with that, a click echoed on the room, identical to the sound of chains opening. 

“No,” she gasped in panic as she turned to look at her chains, showing her lack of enthusiasm for the treatment to be over. 

“I told you, I’m a very nice Dark Lord,” I said as I chuckled, because the sound she heard was the result of a small noise cantrip, and the chains were still around her beautiful wrists, keeping her immobile. Then, that chuckle turned into a dark, enthusiastic smirk, one that made her gasp in arousal. 

“It’s time for some real fun…”


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