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Pity that the forced pause worked too well to remind Naomi just how the situation escalated, making her pull back once again, this time dragging Carrie away with her. I was tempted to complain to Carrie — to tempt her for another visit rather than genuine annoyance, as our morning affairs were more than enough to compensate for the spectacular failure. 

Still, even as she was being dragged away by Naomi, I had a smile on my face, because, while Naomi was paying for her purchases, Carrie managed to whisper a promise, that she would compensate my efforts tomorrow.

So, when I returned home, my plan was simple. Make a protein shake, kick back, and maybe even watch something other than game tapes before resting early. I even went far enough to order a small pizza as a cheat. 

Not the most exciting plan for a Saturday evening, but considering the morning I had, it wasn’t exactly a huge sacrifice.

I was halfway into the movie when the doorbell rang, and when I walked there, I expected to meet with the delivery guy. So, instead, I met with Sarah, I felt surprised.

“May I come in?” Sarah said, yet walked in before even waiting for my answer. I let that slide, as considering everything she had done under my roof, she certainly earned the privilege to act rude. 

But not without being mocked. “Of course you can, make yourself at home.” 

Her angry gaze suggested that she didn’t appreciate my — admittedly weak — attempt of humor. Instead of saying anything, however, she grabbed the remote and shut off the TV before sitting down. 

I had to admit, I was feeling curious, especially when combined with her clothing. She was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, both excessively large for her size, suggesting that she hadn’t picked them up just for comfort, but it was a deliberate attempt to look unattractive. 

What was interesting, however, was the soft line of her panties that appeared momentarily as she sat down. It was barely noticeable, but I was a quarterback, and it was my job to see such small details. 

And I was able to catch two very interesting details. Her panties were too small to be as boring as the rest of her clothing, and there was a distinct pattern on them, suggesting a lacy nature. 

An interesting contrast with the rest of her clothing, making me very curious about what she wanted to talk about. 

“So, what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked, a smirk on my lips. “Since you came here and interrupted my fun, would it be too wild to assume you want to replace the entertainment?” 

“You wish,” she retorted, trying to sound angry. Unfortunately, the slight blush in her face worked wonders to destroy the intimidation value of her tone. She did her best to look intimidating, but after the night — and the morning — we had spent together, it was a difficult mood to achieve, and the brief competitive session where she had tried to match Carrie through naked selfies hardly helped. 

“Oh, I certainly do,” I answered as I sat next to her, close enough to be inappropriate if that word had any meaning between us at this point. 

“Jerk,” she murmured, her gaze dipping down momentarily. Then, she raised her gaze, doing her best to sound serious. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night. That was an accident, we can never do it again.” 

“I see,” I murmured. “What about the stuff in the morning. Is that still viable?” 

“O-of course not,” she managed to answer, but she was clearly shocked at my light reaction. “It was a moment of weakness, and we can never repeat that again. I don’t want to make Carrie sad.” 

“Oh, I remember, you made your distaste in your messages very clear,” I said, acting as I had just remembered it. “Wait…” 

“Shut up,” she growled, but that didn’t prevent her blush from spreading further, invading her beautiful, alabaster neck. Honestly, at this point, I would have been tempted to just agree and let her leave, as pushing aggressively after a mistake borne of passion was bad manners. 

However, the flood of her beautiful selfies, each more revealing than the last as she somehow tried to win against her best friend, complicated the situation. It was clearly not something that happened at the heat of the moment, but a deliberate choice. 

So, I decided to push her forward. “Okay, I’ll shut up, after one question,” I said with a shrug. “What kind of panties you are wearing under those sweatpants? Boring granny-style, or something sexy?” 

“A … a boring one, of course,” she answered rapidly, her beautiful blush getting bigger. “How can you ask such a shameless question?” 

I just smirked at her as I decided to ignore her second question for her sake. “Simple. It’s a bit weird that you decided to drop by my house in the middle of the night to have that talk, instead of waiting until Monday, or inviting me to a neutral space like a coffee shop. If you had sexy underwear underneath, I would be convinced that all of this would be a weird attempt to seduce me for a repeat. But since you’re not wearing anything sexy underneath, it’s clear that I’m misreading the situation.” 

“R-right, I just want to talk,” she muttered. “We can’t do it again. We just can’t!” 

“Sure, if that’s what you wish,” I said. 

Her reaction was interesting. “What? Just like that?” 

“Well, yes,” I said, doing my best to look confused even though I had understood the reason for her anger very much. It was an amusing reaction that I had seen in many girls. They loved to declare that the relationship was dead, and we needed to break up, but the moment their partner agreed with their suggestion without begging for a second chance, they got angry. 

Of course, the thing between me and Sarah couldn’t be really defined as a relationship unless we used a very liberal definition of the word, but that didn’t change the emotion behind it. 

Girls usually didn’t like the idea that they might be disposable. 

I waited for her anger to grow for a moment before I spoke again. “Well, with one caveat, of course,” I added. 

“What?” Sarah asked, still angry. 

“I need to check your underwear, to see whether you told me the truth, of course,” I said, like what I was talking about was completely natural. 

I couldn’t claim that I didn’t deserve her reaction, as my request was kind of ridiculous. “That’s unacceptable,” she gasped as she stood up, only for my hand to land around her wrist, preventing her from moving away.

“Why?” I said even as I pulled her on my lap. “Don’t tell me that after everything you had shown for me, you’re afraid of showing me your ugly panties.” 

“T-that’s right,” she said. “They are too ugly.”  

"Oh, sweetie,” I said even as I caressed her cheek. “Nothing you wear can be too ugly on your beautiful body.” 

The unexpected compliment stole the winds from her sails, an opportunity I used perfectly to pull her on my lap again. “I still won’t reveal it,” she murmured. 

“Whatever you wish, sweetheart. But if you don’t reveal it, I won’t believe you. Is this what you want?” I asked. 

She said nothing, nor did I expect her to say anything. She had found herself locked in a trap. 

Although, considering her actions earlier today, both at the breakfast and with the pictures, I doubted it was a trap she wanted to avoid in the first place. 

She just needed some encouragement. 

I said nothing as I put my hands on the small of her back, slowly trailing up and down, my touch soft. But her blush rose quickly, showing that despite the lightness, my touch had the intended effect. Still, she said nothing as I caressed her just over her shirt, giving her a layer of protection. 

Her eyes widened when I slipped my hands under her loose shirt, however. “Hey—“ she gasped, only to be interrupted by a searing kiss of mine. My tongue slipped inside her immediately.

She didn’t react first, and even when her resistance arrived, it came in the form of a counter-attack from her tongue. On the surface, she was trying to push me out of her mouth, but her hands, landing on my neck, told me a different story. 

A minute into the kiss, she let out no protest as I pulled her shirt off, returning to the kiss the moment her shirt was thrown to the side. I was curious what kind of bra I would find underneath, though I expected something black and lacy, presenting her tits perfectly while barely covering her nipples. 

It was the exact thing a girl like Sarah, who thought herself to be edgy and harsh would pick to be sexy. 

Unfortunately, I failed my mental challenge spectacularly, because it wasn’t the type of bra she was wearing. Though, it turned out that, guessing her bra type had been an impossible challenge in the first place. 

Because, she wasn’t wearing one. 

“I see where your confidence was coming from,” I said as I grabbed her breasts gently and started mauling, making her let out a beautiful mewling sound. “If you don’t wear any underwear, you win on a technicality, right?” 

Of course, that was not entirely accurate based on the way I had created the challenge, nor it was the outcome I expected considering I had already seen the lines of her sexy panties, but still dazed after our beautiful kiss, Sarah wasn’t in a mood to confront me about such semantic inaccuracies.

Not when her attention was stolen by my fingers twisting and twirling her beautiful nipples, making her moan beautifully. “Should we check and measure your confidence,” I whispered. “Or would you like me to take your word on face value, and never bother you again?” 

Her expression of confusion was beautiful, the pleasure ready to trigger everything. 

Then, the doorbell rang again. “It must be the pizza,” I said. 

 “Why don’t you answer the door while I visit the bathroom?” she said rapidly as she jumped up to her feet and dashed toward the downstairs bathroom, not even bothering to pick her shirt as she run... 

Creating a beautiful sight with her naked top, I decided as I stood up, cursing the pizza to arrive with such bad timing, only to swallow those thoughts when I opened the door. 

And met with Naomi.


Pedro Sousa

Well shit, now things got interesting. I hope next week it is more of this, cause this is one hell of a cliffhanger.