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Please choose the stories that you want me publish the next month.



Is divine celebrity gonna get 3 upploads a week or whats your decision on that pole?


For the moment, what I was essentially asking is that how I should allocate my excess time if I have any. For example, I only had the chance to write one extra chapter, so there's one Divine Celebrity chapter. If I had the time two write extra 2-3, there'll be extra 2-3 chapter, though, if I'm feeling particularly stuck on Gamer Adventure, I'll likely allocate its slots to the Divine Celebrity for a week as well. I would like to write even more, of course, but it all depends on my time availability and mental space that week. Consistent production is hard :) I want to increase the number of chapters I offer in a week, but I don't want to hard-commit to that increase yet, because I'm afraid there'll be weeks I won't be able to meet that particular jump. So, for the moment, we're still doing 3 chapters a week for the first tier, and two exclusive stories for higher ones. Divine Celebrity is still a bonus.


Ye i understand man i love all your work and make sure u dont burn yourself out ❤️