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The dressing room wasn’t particularly small, but only in dressing room terms. It wasn’t big enough to comfortably fit two people let alone actually stretching, but considering the other party was a sexy yoga enthusiast with a body to die for, I was willing to suffer that particular challenge. 

“So,” I said as I put one of my favorite charming smiles on my face as I looked at Naomi, whose expression danced between excitement and shock, clearly surprised by her friends’ act. Not too surprising considering they were used to a much more hesitant and shy Carrie…

And for her, locking her friend with a boy was not exactly in character. 

“So,” she murmured, unable to meet my eyes. 

“We need to test your stretching,” I said, not bothering the suggestive quirk of my lips even as I put my hands on her shoulders. 

“I … You don’t have to bother,” she managed to let out, unable to hide the excitement in her tone. 

“Nonsense, after your help earlier today, helping me to stretch for that long, I’m more than happy to help,” I said. There was no problem reminding her earlier, where she had been rocking on my lap with the excuse of helping me cool down. 

“I guess,” she managed to murmur, shyness battling with excitement as I let my hands trail down the side of her body, contacting her naked skin for a moment before arriving at her tight ass, which I grabbed shamelessly. “Something simple,” I said even as I made her turn before pulling her toward me. “Try to touch your toes.” 

She said nothing, though her blush showed her reaction much better than words could achieve. Even better, that blush didn’t prevent her from following my request.

She bent over, which, while wasn’t the best move in terms of utilizing her clothing from a functional perspective, worked wonders to create a beautiful view. Her stretchy shorts, already straining while she was just standing, tensed further. 

They looked like they were painted on her. 

And that was only the beginning. The angle also forced her top to stretch and shift, enhancing her cleavage significantly more, the sight enough to turn my erection into a full mast. 

A fact that I had no trouble informing her as I leaned forward, pressing against her bounty. “Um, I think it fits well,” she managed to stammer, but made no move to actually change our position. 

“It’s better safe than sorry,” I countered. “What if they rip after a few lunges and squats. It would be a shame.” 

Even as I said that, I put my hand on the small of her back, keeping her down while caressing her naked skin. I kept her in that position for an extended while before finally allowing her to rise. When she stood straight once more, her skin was slightly darker, like she exerted herself on a long run, but she was too fit for that to actually be the case. 

Interestingly, however, she managed to maintain eye contact despite our closeness, with a beautiful glint in her eyes. 

“Not bad,” I said. “For a start, of course.” 

Her answer was beautifully promising. “Obviously.” 

“Let’s try something more complicated, then. Raise your leg to my shoulder.” 

To her credit, she didn’t even blink as her leg rose, until her foot was next to my ear — though I lowered myself slightly to make it easier for her. “How about it,” she said smugly, the sense of achievement and thrill drowning her shame in quick order. 

“Ten out of ten,” I said. 

She pouted at my response. "You can't start that high for a simple pose, you’ll have nowhere to go for more impressive poses.” 

“I call it as I see it,” I said with a smirk. “And it seems that you’re missing the real benefits.” 

“What?” she managed to ask reflexively before her mind could engage. 

I pushed forward slightly, but in our position, it was enough for my erection to press against her wetness — a presence that was getting rapidly visible through the thin fabric. “This benefit,” I whispered suggestively as I lowered my head, my lips inches away from her. 

The implications were enough to weaken her strong knees, forcing me to hold her waist to prevent her from injuring herself. Understandable, as despite our physical closeness, it was the first time one of us actually ignored the excuse of helping each other exercise. Not that it was a believable excuse at any point of our dance, but sometimes, just the existence of an excuse was enough to give comfort. 

A comfort that I just destroyed, forcing her to look at the reality, that she was dry-rubbing to a guy while dressed like a fitness instructor in an erotic movie would — at least for the first five minutes of the movie. 

It was the last exit for her to take, before things reached a point of no return. However, she said nothing as her gaze found mine once again. A beautiful way of saying yes. 

An even better agreement came from her hips, starting to move slightly, rubbing against my erection, tempting me to just rip it and take her on the shopping floor. 

Pity that it was far too much for the first time, even if her current outfit was an excellent invitation for it. Luckily, that didn’t mean we had actually stopped. I put my hands on her hips once more, enjoying the tightness of her ass while she quickened her rubbing. 

“Just to make sure it works properly,” she said, deliberately leaving what she was referring to. 

Meanwhile, as our bodies enjoyed each other’s presence, my gaze fell down, enjoying the amazing cleavage she possessed, the compromising angle pushing it even more. Then, my eyes run a marathon down her body, enjoying the smoothness of her exposed midriff, passing her sexy navel with great difficulty, until I reached the suggestive line where her shorts started, which was slightly moving lower under the pressure. 

What an amazing sight. 

“Let’s test the elasticity of the top,” I suddenly said as one of my hands moved up, gently holding her top. I waited for a second, giving her enough time to pull back if she wished, before I started to pull her top toward me, reducing its already compromised capacity of keeping her breasts hidden even further, revealing more of her beautiful skin. 

“Yes, let’s test it,” she murmured, then surprised me by raising her head a bit, just enough to close the distance between our lips. 

I was tempted to keep the kiss gentle and soft at first, but when she didn’t waste even a second before jamming her tongue through my lips, I was quick to change my strategy, meeting with her tongue midway before launching a merciless battle. 

It was a beautiful, heated kiss, more of a fight rather than an embrace as she slowly slipped back to her exercise personality. 

However, the intensity of the kiss didn’t mean that my fingers forgot their tasks, pulling her top more and more, leaving her skin free to my touch, almost her entire breasts on display. Only her nipples were not revealed, though with their current state, pushing against the fabric, hidden wasn’t exactly the right word to use as well. 

It was getting harder and harder to ignore the temptation to push forward, forcing me to consider the merits of pushing forward. Luckily — or unluckily, depending on the perspective — the door of the dressing room clicked suddenly.

Despite the click, however, it took a couple of seconds to actually open, giving us the time to react, either to fix our pose, or to prevent the door from opening.   

I barely managed to pull back from the kiss, to give Naomi a hint of plausible deniability about the situation as the door opened, her shocked gaze met with Carrie’s eyes. It was hard to say that her smirk was undeserved. 

Especially since her leg was still on my shoulder, our pose was excessively suggestive. 

“So, you guys finally came to a decision? You seem to have stretched her … clothes well enough,” Carrie said, her smirk wide, not even bothering to hide her suggestive pause. 

Interestingly, Carrie wasn’t idle herself. She had changed into a tight top of her own. With her amazing bosom, it looked simply spectacular — enough to hypnotize me if I hadn’t been excessively exposed to their beauty for the last week. 

Even with that, it had been challenging, especially as Carrie leaned forward a bit as she grabbed Naomi’s hand. “Let me help you,” she said. 

“Help me with what?” Naomi managed to stammer, still shocked about our position. 

“Your leg, of course,” Carrie said mockingly, deliberately leaning forward as her top drooped until I could see a very generous glimpse of her breasts. “Or is there another reason you’re keeping it up?” 

“N-no,” Naomi stammered even as she realized she was still maintaining her compromising position, minus the kiss. As she removed it, however, she glared at Carrie confusedly, like she wasn’t sure whether to thank her or get angry at her for interrupting. 

“So, you’re buying?” Carrie said even as she pushed me out of the dressing cabin, a smirk on her face. 

The door slammed close, leaving me out, I had a matching smile on mine as well. 

As far as shopping trips went, it was one of the better ones!


Pedro Sousa

Even with that, it had been challenging, especially as Carrie leaned forward a bit as she grabbed Nicole’s hand. “Let me help you,” she said. It's Naomi, not Nicole. xD


Thanks, fixed. Also, it seems that I had missed writing about our ever-loving landlady for too long in Photographer if I'm Freudian-slipping her name :)