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Taking a nap while spooning my beautiful princess was a unique feeling, affection and arousal, wrapped in a sense of victory. 

Pity that I didn’t have the luxury to laze around all day to enjoy her warmth. “We need to talk,” I murmured into her ear even as I tried to dispel the calm haze that enveloped both of us. Her soft murmur of dissent as she wanted to enjoy her nap more was simply beautiful. 

I was tempted to accept. Too bad that we had very important stuff to deal with. 

Of course, just because we had important things to talk about didn’t mean that I had to be boring about it. My whole life was filled with important, dangerous events, each enough to fill others with worry. If I acted in a boring, serious manner every single of them, ignoring the fun potential, I wouldn’t have a very fun life. 

Maybe it was the reason my predecessor had a reputation for pointless violence and poor decision-making. Anyone would have a poor mood after dealing with such stressful affairs without a mental release. 

“Unfortunately, princess, you need to wake up,” I murmured as I caressed her cheek, only to disguise the movement of my other hand, sneaking toward an area that was much more impactful. 

“Can’t we nap for just ten minutes more,” she murmured back. 

“No, we can’t,” I answered. 

She opened her beautiful mouth, ready to respond, but before she could do so, my sneaky hand reached its destination without alerting her. Her beautiful bosom. I twisted her nipple, earning a beautiful moan instead of her complaint.

Shocked by the sudden escalation, she started wiggling in place, which resulted in a predictable considering we were still spooning naked. Feeling the sudden hardening against her plump ass, she stopped wiggling. 

She didn’t stop moving, however, replacing her earlier wiggling with a rhythmic movement against my shaft. “Can’t we delay this important discussion a few more minutes,” she asked, but this time, her voice wasn’t colored by a desire to extend her nap. 

“Unfortunately, no,” I murmured, which earned a disappointing gasp from her as I pulled back. I chuckled even as I pushed her down, locking her under my weight. “Of course, that doesn’t mean that we can’t multitask,” I added, which was enough to replace her disappointed gasp with a playful giggle that still somehow managed to sound shy after everything we have done together. 

“M-much better,” she managed to stammer beautifully even as I rubbed my shaft against her entrance, earning a delicious response in the process. 

“But try to pay attention, beautiful,” I said to her even as I rubbed my shaft against her entrance, each rub earning soft yet beautiful moans. 

But when she looked up with her beautiful blue eyes, I wasn’t able to resist capturing her lips in a soft, lingering kiss that made her moan helplessly, assisted by the movement of my hips. When I pulled back, her expression was flickering between amusement and desire. “I thought you were going to explain something?” she asked, which was a rather impressive example of sass coming from her. 

“Cheeky,” I said even as I slapped her tit, making her moan. Then, even as I continued to rub against her entrance, I put a serious expression on my face. “I need you to stay in your room as much as possible for the next few days,” I said. “Things are very dangerous.” 

That had been enough to make her eyes widen in shock, but she didn’t bother pushing me away, even when I leaned for another kiss to disperse her shock. “What’s happening?” she asked in shock, not even questioning the truth of my words. 

Her trust was so beautiful, enough to make me glad I was actually telling the truth and not trying to manipulate her for some nefarious aim. 

Admittedly, I could have done without two mysterious entities threatening everything. I pushed forward, the crown of my shaft disappearing into her warmth, making her moan. Another dose of pleasure to blunt the immensity of my next words. 

 “There’s something dangerous going on,” I started explaining. “There’s evidence of infiltration. And they have already managed to make several people turn traitors. Even Lancelot is working for them.” 

A few days ago, declaring that the hero of the Empire who was also her fiancee had betrayed them would have resulted from one of the two outcomes: disbelief, or a catatonic shock. 

However, after everything that happened, her response was much more lackluster. “That bastard,” she growled angrily, but there was no sign of a personal disappointment in her tone. The way her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me deeper smoothly just enhanced the problem. “Can’t you just … deal with him,” she murmured. 

I chuckled at her request, which, despite her hesitant tone and poor word choice, was very decisive considering her personality. Her request was clear, she was just having trouble with word choice. 

And admittedly, it wasn’t an absurd request despite his glorious reputation, as the only reason they had succeeded in capturing me in the first place was a combination of ambush, numerical advantage, and betrayal of dark families.  

Assassinating Lancelot wouldn’t be the hardest task I took. 

“Unfortunately, no,” I said even as I pushed deeper, making her tits jiggle beautifully. “Things are much more complicated. I have already found evidence of two different groups trying to interfere, and they are strong. Maybe even stronger than the Empire.” 

“How can that be?” she gasped, this time her shock overwhelming. 

Luckily, I had a very good way to prevent that information from getting too overwhelming. I leaned forward, and pressed my lips against the soft skin of her breasts, covering them with kisses even as my hips moved, replacing her shock with pleasure. 

After the shock lessened, I had given her a high-level breakdown of the Elves and Phoenixes, but I kept her information limited. Not because I wanted to play a trick on her, but at this stage, it wasn’t helpful for her to know the full extent of my theories, especially considering how baseless most of them were. 

“So, I can’t trust Emma as well,” Aria finally murmured after I had informed her about her frayed loyalties, but she wasn’t exactly shocked, as she had a good seat for her previous attempt of betrayal. 

“Not particularly, no,” I said. “Still, her weakness makes her a good source of information, so it’s better than the alternative. At least, this way, we know we can’t trust her.” 

She nodded, understanding my point easily. She may be trusting and naive, but ultimately, it was more about her personality rather than her lack of information. She had no problems understanding the benefits of a double-agent. 

She just lacked the ability to handle it directly. 

Then, I caught a hint of hesitation. “What about … the Queen,” she said, barely a whisper. 

I kissed her. “Don’t worry, I’m going to do my best to save her,” I said, making her relax. “Still, they’ll definitely target her. You might need to take the throne while I arrange her to disappear, so I want you to be ready,” I said. 

I couldn’t help but smile as she nodded gently, accepting even such a radical decision rather quickly. “Still, we need to make sure you’re defended. I’m going to set up a lot of additional wards after we finish this little discussion, and I want you to find an excuse to stay in your room. You can’t leave, or even allow maids to enter your room.” 

It was not a good move, as such a radical move would definitely alert many parties that there was something extraordinary going on, making my job harder. However, it was a risk I was willing to take to ensure her safety. 

Taking her down in an ambush was simply too easy, and I had no one I could actually trust to keep an eye on her. I wish my trusted lieutenants were imprisoned by the Empire as well rather than captured by the dark families, a location far too distant to actually go and save them, and well-defended enough to make a rescue attempt vain without some reinforcements. 

“I can find a medical excuse,” she said. 

“Good idea. Considering your identity as the best healer in the Empire, not like a lot of people can disagree with your argument,” I said, not bothering to ask the details. I trusted her expertise. 

“What are we going to do?” she asked, unable to hide the tremble in her tone. 

“I don’t know,” I said even as my hips quickened, along with her breath, the pleasure working wonders to dispel the fear she might have struggled under, pushing her closer to climax. “Sometimes, the best move is not doing anything. We’re going to make sure you’re well-protected while I go deeper into the mystery, and decide on our next actions based on that.” 

“I understand,” she said. 

I wasn’t able to say anything else, because she took the initiative to capture my lips in a searing kiss while her hips started moving even faster, doing her best to milk me. 

And she was certainly good enough to achieve her aim once she decided to do her best, I thought in a sardonic amusement even as she pushed me toward the climax. Barely five minutes later, I was filling her insides. 

“Don’t move, give me a pose while I reinforce the defenses of your room,” I said, pulling back after one last kiss, making her beautiful body tremble. 

“As you wish,” she moaned as she sprawled on her bed obediently, turning into a beautiful decoration as I pulled the Tether and started working on the wards of her room. And despite the amazing sight of her naked body, even occasionally playing with her breasts to tempt me despite her lingering shyness, I stayed focused on my work, assuming that I could properly ‘punish’ her once I finished my work. 

Pity that didn’t work, because as I was about to finish my work, I had received a couple of warnings from the wards I had established to the secret tunnel that was leading to my cell. 

“You’re lucky there’s an emergency,” I murmured even as I finished setting up the wards. “I have an emergency to attend, but I’ll make you pay for that teasing.” 

Her beautiful smile was enough to tell me that she was equally enthusiastic about that eventual time. After one last kiss, I dashed away using the secret entrance, leaving my naked princess behind… 

Only to find the Queen walking toward my cell with a determined expression on her face. 

Clearly, I needed to make a decision. 


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