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For a while, silence ruled the living room. 

Well, not exactly silence, as there was still the music playing on TV, though the sight of several poorly-dressed men and women rubbing against each other with hardly helped the awkwardness of sharing a blanket between three naked young people —well, two naked, and one half-naked considering Sarah still had her bra on, but that wasn’t exactly what I would call a big difference. 

“Should we change the channel?” Carrie whispered. 

Before I could even say anything, Sarah jumped in, clearly unhappy with losing the earlier game, and looking for a chance to make her payback. “Sure, go ahead and get the remote,” she said with a smirk as she tightened her grip around the blanket, pointing at the magical black rectangle several feet away from our current position. 

For a moment, I thought Carrie would actually do that, but instead, she decided to counter Sarah. “How about the loser of the next game goes and gets the remote?” 

“You’re on,” Sarah answered, enthusiastic enough to ignore the sexiness of sharing a blanket to win a meaningless game over her friend. 

I loved it. 

“What is the game you have in mind?” I asked. 

“Simple, seven minutes of heaven,” Sarah said, while Carrie blushed. Blushed, but not scandalized and panicked as they shared a gaze.  

“Interesting idea, and not that I’m against it, but doesn’t seven minutes in heaven require us to go a closet, defeating the whole purpose.” 

“That’s why we’re going to play a modified version of it. Carrie and I going to take turns sitting on your lap, one minute each, and the first one to chicken would go and get the remote,” Sarah explained. “Unless you don’t think you can handle it, of course,” she added provocatively, putting me in her target as well. 

Unfortunately for her, I was not one of those virgin boys who blushed at the slightest innuendo, and was more than happy to meet her challenge with a confident smirk. She looked less than enthusiastic about that, clearly expecting me too flustered for some weird reason.

Before she could change the terms, however, Carrie reacted. “I agree, but as the loser of the last game, you should go first,” Carrie said. 

Sarah blushed a bit, not expecting to be put on the spot, but that didn’t prevent her from nodding after a delayed pause, her pride not allowing from retreating a game she had set up. “Okay, keep the time, one minute,” she said to Carrie, sliding closer toward me, carefully not to lose the blanket.  

“So, where should I keep my hands,” I asked as I felt Sarah’s leg pressing against mine, trying to gather her courage without making it obvious to Carrie. 

“Outside,” Sarah answered immediately, already feeling overwhelmed with our legs touching from the side. 

“Someone is feeling stressed,” Carrie said smugly, more than willing to latch on Sarah’s mistake. 

“Not stressed,” Sarah answered, but only after a second’s delay. “I’m just thinking that as escalation. After every round, he’s allowed to put one hand under the blanket,” Sarah quickly improvised. 

I was impressed with her improvisational ability. On the assumption that Carrie’s confidence wouldn’t have handled sitting on my lap, it was a good strategy. Too bad for her that Carrie had already done a lot more impressive stuff than perching on me naked. “It seems pretty clear,” I said with a smirk. “But you have to sit close enough that your back will press against my chest without leaning back too much.” 

That earned a furious look from Sarah, which only made her even sexier —which was a challenge considering her state of dress. Still, she stayed silent as she climbed on my lap carefully, only to turn and send me a dirty look when my cock, fully erect, brushed against her ass. “Someone is enthusiastic,” she said bitingly, trying to shame me. She didn’t bother keeping the blanket up above the chest level, considering she was still wearing her bra. 

“Honey, I have two sexy girls naked under the blanket with me, I would be reacting even if I was gay,” I said even as I put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her against my chest, which made sure the crown of my cock was pressing against the small of her back. 

She turned to Carrie. “Start the clock,” she ordered. 

Carrie did so with a huge smile, clearly enjoying Sarah’s discomfort, which was several times worse than the earlier strip tower game. It got even worse when I squeezed her tits without a warning. “Hey,” she said, sliding off my lap in shock. 

“You said hands need to be outside the blanket, and they were outside,” I said shamelessly. 

“You lost already,” Carrie said with a huge smile. “You

“No!” Sarah gasped, her eyes wide. “That doesn’t count. He cheated.” 

“Hey, I followed all the rules,” I said before turning to Carrie. “Still, it’s a pity to stop five seconds after we started. How about you give her a condition to continue?” 

Enthusiastic about her victory, Carrie didn’t seem to mind me cupping her friends’ breasts. She was lost in the excitement of ever-escalating challenges. 

”Well, if she climbs on your lap again and you remove her bra, and for the rest of the game, she needs to sit the other way.” 

“That’s too much,” Sarah said immediately. 

“You lost, then,” Carrie said with a wide smile, pushing Sarah just like she had been being pushed earlier. 

Sarah grumbled, her lips staying shut, but that didn’t prevent her from carefully climbing my lap the other way, her lack of panties making it a much more dangerous affair. She pulled the blanket over her torso, and I sneaked my hands under, unhooking her bra smooth before dragging it out slowly. She pressed her chest against mine, her nipples noticeably hard against my skin. 

“Delicious,” I murmured even as I grabbed her waist over the blanket, pulling her forcibly closer, pushing her wetness against the base of my shaft. 

Her eyes widened, but this time, the panic was a little part of her emotions, overwhelmed by growing desire. After all, despite all her bravado, she was no more experienced with the opposite sex than Carrie had been before we started our little private lessons. 

I was tempted to tease her even more, but I had a feeling that I was already dancing Sarah’s limits of resistance, and pushing more would make her surrender. 

“Time,” Carrie finally called, letting Sarah relax as she slid away, though her relaxation immediately turned into victory. 

“Your turn,” Sarah said with a smirk, acting like she was already victorious. 

Carrie just smiled confidently as she slid closer, careful to keep the blanket over her shoulders, but I felt a sense of alarm when she looked at me mischievously, like she had something against me as well. 

I realized her plan too late when she climbed my lap, but pushed her ass far too much, swallowing me into her wetness. She gasped exaggeratedly, using that reaction to hide her moan as my shaft fully lodged into her pussy, her wetness after the extended foreplay phenomenally beautiful. 

I had to bite my lips to prevent a moan of my own as her back rubbed against my chest. Luckily, Sarah was distracted by Carrie’s exaggerated reaction to actually look at my face. I stilled, using the opportunity to recover from her delicious surprise. However, I knew how to make her pay. I decided not to react in any way, not giving her any more excuses to cry or moan, forcing her to keep her reactions hidden.

From the way her hips were already rocking in enthusiasm, it didn’t seem like she had any chance to actually succeed on that. 

Then, Sarah interjected, unaware of the real game. “It’s not fair, grab her body as well,” Sarah said suddenly, her tone scandalized, so much that she stopped caring about the blanket for a moment, and it started sliding down, giving me an unrestricted view of her tits for a fleeting second before she fixed it. “I’m not starting the timer before you put your hands on her body.” Despite the momentary flash, she was smug, like she had just got one over Carrie, unaware she had given her friend a lifeline instead. 

Carrie didn’t waste a second before grabbing my wrist with one hand —the other firmly holding the blanket in place, afraid of revealing the true show— and put it directly on her breast, with only the blanket to insulate her from my touch. 

Sarah looked at her, surprised at her daring, while I leaned in and whispered in a way Sarah wouldn’t hear. “So, that’s how you want to play,” I said even as I moved my fingers before squeezing her nipples hard —something she had enjoyed immensely during our earlier private encounters. 

The moan she let out was spectacular, making Sarah look at her in shock as well, her earlier sense of victory abandoned for wonderment. At that point, she would have realized just how far things were devolving, if it wasn’t for the amazing spectacle Carrie was creating as I brought my other hand as well, caressing and squeezing her breaths aggressively. 

Luckily, when her hips started to move in response, there was no way for me to hide the expression of enjoyment. After all, the illusion of having a busty beauty giving a naked lap dance should be enough to distract Sarah from the truth even when my face was contorted with pleasure. 

Still, even with that, I doubted just how long Sarah’s suspicions delay, as Carrie was steadily losing any hint of control. Funnily enough, a moment later Sarah accidentally gave Carrie the opportunity to hide her expression. She jumped in when Carrie’s back separated from my back. “Aha, you also made the same mistake, now, reverse and start again. You need to last two minutes.” 

“O-okay,” Carrie answered immediately as she pulled back, the relief on her face clear. With my aggressive play, she had realized teasing me wasn’t as easy as she thought, and she was clearly thinking of taking it easier. 

I had no intention of letting her do that, of course. Not when she had taken the initiative to tease me. Just as she lowered herself, I grabbed her, large, luscious ass, even the thickness of the blanket unable to do anything to hide its marvelousness, sliding inside her again. 

Carrie decided to handle that differently, showing that she could be quick-witted. She buried her face to the nook of my neck, hiding her face from Sarah as she bit her lips, focusing on keeping silent. Her ass, however, continued to move up and down, showing that she had no intention of taking my trick passively. 

I was impressed. 

Sarah watched the scene with glee at first, misunderstanding the reason for Carrie’s action. But even with the confusing presence of the almost softcore erotic scenes on TV and the satisfaction, she was getting from her illusion of success, a hint of doubt worming itself to her face. “It’s time,” she murmured when it was time to stop, unable to hide the tone of suspicion from her tone. 

Carrie was too occupied with suppressing her own cries as she pulled herself up, missing Sarah’s expression in the process. 

Meanwhile, Sarah climbed on my lap, once again facing toward me without any prompting from Carrie, looking at my face carefully. Then, she did something that surprised me, and wrapped her hand around my shaft, her eyes widening as she registered the wetness of my shaft. A wetness that evenly covered my girth, impossible to achieve just by giving a lap dance. 

“Good detective work,” I whispered mockingly even as I waited for her to process the realization that one of her best friends was being fucked under the blanket. 

All that remained was her reaction… 



I can't believe this cliffhanger aaa