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I could feel Anna trembling as her body squeezed between mine and the wall, her furious flow of thoughts reflected into her eyes as she tried to come up with an excuse for the position she was in. 

Considering the position she had been caught in, however, an excuse was not forthcoming. Her lips parted open several times, only for them to close immediately after. “I’m waiting for the explanation,” I said with a smirk. 

“I…” she stammered, but at that moment, she remembered the extent her clothing was lacking. A cute little yelp escaped her mouth as she put one arm around her chest —which provided rather scant coverage considering the size of her breasts— while using the other to cover her crotch with more considerable success. 

“You…” I repeated, enjoying the opportunity to finally confront her on her naughtiness. Unfortunately, the growing panic on her face dissuaded me from pushing the topic too much, afraid of her panic growing to an uncontrollable level. Instead, I continued in a calm tone. “So, did you have fun?” 

Her reply came stammering. “W-what?” 

“I said, did you have fun?” I repeated, making sure to keep my smile wide enough to be visible in the dimness of the room. She said nothing, still trying to adapt to the sudden change of pacing. As she tried to come up with an answer, I shuffled a bit, which brought our faces even closer. As the distance between our lips dwindled, her lips parted apart automatically, her body under the control of her desire rather than her mind. 

She waited, her lips ready for a kiss. Only after several long seconds, stretching away, she realized that our lips were not touching, and I was still waiting for a response. “I …” she murmured, before her eyes brightened with a sudden realization. “I’m drunk,” she jolted out enthusiastically. 

“Oh, really?” I said, my smirk widening just as I closed in the distance, and pressed my lips against hers, letting my tongue ravage her mouth in a short, yet heated assault. It wasn’t the first time we were sharing a kiss, but considering the location of the kiss, as well as our current lack of clothing, it felt completely different. When my tongue slipped into her mouth, she readily accepted it, too shocked to put up a resistance. When I pulled back, Anna was gasping in shock, reinforced by a great amount of reawakened arousal. “Weird, I don’t get any taste of alcohol,” I said. 

She froze, not just because I forcefully confronted her lie, but also the exact method I had chosen to confront her. “I should leave,” she stammered. A very deliberate wording, I noted in amusement. She didn’t say that she wanted to leave, or even she was feeling uncomfortable, but she chose to say that she should leave. Considering her intelligence and her talent for language, there was no chance it was a coincidence. 

Moreover, she didn’t move even the slightest bit —well, her legs were moving she rubbed them against each other, but that was for a very different purpose than trying to get away. As a proud honors student, she definitely should leave, but the same didn’t apply to the innocent Anna, who was just discovering her sexuality. 

If it was another girl, I would have teased her by daring her to leave, but under the circumstances, I decided against it. She was fragile enough to misinterpret such action as genuine rejection, and I doubted whether she could handle being sent away from the first bed she found herself naked, despite rather dubious circumstances that led to it. “No,” I said. “You need to stay.” 

“W-why?” she asked, stammering. 

Rather than answering immediately, I caught her lips again. This time, her tongue joined the fray, though a bit hesitant. “That should be sufficient as an answer, right?”

“But, after what I did tonight…” she whispered, letting her words linger.

“Well, tonight, and two previous nights,” I countered, wanting to rip the band-aid as soon as possible. And, considering the likely next step, I didn’t want to have lain between us. 

“You were awake,” she gasped in shock. 

“Honey,” I said gently. “It’s highly unlikely for a man to continue sleeping while receiving a hand job from a set of beautiful, silky fingers,” I said, grabbing her hand to highlight my words —and if by pulling her hand away, I revealed her beautiful breasts to my view once more, it must be completely coincidental. Then, I smirked and added. “Or, while receiving a furious lap dance for the better part of an hour.” 

The last remark made her blush intensely. “Sorry,” she murmured, closing her eyes. 

I chuckled before kissing her once more. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, sweetie,” I said after pulling back. “I would have stopped you if I was unhappy with it,” I said, ignoring the part I deliberately tempted her to do it. “Still, I wouldn’t recommend it to use it on someone else. You don’t need anything else than just asking, you’re too beautiful for it to fail.” 

“Right,” she said with a snort, her lack of self-confidence rearing its head instantly. 

This time, my smile was neither calm, nor kind. No, it displayed my hunger as I shifted my position. I grabbed her other hand and pinned her under me, her beautiful body naked underneath me while my shaft pressed against her stomach, throbbing in anticipation. “You are a beautiful girl, Anna,” I said sincerely, colored with my burning arousal. After all, I had been suffering under her relentless teasing for a long while. Ultimately, as a man, there was a limit to my resistance, and the said resistance was spending the last scraps of power, its last outpost under siege, surrounded and ready to be slaughtered. 

“Really?” she whispered, the tone of hopefulness suggesting just how badly she felt about her poor self-perception, unaware that it was her poor fashion choices combined with her domineering focus on her studies that kept the handsome boys away. 

“Do you want me to prove it to you?” I whispered throatily, and when she nodded, I leaned down to deliver another kiss. This time, however, rather than latching on her lips domineeringly, I left a fleeting kiss on her cheek, followed by another kiss on her gentle jawline, my hands still around her wrists, pinning her in place. “Your face reminds me of an innocent fairy sunbathing on a flower, innocent yet exquisite, ethereal like a story…” 

I was aware that I could push forward with no problem. She was both aroused and confused, meaning she would accept my presence immediately, allowing me to attain immediate success. Instead, I moved with deliberate slowness as I kissed her cheeks as I whispered several compliments, every kiss bringing me just a sliver lower. I trailed down her jawline, the kiss count well into two digits I arrived at her neck, every kiss making her tremble in anticipation. “Your neck reminds me the elegance of a swan, fair and gentle, yet tempting me to spoil it by my mark,” I added, kissing hard enough to leave a hickey, which made her moan, before I continued leaving a trail of feather-light kisses, occasionally breaking the monotony of my downward trail by moving left and right, even backtracking occasionally as I educated myself about her most sensitive spots. 

“Are you convinced yet that I find you attractive?” I whispered as I finally arrived at her collarbone, leading to her cute shoulders, pristine white thanks to her habit of wearing long-sleeved shirts. “Or should I continue describing the beauty of your spectacular body?”  

“Please,” she whispered needily, her voice trembling with her unmet desire, but also with wondrous awe.  

I continued my trail for more, not speaking until I finally arrived at the valley between her breasts, my lips finally caressing the flawless texture of her breasts. “Your breasts are perfection itself, begging to be worshipped slowly,” I said as I moved slowly toward the center, but creating a large, loose spiral in the process just to extend her delicious torture further. “And I better worship them properly.” 

“Please. I can’t last much longer-” she started, trying to beg, only to be interrupted by a moan when I finally captured her rock-hard nipple between my lips, giving her a completely new taste. After observing her for three straight evening visits, I wasn’t surprised by the sensitivity of her breasts, making her moan uncontrollably whenever my tongue joined the fray. She was loud enough to make me glad that we were camping in the middle of nowhere. 

My lips stayed on her breasts for several minutes, and for that duration, she never managed to utter more than two words without being interrupted by a moan, a brush of my tongue enough to kill any statement she wanted to utter. 

“Please, I need you,” she begged again and again, but only after I moved even lower on her naked body —not without a great struggle—  kissing her stomach repeatedly. She was not unaffected, on the contrary, every kiss made her tremble helplessly, showing just how close she was to a climax, but it hadn’t awakened the mindless pleasure her sensitive breasts did earlier. It was alright, as I intended for her to calm down —for a given value of calmness— before I moved to the final prize. 

“Damn, you’re so wet,” I murmured in fascination as I realized just how drenched my bed was as I tortured her over the edge, her sweetness creating a thick and delicious layer of smell. 

“Yes, I am,” she moaned, but it was a different type of moan. Unlike the others, it didn’t shake with a lack of confidence, carrying the flavor of a question. Instead, it was sharp and needy, confident in her need. It seemed that torturing her with pleasure while showing just how attractive I found her was helping her confidence. I didn’t know whether it would last after the climax, but for this particular fleeting moment, it wasn’t very important. “Now, please help me!” 

“As you wish, Anna,” I said, uttering her name deliberately before I let my tongue caress her entrance, her sweetness assaulting my taste buds. She moaned in pleasure, only to cut short when I shifted just a bit, and biting her inner thigh gently rather than diving aggressively. Her whimper was even tastier than her earlier gasps of climax. There was something special in knowing I was the one orchestrating it, rather than being a passive participant. 

“Are you turned on?” I asked, which might be the most redundant question I had ever uttered, as I was presented by a number of irrevocable evidence, each more iron-clad than the last. 

“Yes,” she moaned desperately, the pleasure overwhelming her mind steadily. 

“Why?” I asked after I let my tongue brush her entrance before once again focusing on her inner thighs. 

“Because of you,” she moaned as she tightened her legs around my shoulders, twitching helplessly. “You’re so kind, and you listen. More importantly, you see me, not just another nerd. I can’t help it.” 

“You naughty girl,” I murmured, as I let my hands squeeze her wrists. “So, you like my kindness. What would you do if I let your hands go, then? Pull me up for a talk, where we can share our gentleness with a cup of coffee? Talk until the first rays of morning.” 

I knew the answer even as I uttered. If I asked the same question earlier, she might have actually taken me on that suggestion, trying to establish an emotional relationship. But, on the edge of a climax, being tortured for quite a while, her reaction was more visceral. “Fuck no,” she moaned. “I’ll grab your hair and trap you there until you suffocate,” she moaned, her own words triggering another reaction as I felt her thighs locking around my head. I let her hands go, and she followed her commitment, clamping around my hair to push me down hard. 

Finally giving me an excuse to shift from sweet and gentle to sexy… 

“Oh, really,” I whispered as I let my hot breath brush her wetness before I delved deep once more, my tongue dancing aggressively. “You’re saying that you’re going to act like a brute and force me to serve you if I take it slow,” I added after I pulled back, but this time, rather than tasting her arousal, I started kissing her inner thighs, torturing her with pleasure. 

“Please,” she begged as her hands tightened around the bed covers, pulling them wildly. “Please let me cum!” 

“Do you think you deserve such a reward, even after being such a naughty girl?” I whispered even as I gripped her thighs, spreading them open even more, treating myself to the amazing view of her softness, shimmering like a mirage under the errant rays of moonlight. 

“No,” she moaned immediately even as she tried to clench her legs. “But please, let me cum!” 

“As you wish, sweetie?” I commented, deciding to finally have mercy on her and went down on her pinkness, my tongue darting out aggressively, alternating between caressing her knob and teasing her lips, her moans getting particularly loud whenever I let my fingers assist. “How does it feel?” I asked. 

“It feels ama-ZING,” she cried, triggering a helpless cry as the orgasm finally hit, turning her into a gasping and trembling mess, murmuring incoherently, her arousal exploding on my face. I just chuckled as she tussled and turned, trying to process the strongest arousal that she ever experienced thanks to the combined effect of the extended foreplay and the mental weight of the situation. 

I just chuckled as I pulled myself up, ready to bring things into the next step… 


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