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As much as I wanted to continue playing with Emma and Aria, ultimately, I decided to stop for two reasons, and sent them back to their room. First, despite the confused enjoyment they had derived from the treatment, the girls were getting pretty exhausted, which made pushing them more was a dangerous affair. It was evident by the exhausted walk of shame they displayed as they walked back to their room, carrying the scraps of their dresses in their hands rather than bothering to put them on. 

Second, and more important was the upcoming meeting with the Queen in the club. The previous visit had been an accidental stumble, but I was able to handle that because Sapphire was as unprepared as me. However, I respected her enough to expect her to be better prepared this time, meaning I needed to have some tricks to rely on. Luckily, I had watched her as she had cast that tantric spell using my ‘gift’, meaning she had no intention of flooding the club with a bunch of knights trying to imprison me. 

Too bad that after my last sabotage, she would be working with sabotaged spells, making success a virtual impossibility. 

Still, that was no reason to slack off, I decided as I once again left the palace grounds. Unlike the previous times, it wasn’t as much risk. Aria and Emma were already aware of my freedom, while Lancelot and Isolde were away to discover the cache I had sold the Queen in my other guise. The only possible visitor was the Queen, but it was the middle of the day, meaning unless there was an important reason, she wouldn’t just disappear from the throne room to interrogate me. 

It was a reasonable risk to take. 

It turned out that arranging the safety measures was easier than I had first assumed. A short trip to the spy I had discovered after following Emma’s councilwoman friend had proved quite useful on that aspect, as it turned out that he had some connections with the club itself. A pleasant surprise that cut my time quite a bit. After arranging a few spies disguised as customers to be used if needed —and extorting quite a bit gold to be used as needed— I went to the club, using the introduction to smooth things further, easily arranging a private room. Things had turned a bit more interesting when I asked the Seductress —Sapphire’s stage name— to be sent to the private room I had arranged once she arrived. 

“I’m afraid that’s impossible, sir,” the manager said with a trembling tone, smart enough to realize he was in front of an extremely dangerous man despite the commoner clothes I had been wearing. No wonder he could successfully manage a club successfully for a noble clientele. “She’s not a part of the club officially, so we don’t have any right to order her anything. She has never done a private show before.” 

“Don’t worry about it,” I said even as I passed her a note. “Just pass this note to her, and she’ll handle the rest. If she doesn’t follow the recommendation, it’s something between us. No need for you to worry.” Then, I paused for a moment, then chuckled. “However, I would recommend you to arrange a satisfactory replacement for her, because your customers might be unhappy with the sudden change.” 

“I’ll do that, sir,” he said in appreciation, earning my admiration. It was always hard to find proficient help that was smart enough to understand the situation with such clarity, while still maintained a healthy level of ambition that wouldn’t lead to backstabbing at the earliest opportunity. 

After that, I didn’t have much to do other than enjoy the perks of the private room, which included spectacular food —poison-free, even— and a luxuriously decadent bath with a lot of bubbles. I didn’t waste all my time lazing around, though. Instead, I tinkered around with the wards of the room, enhancing the privacy wards several times, making sure no sound or errant mana would escape its confines. After I finished, it could even function as a temporary fort in case of an assault, standing still quite a bit after the rest of the building turned into cinders and dust.

However, as the sun was about to set, I went back to the palace using the secret tunnel, and started waiting near the queen’s entrance, just in case she decided to drop by my cell before the visit. 

I waited for almost an hour before the secret entrance of her room finally opened, and she stepped in the dark shadows of the secret tunnel, once again wearing a thick cloak over her disguise, turning her beautiful golden locks into a luscious black, reflecting her sharp personality quite a bit better. Luckily, she was far too occupied with the ‘mysterious spy’ character to actually pay a visit to the poor dark lord rotting in her dungeon… 

I followed her until she was safely inside the club, but as I watched one of the secretaries pass the note to her, I slipped back to the private room I had arranged earlier, once again shedding my prisoner clothes in favor of the new ones I had acquired during the day. 

When the side door opened —one that was dedicated for the dancers— I turned toward the noise with a smirk on my face. “Welcome, my Queen,” I stood up, giving an exaggerated bow that turned into a mockery. 

“Hello, sir,” she answered even as she pushed her cloak down, revealing her body, wearing a variation of yesterday’s costume, mysterious yet transparent blacks and reds covering her curvy body, hinting everything without revealing anything. At the surface level, her tone was sharp, revealing her frustration. I had to admit, she was a good actor. If I hadn’t already known about her plan to get the upper hand, I would have missed the domineering echoes of a victorious opponent. 

I was having trouble reading her, because, unlike the previous time, she wasn’t unbalanced by a couple of unexpected climaxes. 

Luckily, I could feel a tantric connection being slowly established between us, following the latest updates I had added to the spellbook she had stolen from my library, meaning it was even easier to turn her into the panting and moaning mess of the previous day. Just to make things perfect, it would be impossible for her to detect that, because it would be hidden by her own spell. Just a mistake, and her victory was unattainable. 

How tragic. 

“You shouldn’t have bothered to dress, I have already prepared an outfit for you,” I said as I pointed at a screen at the end of the room, smirking as I said so. She looked angry, smart enough to understand that the stuff that lay behind the screen door wouldn’t be exactly flattering to her position in life as the Queen —maybe even as a respectable dancer— while being extremely flattering to her curvy figure. 

“As you wish, sir,” she muttered, this time, her coldness slightly more genuine, which was understandable. She managed to climb to the top of the Empire, taking control —as much as possible in such an unwieldy entity with many different political powers, especially since open assassinations and frequent disappearances were frowned upon, unlike my dark faction. The fact that she had to follow my orders, even fleetingly as she tried to use the opportunity to emotionally enslave me, must burn in her heart fiercely. 

Though, that fury reflected the sway of her hips in a very productive manner, creating a delicious view that turned my pants into an unbearable prison in an instant. The frustrated gasp that she let out the moment she disappeared behind the screen didn’t help my frustration, even if I had spent the morning fucking the princess of the Empire along with the spectacularly famous Elementalist Emma. 

“Also, don’t forget to get rid of all of your disguises,” I warned her. “I don’t want to see your mask, or that fake hair color. I wanted to enjoy your … service properly.” 

“As you wish, sir,” she repeated, even colder than the precious time before disappearing behind the screen. 

Luckily, I hadn’t had to wait for long, as after a couple of minutes, Sapphire stepped out in the open, her elegant costume as the Seductress gone, replaced by the mockery of a maid costume that was worn around the palace. The maid costume worn around the palace was black and white, giving a sense of decadent elegance while managing to look impervious at the same time. 

Sapphire didn’t have the same luxury when it came to her costume. Unlike the original form, the cleavage was deep and loose enough to make a watcher pray for the whole dress to came down accidentally, staying up only as a miracle. The skirt was no better. If it was an inch shorter, it would be classified as a belt rather than a skirt, and its frills weren’t making it any easier to stay properly in place as she walked, occasionally revealing the absence of any kind of underwear. 

The glorious shine of her golden blonde, combined with the lack of a mask, got rid of the only possible mental trick she could use to isolate herself from the situation. 

However, the real killing blow was the choker. Made from a mixture of silver and gold, it was an implied conveyor of my ownership over her, which, considering her position, extremely insulting without considering the design choices. “Do you like your choker?” I asked even as I wondered whether she had already put the second accessory I had put there. “I have designed it especially for you, inspired by your crown.”

“T-thank you, sir,” she managed to say, even curtsying as she did so, which, considering the deficient costume she was wearing, provided me with a delicious view of her current costume. However, neither the stammer, nor the flash of cleavage deep enough to show her nipples was accidental, because that was followed by a subtle spread of magic that would enhance my infuriation with her significantly, one that I would have missed if it wasn’t for my own expertise in the area. Still, for me, it was just another topic I had learned to defend myself, she was an expert. 

Too bad for her that due to faction preferences, I had much better access to knowledge, forcing her to rely on my second-hand notes to cast her spells. Since I was the one that created the trick she was trying to use, dispelling its effects without making her aware was trivial, so was reflecting a part of the spell back. Unlike her attempt, I wasn’t trying to entangle her emotionally, but making sure to enhance the physical backlash she would receive from the subsequent spells. 

And since I had already noted that short-term arousal was a common side effect of the spell, she shouldn’t realize anything was wrong until it was too late. 

“Why don’t you take a seat so we can have a discussion before we start,” I said to her, but when she turned toward the other armchair in the room, I gestured her to stop. “That’s not your seat,” I said to her before pointing at a thin cushion in front of me. “That’s your seat.” 

The anger that flashed in her blue eyes was simply spectacular. And since, unlike the last time, I wasn’t afraid of a sudden outburst due to updated isolating wards, making it easier to tease her. Not allowing her to sit, but crouch in front of me like a supplicant definitely counted as such. Still, she stood frozen for a moment, making me wonder whether I pushed too fast too quick, but that thought evaporated when she took a step toward the cushion. “As you wish, sir,” she repeated as she slowly crouched, somehow managing to turn the simple movement into a delicious show. 

I looked down as she completed the movement, enjoying the spectacular sight and the power implied in the position equally. The revealing cleavage had turned obscene from my superior viewing angle, revealing the tempting hardness of her nipples. The skirt part of her costume didn’t fare any better, riding up to reveal her delicious ass, especially from the side, barely able to hide her core. However, her utter lack of any kind of disguise turned it from an erotic scene into a true picture of victory. 

Maybe I should have a painter to immortalize the moment, I thought absentmindedly, smiling as I imagined that. However, even as I did so, I couldn’t help but wonder about the reason for her obedience. Why the hell they were treating Eternal Core with such importance. From the subtle probes I made when they were too distracted by arousal, it didn’t seem like Aria or Emma knew much about the reason, other than it being very important to Empire’s survival, supposedly to power an ancient weapon, but I wouldn’t put it past the Queen to mislead them intentionally for a different objective. 

 Taking the risk of imprisoning me was one thing. It was extremely inadvisable, but since I was already captured, and immobilized with a supposedly unbreakable artifact, it was somehow understandable. 

However, for a prideful person like Sapphire to accept such indignity with no resistance other than the occasional whimper, it must be really important. Today was even more noticeable than the precious time, where she had the luxury of blaming her shock… 

Maybe I should try interrogating her about her need. After a round of proper fun, of course. 

Or maybe two… Three at most…


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