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My bet with Emma had concluded with her loss. Luckily for her, my promise to reveal the identity of spies was not conditioned to her victory, only her participation. Unluckily for her, I hadn’t promised to stop once the bet was concluded. 

“So, Emma,” I murmured after Aria pulled away from the kiss, watching as my seed was slowly slipping out of Emma while my shaft was still inside her, trying to recover after its latest exertion. “Did you enjoy the cost of defeat?” 

“You’re an evil man,” she replied, which would have been an effective admonishment if it wasn’t for the pleasure still coloring her tone, or the way her hips rocking absentmindedly like she was trying to milk the last scraps possible. It was an even better reaction than I had expected, suggesting that she had been affected more than I presumed during the memories I had made her watch during her ill-advised attempt to read my memories, in particular the relationship between me and the Valkyrie. 

“Really,” I said with a snort. “You’re the first person that ever called me that. Evil, how inconceivable,” I said, which earned an earnest laugh from Aria, who was watching the way my body was connected with Emma in a mixture of desire and jealousy. 

“Shut up,” Emma countered, blushing despite her terse tone. “You know what I meant.” 

“Oh, I know what you mean,” I said. And since my body was already recovering after the last climax, I followed that by grabbing her waist and lift her up, only to slam her down back again. Still feeling sensitive after the last encounter, she cried in pleasure. 

“The deal is over,” she said as she moaned. “Now, tell me about the spies.” 

I had to admit, the fact that she could keep her eyes on the prize despite circumstances was admirable. After our first time, Aria had folded completely to her new role, accepting the treatment happily. “Sure, let’s start,” I said. Unfortunately for her, I had no intention of keeping that as dry information delivery. So, even as Emma finally stood up from my lap, I gestured Aria to sit down on the floor, and part her legs. 

Aria followed my request, but not before bending down to grab her dress to create a comfortable seat. “She has a nice ass, doesn’t she?” I asked Emma, whose eyes were locked at the sight of Aria’s tantalizing ass, the current pose displaying it to perfection. Emma’s jealousy was understandable. She was a beautiful woman, but Aria was unbeatable from that particular angle. The fact that her core was still oozing my seed, reminding Emma about her second-string situation, made it even more heated. 

Distracted by her jealousy, Emma watched as Aria prepared herself a comfortable cushion before sitting down, missing as I cast a telekinesis spell to pull her dress in front of Aria, creating another comfortable seat. Then I pushed her. She let out a cry, preparing herself for a painful fall, but I grabbed her waist, preventing that ignoble event from occurring. She was too beautiful to bruise carefully, after all. 

“What was that!” Emma cried as she found herself in all fours. She tried to stand up, only to realize that was a difficult task to achieve with my hand pressing between her shoulder blades, pinning her in place. 

“Well, you’re still responsible for poor Aria’s plight, after all.” 

“And what do you want me to do about that,” she bit back even as I pressed my erection against her entrance. I was amused to note that she didn’t make the slightest attempt to pull back, too occupied by her outrage. Anger was one of my favorite emotions on others, especially the bright and explosive kind like Emma had. It made it much easier to manipulate them. 

“Simple, help her clean up the results of my little intrusion,” I said even as I pushed inside her, easily sliding into her well-lubricated entrance. 

“No-” she cried in anger, but that statement was cut short when Aria gave another uncharacteristic show of independence, and grabbed Emma’s beautiful red hair, using it as a painful handle to bury her face between her legs. 

“Good work,” I said, followed by a thumbs up. It was a rather amusing display of approval, one that hardly fit into the circumstances, but for someone as starved for explicit positive approval, it worked even better than a more thematic approach. Aria smiled back cutely even as she pulled Emma’s head tighter, trying to extract the desired in a surprisingly forceful manner. “Try ordering her,” I reminded her. 

“Really? That works?” Aria gasped even as I plunged deep into Emma, who was trying to keep her balance despite her lack of leverage, keeping her mouth pressing against Aria’s core. Emma tried to contradict, but due to her position, all that left her mouth was an indecipherable murmur, one that made Aria moan. “Lick it,” she said, though it felt more like a question than an order. 

I sighed. “Not like that, you need to be more confident. You’re not kindly requesting something. You’re her princess, and you’re giving an order. Make it sharper, otherwise, she won’t follow your order,” I explained, underlining my statement with a spank on Emma’s bottom, earning a cry, and leaving a red mark behind. “And a sexy insult wouldn’t go amiss under this particular circumstances, though I don’t recommend to replicate in the throne room.” To make things even more fun, I was still impaling her furiously, leveraging the position to the limit, yet somehow, both girls accepted it as a natural part of the situation. 

Emma tried to complain about Aria’s overreach, but Aria’s tight grip prevented her from doing so. “Lick it … you whore,” Aria murmured, her eyes closed as she focused on her words. 

“Not bad,” I said, nodding approval. “It didn’t sound like a question, and the choice of insult was workable.” Then, I slapped Emma’s ass. “Did you hear that, whore?” I said with mocking laughter, but still sounding much more commanding than Aria could ever achieve. “Your princess gave you an order. Lick.” 

A spank landed on her ass even as Aria kept her head pressing against her core, then another… And another… “Lick, you bitch,” Aria ordered repeatedly after each spank, her tone getting more and more confident through repetition. Emma seemed determined to resist, but I decided to cheat a bit. 

Even as I continued to pump into her furiously, I cast a quick spell, the same that I used to give commands to Aria without being noticed by Emma, only in reverse. “You better follow the order of your princess if you want to hear about those spies. My tongue will stay tied as long as yours stay immobile,” I warned her. The threat of wasting all of her other sacrifices finally broke her stubbornness, and her tongue darted out, licking Aria’s nether lips, still stained with my cum. 

Her movements looked unimaginative and repetitive, but that didn’t prevent Aria from moaning in joy. I wasn’t particularly surprised about that. The way the human mind worked, especially during sex, was rather predictable. Physical pleasure played an important yet overrated role, while the real pleasure came from a complicated ball of power dynamics and expectations. And Emma’s tongue might move mechanically, but for Aria, it was the first time she was striking out of her role as the meek princess, signaling her achievements and developments. Her joy was expected. 

The same applied to me as well. Emma was a delicious beauty, but I doubted I would enjoy dominating her to such a degree if I hadn’t had the vivid memories of her fire spells burning the castle I had spent so much time decorating, playing not an insignificant role in dismantling the dominion that took years to assemble. Luckily for her, I wasn’t like my predecessors, who would have done their best to torture and kill her for doing so, but I wasn’t a saint that would just write it off either. 

Turning her into a toy that was addicted to my cock was a happy medium. 

Distracted by the fact she was licking the slit of another woman —and one that she clearly disdained as a weakling, to make it more fun— Emma barely paid attention to the way her body was reacting to my repeated invasion, her reflexes leading her hips to move in a heavenly circular motion, supporting the rhythm of my invasion. Her instincts didn’t care about her reputation as the foremost offensive mage of the Empire. I started telling her about the spies, but I doubted she could memorize all information perfectly while she was under the combined assault of pleasure and stress. 

Luckily for her, I was a cooperative partner, and would refresh her memory about it if asked … for a price, of course. 

And, Emma wasn’t the only one that was struggling under the unfamiliar grasp of pleasure. Aria had long lost herself in pleasure, her voice surprisingly loud as she pulled one hand away from Emma’s hair, squeezing her own breasts, leveraging her sensitivity to push toward another climax. Meanwhile, her other hand stayed around Emma’s hair, pulling and pushing recklessly —well, recklessly in her kind princess standard, the same amount of force would be classified as kind if deployed by anyone else— enjoying her newfound power on Emma. 

For the first time, I could properly see her familiarity with the Queen other than their beauty. 

I couldn’t delve into Emma’s mind without alerting her about the whole scheme, which was a pity as I was curious about her exact thoughts, whether frustration or pleasure was ruling her mind. Though, if I were betting with someone, I would have selected denial. She had the perfect mixture of hotheadedness and blind confidence to convince herself that it was just a temporary setback, one that she could resolve once she pilfered my secrets. I wouldn’t be surprised that with her misplaced confidence about her abilities in the mind arts, she believed she could scour those humiliating memories from our minds. 

I had no problems with such illusions. In due time, I would enjoy breaking them one by one, once she got addicted to the temptation of pleasure. 

“Lick harder, whore, that’s all you’re good for,” Aria moaned as she finally climaxed, cumming furiously. As the pleasure invaded her body, she pulled Emma tighter, breaking me from my absentminded musings, unaware just how Emma stiffened under her domination, ready to lash out. It seemed that Aria’s reckless enjoyment finally broken her desire for obedience. I could even feel her magic starting to gather —a particularly easy task when I was lodged deep inside her. 

“Pay attention to your partner, sweetheart,” I warned Aria even as I slapped Emma’s ass. “Dominating a redheaded slut is never a straightforward affair. You need to pay attention to their movements, they might react violently.” 

Aria reacted just like an overenthusiastic nerdy student that received a subpar review from her favorite professor, a shocked flinch, combined with an immediate fervor to do better, even when she was still dealing with the aftereffect of her climax. “Sorry,” she uttered, while Emma’s magical fluctuations paused after being challenged openly. 

“No need to apologize,” I said magnanimously, which made Emma even angrier at being dismissed, her magic starting to gather once more, more as a pointless threat than an actual danger, as it was rather hard to ignore such a threat without actually integrating the other aspects of their game. “You just need to be careful, either don’t push them too much…” I said, then let my voice linger even as I grabbed Emma’s hair, pulling it much harder than Aria did, making her moan. More importantly, I used my own mana to dispel her spell construct, making her harmless. It was a novel trick, one I had designed during the early days of my imprisonment as a part of my efforts to reverse-engineer the magic-blocking shackles. 

It wasn’t as useful as those artifacts, as it came with several drawbacks. In particular, it was completely useless for combat. Not only it required constant attention, but also required a direct physical connection to enable direct mana transfer, and at that point, a slice of the dagger was much more efficient to deal with an enemy combatant. Maybe I could improve it further after some more experimentation, but currently, it had no place on the battlefield.  

However, in the bedroom —or many other places I was having sex— it was the perfect trick to pull to destroy the confidence of an uppity mage. “Or make sure they know that they have no chance of fighting back. Under your power, they are helpless,” I said lazily, enjoying Emma’s shocked gasps. The sudden loss of her casting abilities had been shocking. She might not be planning to use her abilities for battle, but still, the loss of them meant she had suddenly lost her security blanket. 

And it affected her profoundly. Earlier, even when she was being pounded mercilessly while being ordered around to serve Aria, her confidence stayed strong, believing that she could extract herself if things got too bad. It didn’t come from the rational side of her brain, as she knew that in close quarters against me, without the support of a carefully assembled party, she had absolutely no chance to resist me. But subconsciously, her magic gave her confidence… 

A source of confidence that I broke completely. 

“That’s not possible,” she moaned as her gaze slid toward the magic-blocking chains on the wall, like she was trying to convince herself that they were still in place. 

“You see, Aria,” I said even as I pounded her mercilessly. “To dominate someone properly, you need to force them to face reality. Only by accepting the truth of their situation, they could fully give themselves to their new position in life.” 

“Please,” Emma gasped, delirious in panic. “Give back my magic.” If she had been in a better state of mind, she wouldn’t have missed that such a trick was most likely to be an essentially useless temporary trick, otherwise, I would never reveal it under such circumstances. 

“You see,” I said to Aria, ignoring Emma’s pleas as I quickened my assault. “Even a proud slut like Emma could fold easily if you have the ability to push the correct spot,” I explained, before pushing her head down once more, burying her face between Aria’s plump thighs. “Lick it, bitch, and convince me that you’re doing your best.” 

Emma moaned in approval before she launched another assault through her tongue, this time her slurping aggressively loud. “I - I see,” Aria said, unable to prevent a shocking moan at the sudden change of pace. 

“Do you love it, bitch?” I asked Emma when I let her rise enough to catch her breath, while I plunged as deep as possible. “Do you love acting like a two-bit whore just to extract a few useless nuggets of information?” 

“Yes,” she moaned helplessly, but despite her desperation, the echoes of pleasure were just as clear. However, a better evidence of her newfound sense of obedience was the sudden tightening of her entrance, tightening around my girth, finally triggering my climax as well, painting her insides with a fresh layer of whiteness. 

“Excellent,” I said even as I continued to pump inside her lazily. My initial plan was to let them go, but Emma’s newfound obedience was too delicious to waste. Or maybe, I should let her go to properly process her total surrender, which would make the next day —or an evening visit if I was feeling particularly randy— much more entertaining… 

Decisions… Decisions… 


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