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I watched as Carrie fell on her knees in front of me, which was an amazing sight, with her beautiful blonde hair spilling on her chest, crowning her cleavage which enhanced greatly thanks to the angle. However, something else grabbed my attention. 

Her smile. 

It was a smile that I had never seen on her face before, one that scared me with the promise it conveyed, wordlessly warning me that she was going to subject me to the same delicious torture I had forced her to endure moments earlier. And that was a scary thought, because of the aptitude she was showing. Despite her inexperience, she was proving to be an amazing student with her penchant for deep research —as she proved by providing the most excellent service while we shared a shower the day before— meaning I needed to be ready for some wonderful surprises. 

“Focus on your homework,” she murmured even as she dragged her finger over my erection, my shorts proving to be poor insulation. Her smile widened, though her bravado was unable to hide her fragile personality, as she flickered with a question, testing whether she was going too far. 

“As you wish, miss tutor,” I answered in exaggerated obedience as I grabbed the pen, giving her the space she desired to be playful. As I leaned forward, I lost sight of Carrie, blocked by the desk. It was a unique experience to see Carrie grow like that, and I didn’t want to squash it too quickly, even though she was quick to tempt me to abandon that particular track when I felt a flurry of motion under the desk, followed by a distinctive pile of fabric flying away, which I recognized at her top. 

Despite the temptation, I managed to keep my attention on the practice questions, even when I felt her fingers on the elastic of my short. I raised my hips to allow her to successfully tug them, and she proved to be rather ambitious, dragging down my underwear alongside my shorts. I could feel her excitement even without seeing her, her trembling fingers clearly conveying her desires.

When she wrapped her soft fingers around my shaft, I didn’t bother to keep down my moan, more than happy to give her positive feedback, to make sure she knew she was in the right direction. Her fingers started to move, trying to look calm, but occasionally jerking hard, falling under the sway of her excitement. I tried to ignore the resulting jolts of pleasure and focused on the dance of my pencil over the practice questions, but it was hard. Numbers danced freely as her hand slowly picked up speed. Still, I was able to slowly work on the questions, achieving a fragile balance. 

Then, I felt wetness around my girth, destroying the fragile balance I had managed to achieve. My pencil slipped from my fingers, rolling on the ground as I squeezed my lips shut, trying to process the sudden rush of pleasure as the vacuum of her pretty mouth wrapped around my shaft. 

My pencil clacked on the floor, and a second later, her lips left my shaft. Before I could even ask for the reason, her pretty yet blushed face peeked under my desk, and presented me with the pencil. “You dropped this,” she said, a satisfied smile dominating her otherwise shy expression. 

“Thanks, pretty,” I answered as I grabbed it, once again returning to my task, my fingers tight around my pencil. She returned to her task as well, her fingers wrapped around my thick pencil. Her lips returned to their task soon after, slowly bobbing like she was savoring the taste. This time, I didn’t need to deliberately try to moan, grunts started escaping my lips as she worked on my shaft, the impact of it significantly better than our shower adventure. 

Without a doubt, she had been studying since yesterday. 

Time passed slowly, as I suffered delicious torture while I started to solve questions under the slow torture of her lips. Luckily, while she studied the technique, she lacked the experience, meaning as time passed, it was getting harder for her to maintain the patience required for a proper edge-play, evidenced by her speed, which was slowly increasing. 

Soon, I could feel her lips passing the halfway mark around my shaft even as it resulted in occasional subtle gasps. I was considering the relative merits of slipping my non-dominant hand under the desk to give her a helping push, but before I could come to a decision, her lips departed my shaft. I would have been concerned if it wasn’t for another flying piece of cloth, this time a lacy white bra which would have doubtlessly looked amazing on her perky tits. 

However, I didn’t feel disappointed to miss seeing them, not when I felt a particular fleshy warmth envelop my shaft, far too big to be her hands. I looked down, only to see her blonde hair trying to peek from the edge, trying to squeeze. 

I pushed back my chair to help her a bit. She slid forward, finally stepping out the overbearing cover of the desk, blessing me with the sight of her naked body, her tits wrapped around my shaft. She raised her head up, and I displayed her the exercise book on my left hand and my pencil on my right, showing that I was still following her request.   

“Good boy,” she murmured hesitantly, still uncomfortable with the power play, even a caricature one like the current one —not that I cared much. Then, she leaned down, her blonde hair spilling down to hide her face while she captured the head between her lips, her tits massaging the sides as she moved up and down. And they were perfect, to a point that I was having trouble to believe they were natural, but their flawless nature, bereft of even the smallest mark, proved otherwise. 

She was a natural miracle. 

Unsurprisingly, under her multi-pronged assault, I didn’t have the slightest chance to actually solve the questions. Instead, I scribbled a few nonsense answers, slightly more legible than ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. When she started to go deeper to take half of my length in her mouth, the other half under the warm grasp of her tits, the level of pleasure climbed past distracting and reached mind-blanking levels. 

I bit my lips to resist, but it was hopeless. She was simply too beautiful, and the juxtaposition between her apparent shyness and the skills she had developed through self-study made resisting her impossible. After filling the rest of the questions with nonsensical answers, I threw my exercise book, and hit on the desk with a rough clap, followed by the clatter of the pencil that followed it. 

Hearing the sound, Carrie tried to raise her head, but my hands were already sliding through her blonde hair, preventing her movement. “I have finished my task already, sweetie,” I murmured. “Now it’s your turn.” 

The moan she let out in response was spectacular, especially since my shaft was still in her mouth, making me enjoy the delicious trembles the moan created. I pressed slightly, expecting some resistance, only for her to slide down effortlessly, reminding me of the excellent performance that she displayed toward the end of the shower. And if her enthusiasm was any indicator, she had enjoyed that particular part quite a bit. 

Curious about her limits, I continued to push her head down. Her breasts slid down, abandoning their post around the base of my shaft, but it wasn’t a great loss considering Carrie’s lips immediately annexed the abandoned territory. Even as she started to gag and I lessened the pressure, she grabbed my thighs instead to push herself deeper. So, I continued to push. 

And, she continued to moan as she continued to swallow obediently, until the full range of my not-so-inconsiderable length was hidden in her pretty mouth, her throat massaging my shaft ceaselessly, each gag, each moan, turning into a delicious source of pleasure. Deep in her throat, she continued her massage, her slight discomfort unable to rival the pleasure she was deriving, as evidenced by her hand, disappearing under her skirt. 

Her own addition tempted me to do more, and I let one of my hands slid down, as one hand was more than enough to assist her in her amazing service. My large hand landed on her breast, my fingers, strong enough to direct a ball as I threw it sixty feet away with pinpoint accuracy, delved into the perfection that was her breasts, mauling her flawless skin hard enough to leave delicious-looking pink marks. 

She managed to squeeze a few moans between her loud gags as she continued to swallow my full length. 

The initial plan was to pull away before cumming, teasing her with the probability of a delicious dessert if she could double-check my answers —while I continued to tease her, of course. However, they said no plan survived the contact with the enemy, and as long as formidable enemies were concerned, Carrie’s amazing tits belonged to the dangerous category that was banned with international agreements, the tight grip of her throat classified as a war crime. 

I was just a poor mortal, how could I resist the plump lips of such a spectacular example of innocent beauty. Soon, the inevitable happened. I exploded, filling her throat with my seed, after a delayed warning. 

She managed to pull herself back slightly, but still reached an incredible achievement and kept her lips locked around my girth, rather than receiving the load on her breasts like she did yesterday. 

The result ended up as a mixture of both. Some, she managed to swallow between her coughs, but quite a bit of my seed slid down her lips, staining her beautiful tits with my mark once again. Admittedly, I was starting to think that I wouldn’t mind making her mine in a more permanent fashion. Her beauty and her intelligence presented a deadly combination, especially with the considerable assistance of her enthusiasm. 

She proved that she was deserving of my considerable respect for her next question. “So, have you finished your homework?” she asked as she stood up —only by my help, as her legs were trembling horribly. 

“Of course,” I answered immediately. “Do you want to check?” 

“Of course,” she said, and tried to sit on my lap, but I pushed her toward the desk. She looked hurt for a moment, but that was replaced by an aroused surprise when I stood up as well, and slipped my hands under her skirt, tugging down her panties. 

She looked like she was about to say something, her expression hesitant, but when I crouched behind her, she decided against it. Her concern was not hard to understand, that she wasn’t feeling ready about her virginity. Luckily for her, I already had something else in mind. 

“Start checking the answers,” I ordered even as I put my hand on the small of her back, and forced her to bend over, her short skirt unable to handle that particular angle successfully. It climbed up, revealing her wet lips to my gaze thanks to the angle I had chosen. The slightest pressure was all I needed for her to part her legs at a sixty-degree angle, giving me perfect access. 

Even as I asked her to do, I didn’t want her to catch my haphazard answers. Not because of an important reason, just because I wanted to see whether I could push her deep enough into the haze that she couldn’t reach the end of the worksheet before she climaxed once more. 

It was a pity I couldn’t see her expression as my tongue brushed against her knob, because her moan was loud enough to make me glad I wasn’t living in an apartment, but a proper house, with no neighbor to alert. I hummed in appreciation, both about her explosive reaction, and the delicious sweetness that tingled on my tongue. Fortunately, my task was delicious enough to blunt the impact of not seeing her face. 

As my tongue danced around her wetness, a number of sounds exploded in the rooms, which included grunts, moans, cries, and desperate gasps. However, the gentle touch of a pencil on paper was suspiciously absent. I smirked victoriously, as distracting Carrie from the allure of studying brought considerable satisfaction, though not as much as watching her plump ass jiggle after I slapped it softly. “How’s checking the answers going, sweetie,” I asked when I pulled back for a breather. 

“G-good,” she stammered, barely able to utter a word before exploding into another string of moans as my tongue aggressively assaulted her knob. I pushed aggressively until she was starting to shiver with the anticipation of another climax, and then slowed down at that exact moment. Just another hard push would have toppled her, but I maintained my slow pace instead. “I had a bit of challenge with the third question,” I said, using my fingers to tease her while I asked the question before replacing them with my tongue once again. 

“R-right now?” she stammered helplessly. 

“Yes,” I simply said, slapping her ass to punctuate my statement. 

“The formula is-” she tried to start, only for a moan to explode off her, drowning her words. She tried it again, but this time, she only managed to utter half a sentence before her pleasure overcame her stubbornness. She tried a few more times, but the best she was able to achieve was two sentences before her moans took back the control, until she forgot where she had been. Caressing her folds with such an indirect manner was certainly delicious. So delicious that, after a while, I lost control, triggering her climax earlier than I intended. 

Not that it was a great sin. I stood up while she collapsed on the desk, her naked tits resting gently against the open books, while her eyes were closed as she processed the great source of pleasure. I watched her gentle trembling while I enjoyed the delicious aftertaste of her climax, still on my tongue… 

It took a couple of minutes for her to gather herself, and she once again needed my help to stand up. She stood next to me, naked except for her skirt, which was messed enough to fail to cover anything important. “Thank you for your help,” I murmured, leaning forward to deliver a gentle kiss on her cheek. 

“T-thanks,” she murmured. “But I need to go, it’s too late,” she said, fixing her skirt before crossing her arms around her chest. 

If I was an inexperienced virgin, I would have assumed that her attitude was a repeat of the previous evening, where she was feeling the panic of her realization with the help of the clarity that only happened after a spectacular climax. But I wasn’t, which meant that in her tone, I could detect a desire for more, rather than the blind panic of the day before. “If you wish so,” I answered. “But it’s too late, and you’re tired. Why don’t you stay here?” 

“I don’t know…” she murmured. “I’m not ready for … that,” she said, but her tone disagreed. 

“Don’t worry,” I said even as I put my hand on her naked back, gently caressing along her spine to calm her down. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want. We can just hug and sleep,” I offered, making the most deceptive offer possible. She just nodded in approval, a relaxed smile twisting her beautiful lips. 

I just smirked even as I enjoyed her gentle embrace, rewarding me for my understanding, unaware of the hidden danger in the offer. Hugging and going to sleep was a difficult task, and despite the misconception around it, it was actually harder on girls —assuming they were with someone they find attractive, naturally. For men, arousal was something explosive, that happened instantly when facing something we desired. For women, it was a subtle accumulation, getting harder through the passage of time. 

Sleeping together, after everything we had just done… Well, if Carrie could resist the temptation to push further, I would just obediently accept her decision. And if she couldn’t… 




I'm really enjoying this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.