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I had many achievements as the most dangerous Dark Lord in the last few centuries, but watching the naked figure of Aria munching on Emma’s breasts in the most secure prison cell of the Empire definitely ranked near the top. The only thing that could have made it better was to have Queen Sapphire here as well, wrapped in the same chains that they hoped to use to imprison me. 

Like I was just a patsy that would spill all the information after their amateurish attempts to torture. 

Silence ruled the room as Emma’s shocked gaze danced between Aria and me, no doubt shocked by the daring the princess was showing. Even if she was under orders, the fact that Aria was managing to touch someone else sexually without fainting was a small miracle. “How?” she finally managed to gasp after another minute of silence. 

“Well, first of all, I’m an amazing teacher,” I said with a chuckle. “Though, I do have a good student here,” I added, patting Aria’s ass gently to leave no doubt about the target of my words, before returning to caress her lower lips. Aria shivered while Emma looked at me incredulously. 

“You’re unbelievable,” she gasped in shock. 

“I know,” I said as I shrugged. Her statement was accurate. There’s no more than a handful of people in the whole world after I had been captured, and the rest of them were consummate professionals with mechanical precision, and wouldn’t be daring enough to take the risks I did. 

Still, there was the question of what to do next. While I was tempted to sit back as Aria worked on Emma, it went without a hitch mostly because Emma was still shocked by the scene she had stumbled upon. She must have thought that I wouldn’t have dared to take the final step and deflower the only princess of the Empire, though why did she think that, I had no idea. I was daring enough to take the throne of the Dark Lord, staking my claim on the obedient Aria was nothing in comparison. 

Maybe she had bought my explanation about creating an alliance with them because I was afraid of the other dark houses seriously. Though, I was only surprised by the intensity of her belief, not that she had fallen to my flimsy explanation in the first place. When making a big mistake —like the one Emma believed herself made by freeing me— or facing a big loss, the decision-making process of most people somehow starts to fail, and like a gambling addict, they start to follow absurd totems to recover their loss. 

My explanation to Emma was no different. I told Emma that, by cooperating with me, she not only had the chance of removing herself from a mistake that would see her imprisoned as a traitor, but she could also actually recover herself from the situation politically stronger than ever. The fact that she still believed that she had the chance to steal the location of the Eternal Core from my mind was her insurance. 

Pity that, like a gambler, she was playing a rigged game from the start. 

“So, let’s talk business,” I said while I took a step to the side, closing in the distance between us once more, even though I had to abandon the delicious sight of Aria’s ass. Still, all was not bad, because it gave me the opportunity to grab her tits to enjoy it significantly. 

“Right now?” Emma said, hopeful as she turned to Aria. “Stop,” she said, expecting Aria to follow her order immediately like she always did due to her weak nature. Unfortunately for Emma, while Aria was still lacked the spine to push back, my orders were much more important than hers. I just needed to put my hand on her back gently for her to get the message, and continue biting and kissing Emma’s lips. “Stop!” she repeated, again in vain. 

“Your punishment is not over,” I explained. “Still, I feel that the position we’re sharing is not conducive to business dealing, with one of us sitting while the other standing up. Both of us should be sitting down.” 

“But there’s only one chair,” she said immediately, a little mistake in perception that could be blamed on her distraction. 

My smirk widened. “I know.” 

Hearing my salacious tone, it didn’t take long for her to realize my meaning. “That’s too-” she started, but under my gaze, she folded quickly and stood up. Her rapid obedience was not surprising, as after our last encounter saw her being spanked mercilessly and fingered at the same time while being stuffed with her own panties. Compared to that, sitting on my lap certainly wasn’t worse. She looked at my naked shaft indecisively for a while, but ultimately, she decided to sit down, trusting the isolation ability of her dress, which was still bunched around her waist. 

It was another mistake, of course, but she wouldn’t realize that immediately. 

“Nice,” I said as I felt her slim ass press against my naked shaft, the velvety texture of her dress adding an interesting layer of sensation in between. I let my hands rest on her waist even as I caught Aria’s eyes, burning with a sudden burst of jealousy. The reason and the target were not in doubt, as almost in the same second, Emma cried in pain. “Careful,” she gasped. 

“It’s a punishment,” Aria said, letting her nipple go for a moment to reveal the red marks her teeth had left, surprising both of us. It seemed that our innocent princess was triggered by jealousy. It was good to know. 

Emma said nothing, shocked by the sudden change of attitude in Aria, not that the said attitude was particularly biting. It was like a friendly kitten suddenly scratching, it wasn’t particularly vicious, but still intimidating due to its source. 

To leverage the situation, I let my hands sneak under Emma’s skirt, resting gently on her thighs. “So, what exactly do you need from this humble prisoner?” I said, not bothering to hide the mocking edge in my tone. 

From her bluster, it was clear that Emma didn’t appreciate my mocking comments, but her lack of power —not to mention her growing arousal, as evidenced by the wetness on my little finger when I let it move too close to her panties— kept that particular complaint wordless. “I need to discover another spy, this time higher in the hierarchy,” she said. “There’s a dangerous plot I had learned from this one,” she explained, though not explicitly mentioning her attempt to make a mental intrusion, “but he didn’t know anything apart from the needing some magical crystals and a lot of weapons. I need to discover more.” 

I didn’t tell her that if she had been more careful, she would have easily discovered more about the plot from his compatriots, as her lack of ability only strengthened my bargaining hand. Still, preventing a dark plot worked to my benefit, as it would give other wannabe dark nobles something to do. “Not a problem,” I said. “Of course, it’s about the payment as well,” I said, letting my hands climb upward, caressing her soft spot through her panties. 

Emma shivered erotically, which was followed by another gasp of pain as Aria once again bit hard enough to leave a mark. “W-what do you want?” she murmured resignedly, no doubt already having an idea about my request, inspired by the view she had stumbled when she first came in. Moreover, even though she kept her tone neutral, she couldn’t hide her wetness. She clearly wanted more after the spectacular fingering she had received the last time, and Aria’s continuous kissing and biting wasn’t exactly something to calm her down. 

Since she was already giving signals of accepting my rather aggressive touch, I decided to tease her a bit more. “I want some decent furniture, and maybe some clothing,” I said. 

“I acc-” she started immediately without properly listening, only to stammer halfway. “What?” 

“I want a room that’s not just a wall and nothing else,” I explained. “I want a proper bed to sleep in, maybe a couch to laze around, and a couple of books,” I explained. “I might be freer, but I’m still locked in this room. And believe me, you don’t want me getting bored in here.” 

“I-I see,” she stammered once more, trying to reorient herself from her near-surrender. “I don’t have the right to make those changes, though,” she said. 

“Then go convince the Queen for it,” I offered, startling both girls, enough that Aria had pulled back from her task. I continued, disregarding their panic. “It should be easy, just tell her that you managed to extract another spy from me, and that should ensure Queen approving a few small comforts for me.” My smirk widened as I let my hands slip under her panties, teasing her wetness directly, extracting a moan. “And, if you can present it correctly, the Queen might even let you handle the rest of the interrogation. Wouldn’t that be fun?” 

“No,” she immediately answered, but the actual meaning of her word was barely legible as her voice drowned in another moan. 

“Really,” I drawled as I circled around her clit, slowly driving her toward a climax. “Because you don’t react like you’re disliking the treatment, even when I’m not forcing you to stay here,” I said. 

She tried to stand up at that word, and for a moment, she even succeeded on that, only for me to use the opportunity to give a hard tug to her dress, pulling it to the ground, leaving her wearing only a pair of flimsy panties which turned even more transparent with her wetness. She was ripe for taking. However, since I wasn’t a brute, I didn’t plunge in directly. Instead, I used her shock at my daring move to pull her back on my lap, this time, my shaft trapped between her thighs. 

“That’s too much,” she gasped as she felt my hardness against her entrance, protected only by her flimsy panties. Her back was still pressing against my chest, which made her face Aria. 

“Really?” I asked even as I slipped my fingers in the confines of her panties, this time after caressing her stomach for a while. “You think that’s too much, after poor Aria is doing her best to fix your unnecessary mistakes,” I added. I pulled my hand out of her panties after a short yet aggressive caressing that brought her dangerously close to a climax, only to pull back. I grabbed her waist instead, only to lift her. 

Rather than skewering her directly, I let her sit further on my lap, meaning my shaft was pressing against her shapely ass. “That’s her fault of being a cowardly slut,” Emma tried to counter, once again more than willing to throw Aria under fire without a need, proving the rather poor quality of their relationship. In her defense, looking at the used state of her tits, covered with Aria’s teeth marks, this time it was at least partially justified. 

However, it also stroked Aria’s anger even more, which was the exact opportunity I was waiting to push her deeper into the pit of depravity. “You seem to be looking for more punishment,” I said even as I ripped her panties off, and parted her legs with my steely grab. I looked at Aria, and continued. “Finger her, just like I had taught you, but make sure she doesn’t cum,” I said. 

“That’s too much-” Emma tried to argue, but in the position we were in, it was trivial to stuff her mouth with her own panties once more. I was ready to grab her wrists to pull her arms back, but being gagged with her own panties seemed to be sufficient as a warning. 

“Go on,” I said to Aria even as I reestablished my grip on Emma’s toned legs, enjoying the sensation as my fingers sank into her flesh. 

Aria had an ecstatic expression on her face as her fingers danced around Emma’s most sensitive spot, realizing that for once in her life, she wasn’t expected to accept the pointless insults of the others just to defend the reputation of her position. 

For once, she could strike back. 

Emma’s eyes widened in shock as Aria’s fingers started to tease her in a way she hadn’t expecting. It wasn’t the first time she felt foreign fingers around her entrance, of course, as I was the owner of that honor, acquired during our previous encounters, but Aria’s soft, gentle fingers doubtlessly felt different. 

When she opened her mouth to ask Aria to stop, I reacted faster. “Let’s see for how long you’ll be able to handle Aria’s treatment,” I whispered to her. 

Despite all her bluster, Emma was not a complicated woman, and her competitiveness was one of her easier triggers, especially against someone like Aria whom she had complicated feelings about. She took my challenge and stayed silent, daring Aria silently. 

Aria flinched under Emma’s gaze, violently enough that if it wasn’t for my presence giving her confidence, she would have already retreated. Instead, our eyes met, and my smile calmed her down. 

Emma was determined at first, but as time progressed, that determination started to get chipped under the weight of the moment. She found herself in a daze, at a loss about how to react, not expecting Aria to continue such a lewd task without pausing. 

She was going to pay for underestimating my ‘student’. 

I didn’t bother doing anything other than keeping her legs parted for Aria’s convenience, while Emma started shuffling in her place —which rather amazing effect on my shaft— showing signs of distress. The growing pleasure without a release started to take its toll, amplified by her situation.  

Barely five minutes later, Emma cracked. “Please,” she whispered, her voice raspy. 

“So soon,” Aria said, showing a surprising initiative as her face was split with a victorious smirk. 

“I have to agree,” I said even as I let my fingers caress her inner thigh, making her shiver helplessly. “Was that it? I expect you to withstand much more than that.” 

Emma didn’t look happy with the disregard she was receiving from both sides, but apparently, the feeling of her body was more important. “Please,” she repeated. 

I make eye contact with Aria even as I tried to decide how to progress.


