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As I watched the naked and gasping figure of the most important woman of the Empire, the Mother Queen, my initial plan suddenly lost its importance. At this point, I was planning to reveal the truth about the ineffectiveness of her small trick before starting to bargain, but seeing her beautiful and vulnerable flesh, I decided to continue. 

Taking down the queen completely was a temptation impossible to reject. I just needed an excuse to push forward. 

Luckily, she gave me the excuse I needed by trying to poison me. As I stood in front of her, I made a show of stumbling, holding my head like I was suffering from vertigo, a sign that the poison was working, just not as quick as she hoped. 

“Not bad, sweetheart,” I said as I sat down once more. “Now, as we talked, I’m ready to give you the location of a lesser item, just to prove my end of the bargain,” I added as I opened my arms, leaning back. I even closed my eyes like I was trying to recover from the poison, giving her the hope that I was about to fall unconscious, just needing a dash more excitement to trigger the poison. 

“Give me a minute,” she murmured as she stood up, her legs trembling worse than my act as she tried to overcome her recent treatment. She stumbled toward the washbasin to clean her cum-covered face, also using the opportunity to clean up. Still, I had to respect her composure, as even after the treatment she had received, she continued her obedient role, walking away with a delicious sway in her hips, a sway that worked perfectly to resurrect my boner. 

I watched as she quickly washed her face, and reapplied her makeup, nor did I missed that she pulled her perfume from a special container. The sweet smell filled the room, pumping my heart more. 

I didn’t recognize the smell, but considering the effect, it was clearly a strong aphrodisiac, the kind that would cost a fortune for each drop. It was enough to turn a normal man into a panting puppy ready to do anything just for a hint of relief. For my case, it was the perfect way to accelerate the poison. Too bad for her that I had already purged the poison. 

After reapplying her makeup, she walked to the decanter and filled another glass of poisoned wine for me. “You must be thirsty,” she whispered erotically as she passed the wine to me before trying to sit next to me. 

“You’re such a thoughtful courtesan,” I said even as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her on my lap, not giving her the space she required. She giggled in response, but her eyes were like blocks of ice, threatening to freeze me. Despite the treatment, her will was still strong. 

I wanted to shatter that will. 

“So, we were talking about the location,” she murmured as she leaned against me, giving me a better whiff of her perfume, quickening my heartbeat. 

“Of course,” I answered even as I kissed her neck. “We need to make sure you trust me first before we could have a serious discussion about the Eternal Core.” 

“I see,” she answered, stiffening slightly. “However, I have a question. How can you know the location of the Eternal Core? You’re just his business partner, right? How can you know his secret location.” 

“Good question,” I said even as I tightened my arm around her waist, then take a gulp. But this time, rather than swallowing it all, I pressed my lips against hers, forcing her to share the wine. The panic flared in her eyes, but in my lap, she had no chance to reject it, not unless she wanted to reveal the existence of the poison before she could put me down. “I don’t know the location, but I have a way to track the location of the Eternal Core. That’s how I first discovered it in the Ancient Ruins.” 

She looked at me in disbelief. “And you think we didn’t try that? Are you trying to swindle me?” 

I chuckled. “Honey, you don’t trust me and that’s normal. That’s why I offered the first task to prove my trustworthiness. But to answer your question, unlike you, I know exactly how the Eternal Core works, including its magical signature. Such a strong magical item could never be hidden.” After giving the answer, I made a show of holding my head, like I was about to fall unconscious. Something that she didn’t miss. 

“And how exactly are you going to track that signature,” she asked even as she grabbed the goblet and took a swig before pressing her lips against mine, sharing the wine. She was still a bit stiff as she did so, but the fact that she took the initiative was enough to show her desperation. She wanted me to fall unconscious, no doubt with a great number of revenge plans in mind. 

“That’s a secret, sweetheart,” I murmured, smiling wildly as she wrapped her hand around my shaft, just to convince me to reveal some of my secrets. I looked down for a moment before smiling at her, like a wolf smiling at a trapped antelope. “I see you’re not satisfied with the earlier treat as well,” I whispered throatily, and her eyes popped in alarm. 

“Actually-” she tried to say, but it died quickly when I threw her on the couch and parted her legs open. 

I immediately pressed one of my hands on her shoulder to keep her in place, the other one slipping between her legs. Her eyes widened at the sudden change of pace, letting out a shocked yelp, but before she could say anything, I was already kissing her searingly. 

She was trapped under me, shocked at the sudden change of pace, trying to gather her wits. It didn’t help when we shared another kiss filled with wine, and her excitement started to rise as well. Her legs lost their power to stay closed, parting open obediently. Her eyes widened as she realized the mistake of using such a strong aphrodisiac, but it was too late. Combined with my skillful treatment, her body was rebelling. 

I didn’t rise from nothing to the top of the world by missing such amazing opportunities. I popped a couple of fingers inside her, ramming repeatedly in a frenzied pace to loosen her before the main even while my other hand sneaked down to her spectacular breasts that defied both her age and the gravity, sinking in their depths mercilessly. Less than a minute later, she was sopping wet, moaning with every push, but her tightness around my fingers was no less than her daughter. 

“Damn, girl. You’re as tight as a virgin. How long it has been since you had a cock in there,” I asked even as I fondled her chest. She kept her eyes close, ignoring the question. Without losing a second, I slapped her tit, hard enough to make her cry. “Sweetheart, if we’re to cooperate, I expect you to answer my questions.” 

She opened her eyes, looking at me furiously. She might be aroused, but that didn’t mean that she was going to submit easily. If it was that easy, she would have never keep a hold of the Empire. Too bad for her that I caught her in her most vulnerable position, unaware that her tactics were countered before she could realize. 

Her overconfidence was her downfall. 

Her moans, rising unbidden, were better than the celestial music for my ears, proving that she deserved the title of Holy Empress. If I had time, I would have let her continue, but I wasn’t willing to risk her getting even more suspicious about the lack of effectiveness of the drug. “Are you ready for the main event?” I whispered as I changed position, my shaft caressing her entrance as my lips caressed her ear. She whimpered deliciously like a virgin as I pressed my weight above her, trapping her completely. 

I pushed my shaft deep inside her without waiting for an answer. Her hands found my shoulders, her nails sinking deep enough to draw blood. “Naughty girl,” I said as I pulled my head, examining her expression, only to catch a calculating glint in her eyes. She wasn’t just trying to punish me. She had ulterior motives for stealing my blood. 

I might have ignored the possibility of her knowing Blood Magic if I hadn’t already watched her using a dark variety of Tantric magic to drain her enthusiastic watchers just an hour ago. With that, her possible expertise of Blood Magic wasn’t a surprise, despite it being an even darker variety with a worse reputation. 

Sapphire was surprising me more and more. She was really a woman of surprising depths. 

Too bad that she was trying to defeat a master of Dark Magic. For any half-decent dark magic practitioner, cutting the relationship between the spilled blood and the self was evident. It was a simple spell, but with a strategic drawback. The lack of magical presence in the blood would alert the enemy. 

In my youth, I developed a better tactic. Instead of cutting the connection completely, I learned to create a dummy presence so that the attacking mages would still have a target, unaware that they would give me a way to track them down, or even use the same connection to reverse the impact. 

It wasn’t a flawless way of counter-attacking. A sufficiently alert and skilled mage would realize the trick and cut the connection, but still, it was a good way to try, with no risk to myself. And I had a feeling that the Queen wasn’t a master of the art, not with the limited opportunities to try such dangerous magic. 

So, I ignored her attempts to draw blood and hurt me at the same time, and turned my attention back to the beautiful way her slit was hugging my shaft. “You like to keep silent, don’t you?” I asked as I slowly pushed deeper inside her, trying to stretch her tightness as well as I could, which was surprisingly tight. “Let me ask again, how long it has been since you have tasted a cock.” 

She looked disinclined to answer, so I started slapping her tits and her ass. They weren’t hard enough to actually hurt, but the fact that she was being spanked like a disobedient whore was worse than pain for her, a desire to revenge burning in her eyes. Her fingers sank into my skin once more, extracting more blood. 

“It has been years,” she finally whispered. 

“Damn,” I said even as I pushed even deeper, enjoying her tightness. “It’s like I’m taking your second virginity. It’s really an honor for such a poor citizen like me, serving my Queen in such a glorious manner.” 

She opened her mouth, but I never learned what she was about to say. The reason was simple, I cast a simple spell to conjure her panties before stuffing them into her mouth, silencing her perfectly. “Just in case you make a sound,” I said mockingly even as I quickened my pace, enjoying the treatment. Despite her dislike, her eyes started to cloud as the pleasure built-up. Surprisingly, she didn’t show the slightest inclination to struggle, accepting the treatment with an uncaring display as I claimed her deeper and deeper.

However, despite the surface that lacked emotion, her body was much more honest, giving me all the signals that she was enjoying the treatment. I just needed to crack the surface of indifference to reveal the truth.

So, I continued slamming deep inside her repeatedly, underlining my ownership with occasional slaps to her bottom until both sides burned red. 

Despite her best efforts to deny the pleasure, I could feel her rapidly near to the edge. In a different situation, I would have slowed down, torturing her with an orgasm that refused to finalize, making her beg for me to finish. Unfortunately, to her knowledge, I was poisoned, and needed to fall unconscious soon. I had to finish it quickly. 

Still, that didn’t mean that I couldn’t have any fun. I pulled out without a warning, and before she could react, I flipped her, taking her from the back in doggy position, humiliating her even further. I started spanking her ass even easier, my fingers alternating between spanking and sinking into her flesh. While I did so, I brought an ink bottle and a feather with magic, and started drawing the map I promised on her back, using a cantrip to dry the ink, to prevent it from smudging. 

While I was busy with drawing the map and writing the exploration notes, her armor of indifference started to crack, forcing her to let out moans, muffled thanks to the panties stuffed in her mouth. Soon, she started to shudder under the effect of an earthquake, one strong enough to leave her a confused, trembling mess.

Still, just because I couldn’t torture her with a delayed orgasm didn’t mean that I couldn’t have messed with her at all. “I’m almost finished,” I commented as I draw the latest lines of the map, but still continued to slam inside her, not giving the slightest inclination to pull back. The comment cut through her haze like a knife. She removed her panties and started speaking. 

“Not inside-” she gasped in panic, but it was too late. I already started spraying her insides with my seed, feeling a great sense of accomplishment. Taking the Queen in such a primal way was the true meaning of victory. 

I pushed a few more times, watching her tits jiggle unrestricted with each push while watching her weak struggle. Realizing she was too late to prevent it, she took it obediently, still trembling thanks to her orgasm. “That was a nice trade,” I said, punctuating it with a not-so-weak slap on her ass as she collapsed on the couch. 

I dressed quickly as she lay on the couch, breathing hard, the poison she ingested making it hard for her to recover. She didn’t drink enough to make her unconscious, but she still took enough to make her confused. 

“So, that’s it for tonight,” as I walked toward the door, stumbling badly enough to suggest to her that her poison was finally taking effect. 

Her eyes widened as she realized the sacrifices she had made were about to be in vain. “Are you leaving this quickly? I was hoping for a … repeat,” she asked as she tried to stand, but her legs rejected the call. Instead, she sat down, her legs parted enough to reveal my seed dripping down, signaling my victory. She blushed like a shy virgin, reminding me of her daughter, but unlike her daughter, that mannerism was completely fake. 

“Nice,” I said as I explored her naked body hungrily. “Too bad that I’m feeling too drunk for another round, and I have a very important meeting I can’t miss.” 

Her eyes widened. “What about our deal?” she asked quickly as she struggled to stand. 

“The map and everything you need to know is on your back, drawn to perfection,” I answered with a smirk. “You just need to follow it. When you guys finish exploring, I’ll visit you again.” 

“But, what about…” she tried to ask, trying to keep me in place, but I cast a darkness spell, preparing to leave the room. 

However, just as I opened the door, a curious idea appeared in my mind. Maybe I should stay inside, hidden in the shadows, and watch her?



Thanks 4 the chapter!