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Hi guys, 

My new job is a mess. 

So, it turns out that my new boss is such an unbelievable idiot that the fact that he manages to breathe while walking is a wonder. So much that it is worthy of being a comedy movie, unfortunately, I'm the unfortunate scmuck that needs to clean after him. As a consequence, I had been pulling a string of all-nighters.   

Unfortunately, it means a longer delay on my earlier promise. So, my plan new plan is, I will make a full update the Sunday 13th. For the skipped update this week, 

I'll do my best to add them to the update, but it is extremely unlikely that I will be able to finish them in time. Instead, I'll update extra chapters as much as I could. At the worst case, those chapters will be spread across next three updates of February. 

Again, apologies for the hectic schedule during the last month, but between my new job, COVID cases in my family, and my own health issues, I'm doing the best I can. Hopefully, things will return to normal after I get a hold of my new job. 





No worries man, just focus on settling in until you can find a pace that works for you

Old One

Hang in there! I know how stressful it can be working under an incompetent boss.

Zitronen tee

Ahh, yeah, I am familiar with that kind of situation. When is the project due? "Oh, about 4 months ago. No need to hurry". That was a ... fun... year.


Good luck with doing his job in addition to your own. May you get to a regular sleeping schedule soon.


Life happens. We love your stories, but you need to take care of yourself first. Hopefully things will improve for you.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

No worries. Did you mean Saturday, or the 14th tho? Because a 13th Sunday is not for some months to come.