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Hi Everyone, 

First of all, thanks for your well wishes about my health issues. Much appreciated. 

It took longer than the doctors initially predicted due to a number of unfortunate surprises, but I'm almost recovered. However, I won't be able to update it today. 

So, what I'm planning to do is to change the update schedule a bit. Normally, since there is 5  Fridays in January, I would be posting some bonus chapters the fifth Friday. Instead, I need to update the schedule so that I will be doing four updates, just skipping the 8th. Apologies for unexpected delay. Because I'm yet to recover to my full strength. 

Still, depending on my recovery speed, I'll do my best to put some bonus chapters. 

Thank you for your understanding, and once again, apologies for the delay. 





Thanks for the update! Get better soon focus on your health!

Kabir Kumar

Thanks for letting us know.


So next chapters to be posted will be on the 15th, or will there be some sooner?


Feel better and have an awesome day.


Don't worry. I don't mind waiting when there are issues like this for u to deal with. U have been pretty damn consistent for a very long while so it is good to have a small break unintended as it was.

sihko gaud

#1 rule of writing is to take care of yourself. Rest well & get better. Your stories will still be there when you're done.


Hope you will feel better soon!

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

Been quiet for quite some time now, are you okay man? Please give us an update on your condition if you can.


Yeah, I should have updated. I'm finally feeling better. I will make the updates today as well :)