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When we started walking once more, I couldn’t help but wish for a monotonous journey, even though I knew that with two sexy women who were using me a target to prove their dominance, it was fairly impossible. The fact that I was using actual lightning to torture myself as I walked in an effort to control my magic was just made the situation weirder. 

Continuously using magic was a risky affair even when I tried to keep it low key, risking detection, but still, it was better than facing the enemies without adequate control on my magic. I was lucky not to have a credible threat as I tried to came into terms with my new power as a Sorcerer. Shapeless elemental bursts were good enough to fight against the raiders and tribals, but they wouldn’t work against a skilled mage, who could easily twist even reverse such an assault if prepared. 

After my display against the raiders, I had no doubt that any mage we would face would have been briefed about my style of combat, and with appropriate preparations. I needed my flexibility back to fight against them. 

Of course, the tempering exercises were quite an attention-grabbing, so during the next stop, Astrid was curious as she drifted to my side after casting yet another spell to remove our tracks and implant false tracks. Her magical ability wasn’t exactly impressive, but her spells were rather effective under the circumstances. So, when she decided to gather the courage to ask about my exercises, I decided to be honest, for a given value of it. 

“I’m trying to regain control of my magic after using a dangerous spell,” I explained succinctly even as sat on a nearby stump, giving her the same story I told Lillian. It told them what they needed without revealing my own secrets. 

“What do you mean you’re trying to regain control?” Astrid asked, shocked. 

Lillian smirked at her shock, and interjected before I could answer. “Don’t tell me that you thought he’s limited to that pathetic bursts of elements. How insulting,” Lillian said gloatingly as she closed in, enjoying Astrid’s angry glare. She must have enjoyed the rise, because she decided to push the envelope by sitting on my lap, hugging me intimately, in a way that sent my shaft into the full mast, something she noticed if her satisfied smirk was any indicator. “Marcus is a master of magic, as he should be to deserve being my man.” 

I chuckled at her proclamation, positioning me somewhere between a boyfriend and husband. Still, seeing Astrid’s anger, I decided to put a lid on the discussion. “Be nice, sweetie,” I said even as I slapped her bottom playfully, but still hard enough to make a hard crack, making her gasp. “To answer your question, Astrid, yes, my specialization is runes and enhancements, but as you have seen, I’m not half-bad at combat magic as well.” 

“How?” she stammered. “Is every noble mage as strong as you? No wonder we were getting destroyed in every battle.” 

Lillian looked like she was about to deliver a scathing answer, so I decided to warn her by squeezing her ass, making her squawk beautifully. “Not even close,” Lillian admitted after my warning. “Marcus is special.” 

“How special?” Astrid asked, curious despite her jealousy, trying to better understand the circumstances she found herself in. 

Lillian looked at me, and I nodded, giving her permission to speak about my power. It wasn’t a difficult decision, as Lillian didn’t know the true depth of my power as well, so there was no great risk even if Astrid was captured and forced to reveal my secrets. “He’s definitely the strongest one in our graduating class,” Lillian said, and Astrid looked a bit lost, lacking the frame of reference to understand the significance of it. “He can probably defeat the next three students combined without too big of trouble,” she added. 

This time, Astrid nodded, even as she looked at me in a renewed fascination. After all, it was a comparison she could easily understand. Even in the tribe, a warrior needed to be truly spectacular to defeat three other warriors at the same time. Admittedly, with my recent boost, I believed that I could fight against a dozen of them and still be the winner. My so-called classmates were strong and reasonably skilled, but they lacked the experience to truly stand against me. 

“We need to move,” I said, no matter how much I enjoyed Lillian on my lap or the renewed worship in Astrid’s gaze examining me like a particularly tasty cut of meat. 

“So soon,” Lillian asked with a playful pout. I would have admonished her, but she chose that moment to wiggle her tight bottom, making me come alive with desire. 

I was tempted to extend the break to teach her about the dangerous waters she was wading, but the reality of the situation intruded. “We needed to cover more ground and find a good camping spot before the nightfall,” I explained. “We can’t take the risk of walking around in the dark.” 

“Danger from the wildlife?” Lillian asked, but I shook my head. 

“We don’t want to miss our tracks in the darkness,” Astrid cut in, and when I nodded, she sent a satisfied smirk at Lillian. “Let’s move,” she said. 

“Yeah, let’s move,” Lillian agreed, but rather than standing up, she twirled at my lap until she was straddling me, her miniskirt not helping to reduce the impact of her move. Once again, she captured my lips in a heated kiss, her tongue swirling in my mouth, her hips moving back and forth. I let her do it, as her lips were too delicious to push away, and her hips were giving me jolts of pleasure. 

Astrid coughed pointedly, but Lillian kept kissing me until she repeated it. “We need to move,” she said testily, the jealousy clear in her eyes. 

“Sorry,” Lillian said with an insincere tone. “I needed some distraction before another few hours of monotone walk.” 

“Then do something useful,” Astrid said angrily. 

Lillian looked ready to join the argument, but before she could do so, I slapped her bottom playfully. “Behave,” I said. Lillian frowned while Astrid opened her mouth to gloat, only to receive the same treatment. “Behave,” I repeated as I slapped her bottom, making sure that my hand lingered there for a moment. 

This time, Lillian glared at me, while Astrid was too busy blushing in an effort to match her skin color to her fiery hair. I just chuckled before gesturing them to move. Astrid turned silently, while Lillian huffed angrily, but their hips were swaying noticeably as they walked away, tempting me to stop the walk to test their envy in a more interesting setting. 

Pity that I had real priorities to focus on. Once again, I continued tempering myself, but this time, rather than using the lightning trick, I forced my magic to flow along my body, forcing it to circulate around my body. It wasn’t the best tempering exercise. It had questionable effectiveness and it was wasteful. But it had a big advantage, it didn’t have an upper bound to handle. Considering that I lacked Sorcerer-tier techniques to temper my control, that was my best option, even if it was a bit wasteful. 

For the next hour, I didn’t pay much attention to my surroundings, focusing more on the way my mana was circulating around my body, so I was rather startled when I felt a sudden mana fluctuation close by. Without even thinking about it, I forced my mana outward, suffocating the area, making the spell disappear. 

It was a reflexive move that took a chunk of my mana, but the results were spectacular. When I raised my gaze, I was met with Lillian and Astrid facing each other, their hands raised like they were about to cast a spell, but there was no mana in their hands. And it was not intentional, considering the shock they were showing. 

Still, even with their shock, it was a nice sight, because it was clear from the evidence that they had been fighting even before they tried to use magic, something I had managed to miss in my inward focus. “Look at me,” I ordered them, though I couldn’t feel too annoyed at their childish display. Not when their clothes were the only casualty. Lillian’s top was relatively intact, though a large gash went through the side, giving a familiar glimpse into her spectacular breasts. 

Astrid’s top, on the other hand, was already in pieces, exposing her beautiful nipples to the air. I wasn’t surprised, as her top was barely up to the task of containing her spectacular breasts, and under Lillian’s assault, I wasn’t surprised that it fell into pieces. I couldn’t help but lock on them, enjoying the curves, imagining the feeling of sinking my fingers into their huge expanse. 

The girls weren’t stupid, and I wasn’t exactly trying to be discreet, so they easily realized my focus. Their reactions differed, however. Astrid blushed, but didn’t neglect to send a satisfied smirk at Lillian. Lillian, on the other hand, was bouncing her angry glare between us, unable to decide who to focus. 

“What’s going on here,” I asked several seconds later. 

“She’s being a stupid bitch,” Astrid said at the same time Lillian insulted her being stupid, before things rapidly devolved into another catfight, though this time it stayed limited to their words. From their fight, I understood that the subject was when to take a break, but they chose that moment to flex their authority to establish their pecking order. 

I couldn’t help but chuckle as I watched two deadly women devolve into a schoolyard scuffle, especially when they once again resorted to physical. This time, Astrid’s top lost the last semblance of coherence while Lillian’s skirt suffered a similar fate, leaving her in deficient underwear. But when they started casting, I decided to interject. 

I decided to try the earlier trick, I forced out a generous amount of mana, forcing it to blanket my immediate surroundings, once again their spells falling apart. They turned to me, this time, the significance of my new trick. “How?” they stammered simultaneously. 

“Just a small trick. Think of it as a stiff wind, extinguishing the fire before it had a chance of getting started.” Lillian looked like she had followed up questions, but I decided to cut her off. “We can talk about that later. I want to focus on the childish display you two put together,” I said, trying to sound stern, which was a difficult task to do while enjoying the sight of their mostly-naked bodies, making my pants very tight. 

“But-” Lillian started, but I silenced her by once again letting my presence outward, this time using it to convey a sense of pressure. They stiffened in panic, but I was sure that fear wasn’t the only emotion they were fearing, not with Astrid’s suddenly stiff nipples and the small damp spot that appeared on Lillian’s panties. 

“No argument,” I said even I looked for a nearby seat, but seeing nothing, slammed my foot on the ground, forcing a well-crafted earthen seat to rise from the floor, showing I was getting my control back. Of course, the smooth display of magic impressed them quite a bit as well. “Come here, Lillian,” I ordered her as I took a seat. She walked, though her steps were slow, I was familiar enough with her to know that her hesitancy was fake, and her sway was too controlled for someone afraid of her situation. 

Maybe I needed to teach her not to be too dismissive of my threats. 

I decided to go to a more traditional route, especially since with Astrid here, I doubt that she would be arguing too hard, afraid of losing her position to the redheaded bombshell. It was an opportunity to teach her a lesson, I decided. I patted my lap. “Lay down,” I said. 

“W-what?” she stammered, her smirk disappearing as she realized the implications. 

I fixed her with a glare, and a dose of magic. “If you’re going to act like a child, you’re going to be treated like a child! Now, lay down,” I ordered, for once tapping into the sense of domineering presence given to me by the dragon’s heart. Lillian folded instantly, throwing herself onto my lap. 

“Good girl,” I said, patting her head nicely, which made her smile despite the circumstances, though that wasn’t long-lived, because I followed that pat with a hard spank, extracting a cry from her. 

“It hurts,” she said in protest, only to receive another stiff spank. 

“It’s supposed to,” I explained calmly as I landed the third one, making her delicious ass glow brightly. “And that’s the third of twenty.” 

“Twenty-” she tried to complain, only to receive another one. 

“Now, twenty-five,” I said even as I spanked her again, but this time, letting my hand linger on her bottom, enjoying her ass. She opened her mouth to argue. “Do you want it to be thirty?” I said, and that silenced her, a petulant expression on her face. I turned my gaze to Astrid, who was watching the situation with a great shock. I winked at her, and she smiled back. Amusingly, at the shocking sight, she had forgotten the absence of a top, her tits free for my viewing pleasure, her nipples rock hard. 

How I wished to slide my shaft in that glorious white valley between her mounds. 

I turned my attention back to Lillian, even as I landed the tenth one, straining Lillian’s stubborn determination to keep silent. She was biting her lips desperately to keep herself from crying, but her limits were reaching. A couple more, and her silence was broken by a pained cry. I decided to help her a bit, so rather than spanking her immediately, I let my fingers caress her bottom gently, making her gasp softly. 

“Is the massage better, or do you want me to finish it quickly?” I asked even as I spanked once more, followed by more caressing. Though, I know that it was a trivial question, because I could feel her wetness in my fingers. She was gushing freely, her arousal almost a physical entity. 

“Massage is better,” she admitted immediately, her eyes closed, forgetting the presence of Astrid. Astrid looked like she was about to comment, but a warning glare from me was enough to silence her. I didn’t want the moment to be broken. 

“Okay, but only good girls get the massage. You promise to be a good girl, right?” 

“Of course, Marcus. I’ll be a good girl, following your orders obediently. I promise!” 

“Excellent,” I said as I pulled my hand away from her bottom, but this time, rather than spanking her immediately, I pulled her panties down, leaving her ass bare. When I caressed her naked skin, she shuddered helplessly, following with a moan when my fingers finally connected with her nether lips. It was a soft, fleeting contact, but it still worked perfectly as a trigger after such a lengthy spanking session. 

The next spank was much softer, as with her obedience assured at least momentarily, it was the time for the reward. After the spank, my fingers once again drifted toward her wetness, this time lingering much longer, enough to turn her moans into a string. Another spank, followed by an even lengthier fingering session where I drifted toward her knob, enjoying the way she shuddered. Even when my fingers slipped inside a bit, her only reaction was to moan louder. 

At that point, I once again turned my attention to Astrid, who was watching the happening with a hypnotized expression, her earlier amusement replaced by shocked arousal. Her nipples were hard enough to cut the rock, her pouty lips slightly parted, begging for me to slide my shaft inside to test her throat. 

Maybe after I was finished with Lillian. 

It was far too soon when I reached for the promised twenty-fifth spank on Lillian’s bottom. On the positive side, at this point, I didn’t really need an excuse —even a transparent one— to touch her. I let my fingers free, two of them sliding in and out of her entrance, though careful not to risk her virginity, while my thumb was dancing on her knob, slowly but inevitably pushing her toward an explosive climax. And since I wanted to play with Astrid without her interaction, I deliberately extended the treatment, making sure she didn’t come too early, even with all her begging. 

So, when it finally came, she simply collapsed into a trembling mess. She moaned softly as her eyes closed, saying nothing as I slid her panties back. It wasn’t just the after-effects of her climax, however, no matter how much my male pride wanted to believe that. The journey was much more than her endurance could handle, even without the other factors like our aggressive foreplay the night before or the exhausting boat trip. 

Astrid proved her intelligence and common sense by saying nothing while I dressed Lillian and lay her a few feet away, close enough to be protected in case of danger. 

Then, I turned to Astrid. “Are you ready for your punishment,” I said in a dark, no-nonsense tone. 

The way her chest heaved as I walked toward her was answer enough… 


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