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Waking up was a surprise. A big one, considering I had been fighting against a a dragon serpent that was magically empowered through its familiar status, and to defeat it, I had done the craziest thing unimaginable, and swallowed a dragon heart, hoping for a burst of power to kill the annoying creature before the burst of power burned me from the inside. 

Still being alive was a surprise. Staying whole, with my magic still flowing in my body was a bigger one. Even more, I could feel my magic flowing under my skin with a strength I couldn’t even imagine before. But despite its strength, it felt wild, like a magma boiling under a volcano, bubbling threateningly even at its calmest. I was stronger, but I doubted that I could survive an attempt to use that power. And to make things worse, I didn’t know whether it was temporary and permanent. It would have been ironic if it was the latter though, suddenly having access to power that would rival to a sorcerer, but lacking the ability to use it. 

I wanted to focus more on the sensation of power, to understand whether I still had the ability to use magic or crippled myself in the most wasteful manner possible; but the distinct smell of burnt meat reached my nose, dissuading me from spending too much time locked in my mind. I struggled to open my eyes, my muscles burning badly under the exertion - the cost of the latest burst of ethereal flame I had used against the creature. Even trying to sit was a struggle that took most of my power, but when I finally succeed, I had met with a very interesting scene. 

Lillian was standing in front of a stone that was glowing red, with a pile of badly-charred meat next to her, and half carved carcass of the dragon serpent just a few steps away. An expression of total concentration was on her face as she watched a few pieces of meat sizzling on the stone, dissatisfied with the wisps of smoke that was escaping the meat. Of course, her topless state turned the comical scene of her incompetence into an erotic masterpiece, one that tickled my fancy. 

“The rock is too hot, you’ll just burn the meat again,” I shouted. Or more accurately, I tried to shout, but my voice was much more cracked than I would have preferred, escaping in a hoarse gasp rather than the crisp shout I intended. 

Her head whipped up when she saw my state. “You’re awake,” she exclaimed and dashed toward me, abandoning her failed attempts of cooking. And while she dashed forward, she didn’t try to cover her chest, which ended up as an amazing view, her tits tumbling wildly with each step. 

At the incredible sight, my shaft started to awaken despite my exhaustion, which was made visible by the fact that I was still naked. Then she reached my position and hugged me without the slightest hesitation, ignoring my nakedness as her chest melded against mine, and the awakening of my shaft was completed immediately. Never one to miss such an opportunity, I lifted my arms and hugged her body, enjoying the sensation of her naked skin once more. It was a pity that lifting my arms was the limit of what I could achieve at the moment, because I would have liked to push her down and test the extent of her gratitude.  

 “Yes, princess, I’m awake,” I murmured into her ear, but my voice much kinder. Such an enthusiastic naked hug went a long way to resolve my anger toward her, after all. 

“How do you feel?” she murmured, her arms still around my body, her grip desperately tight. No doubt that she was scared about the possibility of my tragic demise. Luckily, fate decided that I was too selfish to deserve a heroic fate, and I was still alive. 

“Like someone replaced my muscles with rocks, but otherwise fine,” I said, making sure to keep the strain I was feeling away from my tone. “And I strained my abilities, so it’s for the best if I don’t use any magic for a while, but there’s no lasting harm, which is the best I could hope for,” I said, sincerely hoping that it was actually the case. I had no intention of informing her about the possibility of my permanent magical injury unless it was completely necessary. After all, now that I was without my magic, even if it was temporary, I needed her help to reach the mainland as soon as possible. It was best not to risk it.  

I was in a hurry, because without a doubt, whatever grudge the captain had with me had just compounded into a bottomless grudge. Not only I had killed his precious familiar, but also I proved that I stole his priceless treasure. I didn’t dare to bank on the distance between us to keep him unaware of the loss of the dragon heart. There was no way he didn’t detect the power if he had been actively looking -and considering its value, he definitely was- he probably had an alarm to be triggered when the box opened. Still, I needed to gather my strength a bit before attempting to escape. Doing otherwise would have been too dangerous. Sea was a dangerous place. 

“Is there anything I can do to help,” she whispered. 

“Well, your hug is making my situation rather uncomfortable, I wouldn’t mind if you solved it,” I answered. She pulled back, confused, and I gazed downward pointedly. She followed my gaze, and met with the sight of my shaft, which was standing naked in all of its glory. 

“Aiee!” she gasped as she jumped back, blushing furiously, my comment reminding her some important facts, ones that she managed to forget in her elated state. Namely, my naked, and her almost-naked states. 

Her arms reached around her chest once more in an attempt to hide her body, but I just scoffed. “Come on, princess. Don’t you think it’s a bit late for that,” I said. 

“But, it’s wrong…” she murmured. 

“Come on, Lillian. We’re in the middle of the sea, helpless, and running away from a surprisingly skilled band of pirates. A bit of immorality wouldn’t hurt. Think of it as a small reward for my heroics?” I managed to smirk as I raised my arms, giving a caricature strong-man pose. “You wouldn’t deprive your poor hero from the soothing sight of your beauty, right?” 

“You’re a shameless rouge,” she said, trying to sound angry, but that worked poorly when a smile bloomed on her face. If I dared to flirt her like that before, I had no doubt that I would receive a furious lightning bolt, but after saving her life in a manner heroic enough to deserve its own saga, her mood changed rather radically, predictably so. 

“I know,” I said with a smirk, which, despite her best effort, forced a laugh off her. 

She tried to frown as I looked at her expectantly, but her smile was too persistent, accompanying her blush. “I guess you deserved a reward,” she murmured, and her arms fell to the side. 

“Beautiful,” I murmured sincerely, letting my gaze devour her body rather aggressively. Only after a minute, I shifted my gaze to her face, but she avoided my gaze. “So, is it the time for lunch yet?” I asked. 

“Well,” she murmured as she glanced at the charred pile of meat, this time ashamed for a completely different reason. “Cooking wasn’t as easy as I had hoped. Maybe because it’s a magical animal.” 

“Maybe,” I said, giving her some face even though I sincerely doubted that. It was clearly the first time she was even attempting to cook something, and the results weren’t pretty. “Why don’t you help me walk to the stove you created, and we can try once more,” I answered. 

“Okay,” she said before gazing at the small pile of clothes that consisted of my pants and and my underwear. But I ignored that gaze and thrust my hand forward. “Umm, your pants are right there,” she reminded. 

“I know,” I answered, but made no move toward it. And a few seconds later, she reached to my hand and pulled me up, a hint of frustration on her face showing that I was starting to push my luck, a rather dangerous proposition with my magic impaired and hers recovering, though it only made it more fun. 

With her assistance, I managed to stumble the nearest one to her improvised stone. “The stone is too hot,” I said. “That’s why you’re ending up with charred meat with uncooked insides,” I explained. 

“Really?” she asked. “But wouldn’t it cook faster if it is hotter.” 

“Only if you can eat charcoal,” I answered, pointing at the stone. “Erase two of the source runes, and add a conducting in the middle one to balance the heat across the stone. You want an even heat across the stone,” I ordered her rapidly. “And don’t forget to cook some fat on the stone to create a nice non-stick surface,” I added, and she quickly followed the step, and soon, a much more pleasant smell started to radiate from the stone. I didn’t have much expectations about its taste due to the distinct lack of seasoning, but still, it was leagues better than the alternative. And I didn’t want to waste more time than it was necessary. After his familiar found us, the captain couldn’t be too far away. We needed to move before our company turned out to be unpleasant kind. 

Luckily, I had already finished the construction of the ship, including all the movement runes, because in my current condition, even the simplest rune would be a bet between the rune exploding and my fingers exploding. I needed my control back, and I needed it quick. 

Still, I had about half an hour to kill until the meal was ready, so, without a warning, I wrapped my arm around Lillian’s waist and pulled her on my lap. 

“What are you doing!” she exclaimed. 

“You can’t stand until the meat is cooked, it’s going to more than half an hour,” I explained in a calm tone, ignoring her wiggling. And it wasn’t like she was struggling too hard. If she had, there was no way I could have kept her in place in my exhausted state.  

“Still, I can find a more appropriate place than your lap,” she exclaimed, continuing with her ineffective wiggling. Naturally, it had the opposite effect, hardening my shaft considerably. “I can feel your thing! It’s unacceptable.” 

“And it’s a problem why?” I asked, and she opened her mouth in preparation for an explosive explanation, her gaze telling me that I finally spent whatever respite my heroism managed to earn. I decided to bring in the big guns. “You didn’t have any problem playing with my ‘thing’ this morning,” I said, and just like that, she was frozen on my lap. 

“You were awake,” she murmured, mortified and motionless, and I used the opportunity to wiggle a bit until my shaft was trapped between her cheeks, her fragile panties a poor insulate, especially after the struggle they had gone through. It took a moment for her to realize what she had just admitted to, and tried to recover. “I mean, it must be a dream…” she tried to say, only to stop when facing my flat expression. “I was curious,” she murmured, ducking her head, which highlighted her cuteness. 

“There’s no harm in that,” I said as I patted caressed her head, giving her my forgiveness easily, but still kept my other arm wrapped around her waist. “But where’s the harm in sitting on my lap after that. It’s more comfortable than a stone seat for you, and it keeps me warm,” I explained.  

“I guess,” she murmured, still skittish. “But, no funny business!” she added a few seconds later.

“Of course. You can trust me,” I said easily. After all, there was nothing funny about what I was planning for the next step. I wiggled a bit, refreshing the impression she was getting from the presence of my shaft between her cheeks while my hands slid over her stomach, delivering a soft massage to her. But, still mortified by the reminder that she had been caught while molesting my sleeping figure, she failed to comment on my adventurous exploration.  

A minute passed in silence while my exploration drifted upward. Lillian tried to wiggle to find a more comfortable position, but it only pushed my shaft deeper into the crack between her tight cheeks. “How come you failed your graduation?” she suddenly asked. I would have said that she was looking to distract herself, but I could hear genuine curiosity in her tone as well. 

“Oh, so you’re curious about this poor reject, huh?” I said with a chuckle. 

“Cut the crap,” she countered, equal amounts of shame and amusement in her tone. “I have seen your capabilities. Just the ability build that glass boat is enough to graduate. But you built that alone, without any tool, a feat enough to get you a spot on the top ten,” she explained even as she looked away, once again disregarding the effects her movements had on my shaft. Using the opportunity, I moved my hands upward, so that my thumbs were caressing the bottom of her breasts. She continued speaking. “And I’m not even talking about your fight against the dragon serpent. I don’t think there was ever a student strong enough to defeat a monster like that alone since the great Maximilian, and he then became a hero of the Republic by destroying the last strong of the Druids on Britanium, finally ending a battle that lasted for twenty generations.”

I agreed with her except the last part, mostly because the only reason I achieved the last part was because I was mad enough to swallow a dragon heart. I doubted the great Maximilian had done the same thing. I wouldn’t have answered her inquiry under different circumstances, but Lillian already seen too much, and owed me just as much that revealing a minor secret wouldn’t hurt. “It’s because failing gave me the chance to escape earlier,” I answered. 

“From who?” she asked curiously, too engrossed with my tale to pay attention to the fingers tracing the underside of her breasts. “House Scipio might not be the strongest family in Britanium, but it’s still not an existence anyone could easily challenge. And with your abilities, your family would have sent a strong force to defend you,” she argued animately, waving her arms for emphasis. 

“That would be true, if I hadn’t been escaping from my family in the first place,” I admitted. She looked at me questioningly after twisting her neck, and the little opportunistic bastard I was, I gently grabbed her waist and led her to turn more, something she absentmindedly followed. Before she could realize its significance, she was already facing directly at me, one leg on each side, our faces dangerously close. Moreover, I had an unrestricted view of her spectacular breasts, and my shaft was very close to a dangerous location. “It’s pointless to go too explain the details of the grudge, but to summarize, there’s an irrevocable divide between me and my uncle,” I said. Sharing the sordid details of my birth or my suspicions about my uncle’s patricide was unnecessary. That was something I needed to solve on my own. 

“That’s…” she murmured, shocked at my words, which was understandable. After all, young talent was the most important thing for the families, especially in a relatively remote area like Britanium. Even a bastard with my skills was too valuable. Of course, she didn’t count on my uncle’s ambitions, or his overwhelming paranoia about losing his seat. I dismissed her unasked question with a shrug. 

“Since you have asked me a question, now it’s my turn,” I said, feeling mischievous. She nodded. “Have you ever kissed a man?” 

The blush that spread onto her face was simply beautiful. “How dare you!” she exclaimed, but rather than attempting to slap my face, the only thing I received was a few soft, almost playful slaps to my shoulder. Though that playfulness had a really interesting implications when she was sitting on my lap almost naked. 

“I’m still waiting for the answer,” I answered, making her blush further. 

She looked at my eyes, begging to be excused, but she only found a mischievous amusement. “No, I haven’t,” she murmured a moment later, her gaze sliding towards the ground. 

“Pity, let’s fix it then,” I said. Her mouth was jerked open, but in shock, she had a delay while forming words, a mistake that I had no complications of abusing, I thought even as my lips pressed against hers, aborting her complains before they could come alive. She stiffened, and I took the opportunity to push my tongue out, gently caressing her lips. Her arms slackened, leaving her chest bare, and I used the opportunity to wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her tight against my chest, enough that I could feel out-of-control thumping of her heart on my chest. 

The kiss lasted for a minute, a minute that she barely reacted, giving me an opportunity to enjoy her first kiss uninterrupted. But then, her arms found my shoulders, and pushed me back. I let her. “What-” she stammered, her face crimson, her breathing out of control. “Why did you do that?” she managed to ask a moment later, but despite her claims of reluctance, she made no attempt to pull her hips back, therefore avoiding my shaft pressing against her core, or tried to cover her naked breasts. 

“Because you’re beautiful,” I answered with a throaty tone, and just like that, the shock was back once more. I gently grabbed her chin, using the slightest pressure to push it up, succeeding without the slightest resistance. Then, I weakened the grasp of my arm around her waist and I closed in the distance with an intentional slowness, giving her ample time to pull back, but she reacted by closing her eyes, her lips widening slightly. Even her tongue darted out in a last-minute attempt to moisten her lips, and then, our lips closed. 

This kiss was different, however. This time, she was not a passive recipient, but an active participant. A hesitant one with significant fears, but an active participant nonetheless. Her tongue darted out, tentatively replicating my tricks. I let let her catch up, before slowly increasing my movements, however, much to my pleasant surprise, she proved to be a quick learner, quickly catching up. Her hands started caressing my back with a reckless abandon soon after, even before I could start. Not one to stay behind in such circumstances, I started tracing her curves, each more exquisite than the last. 

I closed in toward her perfect globes, but hadn’t taken the last step. I was afraid that touching her breasts might have been a step too far under the current circumstances, which was another area she managed to surprise me. She grabbed my wrist without even pulling away from the kiss, but rather than pushing it away, she carried it directly over her breast. Never one to reject such an invitation, I sank my fingers into her breasts mercilessly, until it extracted a beautiful moan, which I had suppressed with my tongue. And since she was showing such an impressive willingness, I let my other hand to slip into her panties, cupping her naked bottom. A gasp was her only reaction. 

I was curious how far I could push in the time remained for our food to cook… 



And as promised, the third chapter for the month is here. I hope everyone enjoys it. Another good news is that I decided to change the commitment for this story from two chapters a month to three chapters a month for a foreseeable future, to thank for the great response this story has received.


are you still releasing this 1st chapters to the 1st tier of patreon?


Would love to read more, i’ve run out of stuff to read for the first tier :(