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Megan was trembling badly as we watched the disappearance of the car which carried her almost-kidnappers, her arms tight around my torso. Normally, I would be focused enjoying such a touch, but my mind was focused on the fact that my cover identity, after all the work I had put on, was under risk once more. And to make it even more annoying, I didn’t have anyone to blame, not even myself. Who could have guessed that the annoying student I had tasked myself to discipline would have been targeted by the mafia? 

It was pure bad luck, just like the time my carefully planned heist had fallen apart. 

For a moment, I was struck with a desire to curse the skies, asking what I had done to deserve it, but my mind was ready to provide a string of memories; fortunes I had stolen, knees I had broken, wives I had seduced, partners I had cheated… Okay, maybe I had occasionally done a couple of things that made me deserve such things. Still, it was annoying. 

“Let’s walk before someone comes along,” I said as I patted Megan’s shoulder, dragging her towards my room, the nearest safe house I could bring her. She said nothing, just followed the direction my arm around her shoulders provided, not too different from a wind-up toy, still in shock, trembling like a winter leaf… 

I said nothing until we stepped into my room, observing my surroundings, and positioning us in a way that no one would see her identity. An inquiry about a relationship between a student and a teacher wouldn’t be welcome even under the normal conditions, and with the risk of discovery from my old buddies on the table, the situation was so far away from the normal conditions that it was patently funny. 

“Are you okay,” I asked her after we have stepped inside my apartment. 

“Should I be!” she said, her tone a mixture of crying and shouting. “Sorry,” she added instantly, a shocked expression on her face, likely because she had just shouted at her savior. 

“Don’t be sorry,” I said even as I caressed her head, letting her know that there were no hard feelings between us. “You have been through a terrible ordeal. Just take a deep breath, and try to calm down.” She tried to take a deep breath, but it ended up in rapid breathing that bordered on panic attack. “Maybe a shower would be better,” I said even as I dragged her towards the bathroom. The caress of the warm water worked well to combat the adrenaline shock. 

I decided to the gentlemanly thing and kept her company in the shower! It wasn’t like I was unfamiliar with her body, after all. First, I helped her to undress, rather easily considering it was the second time I was helping her to get out of these exact clothes — and the first time was in slow motion, making it educational! 

I turned the shower on before I move onto the undressing part, to make a shower warm and ready for our arrival. Then, I moved onto the next part of my task, freeing her body from the confines of her clothes while also managing to get rid of my own.

I enjoyed the sight of her body once more as I dragged her to the shower. Her red hair spilled on her naked shoulders, partially covering her perky breasts. My gaze slid down to her flat stomach, evidence of her great genetic gift reinforced through a careful application of diet and exercise. Her legs, toned to perfection in endless hours of training, had a little treasure hidden in between which still oozed with my seed, courtesy of our earlier encounter. 

While I would have liked to spend a few minutes visually devouring her sexy little body, her need for a shower was more immediate. I gently led her in the moment water reached the perfect temperature, enveloping the body with the sensation of burning without actually scalding, creating little clouds of steam. 

A relaxed gasp escaped her mouth as soon as she stepped under the shower, the warmth acting as a substitute for the feeling of feeling protected. Her breathing started to slowly get into control, finally giving her enough presence of mind to look around. 

At that moment, I expected her to try to bargain in order to kick me out of my own shower, not that I would be very happy about it. But apparently, my earlier actions gained me more credit than I first suspected, because when she grabbed my arm, instead of trying to push me out, she chose to wrap it around her shoulder, leaning on my chest for support. 

We stayed like that for a long while, her tremblings subsiding by each passing minute. Then, she started moving once again, but this time, it was much more controlled than adrenaline-fueled trembling, focused on her hip area, awakening a certain part of my body in the process. Her reaction to adrenaline shock was rather familiar, and like the other occasion, I had little complications in helping a lady quell these desires. 

Still, her need for tenderness for obvious, enough to make me forgo my rougher tastes, at least for the moment, and slowly dipped my head down, capturing her lips in a lingering kiss as her body melted against mine, her back still pressed against my chest. At first, the kiss was soft, almost chaste, limited to tangling of our lips. Soon, her tongue tentatively joined the fray, asking for entrance, and I met her halfway, suppressing my natural instinct to dominate her outright. 

Soon, I let my free hand join the fray, gently caressing her skin to help her calm down. Keeping completely away from the naughty spots was an impossible challenge, but I managed to keep it down to a manageable level despite the temptation of her erect nipples, surrounded by her cute pink areolas.  

But my patience had limits, not particularly strong limits either, and she was quick to break them. She pulled away for a moment, using the break to shift her position until we were face to face. She rose to her tiptoes to catch my lips in a much rougher manner, one hand slipping through my hair, allowing her for a painful grip. Though it wasn’t as triggering as her other hand, caressing my chest roughly enough to leave red marks behind, all the while her teeth scraped against my lips roughly.  

“Playtime is over,” I murmured, the playful expression I donned not particularly light. I stepped forward. It wasn’t a quick move, not that it had to be, the small space in the shower not giving her an area to maneuver, and even under the best of conditions, she lacked the power to push me back. Inevitably, she ended up squeezed between my body and the wall, but she was most interested in maintaining the kiss, her lips clenched against mine. 

A shift of my hips, and the top of my girth was wrapped by a different kind of warmth than the one that the water provided. A tighter variety, one that I had started to become quite familiar after our earlier encounter. But the roughness of my entry only made her more enthusiastic in her kissing, her hands their position to reach to my poor shoulders, digging them in a painful manner. 

A hiss escaped my mouth, and when I looked down, I only found a mischievous expression on her face. “You asked for this,” I said, reminding her that it was her fault for opening a door without knowing what lay behind. If she wanted rough, I would give her rough, I decided even as my hand shifted to her hips, positioning her perfectly.

Her moans rose high the moment I impaled her with the fullness of my length, earning a moan that was loud enough to make me glad about ensuring the sound-proofing in my apartment was up to the task. With my grip in place, I started slamming her repeatedly, shower barely enough to wash away her dripping wetness, each contact exploding on her naked skin with a delicious crescendo, mixing with her staggering moans. 

“Thank you,” she managed to stammer between her moans, her hands hooked around my neck, more to maintain the closeness rather than balance, I presumed, because her back was still pinned against the weathered and faded ceramics of my shower, giving her all the support her trembling legs stopped to provide. 

“For the grades?” I asked with a grin on my face, amused by the exact moment she chose to talk about the kidnapping attempt. Normally, I would have counted it a failure on my part on not bringing my partner enough pleasure to delay any talking attempt, but her moans, interrupting each word with great accuracy, told me that it was not a deficiency on my part that drove her to speak. 

“No, silly, for saving me,” she answered, punctuated by a gentle slap on my chest, a sound that barely survived against other noises filling the small cabinet. “I didn’t know that would have happened if you hadn’t been there…” she added, her green eyes pinned against mine. I barely held back on seeing the signs of the crush dancing in her eyes. I had a feeling that Megan wouldn’t be any less bothersome with her crush than her earlier misguided attempts to put me in place.

A moment later, I shrugged. It was surprising how much trouble I was willing to accept if it was coming from a sexy redhead. 

“It was my pleasure,” I answered without breaking the treatment she was receiving. “I couldn’t have let those monsters get away with hurting such a precious treasure, after all,” I added, not slowing down the treatment. She chose to show her appreciation in the form of her legs, wrapping tight around my waist, once again making it impossible to pull out. I hoped that she was on birth control, but I was too distracted to actually care. But I wasn’t too distracted to subject her into a little questioning. “By the way, do you have any idea who they are?” I added, wanting to leverage her distraction to the maximum effect. Confused and distracted, she was not in a position to selectively manipulate the information she provided. 

“I think it might be about the new business associates of my father,” she murmured in a haze while still trying to control her pleasure. She might have had an easier time if I slowed down the relentless assault she was under, but watching her struggle to string together half-broken sentences under the delirium of pleasure was too entertaining to forgo. 

So, I listened to her explanation while making sure I continued to impale her rapidly. Her explanation was staggered significantly once or twice as the pleasure became too much to resist, triggering yet another climax, leaving her more ragged than ever. Towards the end, her voice was cracking under the combined effects of exhaustion and constant moaning, but she somehow managed to continue talking with an unexpected display of stamina. 

And from what I could piece together from the broken expressions of her already careless observations, her father had a new business partner, one that visited their house once or twice with a suspicious number of cars in escort, their occupants staying in the car for the whole length of dinner, shouting their connection to the shadier side of the business. 

Of course, that didn’t give me a clue on their identity. The simplest conclusion was to say that they were from a rival family to my historical associates, and Archie was sent to sabotage or subvert that budding connection, but it was dangerous to assume that the family was a monolithic organism working towards a single goal; it could as easily be an internal power play from one lieutenant to another. My own little heist was not too different from the latter option, after all.

I didn’t bother to explain Megan any of that. My situation was suspicious enough before revealing a working knowledge of the high-level mafia politics, and she wasn’t exactly a bank vault in keeping secrets. Even if her developing crush worked enough to make her wish to keep silent, a semi-skilled information gatherer would learn her secrets without even making aware of the said attempts. Luckily, I had a different option to distract her. A grunt escaped my mouth as she managed to speed up my pleasure to escape velocity, and I filled her with a fresh load. 

She only moaned in response. 

She put her legs on the floor only after she made sure to extract every single drop, but her trembling legs were barely able to hold her upright. I turned off the water while she tried to stumble out of the shower, her grip only thing to keep her in place. But after the extended treatment, I was even hornier, and the way her hips swayed as she walked away despite her trembling legs didn’t help any. Nor did her skin, covered with shiny droplets of water, making me even hornier. 

Luckily, the solution for it was rather simple. Before she could realize my movement, I was already behind her, and a swipe threw a bunch of freshly cleaned towels to the floor, and a gentle push later, Megan ended up laying on top of the pile of towels, her back resting against their soft surface, her legs distant enough to allow me to sneak in. 

And before she could even comment on the new position, I was in her once more, ravaging her mercilessly. The only change was rather than merciless drilling, I moved in a soft manner, slowly pushing my whole length inside her, waiting for a moment before pulling out just as slow, repeating the move repeatedly. She didn’t exactly complain against the sudden second round, her arms once again wrapped tight around my neck. 

“So, where did you learn it,” she mentioned even as she arched her back, a move that perfectly accentuated the perkiness of her breasts. 

“Oh, kinky,” I answered, once again deflecting her question. 

“No, silly,” she answered with a surprisingly cute blush under the circumstances, an expression that contrasted rather sharply with the expert way her hips were grinding. “I mean, where did you learn how to fight like that.” She stopped a moment to wrap her legs around, pulling me even deeper. “It was amazing,” she added, her obvious hero worship further underlined by the possessive grip of her legs. 

“I’m afraid the answer is a bit cliche, I grew up in the bad part of the town,” I said even as I slid inside her repeatedly. And it was actually true. I grew up in a declining down, the only merit of being on the edge of the territory of four different families. In such a place, there was two option, disappear or fight; I couldn’t have stomached the former. I told her a true version -but very abridged with any possible identifying details removed- of my story, minus the part that I had worked as an enforcer of course, suitably reframed as a bouncer position to a little-known club. 

In the middle of my story, she decided to shift positions without warning, and amused by her initiative, I let her. I ended up on my back, with her sitting up on my midsection, rocking her hips sensually, her enthusiasm more than enough to compensate her otherwise average skills. Her lack of surprise wasn’t surprising though, why would she try when any boy closer to her age barely last after being blasted by her sexiness. 

“I’m coming,” she moaned, interrupting yet another unimportant detail of my life story, more fiction than fact. I shut up, turning my focus towards the enthusiastic dance she was displaying enthusiastically on my lap, each move pitting the firmness against her momentum, creating a beautiful battle to watch. At that point, it was inevitable that when she tightened with yet another climax, I triggered as well. 

She collapsed against my chest, her arms once again enveloping my chest tightly, like she wanted to ensure that I was going to stay. But her drooping eyelids promised a bit of trouble. With a sigh, I stood up, and lifted her in a bridal hold, carrying her with me towards the bedroom, not neglecting to pick a towel for her hair as well. Thankfully, our tumble in the pile of towels worked enough to dry both of us. 

Her body exhausted with repeated doses of confusion, fear, and an impressive number of bursts of pleasure, I wasn’t exactly shocked when she was unconscious the moment she made contact with the bed. And considering everything that happened, I couldn’t exactly say laying next to her for an early nap wasn’t tempting. 

But I had one more thing to do before that. I walked and turned my computer on, and after activating several security measures to ensure no reasonable way of tracking back to the source, I sent a quick mail to an old rival about the renewed activity in my old family. Risky, but I hoped that a whole mafia family would be a more interesting target than a retired enforcer. 

Then, with a sigh, I returned to my bedroom, spooned the still-naked body of Megan, and pulled the covers over us… 

Sleep didn’t take long to arrive… 



Huh, I'm kinda getting fond of Megan, she's a lot more likable when she's not being a bitch. Are we going to see more of the other women soon?


The next chapter will probably shift back to Camilla, with a possible teaser of the new surprise character from the past of our hero...


Thanks for the chapter. I decided to the gentlemanly thing----I decided to (do) the gentlemanly thing


I have a feeling that either his old rival or this new mafia family will introduce some interesting characters.


Thx 4 Chapter!