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“Let’s talk about the rules of the game,” Madison started as her eyes darted between me and Katie. “We spin the bottle, and the unlucky one picks either truth or dare, and the others gives the challenge or the question in alternating order. If you don’t answer the question, or complete the dare, you have to take a punishment.” 

“What punishment?” Katie asked worriedly. 

“Nothing much, maybe a couple of shots for each violation,” Madison said. 

“Let’s make it three,” I interjected with a smirk. “Just to keep things fun. It shouldn’t be that easy to wriggle out of a dare.” Katie looked at me doubtfully, but refrained from saying anything after a slight nod, probably because she was under the impression that the target was Madison. In reality, I was making a bet on her vulnerability against the suggestion, rather than alcohol. 

“Fine by me,” Madison answered as she sat across me. As usual, she was less than careful when she was sitting down, leaning forward more than it was strictly necessary, enough to inform me about the lack of a bra. Katie coughed pointedly, informing that I wasn’t the only one that noticed the malfunction. Katie scuttled closer and put her hand over mine possessively. Madison just smirked at her. 

“Let’s start,” I said, reaching towards the bottle, anxious to prevent an actual argument from breaking out. Not because I was worried, but because I wanted to keep their low-level antagonism simmering under the surface. More negativity they felt, more they would push each other without needing my explicit involvement.

I pushed, and we watched the bottle as it wobbled for a moment before coming to a stop, pointing at Madison. “Good,” Katie jumped in enthusiasm. “Truth or dare?” 

“Quite a hurry,” I cut her off. “Have we already decided that you’re going first?” 

“Can I, honey?” Katie said with an exaggerated fluttering of her eyelashes. A genuine chuckle left my mouth at her display as I nodded. “Good,” she added before turning to Madison once more, a smile edgier than her usual one tugging at her lips. “Truth or dare?” 

“Let’s start with a dare,” Madison said with a smile. 

“Bark like a dog,” Katie followed instantly, a victorious expression on her face. Her eyes bounced towards me for a moment, making her intentions clear. She was betting on the fact that something like that would detract from Madison’s attractiveness. 

But the way Madison smirked told me that she had a different view. “That’s the way you like to play? Humiliation?” Katie’s smirk widened, pointing at the bottle in a rare display of viciousness, though it wasn’t very convincing or threatening on her face. Madison didn’t react, and Katie reached for the bottle and a glass, ready to fill it for Madison. “Not too fast,” Madison said, stopping her from filling the glass. 

“You’re going to do it?” Katie asked, shocked. 

“Of course,” Madison said before shifting her position. She stood on all all-fours, a move that put her already enhanced her cleavage to perfect display. The satisfied look she sent to Katie left no mystery about whether it was intentional. Katie didn’t look happy with the realization that her ‘genius’ plan had backfired. She glared at me, her expression shifting into a warning one when she realized the exact location I was focusing, but I ignored that in favor of examining the curve of Madison’s breasts. Partly because it was a beautiful view, but mostly to make Katie angrier. This kind of anger worked quite well in destroying inhibitions. Meanwhile, Madison barked playfully a couple of times, both preceded by a low-key rumble that caused her breasts to jiggle in a very interesting way.

“It's enough,” Katie said, cutting her off, louder than necessary. Madison resumed her sitting position, though she was leaning further than necessary, a smug expression covering her face. Katie spun the bottle once more before Madison could say anything, but this time, the bottle ended up pointing herself. 

“My turn now,” Madison said, her smile getting even wider.

“Wait a minute,” Katie interjected. “Maybe Stephen wants to go first.”

“Of course,” I said despite preferring Madison going first. I didn't have the luxury of asking anything truly embarrassing due to the role I played. If I started pushing, Katie would realize what was going on. “Truth or dare?” 

“Truth,” Katie answered relaxedly. 

“Have you ever kissed a girl?” I asked, fully expecting her to answer negatively. The thick blush that spread on her face was a surprise, but not as much as the matching one Madison was sporting. Interesting, I reckoned. Very interesting. Maybe there was another dimension to their rivalry I failed to notice. Silently, Katie reached for the bottle, filling three glasses before drinking them in a great hurry. A pointless gesture, considering that in her silence, I already received my answer.

She gave the bottle another spin in silence, resolutely avoiding my gaze. The bottle spun, the room silent other than the friction between the floor and the bottle. It ended up pointing at me. “Truth or dare?” Madison asked, who managed to gather herself quicker than Katie could.

“Truth,” I said, not really feeling stressed about anything she might ask me. She didn’t know anything about me, meaning she lacked the leverage to prove for weakness. 

“How big is your ‘thing’?” she said with a huge smirk on her face. 

For a moment, the dominant expression on my face was surprise as I looked at her. Not that I had any problem answering the question, considering both girls were intimately aware of its exact dimensions. And it wasn’t like I had anything to be ashamed in the first place. Then, I caught Madison looking towards Katie, revealing that I had misunderstood the target of her question. “Are you sure you can handle that information?” I said, a confident smirk back on my face. 

She bristled at my words, remembering a time that she failed spectacularly to handle it. “I’m sure that will not be a problem,” Madison said, challenge bright in her eyes. We were lucky that Katie was still distracted by the question, and failed to notice the subtext in the discussion. 

“If that’s what you think,” I said dismissively before separating my hands by a considerable degree. 

“You’re lying!” Madison argued. “Prove it!” 

I shrugged dismissively, barely managing to keep myself from commenting on Katie’s amusing discomfort. I let my hand fall towards my belt, and Katie flinched, expecting me to go through with it. “You asked, and I answered. If you want to verify it, you need to spend your dare on it.” 

Madison smirked satisfactorily like she expected me to give that answer all along. “It’s okay. I have another way to verify. Katie, is he telling the truth?” 

Her blush ever-increasing, Katie found herself unable to utter a word, but under Madison’s expectant gaze, she managed to give a small, hesitant nod. It was not a great mystery what she was trying not to imagine. “Really?” Madison said in a fake-surprise. Another situation where Katie’s distraction turned out useful. “You’re a lucky girl, Katie,” she said before spinning the bottle once more, which ended up pointing at Katie once more. “Truth or dare?” Madison asked. 

“Truth,” she whispered after an indecisive delay. 

“Good,” Madison jumped. “Have you ever given Stephen a blowjob?” 

Katie glanced towards me, unsure. I shrugged, leaving her free to tell whatever she wished. Her gaze bounced between the bottle and Madison. In the end, she reached for the bottle for another set of shot. When she reached for the bottle, her movement was much more aggressive than her usual, which gave me hope that my ploy was starting to work. 

“Dare,” I said, seeing the bottle was pointing at me. “I believe it’s your turn, honey?” 

“Yes, it is,” Katie said even as she grabbed my hand aggressively. “Why don’t you give me a kiss,” she said with a giggle, leaning forward invitingly, but I could see her eyes sliding towards Madison. Some kind of revenge for Madison’s latest question, I presume. Katie was staking her territory. Not exactly a bother, so I wrapped my hand around her waist, pulling her closer before smashing my lips over hers. I didn’t know what kind of kiss she wanted, but at that point, I didn’t care much as well, pushing my tongue against her mouth, passing through her barrier before she could even realize my assault. Under my touch, she stiffened for a moment, but mellowed soon after, showing that our training sessions weren’t a total waste. That, or the trick with the drink was working better than I expected. 

“That was impressive,” Madison said in a pronounced cheerfulness, which might or might not be there to hide the annoyance she was feeling. Jealousy, or the annoyance at being left out, I wasn’t sure. “Should I assume that this new dare is available for everyone?” 

“Sure,” Katie said offhandedly, her thinking impaired by the high of the heated make-out session she just experienced. “Not that you can handle it of course.” 

That statement caught everyone by surprise, including Katie if her sudden freeze was any indicator, but Madison didn’t allow her any time to recover and fix the sentence. “Perfect, then. Especially since the next turn with Stephen is mine,” she said as she spun the bottle once more, which stopped at herself. “Damn,” she murmured in mock despair, but didn’t neglect to send a saucy wink at me. “Maybe next time, but for now, pick one, Katie.”

“Dare,” she said, rightfully afraid of the embarrassing questions Madison could come up with. 

“Remove your shirt,” Madison said almost instantly. 

“That shouldn’t be allowed,” Katie countered. 

“No honey, you’re the one that added that kiss to the list of dares. After that, you can’t chicken out on that,” Madison countered. 

Katie could have, of course, she could have still argued that the kiss was not on the same level as stripping. But she was not in a state particularly conductive for critical thought, so she went with a simpler solution. “I can if I choose to drink instead,” she said, downing another three shots. I was lucky that they hardly contained any alcohol, because I didn’t want to explain to Nicole how I was responsible for her daughter’s coma. Then, she spun the bottle once more, which ended up pointing Madison. 

“Dare,” Madison said, sending me a saucy wink. “Make it count, tiger!” 

“Can I take this one,” Katie jumped before I could say anything. 

“Sure,” I said, though it was less from generosity and more because I failed to find a dare that would make it fun without causing Katie to storm out in anger. And Katie had seen the wink Madison sent, so I was willing to bet Katie was feeling vindictive. 

“Hey, that’s unfair,” Madison called, her expression not collaborating with her words.

“You need to drink some as well, so let’s go with something simple that would force you to the bottle. And since you made it easier by not wearing a bra, I would be a fool not to take it. Remove your shirt,” Katie said. 

“Real creative, Kat,” Madison said dismissively. Katie pushed a full glass towards her, about to fill the second one when she came to a halt because of the location Madison’s hands were reaching. They had resolutely ignored the glass in front of them in lieu of grabbing the hem of her shirt. 

“You cannot,” Katie stammered.

“Why not,” Madison answered, her shirt already halfway up, revealing her belly, smooth and attractive, without a drop of excess fat. “You’re the one that gave the challenge, I don’t see why you’re the one that is complaining.” 

“But-” Katie tried to argue, but her shock was apparently bigger than her desire to explain her reasoning, leaving her silent after Madison’s shirt came off, treating us with the beautiful view of her tits, partially restricted by her curly hair spilling on her chest. Not that I was complaining, as it made her even sexier. 

“Let’s continue,” Madison said, reached towards the bottle and gave it a spin. 

“Truth,” I said after the bottle decreed that I was to be the next victim.

“Spoiler,” Madison said, followed by a crystal laugh that caused her tits to tumble attractively, something I was able to enjoy freely because Katie was watching it dazedly as well, too focused to notice where my attention was. “So, what was your most erotic experience.” 

“Kinky,” I said. “Are you sure your cute ears could handle that story.” 

“Why don’t you try and see,” Madison answered with a challenging smirk. 

Her earlier shock finally abated a bit, Katie was watching me as well, a dash of arousal mixed in the kaleidoscope of emotions. Her presence made the story I had in mind wholly inappropriate, therefore even more tempting. “There was once a young widow called Emily, who called me to create a set of photos,” I started, fudging the details a bit, but otherwise staying accurate as I told, in extreme detail, how I seduced Katie’s stepmom to her and her best friend, a stream of events which culminated in the bedroom while rest of the family was in their rooms. 

“That was…” Madison trailed, her breathing shallow, her eyes dilated. If Katie wasn’t here, she would be in my lap, doing her best to hump me mercilessly. 

“Hot,” Katie completed her sentence, her arousal no less pronounced, burning temptingly. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed, as if I was a bit further in the seduction of Katie, I could have pushed for a threesome, something that would be very enjoyable with two girls as competitive as Madison and Katie were involved. Alas, with things as it was, it wasn’t worth the risk, so I spun the bottle once more, and it pointed at Katie. 

“Dare,” she said, still dazed. 

“I’m sure you’re feeling hot, why don’t you remove your shirt?” Madison asked. It was technically my turn, but I wasn’t an idiot, so I watched silently as Katie stood frozen for a moment before starting to pull her shirt off, revealing her lithe body, constrained by an ugly bra that failed to display her beautiful assets to their full potential. 

Then she froze, helplessly comparing her appearance with Madison, and finding herself coming short. I leaned towards her ear and whispered. “Don’t worry, you’re beautiful.” At my words, Katie stood straighter, and jealously flashed through Madison’s face. Next few spins passed quickly, focusing almost exclusively on shedding clothes, which ended up all of us in various states of revealing. Madison was just wearing panties and I was reduced only to my boxers while Katie had managed to hold onto her bra in addition to her panties. 

Madison spun the bottle once more, once again bringing the turn to me. “Dare,” I said. 

“You know what’s next,” Madison said with the smirk of a cat who fell into a tank of fresh cream. “But don’t even think about hiding it with your hands.” 

“Sure,” I said, then, without a warning, wrapped my arm around Katie’s waist and pulled her on my lap. She let out a shriek that turned into a giggle halfway as I got rid of my boxers. 

“It’s not fair,” Madison said even as she leaned forward, her hair parting to clear the view of her breasts, which only made my shaft harder, to a noticeable degree if Katie’s moan was any indicator. “Lucky slut,” she murmured softly, a statement Katie failed to catch, too busy in her distraction. 

“You shouldn’t have so specific setting in your conditions,” I said. Meanwhile, Katie shifted until my shaft pressing tightly between her cheeks before looking at Madison with an expression of total victory. It must have been rare, for Katie to be preferred compared to the more classically popular Madison, which, once again, proved that high school boys had no taste. Both girls had their own charm and beauty, Katie was just as worthwhile. 

“Okay,” Madison said resignedly before another spin, which pointed at herself. “Dare,” she said. 

“Why don’t you come here and give Katie a little kiss,” I said even as I wrapped my arms around her waist. 

“Sure,” Madison said, as if to ignore Katie’s strangled gasp, but I could see that under her bravado, she was as panicked as Katie. “But Katie doesn’t seem as enthusiastic, so it is a bust.” 

I had no intention of letting her get away that easily, so I leaned forward until my lips were brushing Katie’s earlobe. “She’s bluffing,” I whispered.

“It’s a good excuse,” Katie said, emboldened by my words. “But all I’m hearing is the gawking of a chicken.” 

“You think so,” Madison said, the insult helping her to push away her reticence. She scuttled closer until their faces were less than a foot apart. “You’re claiming that I’m too afraid to press my lips above hers, and looking for an excuse.” 

I could see that Madison was desiring the touch, but was afraid to take that last step, afraid of rejection. Katie was starting to suspect as well, if what her heartbeat told me was true, its elevated beat like a drum under my fingertips. I tightened my arms around her waist comfortingly, reminding her my statement. “You’re bluffing,” Katie said, and I was proud to notice only the slightest tremble in her voice. She was blossoming under my tutelage, and I couldn’t wait until the harvest time. 

“Try me,” Madison answered, closing the distance even more. Katie watched her, slightly trembling, and I had a feeling only my presence that kept her in place, and even that was losing its effectiveness as Madison drew closer. The solution, I pressed her tighter against my shaft, its hardness suitably distracting her as Madison closed the distance. Then, it was too late, Madison was already pressing her lips against hers. 

It was surprising to see them actually kissing, but not as surprising as the fact that either of them hadn’t pulled back, choosing to deepen the kiss instead, in a way suggested that the tension between them might have a different source. The night was getting interesting, I thought… 

At that point, lady luck decided that she had been favoring me for too long, and decided to throw a bump into my path, one that failed to account for, risking to derail everything. The door opened, and a voice that I heard earlier rang in the room once more. “Maddy-” she managed to say before a strangled cough cut off her own words. “What the hell is going on here!” 

“Penelope!” Madison exclaimed as she jumped to her feet, her arms doing their best to cover her chest. “I can explain!” 

“Really,” Penelope answered. “Go ahead.” Madison looked in confusion, but her lips stayed closed. “When you’re on it, make sure that it’s an explanation auntie could hear as well.” 

“You can’t tell mom,” Madison said, her panic palpable. 

Penelope smirked vindictively. “And tell me why not, especially after all those useless-cousin-with-stupid-dreams comments. I think it would be fun for auntie to learn how much of a deviant her daughter is.” 

“Umm,” Madison murmured even as Katie tried to get smaller, which only helped for my shaft to press harder against it, then her face alight with sudden inspiration. “Stephen!” she said. “He is a photographer, and I’m sure he could help to arrange a few auditions for you.” 

I couldn’t help but smirk as the expression on Penelope’s face turned from casual vindictiveness to hopefulness. And just like that, I got a good handle of Pelenope’s personality. She was a textbook character, beautiful and bountiful, coming to the big town with a desire to reach fame, only to come to a standstill after realizing entering to the show business wasn’t as simple. “Really?” she managed to ask in a cracking voice. 

“Sure,” I answered even as I pushed Katie off my lap. There was no reason not to push the stakes further, especially since I wasn’t in the crosshair of the fallout in any case. A distressed sound escaped Penelope’s mouth as her eyes turned to my erection, her face alight with shock. She examined it for a couple of seconds, then let out a strangled gasp and closed her eyes. I sighed in an expression of disappointment. “But your extreme reaction to nudism doesn’t bode well. An actress shouldn’t be shocked that easily.” 

“Really?” she murmured in shock, her hands still over her eyes. It was ridiculous how easily she was following my statements. Just a few sentences, and I could already say that she was extremely gullible. 

“Of course,” I answered, knowing that technically it was true. With great reluctance, she pulled her hands away and opened her eyes, struggling to keep them away from my midsection, but failing occasionally. It was cute just how naive she was. I leaned down to pick my underwear. “However, it has been too late already, and I need to leave, but give me your number, and I’ll make sure to call you in a couple of days so we can talk more.” Talk, and make her pay for interrupting such a beautiful opportunity that was almost about to end with a threesome. It was sacrilege. 

“Okay, let me pick a pen and paper,” she said before dashing away, uncaring about the way her tits jumped with her hurried steps. It was going to be fun, making her pay.

“Okay girls,” I said even as I dressed quickly. “It was an interesting evening, but it’s for the best if I disappear after she returns, as it’s best if we don’t push her.” Both nodded, still trying to process the shock of being caught in such a compromising position. “See you tomorrow,” I said to Katie before leaning forward and capturing her lips for a short but intense kiss, then left the room, closing the door behind me. 

Then, Madison’s cousin came back running, a piece of paper in her hand. I liked the way she came, her tits jumping up and down in a way that begged for my hands to wrap around them. “Penelope,” I greeted her. 

“Please call me Penny,” she managed to say between deep breaths. 

“Penny it is,” I said, grabbing her hand gently before bringing it to my lips. “It’s a pleasure,” I said. 

“Thanks,” she managed to murmur even as the blush crept at her face. I guessed it was the effect of seeing me naked. 

I took a step towards her, and she reflexively took one back. I angled my next step carefully, and she found herself trapped between me and the wall. “As I said, I need to run, but I’ll make to call you the day after tomorrow. I even have a small job you might be interested in, how that it sounds for you?” I asked, leaning a bit closer with each step. 

“It sounds amazing,” she managed to whisper, frozen in indecision with the sudden shift in the situation. 

“Perfect,” I said and gently caressed her cheek before walking away. Her presence had been a surprise, but not an unwelcome one, I thought as I walked into the chilling night air… 

       *****      *****      *****      *****      *****  

I couldn’t feel but elated as I drove back home. Yes, my plan had been derailed unexpectedly with a surprise visit from Madison’s cousin, but at least, a total crisis scenario had been prevented, with the added bonus of another prospective model. Penelope, or Penny as she wanted to be called, was a very unlucky girl. Tall, blond, and voluptuous despite being slim, she would have made a killing as a model a decade ago as a top model, but the fashion was different. Still, I was sure that I could arrange ‘something’… 

Once again, I left the car a block away from my final destination, this time, not wanting to wake Nancy or Nicole off with its noise. But when I unlocked the front door, I was met with the evidence that Nancy was still awake. The TV was still on, a dance of naked flesh blaring prominently on the screen, muted to keep the rest of the house unaware. Another midnight indiscretion, I noted with excitement. 

And this time, I was in a prime position to catch her in the act. She had positioned herself to get an unobstructed view of both the stairs and basement door, which would have allowed her time to recover. But she had one glaring mistake, her back was facing at the front door, assuming no one would arrive this late. A dangerous omission…

I did my best to close the door as silently as possible. Yes, she was engrossed in the erotic scene in front of her, more than one way if I was reading the way her shoulder was moving correctly, but that was no reason to take silly risks, not when she generously created such an interesting opportunity for me right after our amazing photo shoot.

She was even dressed for the occasion, I realized as I walked closer. I could see a very familiar bra strap going over her shoulder and nothing else. I sneaked nearer until the distance between us reduced to a few steps, and she somehow managed not to notice my presence. I confirmed that she was wearing the set of underwear I gifted to her, and nothing else. For almost half a minute, I waited behind her, curious whether she would notice me, but she was far more engrossed with her fingers, circling around her knob repeatedly in an attempt to push herself into a climax. Even better, I was able to sniff a dash of alcohol in the air, not enough to make her drunk, but enough to impair the speed of her thoughts.

I waited until her eyes closed in anticipation of an impending orgasm before taking my last step, and carefully picked up the remote without alerting her, to prevent her from changing the channel in a hurry. I wanted the movie to run in the backdrop as we talked. I watched silently as she pushed her panties to the side, her fingers sliding inside her repeatedly in an effort to push her over the edge, her other hand over her breast, mauling her breasts, speeding up her journey. 

Then, she started to tremble as the pleasure overwhelmed her senses, her lips parted open to let out a string of pleasure-filled moans, one that tempted me to lean forward to silence her lips with mine. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a viable path of behavior, not for yet at least. Instead, I chose to break her single-minded focus on my words. “Good evening, Nancy. Busy night?” 

Muffled shriek she let out was beautiful, making me wish that pushing towards her lips was an option. But I consoled myself by hovering above her as she searched for the remote hurriedly, her assets jumbling around, her almost invisible underwear no help in hiding their hypnotic movements. “Stephen!” she whispered after giving up the search for the remote, barely audible volume of her voice doing nothing to hide her shame. 

“Nancy,” I replied. 

“Where did you come from,” she whispered as her arms wrapped around her chest, her legs crossed to hide her entrance, appetizingly wet. 

“I was out, but are you sure you want to play twenty questions in your current state?” She looked at me helplessly, but said nothing. “I guessed as much. Anyway, I need to catch up my sleep, but don't forget to drop by at midnight tomorrow for another session.” I waited until I received a hesitant nod, then left for my own room. I needed my sleep. Tomorrow was going to be exhausting.



Thx 4 Chapter!