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It was around dinnertime that I arrived back to the house. A dangerous time since from the security camera, I could see that the occupants of the house were preparing to start their dinner. A rather dangerous situation for me. The act I had established was like a paper towel, risking a collapse with the slightest unexpected wind. It was an apt description, considering the adventures I was having with each of them, dangerous even in their lonesome. A wrong word, an expressive look picked by another, and my little scheme folded like a crooked building during an earthquake…

I could have simply avoided the dinner, loitering around for an hour or two. But there was a certain temptation in danger. And seeing their shocked expression as I subtly needled them about our encounters would be too delicious to miss. I wasn’t above admitting the irony of taking such a risk for pride, especially after all the criticism I had for Nancy about her dangerous reliance on pride. But even that realization wasn’t enough to dissuade me from the idea. I was willing to bet that each of them, distracted by their own concerns, would miss the signs the others made. 

They were already around the dinner table when I opened the main door and slipped inside. All turned towards me, matching thick blushes on their face. I was glad that I had sexual interactions with all three of them. If it was only one or two, the others would certainly catch such an obvious display. It was a different deal when each was distracted by their own concerns. “Hi girls, good evening,” I said, only to receive three mumbles in response. “Would it be too much of a bother if I sit with you for dinner? I’m famished.” 

“Of course not,” said Katie, jumping before other two could even react. “Let me fill a plate for you.” 

“Thanks, Kat, you’re a true doll,” I said even as I pulled the chair, sitting across the seat Katie just vacated, Nicole at my side. It was the best position, because my relationship with Nancy wasn’t conducive for anything touchy, not to mention, the top she had, cut through with a deep cleavage more revealing than her usual clothing. Normally, it wouldn’t be enough to make her too distracted, but I had a feeling there was another factor in play. Like a certain set of underwear that might or might not be hidden under her clothes. 

Different than Nancy, Nicole was dressed downright conservative, a knee length skirt and a shapeless blouse. She was trying to separate herself from her earlier experiences, I decided. Trying to forget the moments where she squealed under me without restriction with each push. Of course, I had no intention of letting her forget those memories. I slid my hand under the table, and squeezed her leg softly, reminding her of my touch.   

Nicole’s mouth opened in shock, but I expected her that to happen, so had already turned to Nancy and asked a question. “So, how it is going since we last talked,” I asked. A very innocent question it was, or it would be if she wasn’t in my basement just hours ago, dressed less than a stripper in the VIP section. So, instead of giving a normal answer, or catching the expression of total shock on her stepmother’s face, she just mumbled something vaguely positive. 

“Here is your food, Stephen, my mom’s famous lamb stew,” Katie said cheerfully, disrupting the mood of the table. Too cheerful to be natural, I noted, so I assumed it was her way of ignoring the fact that the last time we spent together, she was on my lap, fondling my shaft. A difficult impression to shrug for a virgin who hadn’t even seen a male member until then. Still, I couldn’t help but notice that she was yet to wear the clothes I gifted to her. 

“Thanks, Kat,” I answered, once again my nickname for her going unremarked around the table as each was distracted by their own challenges. I took a bite of the stew, which was as good as Katie promised. Another amazing trait of Nicole, she was as excellent in the kitchen, almost comparable to her performance in the bedroom. “It’s really delicious. You’re an amazing cook, Nicole.” 

“Thanks,” she murmured, the blush spreading to her face too bright for such a simple compliment. Nancy failed to notice, still unable to process what had happened, but Katie did. It wasn’t a full-blown suspicion like she consciously realized that there was something wrong, but her glance rested on Nicole a second too long, a barely perceivable frown on her face. 

It was best to nip it in the bud, I decided as I slid my foot out of my shoe and brought on Katie’s leg, rubbing softly. It wasn’t a sensitive location that I targeted, but still, I expected her overreaction. Even when my toe rubbed against her shin, her eyes popped open in shock, showing the wisdom of my choice. Anything more, and it would have been noticed even in this table. 

Still, she must have felt that the others might notice, so she threw a question. “Stephen, mom thinks that Nancy’s top is too revealing and she shouldn’t wear it. What do you think about it as a photographer?” Her attempt of distraction worked, and the rest of the table turned towards me after a brief angry glance aimed at her. 

I looked at Katie even as I prepared for an answer, warning her that her distraction wasn’t without a cost. The blush on her face showed she understood my implication even before my foot started to trail the inner side of her leg. I shifted my gaze to Nancy before the others could notice it, and examined her silently for a moment. Nancy blushed further as my gaze fell on her cleavage, despite it being nothing compared to the one she had earlier the day. More interesting, I could see the edge of a familiar black bra, and when I raised my gaze in an unasked question, she resolutely avoided it. “It fits you,” I said, keeping my voice as even as possible.

I heard Nicole taking a breath, so before she could say anything, I turned to her. “Don’t you think so as well?” I asked, underlining the question in the form of my hand, sliding under her skirt to caress her thigh. 

“Maybe it is,” she murmured, showing great restraint by keeping her voice relatively even, enough for the others to miss. 

Even as I continued to tease them in their special way, I finished my dinner quickly. What I was doing was an exhilarating fun, my heartbeat almost loud enough to be heard. Unfortunately, it was also too risky to push for even more. Things were balanced on a knife’s edge, risking disaster at the slightest mistake.

“It was a delicious dinner, Nicole, but I have to run,” I said. “There is a couple of emails I need to sent to clients.” 

Just as I pushed the chair back, Katie spoke. “Stephen, do you have half an hour later in the night?” 

“Sure, for what though?” 

“I need to write a paper about art history, and I was hoping to get a few insights from you. It’s really important,” she said, but the shy smile tugging the edge of her lips suggested it might be something else she wanted. 

“Sure,” I said, “Just knock whenever you’re ready.” 

       *****      *****      *****      *****      *****  

I was just about to finish my work when I heard a knock on my door, followed by Katie’s voice, asking whether she could enter.

“Come in,” I called even as I closed the current picture I was working on. I didn’t think she would appreciate the almost naked pictures of her sister on my computer. The door opened to reveal her thin figure, this time wrapped in a knee-length loose skirt and an equally baggy t-shirt. For an unfamiliar eye, it might have looked like she was trying to look as unattractive as possible, as they weren’t the most flattering of the clothes, but there was another detail I managed to catch, both pieces were thin enough to barely impede the sensation of touch. Considering the activities we were in the last time, it wasn’t hard to guess it was intentional, and even if I failed that, the demure smile on her face was enough to remind me that. “By the way, where is your notebook?” I asked, unable to keep myself from teasing her a little. 

“Notebook?” she asked confusedly as she walked the stairs. 

“Notebook,” I repeated. “The one you are going to take your notes on as you question me about the art history.” 

She stopped instantly, her gaze finding my face to check whether I was serious, dreading to inform me about she had something else in mind and the interview was just a foil to come to my room. But her gloom melted when she noticed the teasing smile on my face. “Jerk,” she murmured in good humor as she continued her walk until she stood in front of me, waiting for me to act. 

I had other ideas in mind, so I turned towards her in my chair, but did nothing, waiting for her to act. A few seconds passed, and she started to sway indecisively as nervousness struck her, but she failed to take action. I deliberately sighed in a display of disappointment. “You need to be more comfortable, not just receiving intimacy, but initiating it as well,” I said even as I caressed her arm with a finger. 

There was a serious expression on her face, telling me that she understood the significance of what I was asking, however slight it looked at the first glance. All of the intimate actions during our fake relationship had been initiated by me, and now I was asking her to take an active part on that. Interestingly, the realization of its importance didn’t delay her actions by much. Her expression shifted into one of resolution as she plopped herself on my lap. 

“Better,” I said. “But it’s just a beginning, let’s see how far you can push by your own violation.”

Her layer of self-confidence trembled at my words, so she took a deep breath in an attempt to reinforce her calmness. She brought her hand on my face, slowly caressing my cheeks, trying to replicate my casual intimacy as her fingers danced over my cheek. An impression that was trickily difficult to achieve in the normal conditions, and plain impossible with her fingers, shaking with nervous excitement. 

At first, she was simply adorable, but as the seconds rolled, her confidence rose, her fingers started to move in a more confident manner. More interestingly, she pressed her other hand on my chest for balance as she started to slide forward bit by bit. 

What surprised me, however, that she didn’t stop like I expected when she was at the middle of my thighs, but continued forward in a steady rate, until she was sitting directly above my shaft, which had grown quickly in response to her presence. 

“Very impressive,” I murmured, making her beam with a satisfied smile, one that was a perfect mixture of cute and sexy. Tempted, I leaned forward, capturing her lips in a surprise kiss, my arm curling around her waist reflexively to prevent her escaping when I felt the hand on my chest pressing further. 

However, in a complete surprise, my arm stayed limp around her waist because she didn’t try to pull back. Instead, her hips started to dance simultaneously with her lips, grinding my lap in a repetitive yet enticing move. I repressed the desire to push my tongue in her mouth. Aggressiveness would give the decision-making back to me, and that was the exact opposite of what I wanted to happen, the kiss was already a mistake from that end, one that could be compensated. There was no need to enhance it with another that the plan might not recover from. 

The fruits of the plan started to show, when I felt her tongue caressing my lips, requesting an entrance, too timid to push its way through. I parted my lips, accepting her hesitant presence into my mouth, gently caressing my tongue. I let go of the control of the time, and focused on enjoying the sensation. 

She only pulled back when she was in a dire need of breath, the limited intake from her nose unable to meet the needs of her rising excitement. Her face was alight with arousal, her eyes shining as she found herself in the throes of an unfamiliar excitement. I could see an unworded question in her gaze, so I just nodded in approval. 

Her face brightened even further as she leaned forward my lips, but the more captivating detail was her fingers, wrapped around my wrist. She gently pulled my hand. It slid under her skirt, where I expected her to stop, so I was quite surprised when she dragged it until my fingers were over her bra. 

Never one to reject such an invitation, my fingers started to dance over her breasts, increasing her muffled moans despite her bulky bra reducing most of the impact. I considered pushing further, but she acted once more before I could. Caught in the heat of the moment, her fingers found my other wrist, this time leading it under her skirt. 

But surprises were not over yet. A few seconds later, even as my fingers danced over her thighs she slid her bottom a bit. At first, I had thought that her last move had pushed her out of her comfort zone, but her adventurous fingers disabused me of that notion soon after, when they started to tinker with my belt, her impatience clear in her hurried touches. First, my belt fell open, then the buttons of my pants. Contrary to my expectations, she didn’t slow down a bit before grabbing the edge of my underwear and pulled down, releasing my shaft to her attention. 

Only after her fingers grazed my cock, she pulled away from the kiss, a sudden hesitancy dominating her face. I nodded, indicating her to continue, and she wrapped her fingers around my girth once more, this time much surer, the soft texture of her hand making me even harder. Then, her lips closed over mine once more. 

At first, I have done nothing other than softly massaging her skin at the locations she led my hands, as she explored my length in motions that got more confident with each repeat. Soon, she was pumping me in an enjoyable rhythm, her enthusiasm more than enough to compensate for her novice skills. I decided to go forward. It was hardly fair for her to visit the third base when I was still failed to capture the second fully. 

My hand slid from her belly to her back, gently trailing her spine upwards until it arrived at the hooks that were keeping her bra in place, and a twist later, the hook had separated, loosening the hold of her bra over her chest, enough for me to cup her small yet firm breasts easily, but I had more interesting ideas, seeing that she failed to notice what had just happened. I traced the bands of her bra until I reached to the point where they met with the straps. Bingo, I thought when I checked to see the straps were detachable as well. A struggle that was slightly lengthier than the one that was required to unhook the bra. I mirrored the same motion at the other side, divesting her bra off any support, so when I pulled it off, it came off easier, no pesky shuffling required. 

That managed to penetrate her bubble of focus. She tried to pull back, but my hand was ready, pressing her back to keep her in place. Her struggle lasted a while, but I didn’t take it seriously, considering her hand was still around my girth, pumping rapidly. As expected, her struggle died a few scant seconds later, leaving my hand free to explore her body as my desires directed. 

Our bodies were conveniently pressed together, allowing me to feel the jolt that passed through her body when my fingers danced over her breasts, teasing her nipples with fleeting touches. Her rhythm quickened, both of her hands and her lips, her tongue asking permission to enter once more. This time, instead of letting her enter without any comment, however, my tongue jumped out to meet her in the middle. If she wanted something, she needed to fight for it. 

Minutes passed in the same position. I was tempted to push further, but that would waste all my efforts to entice her to take initiative. I could feel a release was growing steadily, but I didn’t warn her until the last second, where pulled back from the kiss without a warning. “I’m cumming,” I said. I had to admit, watching the panic bloom her face played no small part on my final climax. In her panic, she grabbed the easiest thing she could use to cover it, her shirt. 

I couldn’t help but smirk in satisfaction as she looked at the large stained patch in front of her shirt, nor when she raised her fingers to examine them in shock, stained slightly white despite the presence of her shirt. 

“Good work,” I said. My words managed to cut through the shocked haze of her face, grounding her back to reality. She looked at me, her mouth open, but no words leaving it other than an indecipherable mumbling. “You’re better equipped to convince Madison about our ‘relationship’, now that you are experienced about the mechanics.”

“Right!” she mumbled in an expression of complete shock, showing that the supposed reason had managed to slip out of her mind in the heat of the moment. “It’ll definitely come useful tonight.” 

“Tonight?” I said. Even as I decided to leverage the position of my hands once more, one under her skirt, the other under her shirt. started caressing her once more. Somehow, she managed to register the attention. 

“I’m going to stay at Madison for a girls’ night. Kind of a slumber party. We do that around once a month. Her mother is going to pick me up in half an hour.” 

I should have left it alone, but the potential for fun was too hard to resist. “And what would happen if I sneak at Madison’s bedroom window halfway. Do you think it would help us sell the ruse even better?” 

“Too risky,” she replied. I didn’t answer, but just continued to tease her with my fingers while looked into her eyes. It didn’t take long before she nodded in resignation, but there was no hiding the excitement blooming on her face despite her best efforts.   

       *****      *****      *****      *****      *****  

It was around eleven when I decided to leave the house once more, this time, my destination was Madison’s house. Still, under the effects of our encounter, it hadn’t taken long to convince Katie that a visit from me in the middle of the night would be all that was required to remove Madison’s doubts. It didn’t need mentioning that I had different intentions of course. I even had a large bottle of juice mix with me, mixed with less than a shot’s worth of cheap vodka, just enough to give it a taste, and nothing more. It was against my moral code to sleep with a drunk girl, but giving them juice and telling it was alcohol was different. A sober girl that was convinced of her own drunkenness was always an interesting thing. 

For once, the upstairs held no distraction for me, so I went to my car, and a quarter of an hour later, I pulled to a street, around a hundred meters away from Madison’s house, assuming that her parents wouldn’t appreciate a stranger in front of their home. And when I walked there, I could see the lights from the window Katie described as Madison’s room, on the second floor but easy to climb, even with the bottle in my hand, thanks to a conveniently located balcony. 

A few seconds of moderate exertion, and I was standing on Madison’s balcony. I glanced inside and saw that Katie and Madison were there, but I had to hide when I noticed they weren’t alone. There was a third woman in the room. Well, not exactly in the room, she was standing at the doorway, obviously there to talk in passing. However, I was less interested in what was being said and more interested in the identity of her. She was tall, blond, and fit, and sported a pair of large tits that begged my fingers to disappear in them. Her clothing, a short and tight, but unfortunately opaque, negligee, was only partially useful in hiding her amazing body. 

I watched her as she closed the door and disappeared, couldn’t help but feel disappointed that I didn’t have the opportunity to mess with her. Then, my gaze turned towards the other occupants of the room, more than enough to compensate for the loss of the stranger, though neither of them was dressed as enticing as her. Katie was wearing the familiar set of pajamas she had worn in her earlier visit, and Madison was wearing shorts and shirt, a bit too tight to be comfortable sleepwear, but doing wonders to show her figure. Even in a slumber party, she was vain about her looks. 

I waited another minute to make sure the blond bombshell wasn’t about to visit them once more, then knocked the window softly. Both turned towards the window, Katie in expectation, Madison in surprise, showing that Katie followed my order and didn’t mention my visit. I gestured them to open the door, of which Madison reacted much quicker because Katie was busy watching her for her reaction. 

“Stephen, what a surprise. What brought you here?” Madison said as her gaze traveled over me. I was glad that Katie was unable to see her expression, as with the suggestiveness she managed to pack in her gaze, even Katie would understand there was something else going on between us. Still, the suggestiveness wasn’t half-interesting as the challenge mixed in there. Defeated again in our last encounter, she was burning in a desire to prove that it was another fluke, that she was the superior one. A challenge I was more than happy to take every time. 

“I was planning to visit Katie already, and when she texted me where she was, I decided to see you as well. It’s not a bother, is it?”

“No it’s not,” she said before turning towards Katie. “Though I will have a talk with someone about the rudeness of a guest before checking with the owner.” 

“Good,” I said, raising the bottle that went unremarked until now. “I would have hated if my gift went to waste.” 

“Is this what I think it is?” Madison said, while Katie looked at me, alarmed at the prospect. 

“It probably is,” I answered. “Why don’t you be a good girl and bring us three glasses, so that you can make sure.” Madison left the room in a hurry, leaving us alone with Katie, who was busy glaring daggers. “You don’t approve,” I stated. 

“I don’t, it’s illegal, not to mention very unhealthy.” 

I sighed. “Come on Katie, don’t be a stick in the mud. You’re nineteen, you can drive, enlist, even marry, but a bit of cocktail is suddenly too much? It’s a stupid law and stupid laws deserve to be ignored.” 

“Still, it’s unhealthy,” she repeated, but this time much quieter. 

“Not much if you indulge only occasionally. And, it would be fun to mess with Madison when she is a bit wasted, right?” With that, she looked a bit thoughtful. At that point, I was betting on her friendly rivalry would be enough to convince her, not that it would work as she had hoped. I was sure Madison had drunk enough to know what I prepared was almost completely juice, making Katie the target of the tonight’s shenanigans. “Just make sure not to drink too much.” 

Before she could answer, the door opened and Madison walked into the room, carrying three shot glasses, and one larger bottle, its intended purpose revealed by her next words. “Who is ready for some truth and dare?” 

“Good choice,” I said before throwing a cushion on the floor, gesturing Katie to do the same. Madison passed the glasses to me before sitting herself, and I used the opportunity to fill the glasses with shots. “A bit of juice before starting,” I said, passing one glass each, the last with me. “Cheers.” 

Madison drank her in a smooth motion just a second after me, while Katie looked at hers for a few more seconds before raising to her lips, her face scrunched as she sipped it, expecting it to taste horrible. “Hey, it’s not that bad,” she said. “I was expecting something bitter, listening all those people complaining about it.” 

It was fortunate that she was distracted, because it gave me enough time to signal Madison to play along when she looked at me questioningly about the non-existent amount of alcohol in the mixture. She looked at me questioningly, and I subtly gestured towards Katie, once again banking on the rivalry between them. She looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded, just like Katie did a minute ago. 

The female rivalry was such a useful concept. 



Thx 4 Chapter!