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The next day, I was idling in my office, killing time until Amelia’s arrival. Normally, she would have been in the office before nine, looking me with a smug admonishment, berating me for being late without saying a word. But after the last night, I wasn’t exactly surprised when I passed in front of her office, only to see the door firmly shut. I just smirked and went to my own office, satisfied in the knowledge that she had a class at eleven, meaning I would be able to catch her at lunch break before she could disappear. 

We had a lot to talk about…  

But my daydreams about how to treat my dear adviser professor cut short with a soft, hesitant knock on the door. “Come in,” I called stiffly, planning to send whomever that dared to break my concentration. But that thoughts changed when the door opened, revealing the blushed face of a familiar figure from yesterday’s activities, though at that time I had trouble seeing her face, since it was buried between Megan’s legs. 

I watched her, my eyes widening with interest. I was still unable to remember her name, but visually, I remembered her well enough, always sitting on the first row, diligently noting every word that left my mouth, and always preparing painstakingly-detailed papers, though she started to miss a few classes here and there during the last few weeks. 

More importantly, during the class, she was always dressed in loose clothing that led me to think she had a rather shapeless body, though thanks to the view I stumbled against, I had learned that it wasn’t very accurate. Currently, she was wearing a long coat that went well past her knees. It was enough to arouse my suspicions even if she hadn’t looked panicked enough to faint. The weather was too nice to require an overcoat like that, and she wasn’t fashion-conscious enough to wear it as a part of the set. Also, even I could tell that it was an expensive piece, latest fashion to boot. Far too expensive to be owned by a scholarship student.  

“I hope I’m not interrupting, professor,” she murmured, her voice hitching halfway. “I know it’s your not your office hours, but I had a couple of questions about a paper we need to deliver today. May I steal a few minutes of your time for them?” Even as she said that, she stepped inside, closing the door behind her. 

I fixed my gaze on her face, and she instantly started squirming, essentially shouting that she had an ulterior motive for her visit. The best thing would be to kindly inform her that I was too busy and send her away. Asking her to keep the door open would be another safe option, keeping me insulated from whatever plan Megan had hatched. 

Not for a moment, I thought that my nerdy Latino student was here by her own violation. 

But I was bored while waiting for Amelia to arrive, and I had a tendency to make unwise decisions when I was bored. “Sure,” I said cheerfully. “I always have a few minutes for one of my best students.” An expression of guilt passed over her face at my statement. Such innocence, I thought, considering whether I should just tell her that I was aware of she was trying to ambush me in behalf of Megan, and wouldn’t work. 

But before I could say anything, her trembling fingers reached for the string that worked as a belt for her overcoat, her blush intensifying even further, showing just how reluctant she was about the move she was about to make. Still, she pulled it free despite her obvious unwillingness, revealing what she had underneath, and all my thoughts about calling off her ploy burned in flames. She was wearing a white skirt, which was barely long enough leave her choice of underwear as a mystery, and the fact that it was a pleat, threatening to float away with the slightest wind didn’t exactly help. Her legs went down for an impressive length, displaying her delicious olive colored skin for my viewing pleasure. 

Her top wasn’t any better. It was a crop top with a matching white color, contrasting attractively with her darkish skin. Its fabric was too thin to hide what was lying underneath, and its excessive tightness hadn’t contributed much to the primary function of concealing what lay underneath, including a dark red bra, more lace than cloth, too thin to provide effective support, suggesting that the firmness of her breasts was all natural. From their excessive tightness, I was willing to bet that they belonged to Megan as well, commandeered for the sake of their ploy. 

A soft whimper escaped her mouth as she pulled her arms out of the coat, though I acted like I hadn’t noticed it. She turned her back to me, and took a step towards the hanger, the slight movement enough for me to confirm that her panties were in matching color with her bra. She hanged her coat, but then, instead of turning back, she reached for its pocket, and pulled something black and pressed its button, before sliding it back to its pocket. She positioned her body to prevent me from seeing it, but forgot to factor the mirror for that.

I barely managed to keep myself from facepalming against her ineptitude. It was obvious that she had just engaged a voice recorder, and combined with her extremely revealing clothing, it didn’t take a genius to realize that she was trying to use the same trap Megan had attempted earlier, but with the intensity raised to eleven. It actually hurt my pride. Yes, I was trying to stay low-key, but just how much of an idiot they thought me, to fall for such an obvious trick. 

“Please take a seat,” I said, not exactly bothering to hide my hungry gaze on her body. Compared to the evidence I had over them, a voice recording was practically useless even if she could bring it outside, and I wouldn’t let it happen in the first place. I decided to act passive, curious just how far she was going to go. 

“Thanks, professor,” she whispered in a way that tried to be unashamedly sexy, but came across as scared instead. She took a few more steps, and lowered herself on the chair, though her hands stuck on the edge of her skirt, pulling it down hopelessly in an effort to keep herself covered, only to fail. The skirt simply didn’t have enough material to keep her hidden while sitting. She took a deep breath, which nicely enhanced her cleavage, and crossed her legs to hide her core, making the best of an impossible position. 

“So, why are you here,” I asked, still trying to remember her name, but coming up blank. 

“I was having some trouble with the latest paper that you have assigned,” she started. “With all the midterms and papers piling up, I don’t have the time to finish it. And I need the grade it will bring to maintain my scholarship.” 

“I see, and you’re here to ask for some extra time,” I said, acting obvious, mainly to mess with her. She was having trouble even at the beginning of the script, which was barely above the script of a porn movie, and I was curious just how far she would be able to push it before fainting. 

“Umm, I had something more permanent in mind,” she murmured, her gaze falling on the floor. “Maybe an …” she said, but rest of her words were an illegible mumble that was impossible to understand. 

“Sorry,” I said, not even bothering to hide my smirk as I leaned back. “I wasn’t able to hear what you said next, can you repeat it, but louder.” 

She raised her eyes, reminding me a rabbit that wanted nothing more than running away from the snake, but was overwhelmed by the shock. “I said… Maybe we could come to an arrangement.” 

“I see,” I said, my smirk transforming into something different. It was still technically a smile, my lips stretching sideways to reveal my teeth, but there was certain darkness to it I had cultivated in the years in a job that included death as a daily struggle. Megan hadn’t had a chance, her eyes stuck like she was hypnotized. “Why don’t you go and lock the door, and we can talk about how inappropriate your suggestion was.” 

Despite its phrasing, there was no doubt that it was an order, and she treated it as so, jumping to her feet, forgetting the way she dressed for a moment, her skirt floating to give me a perfect view of her slightly transparent panties, and more importantly, a distinct wet patch that suggested maybe it wasn’t just fear that kept her frozen helplessly. She locked the door. “Sit,” I ordered, and she walked back to her previous seat, but before she could take her earlier position, I tapped my table. “No, here.” 

The invasion of shock on her face was made even more interesting by the fact that I could detect the undercurrents of arousal on the edges of her expression. Her mouth opened, but she was unable to utter a word under the weight of my gaze. She walked towards the table, silent other than her dragging steps, and stood in front of me, like a gift that was waiting to be unwrapped. I decided to thank Megan for her thoughtful gift. Not only she sent me her beautiful but weak-willed girlfriend, but she was kind enough to dress her in a way that removed any chance of her displaying an ounce of self-confidence, then made her propose an illegal scheme that would see her kicked out the school if she did so. They even created a recording of the event in their own violation. 

“Sit,” I repeated, and she sat down. I leaned back, spending a minute to examine her body. The clock ticked, with her getting more and more uncomfortable with each passing second. Soon, she opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her before she could manage it. “Don’t speak unless I ask you a question,” I ordered. Her lips strewn shut with an audible click. I watched her for another minute before asking the first question. “What was your name again?” 

The question was dismissive enough that even under her current condition, it made her expression flare in outrage, though it extinguished instantly under my gaze. “Camilla,” she murmured obediently. 

“Camilla,” I repeated slowly, tasting the way it flew on my tongue. “Camilla, it’s too good of a  name for a cheating student who is too lazy to finish her homework, don’t you think?” 

She started trembling. “Yes,” she murmured, her voice bringing the wind of unshed tears. 

“Now, I could just walk out directly to the dean and explain your immoral proposal, and you would wave your scholarship goodbye before the nightfall.” 

“Please-” she started, leaning forward in a panic, but I raised my hand warningly, and the rest of her sentence cut off ineffectually. 

“Was that a question?” I asked. 

“No,” she whispered, ducking her head down. 

I let the silence to stretch for a few seconds before continuing. “Still, you’re lucky that I’m not heartless enough to destroy your future because of one silly mistake.” A smile flickered, which I killed with my next words. “Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you go without punishment. After all, it’s my responsibility as your professor to teach you responsibility. Isn’t it so, Camilla?”

“Yes, professor,” she murmured, but I could see her head jerking towards her coat, where her recording device was hidden. She was clearly hoping that I was going to say something incriminating, which would end up in her victory. I couldn’t wait until smashing her pathetic plans, but before, I was going to have some fun.” 

“Good girl,” I said, but let a bit of my desire to slip into my tone. She shivered. “Now, stand up,” I ordered. She did so. “Turn to the table, and put your hands on the desk, and lean forward.” This time, her movements were slower, acutely aware just how she was going to look with the deficient cover of her skirt strained even further, but she followed my direction nevertheless. Another whimper escaped her mouth when I put my hand on the small of her back, trailing down slowly, but its volume was nothing after I slapped her bottom, the portion still covered with her skirt, without a warning. A cry escaped her mouth. “Silent!” I ordered. 

“Sorry,” she murmured. 

I thought about increasing her punishment, because technically, it wasn’t a question, but I let it slide. Even with the current plan, it was a toss-up whether she would be able to resist without fainting. I spanked her other cheek, still targeting an area that was covered by her skirt. This time, only a soft whimper escaped her mouth. “Better,” I said, letting my hand trail upward once more, tracing her spine. Then, when I arrived where the strap of her bra lay, I pushed her on the table. 

Her breath escaped explosively as her tits hit the table. She tried to stand up, but I kept my hand there, pinning her in place. Her struggle soon ceased, realizing she had no way of escaping, but she trembled in a way that tempted me to cut the chase, pull down her panties, and ram her mercilessly. 

I managed to repress that desire, and instead, used my free hand to pull her skirt up, leaving her ass only with the deficient cover of her lacy panties, two red patches matching to the color of with where my hand landed. Another spank landed on her ass, this time my hand meeting with her naked skin, its crisp sound echoing in the room. Impressively, she managed to keep her voice to a whimper after that, and following two, but then, the fourth overwhelmed her, and a cry escaped her mouth, one she barely managed to muffle. 

“Tch, tch. I thought I had ordered you to keep silent. It seems that even incapable of understanding even the simplest orders. It’s no wonder that you’re here, trying to whore yourself for homework.” I wasn’t able to see her face in our current position, but the redness of her neck suggested that it hit her even harder than I intended. Apparently, she was quite sensitive about her academic capabilities. “I better help you to keep silent.” 

I hooked my finger on the edge of her panties, and started to pull down. “What are you-” she started, only to cut with another cry when I punished her for speaking out of turn with another spank. 

“What did I tell you about speaking out of turn?” I asked. 

“I shouldn’t do,” she answered with another desperate whimper, intensified by the fact that I had finished dragging down her panties down her legs, leaving her clean-shaved nether lips naked for my viewing pleasure. I bunched them into a ball, their dampness teasing my palm.

“Good,” I repeated even as I patted her ass gently. “Now, lift your feet.” She raised her feet one by one, allowing me to pull free her panties. I rose back, and slowly walked around the table until I was in front of her. I crouched until our eyes were in the same plane, enjoying the look of total surrender in their chocolate brown depths. “Now, open wide,” I said even as I brought the makeshift gag towards her mouth. 

I could see one last spark of rebellion dancing in her eyes as she tried to reject my order, but it failed to survive for more than a second in the depths of the surrender she was experiencing. Her plump lips parted open, and I stuffed her mouth with the panties she was wearing just moments ago, stained with her own juices. 

With that task complete, I walked around the table once more until I was facing her naked bottom, filled with darker patches. I resumed her punishment. First few, she managed to resist, but soon, her cries rose once more, muffled by her panties. “And that’s the last of them,” I said after a particularly hard one. She whimpered once more, carrying a message of relief. 

But the final chapter was yet to commence. 

I put my fingers on her bottom once more, and she flinched despite its gentleness, conditioned by the earlier rain of spanks. “Don’t worry,” I whispered, my voice equally soothing. “Your punishment is complete. And since you have been such a good girl, taking it without a complaint, you earned the right for a reward.” 

Since she was unable to speak, I didn’t waste any time before sliding a finger inside her. She was sopping wet, and my finger moved forward with no resistance, until they come up with a barrier. It was a nice surprise, to find out my new toy was not only a socially constrained nerdy beauty, but a virgin as well. Would wonders ever cease? 

I pulled my finger back, not wanting to break it before its time. I wanted her to beg helplessly before I took her virginity. Instead, I slid towards her knob, drawing irregular circles around, triggering another wave of muffled moans from her. It took just a few seconds before she started shuddering helplessly as a spectacular orgasm hit her much earlier than I had expected. I left her trembling on the table, though stopped for a moment to pull her panties from her mouth, and threw them into the bottom drawer. Then, I walked to the hanger and grabbed her coat. Pickpocketing her recording device on the way back was trivial. 

“It’s time to go, my slutty nerd,” I said after I walked back to the table where she still lay, her bottom naked, still trying to throw the effects of her climax. “If you continue to lay like that, I won’t be responsible for the next thing I’m going to do.” Those words managed to cut through her haze, and she stood up despite her trembling legs. The mixture of shock, shame, and longing were delicious enough to tempt me to risk everything to thoroughly educate her, but I had other plans. Not to mention, she would be much more fun after processing what had happened, and what awaited her more. 

Neither of us said anything as I held up her coat, allowing her to slip inside. Then I passed her a napkin, which she used to dry her tears. Luckily, she wasn’t wearing a lot of makeup. It was still apparent that she cried, but I didn’t fear for sending her out in that condition. Her nerdy personality would help there, with everyone assuming she cried because of a B- or something equally asinine. “See you later,” I said with a wide smirk after I unlocked the door, gesturing her to leave. She barely reacted to my comment, just walked away, secure in her knowledge that there wouldn’t be any repeat. 

She would be, if she had bothered to glance back and noticed the presence of the voice recorder between my fingers.

       *****      *****      *****      *****      *****  

The surprise visit from Camilla worked quite well to distract me from the boredom as I waited for Amelia to leave her classroom. I didn’t want to miss her visit, so I picked up a bundle of quiz papers which we fought about yesterday, then hid on a corner with a prime view of her door, but otherwise obscure. 

It was a good thing that I hid before Amelia could visit, because she appeared at the end of the corridor five minutes before the class supposed to end, walking towards her room in one of the most noticeable sneaking attempt I had seen. And distracted by her own hurry, she failed to check both sides, and consequently missing my approach. She opened the door and slipped inside, only to come face to face with me when she attempted to close the door. 

The panic that bloomed on her face as we came face to face was beautiful. She tried to slam the door, but with her fingers weakened with the creeping panic, a careless press against the door was enough to stall the movement of the door for me to slip inside. The door slammed loudly, but only after I was inside. “Hi, Amelia,” I said cheerfully as her shock-ridden brain tried to process why I was still inside.

She stood silent for a moment, allowing me to examine her clothing. Jeans and a conservative blouse, downright boring compared to yesterday’s ensemble. “Hi, James,” she stammered before managing to pull herself together a bit. “I’m a bit busy, so if that’s not something urgent, maybe we can talk it later,” she added hurriedly. 

“It’s about yesterday,” I said, doing my best to keep my expression neutral. 

A moment, I thought that she was going to a total breakdown, but impressively, she managed to pull a facsimile of calmness after a deep breath. It wasn’t a very stable one, with numerous cracks visible, but it was impressive nonetheless. “Look, James,” she said, her voice impressively even. “It would be best if we forget about yesterday.” 

“I don’t understand,” I said, trying to sound confused. “Yesterday, you were talking differently.” 

“That was yesterday,” she said, feeling more confident after a lack of push from my side. 

“I see,” I said, nodding resignedly, then raised the papers I was holding. “So, you don’t need the papers graded anymore?”

“Papers?” she said, dumbfounded, her lips parting slightly in confusion as she tried to reorient the discussion. 

“Yes, papers,” I affirmed. “The ones you told me to grade urgently yesterday. What else I could be talking?” 

“Of course, papers,” she repeated, nodding blankly. Keeping back a burst of laughter was difficult after seeing her uncomprehending stare on instead of her usual sharpness. Then, it clicked that I was ignoring the last night justs like she was asking me to, and she relaxed slightly. A critical mistake, but that, she was about to learn a bit later. “Can’t the paper wait until tomorrow. Or better, a few days?” 

I pushed through her obvious attempt to earn time. “Clearly not, since you were very insistent about them yesterday. Let’s just sit down and finish them. It won’t take more than thirty minutes.” I smirked. “Unless you can’t handle working together, of course?” 

The dig to her pride worked just as good as I hoped. “Of course I can,” she said, gesturing for her desk, inviting me to sit down. With that, we started working. At first, the atmosphere was almost normal, which was an achievement considering the unspoken weight of last night, enough to make me think that we could have kept our relationship purely professional.

Unfortunately for her, I had no intention of doing so. I started with random touches that could be mistaken as accidental. A caress here, a lingering touch there… It worked even better than I would have thought, her blush intensifying with each touch, and causing her to lose track of her words for more than once. The effect was even more pronounced when I started slipping innocent innuendos, which left her stammering in panic. 

“I need to go,” she murmured barely ten minutes later, making a show of checking her phone. “I have something urgent to do.” 

“If that’s an emergency,” I said. I stood up, and caught up with her just as she was trying to reach the doorknob. The temptation was too strong to do anything other than replicating the exact scene from yesterday. I pressed my hand on her back, forcing her against the door. 

“James, what are you doing!” she exclaimed, though her shout would have been more effective if she hadn’t pushed her ass towards me, meeting my crotch halfway. It was clear that I wasn’t the only one that longed for a repeat. 

“You’re a smart girl, my dear Amelia. What do you think I’m doing?” I said even as my hands slid under her blouse, caressing her flat belly, enjoying her shivers. 

“You can’t…” she murmured. “Not here…” she added, barely audible. 

“You know the drill, sweetheart,” I added. “Just like last night. Tell me no, and I go away. Stay silent, and I show you a pleasure you never experienced before.” 

I realized that I overreached just as the words left my mouth. It was too forceful, enough to cut through the spell that captured Amelia. A glance to her face just confirmed it. I was loosening my hold in anticipation of her negative response, when we were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Amelia, please, can we talk,” said the familiar yet annoying voice of Amelia’s boyfriend. 

“Fuck off, Henry, we’re through!” Amelia exclaimed, confirming his status as an ex-boyfriend, not that it was surprising after he left her in the hands of gang members, and only my fortunate presence saved her from a bad end. 

“Please, Amelia, just give me one last chance,” he begged. “Let me explain.” I smirked at the lucky turn, letting my hands wander freely over Amelia’s body, and her only response was to push her hips harder against my crotch, moving cyclically. 

Revenge was an interesting motivator. Here she was, about to reject my advances, but the presence of her boyfriend reminded her that she wanted payback above and beyond just dumping him. And fucking like rabbits on the other side of the door while he pathetically pleaded on the other side of the door worked wonders as revenge. Which was why she put no resistance as I slid her blouse upwards, too busy unbuttoning her jeans. 

I pulled her bra to the side, leaving her breasts, which carried the marks of my aggressive mauling, naked for my attention. “Fuck off, Henry,” she exclaimed after her boyfriend claimed that his desertion wasn’t such a big deal. “It was pure luck that I managed to get away,” she continued even as she pushed her jeans down, allowing my fingers to trace over her panties. 

“Damn, you’re wet,” I murmured, enjoying the sensation. 

“Shush,” she said to me, but her expression was replaced with alarm as I squeezed her breasts hard, pushing a display of panic to her face. “I’m going to tell you once more, Henry. You either go away, or I call security for harassment, and we will see how fast your bank would drop you after such a scandal.” 

Henry hadn’t answered, but his footsteps were audible enough as he disappeared away, leaving his ex-girlfriend to my mercy… 
