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A bone-weary exhaustion filled my being as I left Nicole’s room, spent after the hours of practical training I had bestowed on Nicole. As I walked towards the stairs, there was only one thing in my mind, getting a rejuvenating sleep. But before I could arrive at the stairs, someone stepped upstairs, risking my plan. “Stephen!” Katie said with an obvious surprise. “What are you doing here?”

A reflexive answer came out before I could really think. “Looking for you. I wanted to talk to you about Madison,” I said, fervently hoping that she didn’t ask why my shirt was crooked and missing a button. I could hardly say that it broke off while I pulled in a hurry, too excited to finally bend over her stepmother after several extended foreplay sessions where I molested her to my heart’s content. 

While I had to say that to distract her from my state of dress until I could come up with a better way to hide it, I was quite aware of its drawback. A drawback that was realized when Katie grabbed my hand in an alarmed expression. “Not here,” she said before she dragged me to her room, a weird reversal of what I just did with her stepmother. 

It wasn’t that I had any objection to be in her room. Nancy was away, and Nicole was unconscious with an equal measure of pleasure and shame, it was a good time to push our closeness to the next level. I could have used somewhere else of course, but anything other than a few quick kisses was not an option in anywhere public, and she could hardly be convinced to come to a hotel room without making her tense and defensive. No, the problem lay with my exhausted state, after spending hours with Nicole, more than anything I needed a long sleep to soothe my bruised flesh. 

I didn’t beat myself on it much though, using the small distance between the stairs and Katie’s door to fix my appearance as much as I could. “What are you doing, mentioning her name in the middle of the corridor?” she said, her eyes grew wide in fear. “What if my mother heard it?” 

A deadpan expression was my first answer. “What will happen if she heard it?” I asked. 

“It…” she started, only to come to a sudden stop as she went over the sentence in her head once more. “Sorry,” she said sheepishly.

“No worries,” I said even as I walked and sat on her bed. She looked displeased on my presumption, but her demeanor prevented her from saying anything about it. So I promptly ignored her in favor of examining her room. It was disappointingly stereotypical, a small bed with red and white sheets, a boring desk full of books, and a couple of posters over the pale pink walls, both groups needlessly popular. The room needed some character. 

I discreetly glanced at her, and saw she was still standing, a confused expression on her face, meaning that my slight pause achieved its aim, disorienting her enough to pass the control of the conversation back to me. “So, let’s talk about Madison,” I said. “But why don’t you take a seat first.” 

She reached to pull a chair, but I patted the bed invitingly, causing her to freeze in indecision once more, one I broke a second later with the sharp glare I sent to her way. She sat on the bed, but sat at the corner, with more than two feet between us. “That’s the thing I’m talking about,” I said, pointing at the distance between them. “This kind of small signs starting to make her suspect that something is off with our relationship.” 

“But we don’t have a relationship,” she exclaimed, her face burning red. 

I shrugged. “Well, there is no problem as long as Madison knowing it as well.” She shook her head hard, showing that she didn’t want something like that happening. “Then you need to learn how to be more relaxed with my presence.” 

It seemed that my last kiss affected her more than I expected. She started speaking, her eyes firmly on the ground, trying her best to ignore the fact that we were alone. “I know, but it’s hard. Are you even sure that Madison is suspecting something?” 

“It seemed that she was trying to decipher something. But maybe I was wrong. As long as she acted normally during the second half of the movie, there is likely no problem. I just hope that she wasn’t excessively distracted and silent, like she was trying to put the pieces together.” 

I knew that Madison was silent and distracted because she had been struck with a chain orgasm following our small yet heated embrace, but Katie didn’t have that context, nor had the experience to realize that it wasn’t a usual behavior of someone that just realized something. But my comments disguised as predictions were accurate enough to throw off her balance. “That’s what happened!” she exclaimed as she jumped in panic, the fear taking precedence over the reason. 

“Then it’s bad,” I said, not allowing her any time to recover. “The next time we meet with her, we need to be more convincing, or she might realize it’s all fake.” 

“But how?” she wailed. 

“Simple,” I said, keeping my voice as even as possible to hide my excitement, ignoring her theatric exclamation. “We need to make sure our intimacy looks natural, and the easiest thing we can do is to practice.” 

“Practice!” she repeated. 

“Yes, Katie, practice. There is no way we could sell the ruse if you continue to freeze at my slightest touch.” 

“I don’t freeze when you touched me,” she said. “Do I?” she followed a second later with a whisper. I didn’t bother to verbalize my answer, just reached and grabbed her hand, and she froze even worse than she did at the cinema. However, it was not surprising. The cinema was loud and dark, and the raunchy movie on the screen didn’t hurt any in terms of making her more receptive to my advances. Now, under bright fluorescent lights and with her attention brought to that exact fact, her reaction was much more noticeable. “Oh god, there is no way Madison didn’t notice it. My school life is over!” 

“Well, it was dark and noisy, which is why her belief is still in suspicion level. As long as we can convince her the next time we meet, nothing will happen.” She looked at me with a hesitant smile, asking for reassurance. “Don’t worry, we can do this,” I added, then patted on the bed. “Come, sit, so that we can start.” 

And just like that, the doubt and hesitancy were back on her face, but she was walking towards me so I didn’t comment on it, no matter how small was her steps. Soon, she was in front of me, lowering herself on the bed, but I had other thoughts in mind. I wrapped my hand around her waist, changing her path with a small pull so that she ended up in my lap. “Stephen!” she exclaimed loudly, wiggling to get free. 

“Silent, or Nicole might decide to see whether something was wrong. It might be tough to explain why you’re on my lap.” 

“Okay,” she said demurely before getting a second wind. “But let me go!” 

“No,” I countered in a calm tone that took the wind out of her sails. “Think it of a shock therapy. It will be harder at first, but will give a much better result.” 

“Can’t we go slower,” she asked while wiggling subconsciously to make herself more comfortable in my lap, a move that started to awaken my shaft despite my exhausted state. I cursed the fact that she was wearing a thick skirt, reducing the enjoyment I would get from her lithe but firm bottom. 

“We can,” I answered. “But only if you’re willing to take a bit of risk. If Madison calls us for another date before the slower way gave results, she might realize what is going on, wasting all of our efforts to this point.” 

“What if I said we’re busy?” she asked. 

It was a simple but elegant idea, but it ran contrary to my aims so I killed it. “Too risky. She’s already suspicious, and if you start to deflect her, she might take it as confirmation.” As I said that, I tightened my arms around her waist even more, pushing her bottom tighter over my growing shaft, a detail that she managed to lose in her confusion. I couldn’t wait until she realized what was growing beneath her. 

“Okay,” she said resignedly. 

“Perfect,” I said. “Then just relax, press your back to my chest, and try to stay silent as much as you could.” As soon as she nodded, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to her neck, made easier by the fact that her hair was shaped into a bun. Predictably, she froze, but I didn’t let it stop me from my next move. I kept my lips on her neck in a lingering kiss, sucking softly even as I brought my arms around her waist higher until my forearm was supporting her breasts. Not that they needed any, I just wanted to touch them.

It was the panic that freed her from her shock this time. The arousing sensation of fonding a young and beautiful woman managed to overcome the bone-weary exhaustion of certain parts of my body, and my erection rose to its full stature, to a point that was impossible to miss even by an emotionally-distressed virgin. “Stephen!” she exclaimed in shock as she attempted to jump in a display of pure reflexes, but my hold was too tight for her to succeed. 

“Calm down, sweetie. Or have you forgotten the objective of the exercise?” 

Her panic subsided after that reminder, but not her protest. “But I can feel your… Thing… It’s too much!” 

“Hence the name of shock therapy,” I answered clinically. “It wouldn’t be effective if it didn’t push your barriers.” I had no idea whether shock therapy worked like that, but she didn’t know as well, which was the only important thing. Once again, I used the opportunity to better my position, aligning my shaft with her bottom, lodged between her cheeks. Something she missed until it was too late. “Are you ready to continue?” She didn’t answer, so I decided to push her a bit more. “Look, Katie. I’m giving you hours from my busy schedule because you asked for my help after putting yourself in a bind. However, there is no point of me wasting all that time if you’re not going to put the same effort.” 

“Okay,” she whispered in a barely audible voice, almost enough for me to feel bad about the blatant manipulation of a young woman. 

Almost, but not quite, which was why I used the opportunity to shift one of my hands to her leg. After all, young as she might be, she was still legally an adult, and more importantly, I was a selfish bastard. “Better,” I said even as my hand glided over the skin uncovered by her skirt, her goosebumps a physical entity under my fingers. “So, how was the school?” I asked.

“What?” she asked, blindsided by the casual question.

“I asked about the school,” I said before sighing resignedly. “It’s another part of the training. You need to be able to speak about topics like this when we’re with Madison, like our intimacy is nothing but a casual habit.” 

“I understand,” she murmured before launching a staggered explanation about the school, slowing down whenever my hand tickled the edge of her skirt, pushing it up bit by bit. When her long-winded explanation about the last math exam was finished, the hem of her skirt had moved upwards considerably, revealing most of her thighs, attractive despite their thin appearance that suggested she preferred staying inside over exercising. 

I decided to move the discussion to the next level. “Very interesting, how about the literature,” I said, while I slid my other hand from the bottom of her shirt, grazing my fingers over her naked belly, making her shiver, with the added benefit of silencing her effectively. “Come on, Katie. I asked you a question.” 

“It’s fine,” she managed to whisper in a trembling voice. Her eyes were dry but I could hear the oncoming tears in her voice. “I’m sorry, but it’s too much.” But even then, I could sense that was her rising arousal that was unbalanced her. 

“No worries, honey,” I answered cheerfully, pulling my hand away after one last caress. “You were very brave, trying to push yourself despite your discomfort.” Naturally, I avoided mentioning that she was trying to cover up her own fuck up, as a forthcoming honesty was seldom a useful trait in life. I pulled my hands away, letting her stand up. 

“Thanks,” she answered, smiling after the unexpected compliment. 

I walked towards her door, checking my phone, in an angle outside her line of sight, to see whether the corridor was empty, which thankfully was. I didn’t want to come across Nancy in my exhausted state as well. Nicole had been exhausting enough before the small session with Katie. Actually, it was the only reason I let Katie go that easily. I could have pushed her farther, but it would have been a chore for me as well, which beat the whole purpose of doing it in the first place. Still, I turned towards her just before leaving. “Be at my room tomorrow morning, six-thirty, sharp, so we can do a second session before you go for the school.” 

Then, before she could answer, I left the room, my mind already on the things I would do, unhampered by a bone-weary exhaustion. 

       *****      *****      *****      *****      *****  

The sound of the alarm blared in my cluttered room at the dead of the morning, far earlier than my usual time, but I was waiting for a guest, and had some preparations before the arrival of my quest, some of them I was supposed to do the last night but felt too exhausted, such as hiding the costumes that was revealing enough to scare Katie, and putting a few clothes that might catch her interest to a more central location, more revealing than her usual ensemble without looking completely slutty. 

I managed to finish them faster than I thought, meaning I had enough time for a quick shower. One that afforded me an interesting opportunity, I realized as I was walking to my clothes drawer, only to stop midway, wrapping the towel around my waist instead, curious to see her reaction to my limited nakedness. 

It was exactly six-thirty when I heard a soft, hesitant knock on the door. “Come in,” I called and Katie appeared at the end of the stairs, first lights of sunlight highlighting her silhouette, a frame around her innocence. Under the reverse light, her facial expression was concealed under the shadows, but I didn’t need it to understand her reaction to my state. The surprised yelp that escaped her mouth was clue enough, or the fact that she was frozen stiff. “What are you waiting for?” I added.

My admonishment proved enough to jolt her into action. She stepped inside and closed the door, a bit too loud for my tastes, but not a big risk since Nancy always woke up late, and Nicole would be too shy to visit just to check a random noise after yesterday’s encounter. So, I walked back to my bed in lazy steps, slow enough that when I sat down, Katie was already in front of me. 

“Good morning,” she said in a voice even more tense than her usual. Considering she was in a stranger’s room, and that stranger was wrapped only in a towel, it was a deserved reaction.

“Morning,” I replied in a smirk even as I examined her clothing. She was wearing a set of conservative pajamas that covered everything except her neck and her hands, either because she woke up late and hadn’t had the time to change, or she wanted a more conservative set to prevent an easy access. Since I could see a carefully applied layer of light make-up, I was willing to bet that it was the latter. “Are you ready?” I asked. 

Her gaze slid over my body, lingering over my sculpted chest for more than what was strictly necessary before moving to the towel. She looked hesitant, and for a moment I was afraid that I pushed her too much, but the nod that followed a few seconds later was enough to assuage my feelings. 

She tried to sit next to me, but that ended predictably when I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her onto my lap, causing her to freeze once more, an opportunity I leveraged to wrap my arms around her waist once more to prevent her from escaping. “So, any plans for today?” I asked. 

“Nothing much,” she answered even as she shifted to sit more comfortably, careful to keep her movements limited to not to arouse the attention of my shaft. But, there was one difference she wasn’t aware, I wasn’t on the verge of exhaustion after spending hours to make Nicole faint from an overload of pleasure. Her next words disappeared into a yelp as my shaft answered her wiggling by turning rock-hard in an instant. 

“Is something wrong?” I asked with a mock concern even as I did a wiggle of my own to ensure my length was aligned correctly, teasing her bottom. I understood the reason for the intensity of her shock. Trying to maximize the coverage, she had failed to factor in the fact that the thick fabric of a jean-skirt was much better to insulate against the touch than the silky texture of a thin pajama bottom, and the fact that I was wearing just a towel didn’t help any.

“N-no, of course not,” she stammered in one of the least convincing lies I have ever heard. “Why don’t you tell me how is your business going?” 

Not a bad example of quick thinking, especially since a considerable amount of her blood had rushed to her face, leaving her deficient. I thought about ignoring her poor attempt of deflection and force her to speak once more, but the opportunity on the other side was equally interesting. “There are a few challenges…” I started, then let my mouth to go through a standard talk about photography. 

At the same time, my full attention was on her body, reading her minute responses as my hands slowly started to wander over her body to ensure I didn’t push her too far too soon. First few minutes, I played conservative, as she had been already pushed too far with my mode of dress, with a non-negligible effect from being a stranger’s room. Soon, she started to relax, and I allowed my hands roam freely over her legs and her belly, with occasional accidental touch to the bottom of her breasts. She turned slightly for the first two times that happened, her lips parted in preparation, but a firm gaze was enough to dissuade her both times. Following times, she didn’t react other than a slight shift in her body. 

That shift, I did nothing to prevent because I realized that there was an important side effect for all of her movement. The corner of my towel had been dislodged when she took her seat, and every time she shifted, the towel slid a bit more. Soon, the thin fabric of pajamas was the only thing that was separating our flesh. It was tempting to push them down in a sudden move before sliding inside her, but unfortunately, it was also very inadvisable. Her attraction was obvious, but her demeanor didn’t permit something that aggressive. 

Interestingly, her shifts become more regular, almost rhythmic as she slid back and forth. The pleasure of rubbing seemed to register in her subconscious mind. I couldn’t wait to see her reaction when she realized she had been rubbing to my naked shaft all along. 

But imagining the blossoming of a cute shock on her face was not enough to satisfy me. One of my hand slid inside between the gap between the top and her skin, caressing her naked stomach once more. She froze the moment my fingertips touched her burning skin, depriving me of the pleasurable caresses her bottom was delivering. It was not to be borne of course, which was why the fingers of my free hand sank to her bottom, forcing her to continue her gentle rocking. 

That proved enough to push through her tenuous self-control, and she jerked up. I considered not to allow her to get up, but let her jump when a more interesting scenario jumped to my mind. I let my towel slide completely, allowing her to think that it was her sudden movement that was responsible. It wasn’t as enjoyable as watching her as she realized where she had been sitting for the last five minutes, but easier to explain as well. “Careful,” I said in a loud voice, acting like I was surprised. 

She turned towards me reflexively after my shout, only to let out a strangled cry of her own. An expected reaction, since she met with a full-sized erection in all of its naked glory, though I was a bit surprised when instead of closing her eyes or turning her back, she continued looking at it, her eyes unmoving, her face contorted with surprise. I waited for a short while, curious what she would do, getting more and more sure with each passing second that it was the first time she had seen a naked boy. “Do you want some popcorn?” 

“What?” she murmured at first, her gaze still fixed on my midsection. I could read the moment the question registered fully, where her face was scrunched with confusion, which turned into a blush in short order as she remembered the exact situation she was in. She turned her back, the motion accompanied by another surprised cry. “Stephen!” 

“What?” I said, dismissing her implied accusation offhand. “You’re the one that pulled my towel, and you’re the one that is ogling me naked.” I reached down and pulled the towel on my lap, but this time intentionally loose, my erection obvious from the large tent. “You can turn back now.” 

She turned to me once more, but this time her eyes were kept above the neck level. I smirked at her obvious struggle to prevent her gaze from dipping down. “Maybe I should go,” she managed to whisper. 

“What’s the hurry,” I countered. “It was barely ten minutes. You should stay a while more, so that the training takes hold.” I shrugged before bringing out the big guns. “Of course, you might think that getting uncovered by Madison is no big deal, and in that case, please go ahead.” It was a true struggle to keep my sense of victory away from my expression when she started to turn once more in an obvious attempt of taking her earlier seat. “Keep the direction,” I ordered. 

Her desire to argue was obvious from her face, but her lips stood unmoving as she sat on my lap once more, at the point where my knees barely started. A reasonable distance, but one that I had no intention of allowing, so I wrapped my arm around her waist once more, and a small application of force later, she slid past the middle of my thighs. The fact that my shaft was pressing against her was just an added bonus. “Is it better?” she asked in a small voice that melted ice.

But my heart was made of sterner stuff, so I just nodded dismissively, normalizing the absurdity of our deal, forcing the normal to become absurd. The situation was much more intimate when I continued my explanation about the photography. I could see from her face that my words failed to register as her gaze alternatively focused to my face or drifted unfocused. I had a good guess about what she was thinking about, though my hands that were caressing her back didn’t help as well. 

“What I said just now?” I asked without a warning, in the tone of a strict teacher that enjoyed catching his students unaware. At the same time, my hands didn’t even stagger in their task of gently massaging her back. 

“Camera settings,” she answered in a rush of panic. 

“Correct, I did mention that,” I said, and she looked relaxed, a calm that I gleefully destroyed with my next words. “But it was ten minutes ago. You need to be more focused Katie, while getting distracted from the conversation could be explained easier than freezing with just a touch, it implies that it’s something novel for you, therefore suspicious.” 

The way she dipped her head with admonishment was objectively cute, tempting me to slide my finger under her chin, force her to look upwards before capturing her lips in an aggressive embrace, but I had a feeling that she would escape from my grip like a startled dove. 

So, I continued speaking instead. “Why are you distracted?” I asked. She stayed silent, but the point her eyes focused was answer enough. “Is it the first time you seen one?” Still silent, she shook her head hesitantly. “First time in real life?” I asked, this time receiving a nod. “That would be a hard thing to explain if Madison catches it, we need to fix it now.” 

This time, her lips worked faster than her mind. “How-” she started to murmur before her words came to a sudden stop and her gaze met mine. 

“Simple, we’re going to give you some experience with it,” I said even as I pulled the towel off, which required a strong tug as a part of it was stuck between our bodies. Once again, she tried to pull back, but this time weak enough that I was able to prevent her from pulling away with my hand limp on her back. Understandable since she was a virgin that found herself with a full-sized erection between her legs, pressing to her stomach threateningly. “Why don’t you caress it for a moment.” 

She looked at me questioningly, a timid light flickering behind, but I could see her hand from the corner of my eye, sneaking closer to my shaft, trembling softly. Soon, I felt a fleeting caress on the side, but it didn’t make me as happy as the curiosity that appeared in her expression. Seeing her obvious attempt to gather courage, I stopped pushing her, waiting for her to act. “Are they always this big,” she murmured, more to herself rather than an actual statement. 

“I have yet to receive any complaint, so I’m willing to bet some of them falls on the smaller side,” I answered, unable to resist the opportunity to brag. 

I hadn’t had to wait for long. I felt another touch a few seconds later, but this one lingered over a few seconds, and her gaze slid away from my face in favor of observing herself in her new task. The next attempt saw contact of not just one finger but her whole hand, and more importantly, stayed wrapped around my shaft as she listened to its throbbing. Leveraging her distraction, I slid my hand under her top once more, this time getting nothing more than an errant glance even as it pushed her top up enough to reveal her smooth belly. The perfect distraction. 

Unfortunately, it was almost seven, and she needed to prepare for school, lest we risked revealing what we were doing to Nicole, a risk I wasn’t willing to take yet, not even after our last encounter. “Maybe we call it a day,” I said. “You need to prepare for the school,” I added after seeing her confused expression, a sudden rush of disappointment telling me that I was on the right path. 

“Okay,” she murmured, and stood up after one last caress, a weird attempt of defiance I guessed from her sudden rebellious expression, one that fit as much as a puddle in Savannah, chasing after a giraffe. 

“By the way,” I added, arresting her walk. “I have a couple of clothes left from the earlier shots, why don’t you take them. I have a feeling that you’re going to like them.”

She walked towards the chair I pointed and started examining the ones I separated. A blush spread through her face, but it was more of a sign of her perspective, as they were downright conservative compared to what Nancy wore on a daily basis. 

“Thanks,” she murmured and left the room in quickened steps, leaving me to plan the next lesson. 



Thx 4 Chapter!