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Maria was a twenty-two years old student with an attitude problem, something to be expected when one grew up as a member of multimillionaire family that was more interested in multiplying these riches than tending to their own children. And the trust fund that deposited a mid-five-figures allowance to her account each month didn’t help any, nor the boys that bustled around her continuously, impressed with her beauty. 

Currently, she was driving a small, black convertible. She was also wearing a small, bright red dress that went deep enough in her chest to give an extended preview of her treasures, requiring constant care to maintain the limited coverage it provided to her treasures. The wind slid hard through her hair as she drove through the abandoned road, with a considerably higher speed than what was allowed. 

She had a very good reason to ignore the speed limit. She was late for a party. Normally, it wouldn’t be a problem, as one of the socialites of the town, she preferred to be fashionably late. But today was an exception, as there was a hunky linebacker that was visiting the party that she was looking forward to get acquainted, but so was that slut Eleanor. Maria wanted to be there before that upstart could make much progress. Not that she would be putting out for him of course. He looked like an entitled asshole that would think he deserved to make the choices, failing to acknowledge to treat her tenderly as she deserved. She did have standards.

She wasn’t worried about the speed she was making, because the road she was driving was always empty late evening. Or so she thought until she noticed a car on her rear-view mirror, one with bright, flickering lights on top. “Fuck,” she murmured. Police, the last thing she needed. For a moment, she considered pushing the pedal to the limit, trying to ditch it, after all, a shitty state car wouldn’t be able to catch up with her beautiful speed car, but she refrained. It was very inconvenient, but her trust fund had certain requirements that, if violated, could result in significant reductions. A challenge that she could ill-afford at this point in her life. 

She pulled on the side, then grabbed the sides of her dress and pulled it down a bit, enhancing her cleavage even further. More than once, she had managed to avoid a ticket like that. The amount was trivial, but she already had two speeding tickets for this year, and the third one came with the temporary loss of her driving license, and a corresponding drop in her allowance as per her trust fund guidelines. 

 She started cursing when she saw the figure stepping out of the car. A policewoman, meaning both her dress and her perfect figure - maintained through a combination of semi-illegal nutrients and endless pilates sessions- had become a liability rather than an asset in avoiding her ticket. She reached to her bag in panic, hiding several banknotes in her hand as the policewoman closed in her car, cursing herself for having a couple of drinks before leaving the house. She hadn’t drunken much, but it was enough to add a DUI charge to her bill if she turned out to be a jealous bitch. 

A relaxed sigh escaped her mouth as the policewoman drew closer, enough for Maria to see the details of her figure. She was a tall, statuesque woman whose voluptuous but powerful figure showed even through the baggy policewoman clothing. Her face was more striking than beautiful, too different to be called classically pretty, but impressive nevertheless. Enough that she wouldn’t feel intimidated by her beauty, Maria thought. 

“Ma’am, do you know why I pulled you over,” she asked, her voice smoother and more melodic than Maria had expected. 

She looked at her, fluttering her eyes in an attractive manner in reflex, but stopped with a blush when she met only with a raised eyebrow. “No officer,” she said, trying to sound vulnerable now that the sex wasn’t an option. She would have tried intimidation track, but looking at the icy blue eyes of the policewoman, she didn’t believe that it would work. “I don’t know why you pulled me over.” 

She sighed, a resigned sound that told the tale of numerous times she had heard the exact same words, then pointed at the sign which Maria conveniently pulled under. “I pulled you over because you were doing 85 in a 30 zone. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is, both for you and for the others.” 

Maria edged to side to look at the sign, cursing herself at the misfortune of pulling exactly under the reminder of her rule-breaking, which would make harder for her to get away scot-free, as visual reminders of rules and authority made it harder for people to deviate from the rules even when there was no direct connection. It was one of the few things she had wholeheartedly listened in psychology lessons, how to better manipulate people. “I’m so sorry officer,” she said, trying to sound like a vulnerable teenager. “I was going for an important event and lost the track of my speed. Please forgive me.”

“With all due respect, losing the track of your speed while traveling through a dark country road doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in your driving skills, or your general awareness,” she said, but her melodic voice was soft enough to suggest that Maria had a good chance of getting away. “I’m afraid that if I just let go, I’ll be just enabling you for more.” 

“I understand, officer,” Maria said. “But there was an emergency, and I was trying to get there. I’m sorry to break any laws, and I promise I won’t be doing it again. Is there a way that we can forget that ever happened.” 

Her expression softened quite a bit. “We’ll see,” she murmured. “License and registration please.” 

Maria was acutely aware of her cleavage as she leaned forward, and not in a good way, afraid of begetting jealousy. She pulled off her registration from there, and pulled her license from the small designer bag she had. She passed both to the police officer, including the extra banknotes that she managed to slip inside. No harm sweating the deal a bit, she thought.

The officer flipped through the registration until the money Maria slipped inside had fallen. “What’s that?” 

Maria felt the hairs on her neck rise at those words. She considered the merits of ignoring the question, or acting like it was just an accident, but the softness of her voice was enough to convince her that going forward was the better option. She sounded receptive. “A small gift,” Maria murmured. “For your consideration.” 

“I see,” the policewoman murmured softly in a kind voice, one convinced Maria that the issue was solved satisfactorily. She was reaching towards the key when the patrolwoman spoke once more. “Please step out of the car.”

Maria felt the beginnings of a panic in her heart. It wasn’t just her words, but the subtle shift in her tone, sounding dangerous despite its softness. “Officer, I-” she started speaking, trying to recover, but the policewoman cut her off. 

“I said, step out of the car,” she repeated in a sharper voice, no crumble of softness remaining. Maria realized that she had fucked up, badly. She opened the door while trying to suppress the feeling of panic that was rising in her heart, trying to think up a way that she could save herself from the situation. “Put your hands on the side of the car, and stand straight,” she added. 

Maria did so, still trying to think of ways to get away without losing a portion of the access for her precious trust fund. “Officer-” she tried to interject once more, only to be cut again. 

“Silence,” she ordered, and Maria felt her hulking presence just a step behind her, the height difference even more apparent with the flats she was wearing to make driving comfortable. “Offering a bribe to a police officer is a felony, did you know that?” 

She did know that, but failed to consider consequences while trying to escape the ticket itself, not when the previous officers she had bribed accepted the offer without any complication in similar situations. After all, it was just a ticket. And it was just her luck to come across a principled one that was also immune to the carnal ways of resolving the issue. 

“I asked you a question!” the policewoman said, after a couple seconds of silence, cold and professional. 

“No, officer,” she said reflexively. Playing ignorance had a better chance of working, she decided, but still afraid that things would escalate. It wasn’t that she was afraid of going to jail. No, the family lawyers were skilled enough to get the case thrown in the court, but she also knew that they were instructed to never reduce the sentences below community service. To make the lesson stick, in her mother’s words. But Maria could ill afford to have a picture of herself in those ugly jumpsuits, doing community work. It would destroy the image she had carefully cultivated, and the less said, the better for the possibility of a someone like Eleanor getting a hold of such pictures. 

“Good,” the policewoman said, her voice softer once more. A flicker of hope found itself back to Maria’s heart. “The only problem is, I don’t believe you,” she continued, and that flicker died just as quick. “You are a textbook spoiled rich girl. Nice car, slutty dress, and the expectations that just because you can wave a thick wad of cash, everything will work out well. Today is the day you learn that it’s not always the case.” 

A whimper escaped Maria’s mouth, feeling intimidated as she watched the policewoman through the reflection, her presence getting more intimidating with each passing second. “Please,” she whispered, trying to sound pitiful. 

“Silent,” she ordered. “It’s search time. Let’s see if you’re hiding anything interesting.” 

“Go ahead,” Maria said, relatively calm. At least, she was clear on that front. She never carried any drugs with her, nor her dress had the capability of hiding anything. She felt a pair of hands pressing against her back, somehow feeling strict despite their softness. They did a complete circle, meeting at her belly before traveling several inches and doing a repeat, rapid and professional. However, when a few repeats later, her hands arrived at the edges of her breast, trailing them in a much slower manner, hinting suggestiveness, hope was alight in Maria’s heart once more. Maybe a sexual solution wasn’t as impossible as she first thought. “Officer,” she gasped, trying to add a certain mischievous innocence in her helplessness. “Is there a different way we can handle it without escalating it.” 

She didn’t answer, but for Maria, she hadn’t had to. Not when her hands started exploring the edge of her breasts with a deliberate slowness, passing over the barrier to tease the parts of her globes uncovered by her dress. Soon, her hands trailed down until they were resting on the bottom part of her dress, meaning her fingers were directly on her bottom, squeezing softly. “Maybe,” she whispered, her lips close enough to touch her earlobe. “I’m a firm believer of teaching a lesson to children so they won’t end up being spoiled, and the current legal system is not always effective doing that. If you agree to keep your mouth shut and consent to my way of teaching punishment, maybe I could be more lenient.” One of her hands slid past the edge of her dress, trailing her inner thigh. “What do you say?” 

Maria hadn’t had to fake the enthusiasm in her tone when she whispered a positive answer. It wouldn’t be the first time she felt the female touch, and the officer was an impressive specimen of womanhood, even though she was different than her usual lowers. “I accept, officer,” she said. 

“Good,” she whispered, soft and sensual, her fingers trailing over her nether lips, the presence of her lacy panties doing little to reduce the sensation. A purr escaped her mouth. Things had worked out quite well, she decided. 

Then, everything shifted. 

Maria felt a presence pressing between her shoulder blades, and she found herself pressing against the hood of her car. The fingers that had been trailing her nether lips gently took a hold of her panties. Maria felt a sharp tug, followed by ripping sound, and a sudden breeze downstairs. “What’s going on!” she said even as she tried to struggle, realizing her expensive panties were in ruins, but she a finger over her lips, cutting her words. 

“Shush, little girl,” the officer whispered, her lips once again tickling Maria’s earlobe. “You asked me to take over your punishment, and I’m doing exactly that.” She pulled back, then forced Maria to turn until she was looking at her face, sharp and intimidating. “Or do you want to renege on our deal.” A chill spread through Maria’s body as she shook her head desperately. “Good girl,” she said, and just as sudden, an unfamiliar warmth replaced the chill, similar to, yet different from post-coital bliss she was acquainted quite closely. 

She hadn’t had much opportunity to think about the reaction of her body, however, distracted an explosion of pain no her bottom, followed by a sharp sound. She yelled in pain, but the hands that held her prisoner didn’t listen to her plea, and landed on her bottom a second later. “It hurts,” she complained, though the sense of humiliation was not far away from pain. 

“Good,” the officer said even as her hand bounced from Maria’s firm ass once more. “Pain is a good teacher. Is this the first time you’re being spanked?”

“Yes,” she admitted. Her parents were a strictly non-physical, both in punishment and in praise, and the rare boy she took to bed knew better than treating her anything other than the princess she was.  

“Pity,” the officer murmured. “I doubt you would be such a spoiled failure if your mother hadn’t been too busy for a few spanks when you were younger. Pain is a good teacher.” Her hand landed on Maria’s butt once more, this time even harder to reinforce the message. “Still, all is well. I’m here to fix it.” Another beat. 

Maria had lost track of the beats that was raining on her bottom, paying more attention to the tears that were gathering on her eyes, occasional one sliding down her cheek, disrupting her makeup. Then, the assault stopped, as sudden as it started, allowing Maria to take a breath. “Is it over?” she murmured, her voice cracking under the weight of unshed tears. 

“It is,” the officer said. Maria tried to smile to celebrate the end of her situation, but a sudden hollow feeling in her prevented her from enjoying it. Before she could examine the reason, the officer spoke once more, destroying her equilibrium all over. “With that’s out of the way, we can move on the real event.”

“What real event?” Maria said, or tried to say, as she made an attempt to stand straight, only for a hand to press on her back once more. Her chest collided with the hood of the car, her breath escaping explosively, murdering the second half of her sentence. She tried to take another breath to enable her words, but before she could, she felt her fingers pressing against her entrance. She opened her mouth, but shocked with the sudden escalation of events, she didn’t know what to say. Convenient, as the fingers slid inside her mercilessly, forcibly pulling a cry off her lips, destroying her ability to form words for a foreseeable future. 

Maria felt confused as she never felt before as she lay on top of her car in an abandoned stretch of road, fingers of an Amazonian police officer impaling her repeatedly, a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar sensations invading her mind like never before. She wanted to say something, but with her mind shorted out, all that left her mouth was bottomless cries that echoed on the dark hills that surrounded them. She didn’t understand. For all accounts, she should have been hating the moment she was in, penetrated forcefully by a stranger with no regard to her desires and sensitivities, like she was a toy to be trashed. 

But she loved it. Not just the boundless pleasure radiating from her core with every pump of fingers, but also the glowing pain off her butt, which the chill of evening air unable to soothe completely. But most of all, she loved the absolute loss of control she experienced, more lost than an autumn leaf under a gale wind, flying to the parts unknown, bending under her will, helpless to do anything. 

With that realization, a dam broke inside, and pleasure enveloped her body with an orgasm that she never felt before. Flashes filled her field of vision, drums covering her ears. It was fortunate that her weight was against her car, as her legs lost their ability to carry any load, trembling horribly. 

She felt something pressing against her lips. Her mouth opened, and a weird, unfamiliar taste filled her mouth. A second later, she realized it was her own taste that invaded her tastebuds, but like everything else, she just accepted it passively. 

“I think you learned your lesson,” the officer whispered into her ear. “Have a nice evening.” Maria listened to the footsteps getting away, followed by ravings of an engine, and a car driving away, leaving her alone with her thoughts, more jumbled than ever. 

But she knew one thing. It was just a beginning... 


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