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As I left Janassa, I was trying to keep calm, but failing. Once again, it was apparent that my smart scheme of calmly farming the System had backfired in a spectacular manner. The random person I had selected ended up being linked to Kartpa Valley.

If it wasn’t for my other experiences, I would have assumed that nothing bad would happen, but I had already experienced enough to know that, somehow, it would be relevant. 

“Well, at least I have a warning,” I muttered even as I moved away, ready to activate my reward, which had been surprisingly pitiful. Just a Beginner comprehension, and nothing more. Which was weird, as while the Kartpa technique was more complicated than the other technique I had learned, it wasn’t enough to justify such a great drop. I was expecting Perfection at a minimum. 

With a frown, I activated the reward … only to freeze as a shocking amount of information flooded into my brain, with an intensity that reminded me of the Foundation Establishment sword control technique, only more. 

Kartpa Alchemy technique wasn’t only for Qi Gathering or Foundation Establishment stages. It wasn’t even limited to Golden Core, but actually included Nascent soul techniques. 

Of course, that wasn’t exactly as incredible as it sounded. I couldn’t start making Golden Core pills, and not just because I lacked the necessary recipes. Like any other technique, alchemy techniques assumed a general competency in the basics of cultivation, like understanding how Qi worked at Golden Core, which I lacked. 

It was even worse for Nascent Soul. Just a bunch of what was essentially a garbled mess, requiring an understanding of not only Golden Core’s compressed Qi, but something else. 

“Let’s look at the bright side. It’s better to know and not need it than the otherwise,” I said. Ultimately, Janassa was already set up comfortably. I could supply her with more information through my Calligraphy, and the multiplier would continue to rise as her cultivation improved quickly thanks to the excellent cultivation environment I had created for her. 

Especially since sooner or later, a few lessons later, I would be able to make some basic pills to a very high level to support her cultivation. 

Then, I started walking back and forth, pondering the other benefits of receiving such a complex technique. “Maybe I can use it as a reference,” I muttered even as I started pondering on the new information I had received, wondering if it could benefit my formation ability. 

It would certainly be a significant help when it came to the Foundation Establishment, as the working principles of Qi were pretty much the same, only with a much greater intensity, which I could supply with relative ease. 

The Golden Core was a stretch, but it would still help if I ever had to fight against them. I might be lacking some critical information, but it still gave me a much better understanding of their abilities and limits than watching a few casual attacks from a distance. It was not enough to feel confident fighting against them, even with my formations, but it might change as I improve. 

As for the Nascent Soul … that was currently hopeless. Even with the System’s help, it was still an incomprehensible mess. 

“Let’s start working,” I muttered even as I pulled a bunch of paper, and started writing a nice treatise about how to reach the peak of Qi Gathering Realm. Improving her cultivation was the most important thing. That, and to see if I could get a better cauldron. 

I needed to think about writing about the Kartpa Valley technique as well, but after a momentary thought, I decided against it. The beginner level was too early to teach her anything. I couldn’t ruin her potential development just to hurry up. 

The long-term development was much better. Just like how reaching Immersion allowed me to bypass the need for learning formation schemas and allowed me to work freestyle, I was hoping the same would happen for alchemy. 

Creating my own pills would be very beneficial when it came to improving further. I couldn’t sacrifice that for short-term benefits. 

“But, do I need to actually do it,” I muttered even as I started writing a set of notes on the Umnim alchemy technique, which, in comparison to the Kartpa technique, was lacking significantly. But, I deliberately used poor handwriting.

Once that was finished, I didn’t wake Janassa up immediately. Instead, I spent my time working on the defensive formations, enough to enhance them somewhat. 

“I need to get my hands on the Mutmah Formation technique,” I muttered even as I worked on it. While having an alchemy technique on the Golden Core realm was nice to have, having the same with the Formation Techniques would have been incredible. Mutmah sect was one of the four great sects, equivalent to Kartpa Valley, but mastering formations while Kartpa specialized in alchemy. 

Of course, it wasn’t something I was ready to work on immediately. I had too many urgent things to work on to go such a wild goose cheese. I just needed to keep an eye on any good candidate to ... grant an opportunity — kidnapping was such an ugly word. 

I returned to the training area once Janassa woke up. I was tempted to cook her a delicious breakfast, but it would be suspicious for a servant to only bring food on certain days. Instead, I set a formation to handle the deliveries. 

The formations were truly incredible. 

I was about to visit her once she started working, but paused when I felt the distinct stirrings of opening a new gate. She was breaking through. I waited until she succeeded, picking the rewards. A better cauldron, more materials to practice, and some luxury items including some high-quality tea — according to my knowledge, and not my taste buds. 

She was smiling widely as I entered. “Congratulations on your success, mistress,” I said even as I bowed. “I have your rewards for breaking through.” 

“Hello,” she said as she waved at me cheerfully, then paused. “Hey, I just realized that you haven’t told me your name,” she said. 

I made a show of flinching. “T-this servant is not allowed to use his name, mistress,” I said as I bowed. I didn’t want to miss a chance to make myself even more pitiful. “A punishment for my failure.” 

“That’s horrible,” she gasped. “Can’t you just tell me?” 

“No, mistress. I’ll be punished,” I said, shuddering badly. She looked even sadder. “I’ll only regain it if I can clear the alchemy trial.” 

“Then come here and let’s work.” 

“First, let me go over the rewards, mistress,” I said. “A better cauldron, higher quality materials to practice, and some other items of comfort.” 

“Oh, there’s some tea leaves,” she said even as she grabbed it, smiling widely. “What’s going to happen with the old cauldron?” she asked. 

“It’s yours. You can keep it, or sell it to the mystic land for points,” I said, but even as I said that, I threw a wistful glance at it, like I wanted nothing more than to have it. 

Janassa was too sharp when it came to the feelings of the others to miss it. “How about I give it to you? Is it allowed?” 

“You mustn’t, mistress. The points will come in handy,” I responded, looking shocked. 

“That was not my question,” she said, smiling like she had caught me. “I asked whether or not am I allowed to give it to you.” 

I sighed in mock defeat. “Y-you are, mistress,” I said. 

“Excellent,” she said even as she passed it to me.

[Cultivation Difference Bonus - 40; Pity Bonus - 50 (Capped)]

[90x Return - Black Iron Alchemy Cauldron - Black Medium-Grade]

I didn’t need to fake a smile of enthusiasm, glad that I had given her a damaged but decent-quality cauldron in the first place. A high-quality cauldron would be more than enough for me to handle all my alchemy needs. 

Now, I just needed to improve my Umnim Technique to at least Minor Accomplishment to make sure I could refine pills without the risk of failure, and everything would be perfect. 

“Mistress, I already owe you a lot, and I can’t pay you back, but may I ask you a few questions,” I said. 

“Of course, silly,” she said, her smile getting bigger as I asked that. The more I interacted with her, the more I realized she was the kind of girl who would try to nurse the birds with broken wings back to heart even if she spent half of her paycheck in veterinary. 

I pulled out the papers and passed it to her. “This is the first alchemy technique I need to master before I can move on to something stronger,” I said. She started reading, her eyes furrowed, but I could see that she was making good progress. 

It didn’t surprise me. Unlike me, her expertise in the Kartpa alchemy technique wasn’t spread across multiple levels but focused on Qi Gathering Realm, which meant she could decipher the simpler technique in a much easier manner. 

“Feel free to ask your questions,” she said. 

“I’m having trouble with…” I started, which was followed by several questions on the Umnim technique, which soon turned into a detailed lecture. I even managed to ask for detailed instructions on how to make a few items I wanted to make. 

All were rewarded accordingly. 

[Cultivation Difference Bonus - 40; Pity Bonus - 50 (Capped)]

[90x Return - Umnim Alchemy Technique Lesson - Minor Familiarity - Perfection]

[90x Return - Kartpa Alchemy Technique Lesson - Beginner]

[90x Return - Alchemical Fertilizer Recipe - Black Low-Grade]

[90x Return - Renewal Pill Recipe - Black High-Grade]


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