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“You’re evil,” I said once Lillian dragged me to the bubbling spring.

She chuckled. “Is this the thanks I get for helping you,” she answered even as she pulled her shirt up. “Maybe I shouldn’t bother. I’m sure you can find a better way to deal with your mana buildup. Maybe you can try releasing it to the environment.” However, as she said that, she threw her shirt to the side, showing no signs of slowing down.

“As long as you’re happy dealing with the legionaries checking the valley, searching for the treasure that’s releasing a shocking amount of mana,” I said, not slowing down either.

“You’re right,” she said with mock teasing even as her skirt pooled around her ankles, revealing her beautiful body. “So, helplessly, I’m going to sacrifice my body to solve your problem. You owe me once again.”

Her words would have been more convincing if it wasn’t for her extreme enthusiasm as her legs parted open invitingly, her wetness glowing under the starlight. I was quick to replicate her state and crouch between her legs, my tongue out. “Let’s start with pampering you a bit,” I said as I positioned myself between her thighs.

“R-really,” she whispered, excited yet blushing.

“Of course. You deserve a reward after today. You have handled Astrid perfectly,” I said. Speaking of her, I could see her approaching us carefully. “Speaking of her, she’s approaching to us.”

“Really,” she whispered. “I can’t see her.”

“It’s because she’s better at hiding than spotting your manipulations,” I said, once again glad for the utility of my transformation. Not only I could see her sneaking toward us, but also I could see her expression. So, I knew that she was here for her carnal curiosity rather than any ill intent.

“Let’s give her a show, then —” Lillian replied, which was all she was able to say before I leaned forward and pressed my tongue. My tongue danced, and her moans exploded. She tasted amazing as my tongue danced. Still, even as she moaned, she wasn’t my biggest source of entertainment.

No, that honor went to Astrid, scuttling nearer before throwing herself behind a thick bush, not wasting even a second to watch the show. Her desire was a bit abrupt, but not unexpected. After all, not only I had saved her life during the darkest moment of her life, but also she spent the rest of her day slowly being manipulated by Lillian and being carried by me for the majority of the night.

On top of it, I wasn’t exactly hideous. Altogether, it would be a surprise if she wasn’t crushing on me. Though, I wondered if she had underestimated my eyesight, or forgotten about it in her excitement.

Either way, it promised an entertaining follow-up. But, that was for the future. Soon, Lillian’s thighs were around my head, blocking my view. I could have asked her to loosen her legs, but it was supposed to be her reward, so it would be rude.

I focused on her lips, each brush driving her even madder. Soon, she was gasping and moaning until it turned into a spectacular climax. “A good start,” I said as I pulled back, barely glancing at Astrid’s shadow. Not only her head was peeking through the bush, but also her upper body. Unfortunately, she was still dressed, limiting me to her cleavage. Still a spectacular show, but nowhere as spectacular as it could be.

“Now, beautiful. Do you want it hard … or harder,” I asked.

“Do you even need to ask?” Lillian answered as she flipped, her ass pointing toward me. I slipped inside without wasting even a second, her wetness greeting me with great fanfare, her walls tight around me.

I grabbed her flowing blonde hair, turning it into a perfect handle as I started invading her again and again, finally free to make her moan now that we didn’t have anyone else but our voyeur for miles in the distance.

Lillian either realized that as well, or she wanted to put on a show for Astrid, so her wanton moans were equally explosive as I continued to invade her core again and again. Soon, her arms lost their strength and she collapsed prone. I learned over her, trapping her under me as I continued to invade her body, her arousal turning it into a spectacular dance.

“Do you want to give her an even better show,” I asked.

“Yes,” she muttered between her moans. “But, I don’t think I can move.”

“That’s easy,” I said as I hooked my arms under her legs, easily lifting her as I stood up. With that, her body was in full display as her core devoured me again and again, turning it into a proper entertaining show.

Luckily, our location had the perfect excuse. I carried her to the bubbling spring and sat down again, keeping her on my lap as I treated her lithe body as a beautiful toy, invading her again and again. Her waist was an excellent leverage.

Astrid’s moving figure froze, her mouth open in shock, suggesting that she appreciated the show.

“That’s — perfect,” Lillian gasped as her back arched, showing the trigger of another climax. However, even as she trembled desperately, she accepted the invasion openly, showing how much she enjoyed putting on a show.

Her legs parted even more, trying to give Astrid the best view. Soon, I reached my own limit and exploded, filling her with both my seed and my mana. “Can you handle another?” I whispered as I hugged her.

She chuckled. “While I would have appreciated a small break, I don’t want to disappoint our audience.” With that, she twisted on my lap, and started kissing me.

Well, who was I to refuse such a reasonable request.


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