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As I looked at the solitary hill I picked as the location of the mystic land, I started processing what I knew about such places. My knowledge predominantly came from the gossip of the itinerant cultivators during my long stay at the cultivator market. Hardly the most reliable source, but creating a fake target was better than letting the cultivators search desperately until they stumble upon it.

Based on their gossip, I learned the existence of three common types of mystic lands.

The first type of the ruins of a sect or a civilization, which, considering the constant warfare that defined the cultivation world, was not surprising. Sometimes, the cultivators die but the physical location of the sect stays hidden. At least until the protective formation slowly erodes due to the passage of time, and finally reveals the remains.

The second type was the lands of natural treasures, which were more similar to misty mountains, but usually more compact. I knew even less about it, but apparently, some natural treasures were strong enough to distort their surroundings enough to turn themselves into mystic lands.

However, what I planned to build was the third one.

A land of inheritance.

The one thing that the cultivators were obsessed about was the concept of inheritance. They valued their disciples, and apparently, some of the cultivators went as far as building some treasure lands that could teach their techniques to future generations.

I chose that, for one important reason. It was an accepted fact that any such land of inheritance could have strict rules. Forbidding the access of cultivators stronger than a certain level, going as far as adding explosions, was common.

That fact was my biggest reliance.

I started by building an outer layer of formation, with three different functions. It would allow the passage of the Qi Gathering cultivators. It would block the approach of the Foundation Establishment cultivators, and if they insist on approaching, actually attack them.

And, if a Golden Core cultivator tried to enter, it would start self-destructing. I added that, because I didn’t trust myself to deal with a cultivator of that level, even with effectively endless Qi under my control.

By limiting access to Qi Gathering cultivators, I hoped to limit the value of the mystic land, which was a tightrope to walk. It should be valuable enough to explain the region-wide palm technique inspiration, but not to the point of drawing the real heavy hitters. And, if I could make sure the cultivators would stick around a few months while I reinforced the formations around the spiritual vein to keep even a Golden Core cultivator away for a considerable time.

“Now, to the finishing touch,” I muttered as I reached my inventory, and pulled the Verdant Sword, the Black Medium Grade one. “Fascinating,” I muttered as I examined the weapon, which was only roughly similar to the one Aisnam had given.

The difference between the two major grades was too much.

Then, there was testing.

The original sword had a limited capability. Even a full-powered strike merely consumed a strand of Qi. As a result, it was unable to penetrate the defenses of a cultivator easily. A threat to lower stages, but against a Peak Qi Gathering Cultivator, it was just as useless as a mortal weapon. The Black-ranked sword, on the other hand, was much stronger. It could easily handle hundreds of Qi strands for a hit.

Then, there was the biggest advantage. It was designed to work with external Qi, making the task of linking it with formation even easier. And, as a Black-ranked artifact, a full-powered strike was enough to threaten a Foundation Building cultivator.

Well, hopefully.

Setting the outer layer of the formation took a long time, and once it was complete, I let the entrance I had built out a spike of Qi, alerting cultivators that flew around the region, looking for the source.

And, as I waited for the others to approach, I started working on the next stage … forging lots and lots of fake evidence. First, I used some old paper to create a lot of calligraphy works, and various words that all focused on the concept of palm.

And, once all those finished, I added one last touch, a signboard with a name that would be visible the moment someone approached, one that reflected the full range of my understanding of Palm Techniques.

‘Trial of Endless Palm.’

Of course, what I was building was not a huge place that would deserve such a fancy name, but a much smaller part. Merely an entrance, with some protective formations and multiple crystal formations where cultivators could ‘prove’ themselves in order to access the further stages.

Creating one fake room convincingly was much better than trying to build the whole structure. With that room in place, I would have the time to work on the rest of the structure as needed. And, hopefully, that mysterious gate would disappear in a few days, freeing me from the obligation.

If not … well, I would think that when it happened.

I was still working on the room when one of the foundation establishment cultivators appeared, floating over the fake ruins. His uniform identified him as a member of one of the cultivation families. He floated down until he reached the range of detection.

Only for an illusionary palm attack to appear and target him. I had designed that attack based on the Furious Tsunami technique. Even in its raw form, it was strong enough to threaten an unprepared Foundation Establishment cultivator. And, now that it was using the energy of the spiritual vein, it appeared with far more strength.

The cultivator managed to dodge it barely and retreated. Around him, a Qi shield appeared as he prepared to defend himself against a follow-up attack, but no attack came.

“Only the prospective students of the Qi Gathering realm can approach!” a voice boomed loudly instead. It was an automatic message I had integrated, informing the intruders about the so-called rules of the place.

“Is there no room for negotiation, master!” the Foundation Establishment cultivator shouted back. “I am an elder of the Untara family. Maybe we could come to an agreement.”

However, as he shouted, there was no answer. I only programmed a limited number of responses, and they would only trigger against various acts, and not through communication.

He shouted for a while and received no response. However, when he tried to intrude, he had been pushed away by another palm attack, threatening to suffocate him. He managed to dodge it and moved closer … only to be confronted by two palm attacks at the same time, which swept him away despite his shield.

While he was trying to regain his balance, another flying cultivator appeared. “It seems that you are having trouble, my friend.”

“Elder Yinamta. You’re here as well,” the elder of the Untara family responded, his attitude making it clear that he was not welcome. “Too bad I was here first. According to the deal between our families, it means the ruins belong to me.”

Yinamta chuckled. “Don’t be ridiculous, old friend. Do you think such a deal has any meaning against what’s clearly such a valuable treasure? This place clearly holds a true treasure to allow people to comprehend palm techniques in such a wide area. It belongs to whoever is stronger. And, you know that I was always the better one when it comes to palm techniques.”

With that,, Elder Yinamta dived toward the ruins as well. The first palm appeared. He dodged easily. The second wave, he dodged one, and countered one with his own palm attack.

Giving me my first real glimpse of the Foundation Establishment cultivator. His attack was significantly stronger compared to anything I could do, mostly because of the difference between the Qi. Both Qi gathering and Foundation Establishment cultivators released the same type of Qi. Both types … for the lack of a term, were gaseous, but a much greater density had been gathered into one attack, making it far stronger than a Qi Gathering realm attack.

Well, an ordinary Qi Gathering realm attack.

Once he dealt with the second wave of attack, he moved forward, only to meet with four attacks, each four times stronger than the previous attacks. Soon, Elder Yinamta found himself flying back as well.

“It looks like your vaunted palm skills disappointed you, old friend,” the first cultivator said. “Maybe we should cooperate —”

That was all he was able to say before a suffocating pressure hit both of them, and they were forcibly floated down. “Leave this place, little cultivators. This place belongs to our sect,” said the cultivator who had just appeared from nothingness, wearing the outfit of the Kartpa Valley.

 “Oh, really,” another voice responded just as another cultivator appeared, not too far away from the Kartpa Valley cultivator. And an old woman, wearing the outfit of the Entsa Pavilion. “I thought this region was under our protection. Since when it belongs to your sect!”

I watched the show from a distance, too afraid to move.

I had expected that my ploy would get the attention of the Golden Core cultivators eventually, but it was still a scary realization when it finally happened.

I wondered if I pushed my luck too much.


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