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When I returned to the basement, Emily had put on a shirt, working on the devices, but she was distracted.

“What was that, I heard gunshots?” Emily asked when I arrived.

“It’s not a safe neighborhood,” I said. She was tense, but not tense enough to realize what had happened was so close. She must have misjudged the distance.

“So, there’s no risk to here. Good,” she said.

“Yeah, we’re mostly safe here. We’re defended by a super,” I said.

“Mostly,” she repeated, catching on my deliberate mention.

I threw her a deadpan gaze, implying that she was missing something obvious, making her blush. “Of course, there’s some danger. Why else do you think we’re trying to set all this security equipment. For fun?” She blushed, avoiding my gaze.

It was not the kindest way to tell her that, but it was a deliberate choice. Before, I had done my best to downplay the danger and let her focus on the benefits and the excitement. Now, it reversed. I was doing my best to highlight the obviousness of the danger, and showing that, by visiting, she already accepted a certain amount of risk.

She lacked the strength of personality to argue against it.

Not the nicest of the moves, but trusted tech support was critical for my security with the Syndicate slowly getting more adventurous. And, only by binding Emily closer to me, I could use her in more sensitive activities. Not just occasional public search, but actual hacking.

On that, I was particularly hopeful. She might lack the technical know-how to do that through traditional methods, but I was confident that, with my power, I would be able to guess at least some of the passwords, which, in turn, would allow her to bypass the security measures.

That would give us three advantages. Two of those three benefits were rather obvious. It would allow us to gather information far more easily, as most people were unaware of just how much of their lives they were putting on the web. Also, there was a lot of money that could be made by stealing other people’s digital accounts and emptying them … of course, within limits. Steal too much, and you might find a national hero removing the roof of your house.

Admittedly, I was less interested in getting rich, and more about the ability to pay people in a way that couldn’t be traced back to me. It would give me some really interesting options.

However, the real benefit of Emily — once she accepted the job that might be closer to the dark side than she might be currently willing to submerse — would be to create a digital footprint for my mysterious employer.

It was not an easy challenge. For once, we needed to create a believable back story that would convince the experts they would have looking for it.

Then, there was timing.

It would have been already a difficult but doable job to set such a fake villain boss before we started. Unfortunately, my start was nothing but a desperate bluff that was supposed to keep me safe for a day, which then continued escalating just because I had the misfortune to buy a bar next to the center of a grand conspiracy.

Making a convincing story would be much harder. Not only did I need to create a digital presence, but also I needed to do it in a way that was reasonable for them to miss it during their first check.

It was like trying to plant evidence while the police were already at the crime scene. Far more difficult than simply doing it before.

No, Emily’s assistance was vital enough that I was willing to pull some tricks.

While I had been considering those, she dipped her head, thinking about the nature of what she agreed. I let her process that while I acted like I was testing the cameras and the other devices she had rewrote and linked.

I hummed in appreciation as I tested several devices. Their performance shocked me. She might not have any formal coding experience, but that clearly didn’t hold her back. Her performance was even better than I expected.

I realized the other part of her power, one that allowed her to interface with the devices directly, was even more useful than I had expected. I had already assumed that it would give her a deep understanding of the device to bypass her limited understanding of coding, but her performance was even better.


However, even as I tested the surprisingly incredible performance of my new set of cameras, I didn’t let it distract me from the really important part of my task.

Emily’s mood.

I waited until the realization of what she accepted slowly sank into her psyche while she worked with the cameras, chilling her enthusiasm completely.

But, I intervened before she started to panic. She had received the metaphorical stick. Now it was time for the carrot to make sure she was happy with it.

I had the perfect excuse to change the topic. I walked toward her, and hugged her from behind. “Excellent work. More than excellent, even. I’ll make sure to fight a bonus for you,” I muttered, like I wasn’t the one that would make that decision.

“A - a bonus,” she muttered.

“Yes. Maybe even a hazard payment,” I added.

Her eyes widened. “Hazard payment. Y-you told me that we were mostly safe!”

“No, the hazard payment is about your workplace harassment claim,” I said. Her face scrunched in surprise, which lasted only for a moment as I pulled her shirt to the side, sending her buttons flying as I revealed her tits.

“This claim,” I said as I let my hand dip to her crotch, her nether lips rapidly getting wet as her body reacted to my trick.

“Ahh. I see —” she started, which was all she was able to say before I captured her lips, silencing her with a passionate assault. It was important, for more than my pleasure. I needed to make her associate her first job with a villain positively.

And, what better way to do so than a toe-curling, mind-numbing fucking at the basement of a villain den. I stayed behind her, but a step was enough to bring her against the wall. I pinned her between the wall and my body, doing my best to exaggerate my already tall stature.

There was no harm in giving her a few subtle reminders of her subordinate situation in the process in a way she would enjoy immensely. She moaned as she responded to my kiss, her gaze quick to turn dreamy as the pleasure invaded her body once more.

However, there was something missing.

She liked to be treated aggressively … just not as much as she loved being recorded. Luckily, we had a solution for that.

We had a room full of cameras. “Actually, let’s test the cameras,” I said.

“I …” she whispered, lost in her daze to understand the implication. “We’re stopping?” she asked, confused and disappointed.

“Of course not,” I said as I set several cameras and other sensors across the room, and linked them to the computer. “We need to make sure everything works as intended. Particularly, I need to see if they could pick up movement and facial expressions.”

She must have been affected by the pleasure more than I expected, because she just looked disappointed until I linked everything to the computer, and put the real-time feed on the screen. I also send a link to Tara, allowing her to watch from her phone.

Emily just posed, showing off her beautiful body, wearing only a pair of drenched panties.

“A good way to test the cameras, right,” I muttered as I walked toward her, enjoying the way the way she covered her breasts with her arms.

Technically, it was possible that she covered herself because she didn’t want to be recorded.

Of course, that meant that not only she wasn’t aware that the way she positioned her arms was perfectly popping her breasts while covering very little, even missing one of her nipples but it was pure accident that she twisted her body slightly and took a step to the left to catch the light perfectly.

Even without using my power, her expression of scandalous shock was not genuine. It wasn’t even good acting. It would look awry even on a student movie, barely reaching the middling ranks of porn movies.

Considering what we were about to do, it was the appropriate level of acting required.

“Oh, no,” she gasped in a beautiful, throaty tone as I approached.

“I’m sorry, beautiful. We have to make sure the cameras work perfectly,” I muttered as I closed in.


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