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“Hello, sir. It’s time to order,” the waitress said with a raspy voice that was surprisingly flawless. I had a feeling it was less about her seduction experience, and more about her skills as a musician.

Emily looked at me in shock, silently begging me not to abandon her, showing the extent of her fragility. I could see that, as she sat on her comfortable chair, her shoulders slouching, she didn’t know how to handle a direct provocation.

Once again, I was glad for my power. If it hadn’t allowed me to read the extent of her insecurities, I might have decided to flirt with the waitress to make her jealous, ruining all of our progress. However, I could also see that it was not jealousy.

She was afraid of being replaced. All I needed was to flirt with the waitress to give that impression … and I couldn’t imagine how she would react if I actually left. Of course, her reactions were explosive, because she was currently under a process of transformation. And, just like a beautiful butterfly, she was most vulnerable while leaving her silk cocoon.

In that metaphor, I was the spider that was content tying her to me with my web rather than devouring her immediately. I wondered if it was her fortune or misfortune.

Either way, as I turned to order, I had a challenge in front of me. I had convinced Emily that she was not under any kind of risk. Meanwhile, I needed to give my vengeful waitress enough to convince her that she was succeeding in her misplaced act of revenge.

Well, I didn’t have to, except for my self-appointed challenge. However, it was a good way to practice certain things, both in terms of reading people, and manipulating the more complex situations to my benefit.

I needed to see what worked, and what did not in such a low-stakes environment.

“Well, we’ll have a light dinner. Let’s start with a cheese platter, and some fresh juices,” I said, then went for some specific selection, enough to show I knew exactly what I was talking about. The cafe didn’t have any alcohol, and I wasn’t willing to order a second-rate drink in the first place. I had always been a tad obsessive about my drinks, and my power didn’t help.

It was a pity events prevented me from focusing on that part of my career.

“Oh, what an interesting choice. You’re a real gourmet, are you?” she said in a flirty manner. I smiled and winked, which would have been enough to send Emily deep into a personal crisis if it wasn’t for one important fact.

I had removed my shoe in preparation, and chose to bring my foot, rubbing against her inner thigh, both to distract her so she missed my wink, and to remind her I was here on a date with her, and a slutty waitress wasn’t enough to make me forget her.

Emily wore a smile at first, which immediately turned into a panicked one as I pushed it far more than a game of footsie had gone, particularly at the beginning. My toe landed directly on her panties, which were wet with arousal.

As my toe draw small circles around her clit, her face twisted with pleasure. The waitress looked at Emily, but her smug smile suggested that she had misread her expression significantly. Particularly after Emily avoided eye contact and looked down.

She might be an exhibitionist, but what we were doing was a bit out of her comfort zone. She still enjoyed it, but she was unable to weaponize it like the earlier show.

“Well, I try …” I said, then let my voice linger.

“Eva,” she completed.

“Interesting name,” I said, which was a pretty neutral comment, at least from the perspective of Emily, who had just closed her eyes to process the jolt of pleasure. For Eva, whose fingers were gently taken into my hand before delivering a seductive kiss to the back of her hand, it was far more suggestive.

She reacted to the kiss on her hand even better than I expected. “T-thanks, sir,” she whispered, her tone getting a hint of exaggerated formality that I only caught thanks to my power, highly suggesting that, while growing up as an ugly duckling, she had been a fan of regency romances.

It was fun to pull little nuggets about people from the air. Almost as fun as flirting with two sexy girls at the same time.

“So, I’m guessing you're a musician,” I said even as I kept holding Eva’s hand, my finger caressing the subtle callouses in her fingers. “Cello?” I guessed, knowing that it was wrong. I kept holding her hand, my fingers intertwined with her.

“Violin, but close enough,” she said as she leaned forward, giving me a deeper glimpse of her cleavage, then threw a smug smile toward Emily, misreading the reason for her tense expression. “You’re surprisingly intellectual for…” she said, then nodded toward Emily.

“Well, I try,” I said as I pulled her hand down slowly, which landed on my right thigh, one that wasn’t moving rhythmically to keep Emily distracted. Eva’s blush was spectacular, reinforcing that she wasn’t exactly a vixen, just a little rabbit trying to be one.

The proof, was just how quickly her expression shattered when I dragged her fingers to my crotch, and her fingertips touched my cock. “I … I better go and bring the orders,” she stammered and dashed away, her tone enough to make Emily look.

“W-what was that?” Emily asked, shocked.

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid that you have been noticed? You weren’t that concerned when you were putting on a show earlier.”

“I … of course not,” she said, quick to defend herself. And, at the same time, forgetting that, while she had been putting on that show, I was supposed to be unaware of it. Nothing like a combination of arousal, pleasure, and shame to manipulate such small details.

“Then, are you unhappy that I helped you to tease her?”

“Well…” Emily muttered, blushing even more as she squirmed; not helped by the fact that my foot was still between her legs, teasing her over her drenched panties. She tried to maintain eye contact, but failed against my smug smile. “Not exactly unhappy…”

“But you wanted to destroy that uppity bitch yourself,” I completed.

“Not the words I would use,” Emily said.

“But, the intent is the same, right?” I said as I opened my phone, and showed the picture of the sexy heroine that she snapped. “Don’t try to tell me that this was an accident.”

Her blush turned into an even deeper color, so I pulled my foot back. “I know it was wrong, but I can explain —” she whispered.

I grabbed her hand and squeezed gently. “There’s nothing to explain. I’m sure she’s one of the bullies that’s targeting you in the workplace, and you decided to take some revenge. Don’t worry, it’s not like you revealed it publicly. You just punished her appropriately for her disrespect, but no one got hurt.” My whispers validated her behavior, just like a devil trying to tempt an innocent angel.

Well, not so innocent with that blouse. I could see everything as she leaned against the table.

A bulky table, perfect for some escalation.

“Y-you’re right,” she whispered. “She deserved it. I was just…”

“Exactly. You’re smart, beautiful, and capable. It’s their fault treating you like this,” I said. My foot went back in place as I started whispering sweet words of corruption, which she accepted easily, her emotional fragility and her sexual gratification making an excellent combination.

She tried to maintain eye contact. She succeeded, but not easily.

“Well, I have an idea to punish her even more,” I said. Her eyes brightened, showing that she was ready to hear. “Do you want to see just how far she’s willing to go to get back at you?” I asked.

“D-depends,” she whispered, intrigued yet shy.

“I’ll do my best to punish her, with one condition,” I said.

“What do I need to do?” she asked.

I tapped the bulky table, where the tablecloth hid most, even as I caught her gaze, enjoying her hesitant expression. “You’re going to stay under the table, and keep me motivated, of course.”

“I — I,” she stammered as the offer came. “I-in public.”

“We don’t have to do if you can’t handle her —” I started, knowing that she wouldn’t miss such an obvious challenge.

Her smile flashed even as she interrupted with a soft kick under the table, unable to handle the insulation that she couldn’t handle the waitress who had just challenged her. Perfect. “I can handle it, of course,” she said, her anger making her conveniently ignore some obvious questions like how going under the table to provide me with some entertainment helped her to get back with her rival.

“Show me, then,” I escalated.

She slipped under the table.


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