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Once the ‘lap dance’ had ended, the game had settled into a new rhythm. As the ’drunk’ boss, I continued to play badly, but I made sure to win enough hands to stay in the game. 

Initially, I had a long, careful plan in mind, where I would be juggling wins and losses while I tangled the hopes of victory in front of Mark and Charlie, dangling the opportunity for grand victory in front of them before pulling it back, making them escalate more even when it meant the sacrifice of their significant others. 

However, even after that lap dance intermission, things started to go in a different direction. After Mark had made Umi give me a lap dance — at least, after he did enough to look responsible for it — the aura between the two was getting more and more tense. 

Mark gave Charlie an easy target to blame for his problems, which made Charlie start targeting him. Mark didn’t feel the same way toward Charlie, but he was reflexively opportunistic, unable to resist the temptation of taking another step forward. 

The earlier lap dance had somewhat solidified the rules. Any victory would save their significant other from my lap, and their streak of victories would keep them there. Meanwhile, any win from me would get rid of a piece of clothing, which the girls could ill afford to lose. 

The rules incentivized them to win as much as the money, while they ignored their ‘drunk’ boss. Their supposed alliance was already gone, and the speedy way they consumed their hard liqueur wasn’t exactly making them better decision-makers. 

It was not like how I envisioned it, but I wasn’t complaining. There were worse ways to spend a night than repeatedly switching the lap dances between two beautiful women under the jealous glares of their significant others.

“ … Suck it, Mark. I win,” Charlie growled as he looked at Mark. He was angry, but not enough to cover up his drunk state. “Umi, leave the seat of honor to our dear hostess.” 

“Wow, great burn, honey,” Umi commented sarcastically as she got off my lap. 

“Nice work,” I said as I slapped her ass, enjoying the way it jiggled despite her tight skirt. Not a lot, just enough. The feeling of her tight ass was almost as beautiful as Charlie’s victorious expression disappear. However, the fact that his angry glare pointed at Mark rather than me didn’t stop being funny. 

Meanwhile, Umi was glaring as well, but her target was Tiffany, who was looking smug. “You need to be faster, sweetie, it’s my turn,” she said as she pushed Umi away, and sat on my lap. And, unlike Umi, she made sure to take me in. 

Umi didn’t dare to do so when she was facing the other way, afraid of giving up the whole game. She was coming along nicely, but she wasn’t like Tiffany who could smile without strain even as she took me in slowly. 

It wasn’t the first time. For the last few hands, Tiffany was making sure that every man won and lost in turn, which made my dancer change repeatedly, teasing Umi every time. 

Fixing a game of poker was not hard when the players were drunk enough to notice just how much their significant others were enjoying what was supposed to be their punishment. Or that the recipients of those dances had their pants down the whole time. 

Therefore, they didn’t also notice Tiffany fixing the games to keep things going. 

“Why are you so smug? It’s going to be my turn soon anyway,” Umi whispered when she noticed Tiffany’s smug grin while she moved on my lap, unafraid of her fiancee hearing. 

Luckily for her, Charlie was too focused on the next hand to hear her careless whisper. Not because of the risk to her relationship — no, that was already on life support, condemned to an eventual demise — but because I would have punished her if she ruined our fun. 

She would have probably enjoyed that punishment as much as I did, but that was another topic. 

“Oh, we will see,” Tiffany said smugly, while Umi just nodded seriously. 

My eyes widened. Only then did I realize Umi was unaware that Tiffany had been fixing the game all along? Sometimes, her gullibility truly surprised me. Tiffany seemed to be equally surprised by that admission, but the devious smirk that followed was not good news for Umi. 

For me, they were excellent news. 

The game continued slowly while Tiffany made some quick changes to the deck while she continued to move back and forth, somehow managing to hide the intense fucking she was receiving as a mere dance. However, she did not bother to play the demure wife being punished as she moved, moaning. 

“Honey, a little quieter, maybe,” Mark finally said. 

“Are you trying to … int-interfere with my reward,” I commented, deliberately with an excessive slurring to imply I might fall asleep soon. 

“Not at all, sir,” Mark said immediately. He was frustrated by my intervention, but he didn’t dare to contradict me, well, ever,, but it was even more pronounced in my fake-drunk state. He was afraid of triggering me after going to all the trouble to keep me entertained. 

“Ex-excellent,” I slurred while Tiffany laughed, pressing her back against my chest. 

The game continued, and Tiffany laughed sardonically. “Oh, sir. You won,” Tiffany commented even as she reached and pulled her skirt free, and put it on the desk while she continued to ‘dance’. She went for the skirt for two reasons. First, the table was conveniently on the way to keep her body hidden from the other two, avoiding a pesky pause to the game. 

It also allowed Umi to watch the show uninterrupted from the side. Yet, the real attack came when the next three games concluded, and Charlie won all three of them. “I’m amazing, honey,” Charlie declared, missing that his victories didn’t bring any joy to his fiancee. 

 “I’m so unlucky, that my husband is a poor poker player,” Tiffany, but her gaze was on Umi as she spoke, playing the earlier angle, making me wonder how long it would take for Umi to realize she had been rigging the game. 

But, it was clearly not immediately, so I decided to heat things up a little more. I let my hands slide down, cupping her ass while she continued to take me to her depths with her elegant dance. 

Two more victories for Charlie followed, giving him a perpetual smile, not noticing Umi was frowning deeper than Mark. Then, another victory for me. Tiffany could have removed her transparent green visor, but she chose to keep that in place, and instead focused on her vest, which had nothing underneath. 

However, once she unbuttoned a button, she caught Charlie’s gaze, and smirked. “Unfortunately, it’s only for the winners,” she said as she slid out, and changed her position on my lap in a smooth turn that would have made experienced strippers die of jealousy so that she was facing me. 

Then, she removed her vest in one smooth move, smashed her naked tits against my chest, and took me in once again. “Umi, sweetie, do you mind dealing the next hand,” she said while she put both hands on my neck. 

“Sure,” she said, and Umi started leading the game. Meanwhile, Tiffany grabbed my neck and started rocking her hips aggressively, likely assuming that Umi would cheat, therefore, stop her fun. She didn’t want her fun to end quickly. 

However, I watched the game as much as I could muster, knowing that Umi wouldn’t do that, so the ending was pretty much undecided. So, just as Tiffany was reaching her climax, Charlie started celebrating his victory. “I win.” 

“R-really,” Tiffany gasped, her voice thick with pleasure as the news surprised her enough to make her speak even when she was at the edge of a climax. 

“It’s just a cold streak. Don’t worry, I’ll win soon,” Mark said as he poured himself another drink, feeling emasculated by his loss. 

“Sure, sure,” Tiffany replied, not even bothering to register what he said, her voice thick with pleasure. I was glad that both men were rather lightweight, and their minds were too cloudy to understand what had been going on. 

She didn’t pay any attention to the game as Umi distributed another set of cards, focusing on her upcoming climax, which arrived while Umi was flipping open the fourth card. Tiffany bit my shoulder as she tried to keep her moans down. It was not entirely successful, but it had been enough to avoid the suspicions of the two drunks. 

It wasn’t enough to avoid Umi’s jealous glare. Therefore, when the game ended, and Mark declared his victory with a small dance, Umi wasn’t feeling particularly happy after failing to interrupt Tiffany’s climax. 

Tiffany didn’t reach her vest as she shifted to her chair, instead selecting to twist her chair and use its back to cover her tits. “Thanks, Umi, you freed me… Now it’s your turn,” Tiffany teased. 

Umi and Charlie frowned at the same time, but the engaged couple had wildly different reasons for it.


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